
Monday, December 28, 2020

Number 4 of the Top 12 Countdown - Infinity Train: "The New Apex"

Oh but it looks like we’re staying with Infinity Train in the number four spot in the Top 12 Countdown because remember yesterday that I said that Mace’s death was shocking. Well, Season 3 decided to one-up that. And one-up it good courtesy of the playmaking calls of Owen Dennis. Of course, there are two moments that should deserve the spot and it looks like if you haven’t already read the title, this episode made the cut. Coming in with number four in the Top 12 Countdown of 2020 is Infinity Train with “The New Apex”.

As I said, Season 3 is no joke when it comes to the deaths and it showcased two major deaths in the span of five episodes with the fifth episode of the season, “The Color Car”, with the death of Tuba in the hands of Simon after finally getting along in getting them, along with Grace and Hazel, a la Lion King, spoiler alert, Mufasa dies. Same with Tuba after being killed by Simon. Speaking of Simon, yeah...five episodes later, he dead. Guess which episode got the nom? Yep, the latter. “The New Apex” gets the nod to be in the countdown and of course, like with yesterday with “The Wasteland”, a shocking death at the end, the final minutes of the episode much like with “The Color Car” did but this one is pretty much balls to the walls.

Beginning with Grace now waking up from the last episode and entering her mind and exploring her backstory. Her issues that landed her in the train and also her first meeting Simon and forming the Apex. Of course, that was after finding out that Grace...yeah, hid the whole Hazel being a turtle person issue from Simon over the idea of that she’s a null and all but also trying to get Hazel to the Apex, only for things to fall apart and handing her over to Amelia. Did I mention that Amelia, the antagonist of Season 1 who lost to Tulip, came back? Spoilers, she did. And now Hazel has now taken by Amelia and exiting stage left and never to be return...hopefully for Season 4 or whatever season unless those bastards over at WarnerMedia decided to fuck it up and shove the show to the grinder. Then the fandom won’t have that and be up in arms once this pandemic is over with. Just putting it out there.

Grace, now waking up and pulling out the tapes from his head that appears to covered in liquid, can’t tell if that’s supposed to be like brain juice or something like that, no out of context with that one, and noticed a flock of origami birds crumbled like those paper balls you made and try to land it into the trash bin when being bored at work. Remember that game on the app? Yeah, those were the times. Normally, Grace would like leave the thing along but noticing that she fucked up with the whole Hazel thing and also noticing throughout the series that Grace’s number begins to shrink down further and further as each episode passes like with Tulip’s and Jesse’s in the previous seasons, Grace decided to bring the origami birds back to life. Thus, making her way back to the Apex hideout over at the mall car. Reading the writing on the floor, meaning that we might know who done it. Or probably in orders of a certain someone, of course, it’s Simon, who else?

Grace then come across with one of the members of the Apex, Lucy, which Grace did make it easy to convince her that she’s not the enemy, only to be surrounded by the rest of the Apex before coming across with Simon, now sitting in his throne because he now has the highest number of the group and labeling Grace as a “void”, thus making her the enemy of the group. But Grace try to convince the group by telling the truth on what really happened while both her and Simon were separated from the rest of the Apex. Telling that they met the “Conductor”, i.e. Amelia, and telling everyone that everything they believed in, everything that they stood for is nothing more than a genjutsu. All a lie from the start and need a way to get out of the train. But Simon doesn’t believe it. Thinking that all of it is nothing more than bull-bull and now have the two...don’t know if you want to call them former friends now if you want to call it that, duking it outside the train, not knowing that if you fall off the bridge, one of these two would meet an unlikely fate. Same fate as Tuba.

The fight continues on though hit a brief pause button when a ghom intervenes the fight and charges at the both of them with Grace and Simon going under the bridge with Grace holding on to the rails and Simon standing upside down with his gravity boots and try to get Grace to let go, well not if the ghom that been chasing after them have a say in this and trying to take away Grace’s lifeforce but she won’t let have happen and takes one of the pair of shoes and knock the ghom away from them with Grace coming up to the bridge and Simon saved by her from falling with only one pair of shoe and now both of them are above the surface. I mean, you gotta give some props to Grace for saving someone who happened to be an total ass like Simon from falling off the train. So maybe things aren’t too bad. Maybe then can call it a truce. Simon waive the white flag with Grace earning brownie points in her road to redemption and making some changes, and finally ending the season in a high poi…

And then Simon kicks Grace off the train bridge and onto the wheel to be killed off! You son of a bitch! Why! Tell me why?! Like him killing off Tuba earlier in the season was bad and shocking enough. Now this?! Like...holy shit. That came out of nowhere. I mean, few expected that this would happen but...literally...what the actual fuck?! You think that the two would call a truce and wrap this puppy up but knowing that we only have a few minutes left in the episode...fuck you, Simon tells the redemption fairy to fuck off and kicks Grace off. Motherfucker...this was shocking. That was shocking. And holy hell...feel free to add something to this scene like...I dunno, WWE commentary. Maybe throw in some Jim Ross commentary. I don’t watch wrestling but the memes. The memes! 

