It’s that time of year again here in these United States in the form of the holiday of giving thanks and pigging out like there’s no tomorrow in the form of Thanksgiving...well, that was until...of course, you already know the answer. The one being that ruins everything in the form of Corona-chan. Eh, I’m not traveling anyway. Thank god for that cause episode next week and don’t want to miss that. And also...not a large gathering but come prepare, may have to force to hand washing to the extreme until you don’t have hands at all. Unless you’re Gene, who had a sudden case of the rumbles down under and had to miss out Thanksgiving dinner, then uh...just be thankful that you’re not in that situation.
In this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers, it’s another anthology episode and also a holiday episode with Thanksgiving being the center of attention with Gene upset over missing out on Thanksgiving dinner following his upset stomach, causing the family to cheer him up by telling some stories. So basically, it’s another kids tell them all episode but Gene being the one to opt-out in the seventh episode of Season 11 of Bob’s Burgers, titled “Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid”.
Ah, Thanksgiving and Bob’s Burgers, it’s pretty much the bread and butter for the Fall Harvest holiday because it's a show about food...well, not really for a show that is called Bob’s Burgers, but the show never disappoints when it comes to having its annual Thanksgiving episodes ever since they started doing it back in Season 3. And this year’s Thanksgiving episode, “Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid”, despite being a weird-ass title of an episode, is a pretty good episode. Not only it was a Thanksgiving episode, but it also served as an anthology episode but normally, the anthology episodes have all three Belcher kids to their stories whether if it’s Wagstaff school stories, trying to get a get out of jail free card, and help make Gayle feel better, telling how Bob and Linda, telling a sick Linda about what happened in their play, stopping Bob and Linda from fighting over the pair of dirty laundry or helping to cheer Teddy up following an electrical issue.
This time around being Gene missing out on Thanksgiving dinner following a stomach bug that makes him poop uncontrollably and being quarantined inside the bathroom in case he needs it. And the family did their best, despite eating Thanksgiving dinner without him like that one person who was hoping for an invitation for a party but had to be forced to be watching it through a window and walk away, by telling each of the stories and it was something for once to have an adult to take one of the kids’ places of telling the story, mostly with Bob taking Gene’s spot at the storytelling position and noticed and solved the root cause of Gene’s stomach problems. That being said, let’s jump on board on this cornucopia of storytelling and stomach pains that sooner or later that this review might be ending up being sponsored by Pepto-Bismol just in time for the holiday season, this is “Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid”.
Starting off the episode with Bob cooking the dinner, sadly the one thing that we’re not doing this time around for the Thanksgiving episode this time around is the turkey mishap from episodes past. Think this is the animation gods of their way saying that “Yeah...with the world that is pretty much a complete dumpster fire, might as well give ol’ Bobby boy here a break this Thanksgiving. And instead, more shit for Gene to handle like he’s a player suffering from the Madden curse.” With Linda coming in and talking to Gayle about Gene’s little condition that he’s suffering, that is being the sudden case of the stomach bug that is preventing him from eating Thanksgiving dinner and being placed under quarantine because you’ll never know when to use the toilet. The bowels are pretty much your body’s ticking time bomb, you’ll never know when it will explode.
But yeah, Gene is locked inside the bathroom due to a sudden case of indigestion and stomach bug and... its diarrhea. It’s a sudden case of diarrhea. And man, oh man, it’s not looking good for Gene this Thanksgiving. Or this season because so far, we have him suffering through pinworms inside him that pretty much made him patent zero from a tater tot that he dropped, only to picked up by Peter Pescadero, who just got out of the toilet and infected everyone but Louise the worms to last week being the first person to be revealed as he, and later Louise and Tina, being the ones who burned the restaurant even though that was all Hugo. Like great googly moogly, can this kid catch a fucking break this season alone?! It’s only episode seven in the show’s eleventh season. Seven?! Seven fucking episodes?! And we’re doing that?! My god, what more shit does the animation gods are planning on throwing at him from their bags?! Did I episodes?! Good god, save this boy from this abuse!
