
Monday, December 17, 2018

The Countdown Continues. Number 15: Bob's Burgers: “I Bob Your Pardon” | yahoo201027's Top 20 Countdown of 2018

Thanksgiving may have come and gone, but don’t put away the turkey just yet because coming in at the Number 15 spot in the Top 20 Countdown is the Belcher family and the help of a random reporter saving a pardoned turkey from becoming food over at the dinner table. Revealing the fifteenth spot in the Top 20 Countdown for 2018 is Bob’s Burgers, “I Bob Your Pardon”.

One of the two holiday episodes that made it on the list, the other, you have to wait and find out which episode I’m talking about. But let’s talk about the 2018 Thanksgiving episode. Like I said with the review back in November leading up to Thanksgiving Day here in the states, it’s the Thanksgiving that the Belchers would never want to face when it comes to saving a live turkey. Saving the pardoned turkey from getting the axe, because the whole point with the pardoning, even if it’s for show, is for that individual to have a free pass. For a turkey, it’s get a pardon and be set off to the wild. The town’s government on the other hand, nope. Get a free ticket to the slaughterhouse and become dinner to some random family.

So it’s not just saving the turkey and send it out into the wild, but it’s almost like they’re tackling the government with the corruption and lying to the people when the kids overheard from the phone call coming from the assistant to the deputy mayor about sending the turkey to it’s demise. And they can’t just do nothing and decided to get the turkey to safety. Getting both Bob and Linda involved, Linda right away. Bob, following him overhearing Marsha’s conversation while over at the convenience shop for the hunt for cranberries. Despite that yeah, according to Bob’s point during this whole charade, hypocritical that the family’s gonna go save the turkey, despite that they’re gonna eat it come Thanksgiving Day. But of course, this was an important task and they can’t like send that turkey to its death. Despite that…okay, I don’t know how many laws the family broke during that, but I don’t if stealing a turkey from the hands of the government should count as a massive felony written on their heads once the whole thing is done with? But…I’m pretty sure they were given a warning and never to do that again. For now. Give it…in the movie in 2020. Yeah, let’s go with that.

Ralph…he’s just…there. Just putting that out there, he’s just…there. I mean yeah, he’s there as the supporting character in the episode, helping the Belcher family out and getting the turkey into safety. But it’s mostly because he needs a good story for the newspaper when being put on assignment to cover the pardoning. So when the Belcher kids decided to ask him about what they heard, he didn’t believe it and want no part of it. Then we get to later on after the Belcher family leaving with the turkey in the car from the gas station, decided to step in and help out. Helping the Belcher family is one thing. Getting a story and putting the powerful accountable is another. Having the conversation recorded on standby, ready to be released from audio to print for the people who still reads newspapers, though nowadays, newspaper sites like the New York Times or the Washington Post or your local newspaper now go online, and both Marsha and Deputy Mayor tries to downright censor him if it weren’t for the Belchers stepping in and telling him to publish it and get the town heard about all of this stuff that been going on. They even go the whole nine yards to end up bribing him with an offer that he can’t refuse in a first in line access of interviewing with the town’s mayor. Again, if it weren’t for the Belcher family stepping in and convince Ralph to get the story on paper, uh…then corruption wins. So thank god that the story’s been published, despite pressure, finally got the story published. Even if it isn’t on front page news, at least the story’s been published. So there’s that.

