
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Countdown Continues. Number 13: Steven Universe: “Lars of the Stars” and “Jungle Moon” | yahoo201027's Top 20 Countdown of 2018

On to the Number 13 spot in the Top 20 Countdown for the year 2018 and we have the first couple of episodes for the year, in this very fandom, as both Steven and Connie decided to pay their friend Lars a visit while being in space, only to get caught in the crossfire against a Homewold Gem and later ending up getting stranded on a jungle planet. Consider that a normal Wednesday in Number 13 in the Top 20 Countdown and it’s a double header with Steven Universe, “Lars of the Stars” and “Jungle Moon”.

Beginning with “Lars of the Stars”, don’t know if you want to call it the calm before the storm to “Jungle Moon”, but we’re beginning with this episode, we check in what Lars been doing since we last saw him when Steven left him behind with the Off Colors back on Homeworld, evading capture. Found out that he’s heading home back to Earth and bringing along the Off Colors with him…on a stolen ship. While a Homeworld Gem is hot on his trail and preventing him from reaching his destination.

So we found out that what happened to Lars and the Off Colors after the events of “Lars’ Head” when Steven left him behind via Lars’ hair since he’s been resurrected, and pink like Lion, is that they decided to steal a ship that belonged to a gem named Emerald and boy, she has not happy over that. Before they ended up crashing on a random planet, land on random planets after that one, fighting imperial officers and freeing people, don’t know about the freeing people part, and stole the ship that they are now at on their way home. So uh, I see Lars and the Off Colors had been busy with their part of the bargain known as life while Steven, back on Earth, had to deal with enough drama in life with Connie giving the silent treatment for six episodes, Lapis ditching off due to fears of a possible Homeworld invasion that would result in another war, like fucking hell, can this kid have a break for once in his life?

But yeah, it looks like Lars have no time having trouble with the ship at the moment as him, the Off Colors, Steven, and Connie jump aboard through hyperspace with Connie being introduced to the Off Colors, Steven decided to tell Lars what’s been going down on Earth since his departure, or in this case, disappearance or abduction or whatever you want to call it, while sending him a care package. And when he told Lars about what’s been going with Sadie, telling him the events of “Sadie Killer”, during and after the episode. Her quitting her job. Her hanging out with the Cool Kids and join the band that they and Steven created. Fuck, she even written and sang some songs with them. While Lars is sadden probably over the fact on what he put Sadie through following the whole abduction thing with both Topaz and Aquamarine, he ends up whining over the fact that Sadie got to be around the Cool Kids and not him. But mostly over what he put Sadie through. Like now’s the time you’re gonna do that as the gem that’s been going after your ass now coming back into play and decided to not play around anymore and about to wipe the floor on y’all? Like…worst possible timing, dude. We’re about to be caught in the crossfire and possibly be hit with fire and you’re mad over Sadie now hanging out with a group that you want to be a part of, but at the same time, crying over how Sadie’s been happy with her life without him in the picture. Look, I don’t somewhat hate Lars. Season 1…eeehhh. But later on in the series leading up to both him and Steven being sent to Homeworld, evading trial with both Blue and Yellow Diamond over Pink Diamond’s “shattering”, we’ll get to that later on, opinions somehow change, on the level of tolerable when it comes to Lars. Shocked over his apparent death at the end of “Off Colors” and his revival in the start of “Lars’ Head”. You could say development. You could say development. Oh and Steven and Connie decided to knock some sense into him as they fuse into Stevonnie. Thus giving him his confidence back in time for launching an assault.

Lars decided to pull out the bluff card with Emerald. Deciding to fuck with her when she said that she’s gonna destroy the ship and them along to turn them into space dust, despite that it would result in Emerald straight up destroying her favorite ship. And just like that, she’s not firing. She’s not launching an assault on Lars and the Off Colors…unless you’re talking about the weapons and shield generator, then…yeah, you said that you don’t want to damage your little ship, end up damaging it for the weapons and shields to not work. Yeah…that’s a really good idea to do so, Emerald. I’m sure the mechanics and insurance would like that to be the reasonable answer when it comes to repairing the ship. Oh and now she decided to launch an assault so she makes sure to not let them get away. Of course, there’s something that Emerald doesn’t have in her arsenal when it comes to this very space battle.

Stevonnie. Stevonnie decided to volunteer to take on the pilot position to take on Emerald, in which Lars is in full agreement mode for them to do the job. And it looks like everything’s going in Stevonnie’s way as they decimated the ships that belonged to Emerald and it looks like it might a successful mission and trip home for Lars and crew…up until Stevonnie ends up taking the hit and ending up crash landing into a distant planet nearby, thus ending the episode. In which we’re gonna touch on in about…now.

To “Jungle Moon” we go as Stevonnie crash landed into the planet that looks like a full on jungle as they now await for help. I’m not gonna break the first half of the episode piece by piece because the latter half of it pretty much overshadows it. So to sum up the first half following Stevonnie crash landing into the planet following getting hit by one of Emerald’s ships in the line of battle, it’s mostly them trying to survive as they await for help to arrive. That’s all I can sum up with the first half of the episode.