Linda checks in on Gene to see his progress and see if he’s recovering with Gene performing a song about him suffering from a stomach bug and had to be forced to be missing dinner for Thanksgiving. And in a somber tone. Yeah, I mean Gene do love food, anything that doesn’t cause him to have an allergic reaction like shellfish, but also more in the line of what happened behind the scenes because the table read for this was on January 24 and just found out that a few days later as the episode was about to enter production, Eugene Mirman, the voice actor for Gene, his wife passed away. Yeah, just found out about it. Think someone I talked to on Discord brought it up during the post-episode discussion when noting the somber tone in Gene for this week’s episode. Which Um...condolences to him and the family. I know it’s late but...yeah, sorry to hear that. Gene thinks that he’s all cleared and ready to go but his bowels have something else to say about all of that and preventing him from getting to the table and being chained, metaphorically, to the toilet. So it looks like Gene will be missing out on Thanksgiving dinner and also smelling like shit. I know we’re not sponsored, but Gene...take some Pepto. Pretty sure that would’ve helped out.
Over at the living room, it looks like the Belcher family, minus Gene, add Gayle into the mix, have to enjoy one of the foods that Bob made in the form of brie, though feeling bad for Gene, who had to be missing out on the whole dinner for the holidays. That of course, causing both Tina and Louise, holding their plates of Brie on their hands, to check up on their brother, who sniffed the brie with Tina and Louise telling him that they’re already finished with it, causing more pain and misery for the Gene bean. Meaning that the Belcher girls may have to sit this one down, on the floor I mean, and decided to cheer him up to pass the time. And that of course, think we know where this is going with this. Yep, sit around boys and girls because it’s storytime courtesy of the Belcher kids. Well, Belcher girls because Gene is the one who needs some cheering up from good ol’ storytelling. Seventh time we’re doing this, and it looks like with last time from “The Handyman Can” back in Season 10, Louise kicks things off to tell the make sure Gene feels better by making him hate food. I mean, it’s that or goes all Clockwork Orange on him. But storytelling is pretty much the most PG way for the writers for the show to do some work or create some damage even more. Onto Louise’s story.
It was 1987, can’t tell if we’re going Rambo on this shit to start things off, I don’t know, I don’t even watch any 80s movies, unless you count Episodes V and VI of Star Wars, then uh...I don’t know. Okay, so it looks like we’re parodying Predator. It’s a Predator parody with Gene, as Dutch Oven Belcher, go across the forest and seeing the river that is full of butter, a handy tool that might be used later on in the story, with Tina, Rudy, and Courtney on the helicopter on their way to the base where he meets up with Zeke and talks things through about a monster crawling around deep within the woods and knowing that it’s Thanksgiving and it’s all things food, the monster is made out of bread. A monster...made out of bread. With a river right over there made out of butter. Pretty sure that the whole mess would’ve been taken care of, even without Gene’s help. But...more of that soon.
Gene then noticed Louise coming in and ending up tagging along to take down the son of a bitch bread creature that been lurking around the forest. They decided to head off along with Tina, Rudy, and Courtney to go bread hunting but not knowing that somewhere far away, lurking deep behind the trees, that bread monster, the Bread-ator...who came up with these names? And spying on the five like it’s a creepy game of peek-a-boo. I mean, this is a Predator parody, so it’s not surprising that the five are the prey and the Bread-ator is the predator. Okay, that sounds somewhat wrong here when saying that. Might as well have the FBI on standby, just putting it out there. Again, it feels wrong saying that with a bread monster going after five kids like it’s Hansel and Gretel but if the witch knew who’s going to be food for her.