The deputy mayor in this episode…man, this guy isn’t going down without a fight…until the end of the episode when he got his comeuppance, trying to censor Ralph’s story but failed. But the person who stole the spotlight in the episode when it comes to the antagonistic spot, Marsha. Yep, Marsha. The assistant to the mayor and deputy mayor. If it weren’t for her, we wouldn’t have a plot of the episode in play. Trying to prevent the Belcher family from getting the turkey to freedom. Having phone calls with her family time after time. And let’s not forget, how she easily concedes to the Belcher family following Tina, Bob, and Louise, mostly Louise, saving the turkey from the herd of coyotes, until she ends up acting like she has conceded the whole ordeal and put the deputy mayor in play. But Bob’s speech when confronting over at the farm to place the turkey into a new home, although it didn’t get the deputy mayor to change his mind, it was that speech alone that broke Marsha and decided to resign from her position. And even have her family on the phone to tell him to fuck off. Marsha as the antagonist? Yeah, you could say that since she had the most screen time. Sympathetic? Y-yeah, sort of. Took her a day, or an episode length, to get her to abandon her job. So there’s that as well. Seeing her again? Yeah, I don’t think so.

What sold the episode for me is Louise. Done a complete 180 when it comes to the turkey. Went from not wanting to be around the turkey pardoning because it was a total waste of them spending their half day off from school for the Thanksgiving holiday to her being tolerable over the turkey, Drew P. Neck, as the chase pursues, but once the turkey gets into massive trouble hearing the howls of the coyotes in the background and her, Tina, and Bob saw the coyotes ready to strike on the Drew P., Tina and Bob having trouble not stepping in to help, Louise straight up goes towards the turkey and protects it. And even scare the coyotes away from it. Like, holy shit. I know she’s 9 and she’s up against a herd of wild coyotes, which like wolves, can straight up kill you, the nine year old scare away the herd. Like I said in the review, one time, she ends up showing affecting and gone full mama bear mode to save the turkey. And while at the same time, never do that again. For the love of whatever god you pray to, never do that again. Even when we head towards the movie, never do that again. Oh and one more mention before planning on heading out…

Yeah. Bob and his cranberries. Call it somewhat of a subplot that gets in the way of the episode, but despite that I don’t even eat cranberries over at the Thanksgiving dinner like a month ago when I ate Thanksgiving dinner, can’t have a Thanksgiving dinner without having cranberries involved. And Bob…despite he didn’t get the cranberries during the chase in the episode, he did get the cranberries over at the farm to drop Drew P. Neck off and he acts like he’s a child getting a present over at Christmas. Bob…don’t let people tell you what to do and live your life, man.

So yeah, you could say surprised, to say the least, when it comes to this episode making it on the list. And despite that I gave the episode a rating of a 9.5 out of a 10 rather than lower than that score in lines of a 9 or maybe at a low 8 or 8.5 is that there are some moments that pretty much seals the deal on why this was a good episode and why it has to be on the list.

Mostly on Louise taking on the spotlight when it comes to her affection to the turkey. Again, if you haven’t read my review of the episode, go check it out, I showcased the reason why I liked this episode, this episode was on the top of the list, ratings wise, so far in the season, up until the next episode, which is also on the list and you already know what’s the answer is gonna be. Louise, pretty much stole the spotlight when it comes to the episode with the turkey. That’s pretty much the only spotlight that I can think of and the only reason why I picked this episode to be on the list.

One, it’s my list, I can do whatever I want. And two, it shows how much Louise can show affection other than her family, mostly on animals other than that one scene back in Season 5 with the dog, uh…already forgot the name, Brown Pup Joe, the turkey…gone a complete 180 from not wanting to be at the pardoning due to her thinking that it’s a waste of time to protecting the bird and doing her own little pardoning at the now cooked bird, not the same bird, over at the table. It was cute. It was entertaining to gloss over. And that’s about it. For more of that, go over the review and read it. And that will be the last time I will ever, ever brought up.

And so ends Number 15 on the Top 20 Countdown of 2018. Number 14 tomorrow, one hell of a challenge I’m gonna face with that series that recently took a massive loss in the Battle of the Week Voting Tournament late last week. So stay tuned for that. And if you want to follow me for updates and fandom stuff, follow me on Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram for all of that and you already know the drill…

Donate if you haven’t. I need the money. Oh god, now I sound like a needy person. Anyway, donate to help the page out and I’ll see y’all tomorrow for Number 14 in the Top 20 Countdown of 2018.

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