Now to the Second Half, that’s where things begins to take a massive shift as Stevonnie, thanks to Steven, enter a dream world where they are at Connie’s home back on Earth with Connie’s mother talking on the phone. And if you think that Connie’s mom was talking on the phone about let’s say her job over at the hospital. Well, no. More of attacking and colonizing the planet, as in the same planet that Stevonnie has been trapped in following their crash landing. Connie’s mother, Priyanka, notices Stevonnie and decided to pick her up as they reached on the shoulder of hers to get attention and only to find out that this isn’t Connie’s mom because the pupil of the eyes are no longer circular, it’s more of a diamond shape as it looks like we’re not over at Connie’s home and instead, we’re at a diamond base and oh yeah, Priyanka turns into Yellow Diamond. Just without Patti LuPone’s voice and substitute it with Mary Elizabeth McGlynn’s.

Stevonnie, like a 15 year old about to turn 16 and want a perfect sweet 16 like one of those people who turns 16 and ended up having a party on TV only those people acting like spoiled brats, yeah, that’s pretty much Stevonnie on this dream when talking to Yellow Diamond. Ending up revealing to be a conversation between both Pink and Yellow Diamonds with Pink asking Yellow if she can have a colony, a planet, an army of her own. But of course, Yellow snaps at her and tells her to start acting like a mature diamond and a responsible diamond. So technically, a no as an answer. And that angers the diamond. Storms off and head towards a mirror, seeing the reflection of Pink Diamond like it’s a first person point of view and breaks the mirror in pure rage as Stevonnie now exits out of the dream. Oh, did I mention that Stevonnie resembles Pink Diamond in that dream? Man, those Rose is Pink Diamond theorist…must’ve had a field day when that episode. Not like there’s an incoming episode that pretty much seals the deal with that theory, right?

Stevonnie wakes up from the dream and pretty much sums up their little encounter nothing more than a memory and the location they are at is the same location as the dream of the conversation, the moon base. Of course, rather than explore it and investigate it, Stevonnie used the computer to get Lars and the Off Colors to get them out of the planet and finally made it in time as they were about to get a visit from a giant bird ready break in and so ends the episode that was “Jungle Moon”.

So why did this episode got the Number 13 spot in the Top 20 Countdown? Well for the Steven Universe fandom and this was the first episodes to air to kick off the year back in early January, it looks like it did not disappoint. Starting off the new year with a…you could say, bingo bongo.

“Lars of the Stars”, despite being the episode to plant the seeds for “Jungle Moon”, showcases how Lars been doing since the events of the whole trial fiasco when leaving him behind last year at the end of “Lars’ Head”. I see Lars and the Off Colors have some sort of wild ride they had to go through following “Lars’ Head” and they even stole a ship from a Homeworld Gem who has an army in her arsenal. Like, it would take massive balls to do that. But it’s for the sake of getting home to Earth, so going Grand Theft Spaceship seems to be way to go. And of course, like how both Steven and Connie, just as they were about to fuse into Stevonnie, gives Lars a little pep talk when getting Lars on focus just as Emerald was about to launch an assault over the idea of how tough Sadie had to go through following his disappearance. But of course, the events of “Sadie Killer”, looks like things are somewhat going well for Sadie now hanging with the Cool Kids and that made Lars upset, both over him not being with the Cool Kids and of course, how Sadie is doing when he’s not around.

“Jungle Moon” is pretty much the episode that stole the night when it premiered mostly because of Stevonnie’s dream they have and was looking like they were arguing with Yellow Diamond, resembles Connie’s mom, only to end up storming out and punch a reflection revealing to be in the point of view of Pink Diamond. That was surprising to see when it was first premiered. And really putting the seeds for what could be the biggest shitstorm known to man later on in the year and that shitstorm is in the countdown and oh boy…when that day comes, let’s just say…oh boy. Hold on to your butts. But yeah, “Lars of the Stars”, “Jungle Moon”, both great episodes to kick off 2018 for the Steven Universe and of course, the show does not disappoint when it comes to leaving the fans wanting more in the foreseeable future as the series progresses.

So that’ll be it for Number 13 in the Top 20 Countdown for 2018. Numbers 12 and 11, we’re going back to the Anime Community beginning with Number 12 with what could be biggest fight in that series’ season during a little event called the sports festival. So…get ready for that. And until then, follow me on Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram for updates and fandom posts. And if you want to help the page out…

Make a difference this holiday season to help your boy out keeping this page running for the new year. And so until then, I’ll see y’all later as the Top 20 Countdown of 2018 is near it’s climax. Only 12 days left now until we enter the new year.

I mean, it’s not like something is gonna happen for the fandom in 2019 that could be like we could be feeling like a massive earthquake is ready to stri…


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