As the five kids make their way through the forest, they come across something that stopped them from making their move. Thinking that it’s the monster at first, but nope, they come across Linda and Gayle, who are just coming out from behind the trees after witnessing what the monster had in store and seeing Jimmy Jr, Andy, and Ollie being victims of the Bread-ator and transformed into croissants...well more of them being in a metapod state with their faces and legs sticking out like cocoons. However, looks like this little meeting got interrupted by the Bread-ator in an ambush attack, using guerrilla warfare against the seven after witnessing the Pesto brothers being victims of the monster and it looks like we got to see it of course. Gotta keep it PG.
With a doubleheader with both Gayle and Courtney being victims of the Bread-ator by trapping them into a pretzel with their heads, arms, and legs sticking out but knocked unconscious. Still breathing just...of course, knocked out and unable to move their bodies. I mean it’s better for them to be bread than dead, coming from Louise, who is telling the story. Though there might be some consequences with that, mostly because while they can breathe and move, the eating process is somewhat going to be an issue. You could say that there’s bread, they can eat it. Except their bodies are entrapped with the carb, rather becomes the carb, that it could cause some damage. The longest way to death is that because it’s bread, it can easily rot. And the rotting process takes days upon days for the bread to mold. So there’s that.
It wasn’t long until the monster claimed its next victim during the attack, being Rudy getting hit by the blast, which...dare I say even I’m going to Hell anyway, bread jizz. Yeah, that’s pretty much bread jizz. Rudy got hit by the bread jizz and got turned into a cinnamon bun, which uh...pretty much describes him by the fans. Nothing more than a cinnamon bun too pure for this world. Linda decided to fire despite that the Bread-ator have cloaking abilities though she did somewhat hit it and may have caused only minor damage on it’s cloaking abilities but the bread monster is a sneaky motherfucker and knows the rules of war like it’s a normal round of any RPG games like Call of Duty or Modern Warfare.
Bread monster got Tina, turning her into a loaf of bread and not long after, Linda too got hit and turned into a pile of muffins. So, Rudy, Courtney, Gayle, Jimmy Jr, Andy, and Ollie, they’re just bread with their normal faces, legs, and arms just sticking out which is pretty much 75% bread and 25% human. Whereas Tina and Linda, 100% bread with Linda somewhat taking the full brunt and having her whole body separated into muffins. Yeah, the process to turn everyone back to’s gonna take a while. May take a while. Both psychically and also mentally. But with everyone but Louise and Gene turned into bread, they have no choice but to retreat for now to come up with a better plan to take down the Bread-ator.
Rather, Gene taking on the monster alone with a rolling item on his hand, however, that failed and ending up fallen into the rushing river full of butter and wasn’t long to washed ashore and come across yet again with the Bread-ator but...the monster didn’t even see him through the heat vision. So the butter river that Gene saw earlier in the episode...yeah, that’s pretty much the cloaking device for everyone to combat the monster. Really should’ve come up with that before being turned into bread and on the verge of death for letting nature do its course. Dumb motherfuckers. I mean, don’t blame for that. They didn’t even notice that dealing with something like the Bread-ator make them outmatched with it’s cloaking device and using guerrilla warfare to take down soldiers like they’re freaking ragdolls. But still...if only y’all haven’t done it sooner, then we would not be in this freaking mess.
Once night hits, Gene sets up a trap for the Bread-ator to come in with the monster coming out and using a pad to get a spaceship to come here. Mostly to get out of the planet but may probably also take the people who got hit by the blast, mostly Tina, Linda, Gayle, Courtney, Rudy, Jimmy Jr, Andy, and Ollie and take them to that monster’s home planet, you know, alien abduction and whatnot. Well, that or let them there to rot or have ants to come in and do the dirty work. But the bread monster calling in the mothership, causing Gene to come in for the kill, is covered in butter, and done the same move but this time, the monster loses the battle and got burnt into a crisp. In time for Louise to enter the fray and see that the Bread-ator is defeated and heading off to get the people who got turned into bread back to the base. And thus ending Louise’s side of the episode with the story. But did that work for Gene to stop giving a crapola about food? Mostly because we’re still early in the episode, about to enter the midway point of it, and that didn’t change not one bit. So tried, Louise. You tried.
