
Sunday, December 20, 2020

Number 12 of the Top 12 Countdown of 2020 - Rick and Morty: "The Vat of Acid Episode"


Yeah, y’all didn’t expect this to ever come back, huh? Took a pandemic and now finding out that Bob’s Burgers is currently on a month hiatus now. Oh yeah, that’s a thing. Waiting till February for that to happen meaning that yours truly need to do something for the month of January to pass the time. But...guess where we are, folks. The return of the year-end countdown. Of course, rather than counting down to 20, cause the date for when to do all of that has passed and not because the episode review for Bob’s Burgers is in the way but because I want to save my strength and don’t want my laptop to die again. No, this year, we’re going with 12. Why 12? Because fuck you, I do what I want with this list. So without being said, time to countdown to the new year and say goodbye to the year known as [year redacted].

Starting off with number 12 of the Top 12 countdown of the 2020 season and this one and the one that will be popping up for number 11 after this one was one of the picks having trouble filling into the list and it looks like in the last minute, it’s going to be this one with Rick and Morty in the episode that aired back in May for the second half of the show’s fourth season in “The Vat of Acid Episode”.

And I gotta say, out of the five episodes of the second half of the season following the holiday break that lasted for almost five months since December 2019 and here we are. Though I’m not gonna give details to the first two episodes of the second half of Season 4 which the two episodes are pretty much “fuck you” and “why” when it comes to context. Especially with episode 6, which pretty much the writers’ way of smashing and slicing each of the fans’ theories and speculations...except for the Beth clone theory that decided to come back to bite everyone in the ass later on. But out of the episode that has to be picked to start off the countdown of 2020 goes to this particular episode that, in my opinion, somewhat of an insane process following an unparticular beginning.

Referring of course to the start of the episode where both Rick and Morty have to head over to a factory full of acid in each container for an exchange which...of course, it was about to go down south during the exchange between the red crystals and the blue crystals, only to get doublecrossed, and have both Rick and Morty to jump into the pool of acid, that apparently, didn’t even harm them because...well, it’s acid...that shit burns. But apparently, it’s fake acid and has to pretend that they got dissolved, just for Rick’s clients to head out and for them to make a break for it. Which...Morty called Rick out. He called him out for the whole acid thing and that he should’ve been more open-minded. And this coming from someone who is pretty much the smartest man of the universe and has something up his sleeve that nobody can outmatch but according to Morty, a vat of fake acid isn’t one of them. Which ensued into a long argument on their way home.

The rest of the episode after the whole vat of fake acid, as the episode implied, was pretty much all Morty after winning the argument, or so he presumes following what happened earlier in the episode, it’s him living the life with a time-saving device in the palm of his hands and pretty much in control of his own destiny with the device that is pretty much a walking reset button whether if it’s pantsing his teacher in front of the class or being with a girl he met over at the cafe and appears to be having the time of his life until getting aboard a plane and have the plane crash in the snowy mountains out in the other side of the world and fight for survival. Of course, Morty and her girl did survive and got back home...only for Jerry to fuck it up and mistaken the device as the remote, and back to square one, we go. Yeah, that’s not the insane portion of the episode.

This happened to be the insane portion of the episode with Morty now realizing that, after throwing himself into the gorilla pit at the zoo, got to go see Rick and telling him that he now wants to get off the ride courtesy of the device...except that the device that Morty was carrying isn’t a time-saving device, but rather jumping into different multiverses each time he presses the button back to the start line or halfway point. Combine each of the multiverses that Morty jumped through and have the cops and angry townsfolk surrounding the house and wanting Morty’s head. All of that, all of everything that Morty had done with the whole damn thing with the remote...all because Morty called Rick out for the fake acid idea. And even have Morty to fake his own death with the fake acid to prove Rick’s point. Did I mention that the episode was nominated and won an Emmy early this year? Yeah. That happened. All over the whole damn thing, especially with the final minutes of the episode with Rick getting back at Morty over calling the acid idea out.

And I think out of all of the episodes that happened in the show’s fourth season, I gotta say, this has to a favorite of the season as a whole. Sure, there’s like others like...well there’s “Star Mort: Rickturn of the Jerri”, mostly because of the whole Beth clone thing that came up in Season 3 and thought that, like with the other theories and whatnot, pretty much hanged on to close out the season. But this one, it was something. Mostly around the final minutes of the episode with Rick wanting to get back at Morty over calling out the fake vat of acid idea earlier in the episode with the exchange gone wrong. That was mental and apparently, sold on me for having this episode as a favorite for the season.

Though knowing the episode that is aptly named “The Vat of Acid Episode”, it’s mostly focusing on Morty living his life with the time-saving remote, that later turned out to be a device that made him jump into different multiverses than starting off a la Groundhog Day with the press of the button. All after Morty called Rick out over the vat of acid idea but it was Rick who decided to bite back at the end of the episode and my god, I could see why this episode was nominated and won an Emmy earlier this year, well, beyond other things that got the episode to get the nomination and won the title, but still. Just an insane episode to start off the Top 12 Countdown of the 2020 season.

But it looks like the countdown to wrap up the year known as [year redacted] has only just begun and come tomorrow, at the number eleven spot...just like with this portion of the countdown, an episode from a series made it to the cut...mostly due to possibly bad decisions behind the scenes. You’ll find out come tomorrow as the Top 12 Countdown of 2020 continues. Buckle up folks, because as what Tom Brokaw once said during the 2000 election, buckle up because it’s going to be a long and bumpy ride. Of course, follow me over at Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram for stuff and stuff like updates and behind the scenes and of course…

PayPal, Patreon, Ko-fi, you name it to donate to help the page and your boy out for the holiday season. Improving the site and paying bills for the holidays and of course, until then, number eleven tomorrow and I’ll see y’all then.

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