But yeah, Simon kicks Grace off the train and thus, the numbers now grew around his body. In despair at first where you can see tears popping up after what he done to Grace before going all madman over having the highest number of it all all over his freaking body. That moment you realized that Simon Laurent, the guy who had abandonment issues back when he was a child when he was in his first year on the train, is now gone. Dude lost touch in reality. The fucker is now irredeemable. And my god, this is horrifying but at the same time, surprising that you could possibly reach an even higher number. Even higher than Amelia. I can’t tell who is pretty much the asshole of the year for 2020. Him? Amity’s parents? Lilith even though she might be going into redemption mode? My god, man. My god. Oh yeah, and the origami birds that Grace saved paid her back and saves her from getting killed off. But while Grace gets saved, Simon on the other hand, yeah...I’ll let the GIF tell you.

Simon dies. He the hand of the ghom. The being that Simon was afraid off and was traumatized of since he was a since. Since he aboard the train. And this wasn’t completely off-screen like with Atticus or slightly with Mace or Sieve. No...that happened. No off-screen death. We just it in our own eyes and it’s a living HUMAN being like Simon. And we finally what happened when succumbing to the ghom when sucking your soul die. That’s it. End of story. Tulip almost fell victim. Lake and Mace almost did it despite being nulls themselves. Grace almost fell victim. But Simon...goddamn. You could call it karma and this being the universe kicking him in the nads but...didn’t expect death to be one of them. Also the ghom explodes after killing Simon. Can’t tell if it does that because Simon’s number was so high that it explodoes right away? Maybe, just...dunno. But goddamn man. Season 3 of Infinity Train...pretty much Owen Dennis saying that he wasn’t holding any punches.

Thus ending the episode and the season with Grace talking the crown of leadership but decided to apparently disbanding the Apex and telling everyone that they now control their own destiny and must find a way, on their own, to get them out of the train. Though you think that like with Season 1 with Tulip and Season 2 with Jesse and later Lake, but Season 3, didn’t get to see a passenger leaving. You think, like myself, that it would be Grace. Knowing her numbers going down but...something tells me that might be off-screen. And hopefully, we get a Season 4. Seriously, WarnerMedia...listen to the fans and give them more stuff unless you want angry people on your doorsteps once this pandemic is over with.

But yeah, think out of the three seasons of Infinity Train that aired in the span of 2019 and 2020...yeah, Season 3 was not holding any punches. And that episode with the fight, Simon kicking Grace off the bridge after saving him, and Simon falling victim to the ghom...yep. This made it to number four on the countdown. That’s it. That’s the reason why it made it to the countdown and my god, much like with what happened in “The Wasteland” the ever living fuck did the show made it past the censors? I know that Season 2 aired on Cartoon Network and Season 3 on HBO Max but...Jesus Christ. I know that Dennis, in a Reddit AMA, said that he can get away with murder because the studio approves of the show. Though that was mostly because of living organisms like Atticus, Mace, Sieve, and Tuba. Simon, who is a that the show is on HBO Max...freedom to the creator. Even if it means killing off characters, even the human passengers. And my god, they have done the show, kids! “The New Apex” coming in with number four in the Top 12 Countdown of 2020.

Well ladies and we are...the final three spots in the Top 12 Countdown of the year. Which series and episode will claim the crown of 2020? We will see on December 31 but for now, tomorrow, we’re going to bronze for the number 3 spot of the countdown. What series and episode will be? You’ll find out come tomorrow as the countdown continues. Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, follow me there. And you all know the drill by now…

PayPal. Patreon. Ko-fi. Help your boy out for the remainder of the holiday season and into 2021 to celebrate the new year in improving stuff and paying bills and whatnot. Three spots left. Hard to believe in this crazy year. And until then, I’ll see y’all tomorrow for number three in the Top 12 Countdown of the 2020 fandom season.

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