Meaning that it is Tina’s turn to take the mantle in the storytelling business with her version of the Harrison Ford movie “Air Force One” with Gene, now as President of the United States, a better president than Trump, wrapping up a speech at a dinner with the audience that happened to be full of apples. Yeah...apples. The apple delegation. Feels like I’m watching Apple and Onion when seeing that...and Eugene Mirman is on that show. Just putting that out there. Gene’s speech at the dinner impressed the apple delegation but upsets a certain group that happened to be the minority during the whole event. Probably as the butt of the whole thing.
The pears. Mostly Bob, Jimmy Jr, Zeke, and the Pesto Twins as the fruit. Not happy over what happened while traveling abroad for a diplomatic mission with Gene now heading out to head back to Air Force One to head back home and along the way during the car ride to the airport, Tina, as one of the advisors to the president, tells Gene that the pear delegation who attended the event want to talk to him and trying to persuade him to say that pears are better than apples. I have never even eaten a pear but if I do, it would taste like shit. Little does Gene know about the whole ordeal...
Enter the pear delegation and ready to board Air Force One with Jocelyn stopping them, only to be given access to the plane even before Gene comes into the plane for a ride back home. Nothing suspicious, just a pair of pears going into the plane and want to talk diplomacy to the president as the president himself says one last goodbye to the apples of Apple Land, officially named Apple-achia by Tina, before entering Air Force One where he greets both Gayle and her cat, Mr. Business, with her aunt as the Chief of Staff and her cat as Chief of Cats. Which...not an official government title and don’t even bother asking Joe Biden to make that a reality. And of course, heading off to where his wife, the first lady, is at and...might as well get this over with. Ripping two of the three band-aids off.
Starting off with Courtney, in which Gene doesn’t want her to be taking the wife position. Which...okay, this one I get. Because already know where this is going. Gene and Courtney used to date...twice. The first time, of course, that was all pressure and yeah...the whole break-up thing with Courtney faked her death. That was fucked up. That’s something we can agree on over what she did when Gene called it a break. Even though Gene was supposed to do it earlier but failed because her dad is in the jingle business. Then comes the second time in Season 6, things were really clicking. They’re becoming good friends, share a common interest, and even scoring a gig as co-anchors for the morning announcements. Of course, they got back together and they seemed really happy about it but it also interfered with their jobs and Courtney was the one who called it off. Upsetting Gene and even Courtney herself. Of course, you already know the story, Gene’s song, thinking that it may have something to do with their time as a couple (even though it is), and decided to just stay friends...despite the times Courtney flirts around with Gene. So there’s that.
Tammy...mostly because there was no other option. I mean, find any other girl who’s in Gene’s grade like I dunno...Julie? Rupa? A random no-name, do that?! Tammy as an Not because of the age and grade thing but it’s’s Tammy. It’s like being paired with a rabid dog that you’re trying to get along with but sometimes wish you’re regretting accepting the idea to do so. So Gene really doesn’t want Tammy as a wife for the story, which leads, in his request...oh god...
Linda. Why? W-why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! I mean, I get that it's Gene’s turn to be the one who needed the storytelling and Gene does have the strongest bond with Linda more than Bob and him being a momma’s boy and all a wife? Where do I explain this? How do I explain this? Like...I know it’s a story, nothing more than a ha-ha funny joke but...but why?! But why?! But why?! This is pretty much the WTF moment of the week right here, folks. Right here, WTF moment of the week of Gene having Linda as his wife for Tina’s story in this Air Force One parody. Don’t expect Sweet Home Alabama to be blared in the background. I mean seriously, out of everyone you have to pick as the first lady, you have to pick your mother of all people?! Like...dude...
Alex would’ve been the better choice. I know he’s not on the cast list, but at least a non-speaking role would’ve made things clearer for him to make a return. And before you say anything about me being a Gene/Alex shipper, to answer your question, yes. I do ship Gene with Alex, nothing wrong with that. It’s my page, I do whatever I want. Alex would’ve been the better choice. Would’ve been the first husband in this story. Good god, that boy needs to return.
So as Gene and Linda, along with everyone head off from the airport and into the skies on Air Force One and so begins the hostage situation with the pears, armed with peelers and threatening to use it on everyone, one-by-one, and trying to prove that pears are better than apples. Yeah, and I’m somehow better than everyone in the reviewing world when it comes to Bob’s Burgers reviews on any platform, but you don’t see me causing an issue on the open road and create a traffic nightmare. Would be arrested for that. The pears are holding peelers as weapons and planning on using it on everyone, not to kill them even though they’re peelers, pretty sure one peel and your skin could possibly come off and instantly die. But no, it doesn’t do that even though it could, if not, might, but instead, since this is Tina’s story, one peel makes someone fully naked. Yeah, it’s going to be that story even that’s more of the other side. You’ll figure out later on. Gene was told to evacuate for his safety from his advisors, leaving Linda to deal with an armed Andy pear and Ollie pear but won’t let the plane fall into enemy hands...
Thus, the situation leads all the way to the White House with Courtney, now serving as Vice President rather than being Gene’s wife. Of course, here come the comments of saying that Bob’s Burgers are at it again with the predictions. Mostly because Courtney in Tina’s story is the Vice President and we now have a woman vice president-elect in Kamala Harris. Mostly because the episode script cover appeared on January 24, so that’s pretty much that. Rudy, as one of the advisors, alerts Vice President Wheeler that there’s a situation on Air Force One with President Gene inside the situation with the pears and what they’re capable of as Courtney makes her way to the situation room. I mean...that can’t be the only issue that both the Gene and Courtney fronts have to deal with, right? Right? Right? Of fucking course, I’m wrong.
Happy voting...come December. Burger fandom, you’re gonna need it. But also let’s not forget that if something bad happens to Gene in the story, then Courtney will become the new president. Yeah...imagine a Courtney Wheeler presidency. Let’s move on, Gene refuses to use the escape pod, though most of the people on board already make or break to safety, and telling Vice President Courtney about the situation and decided to fight back against the pears who are now currently holding both Linda and the girls hostage before heading off.
Thus, to the hostage scene with Linda trying to get her way out of the whole mess but that won’t budge with the pears. But here comes Gene from the floor after taking Bob pear down and taking one of the peelers from him and ready to take on the Jimmy Jr pear, Zeke pear, Andy pear, and Ollie pear...oh man, that was a mouthful to say. And attack them and by that, I mean to strip them down with Jimmy Jr being the first to have it’s skin peeled. And yes, fruit does have skin, it’s called a rind. And of course, since it is Tina’s time in the storytelling business, nude Jimmy Jr despite being a pear. Oh yeah, and Zeke was also nude as well. And also Andy and Ollie off-screen, losing the rinds courtesy of Gene with the peeler which...Tina...yeah, trying to push the episode to have a TV-MA rating for the episode but that won’t be the case. So uh...unlikely for the show to get the uncensored version.
Gene thwarted the pears’ hostage takeover of Air Force One by peeling all four members, being Jimmy Jr, Zeke, Andy, and Ollie, from their skin and being thrown out into the open air one-by-one all naked. Thus putting an end to the hostage situation but still one problem left remains before things go back to normalcy...being the plane’s engine is badly damaged with Air Force One going down. Leading Gene to step in with the presidential stapler, staple each of the rinds from the pears, and using it as a parachute you see in planes whenever they had to make an emergency landing and rather than safely landing in an airport, open field, or the water a la Scully, it’s the North Lawn of the White House. Yeah, did not expect the North Lawn of the White House to be that open. Probably missed when looking over at Google images when it comes to fitting an entire Boeing plane to plane without causing any property damage in portions of the Washington, DC area. Don’t worry, that’ll come from the presidential credit card to patch everything up despite fears that the opposing party might shit on you and could affect your party in the midterms and the next presidential election. But regardless, the plane is saved. President Gene is alright, safe and sound, and it looks like pears are now outlawed in the country, and Linda...yeah, still not over the whole mom being the wife idea. And that ends Tina’s story and does that help Gene out? Well...nope. I mean, you made him hate pears now. Which...I don’t blame him; pears are apparently the equivalent of Satan’s nipples. But nowhere near cheering Gene up as Bob now prepares to serve Thanksgiving dinner with the turkey unharmed and cooked well and then noticed something that may have been the root cause of Gene’s stomach issue.
The leftover chicken parmesan with some mold forming and a bite taken. Well, I think we found our answer for what caused Gene to be quarantined in the bathroom cause it wasn’t a stomach bug, but rather a sudden case of food poisoning as Bob calls in everyone but Gene for Thanksgiving dinner, causing more pain and misery for Gene with the family, rather than sitting on the table, sits next to the bathroom, and for the first time in the show’s history when it comes to the anthology episodes, we have an adult taking charge of the storytelling in the form of Bob telling Gene his attempt to cheer Gene a way to tell him what caused his stomach problems in the first place but he let the storytelling speak for itself in the form of another action movie parody in the form of Armageddon.
Onto the last story of the episode with Gene and the family working on an oil rig in the middle of the open waters, or in this case, the Gulf of Mexico, doing what normal oil rig workers do to keep the supply and demand train going in getting some oil from fracking onto the ocean floor. Let’s hope that doesn’t cause some climate consequences even though it does already as over at NASA, we have Gayle as one of the scientists looking over at the telescope and seeing unusual and possibly life-threatening hurling towards Earth at a record pace. Of course, in the actual movie “Armageddon,” it’s pretty much an asteroid hurling towards Earth and ready to kill us all. In Bob’s version of it to cheer Gene up...
Chicken parmesan. Not just some random chicken parmesan, a piece of chicken parmesan the size of Texas. Hurling towards Earth. We’re now giving 2020 ideas to fuck with everyone. I’m now sure the show has now been responsible for whatever 2020 had ever brought us like it’s our own brand of punishment. Of course, the chicken parmesan being the asteroid being a play on the fact that it was the food that caused Gene to end up being locked in the bathroom and missing out on Thanksgiving. Gayle alerted the scientists, mostly Zeke, Jimmy Jr, and Courtney, about the incoming danger that is hurling towards Earth and decided to avoid a potential collision by drilling the damn thing with marinara sauce and make it explode. In Lament’s terms, we’re gonna frack the shit out of the chicken parmesan. Yeah, never imagine fracking would be the one thing to save humanity from further extinction. And now need someone to do the job for them and it looks like they found the right person for the job to take out the asteroid, rather chicken parmesan.
Meanwhile, over at the oil rig, Gene and the family struck gold in the form of marinara sauce as oil with everyone getting covered in sauce, well...sauce stains on their clothes with Gene getting some noodle in sauce and eats it as a boat comes towards the rig they’re at, revealing to be Gayle and telling them about an incoming chicken parmesan asteroid hurling towards Earth and asks them to do their duty to save humanity and it’s pretty much an offer that you can’t refuse...cause humanity is about to be on the verge of extinction if that thing hits. By the way, did you know we’re probably gonna be hit, if not, miss by an asteroid in 2068? Yeah...good luck sleeping tonight. Gene agrees to do the job and asks his family to join him doing it since blowing up an asteroid is not a one-man job, so it looks like they have no other choice but to tag along. Better than working all the way to the very end.
Gene and the rest of the family are being taken to Cape Canaveral for some training that lasted for...12 minutes. 12 minutes from start to finish to rival every movie montage in the entertainment industry and probably rivaling the time consumption you would waste like it’s the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in Dragon Ball Z and that’s one day outside and one year inside. Like, come on, not like the next anthology episode might be a Dragon Ball Z parody only to mistake the parody as Dragon Ball Evolution. And that movie was pretty much a massive fuck you to pretty much a cult following. Zero gravity testing, ink blob tests, off to launch we go to take out the chicken parmesan.
The family finally arrive at the scene and do their usual drilling way to follow the plan to take out the chicken parmesan asteroid before entering Earth’s atmosphere by filling the damn thing with marinara sauce to cause a reaction and blow it up. But it looks like that didn’t work and with time getting shorter and shorter before collision time with Earth, Gene here has one last option out of...numerous options that would end in failure in the form of eating the chicken parmesan, even if it means sacrificing himself for the sake of humanity and okay...there’s like a little problem here, mostly in the world of science when it comes to what to come next.
So the family leaves Gene alone and heads back to Earth in retreat mode, leaving Gene all alone in the deep open darkness of Space with the giant chicken parmesan continuing hurling towards Earth with the only option left for Gene to save the Earth from going explody boom and that is to eat it one bite at a time. One bite, everyone knows the rules. And...he does taking off his helmet...bite after bite...despite being in Space...where’s there is no oxygen to breathe on. Yeah, Gene’s character here survives and made it back to Earth with the chicken asteroid no longer a threat and all, think after pulling your helmet off would’ve fucking kill you. Because there’s no oxygen and we need oxygen to pretty much breathe and...he just took off his helmet, take a bite, put it back on for a recharge, wash, rinse, repeat until the threat is gone. Gobbling it like he’s Pac-Man and the whole threat, gone. Earth’s saved despite a meteor shower coming in despite city lights being on where it’s not visible towards the naked eye. Oh yeah, and the meteor shower that we just saw...yeah, that’s poop. Just be thankful that we didn’t see it and have it somewhat censored as fireballs but...okay. Earth is saved, Gene survived, and now we know what caused Gene to have a shitstorm to miss out on Thanksgiving.
All because of that leftover chicken parmesan that he ate overnight because he tried to have a bite of the Thanksgiving dinner despite not being cooked the night before and eyes on the bin of chicken parmesan from two weeks ago. Two weeks. I mean, I don’t blame Gene for where he is now. He’s just a hungry kid. He’s like Kirby or any Shonen protagonist who has a knack for eating every food and didn’t even notice that the chicken parmesan is two weeks old and left there to be molded and awaited to be thrown away until Gene pretty much fucked everything up to his bowels. So again, don’t blame for that. Just...pretty much a dumb move to make even on the biggest day for any guy who is full of hunger like it’s the Super Bowl. With Bob agreeing to eat the dinner with Gene as long as the bowels are cleared and ready to go. In which, he had to go back to the bathroom following another shitstorm like a town dealing with a broken dam least he got his way in the credits. So uh...thanks to Bob for at least help Gene out with what caused his stomach issues that didn’t turn out to be a virus, but rather food poisoning. Just saying...get some Pepto. I know I’m not sponsored but still. You gotta need for the holidays...well other than getting tested for COVID, that’s important too this year alone.
So all and all, what do I think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? It’s pretty good despite having some downs being shown throughout the episode for this year’s Thanksgiving episode for 2020. At least the holiday episode that is also an anthology episode feels like a holiday episode despite Bob’s story doesn’t feel like but it does give away what caused Gene to be trapped in the bathroom and makes him miss Thanksgiving dinner due to stomach issues like it’s a ticking time bomb.
And that’s something that you see in forever and that is having an adult taking the storytelling mantle because usually in these anthology episodes, it’s all three kids doing the job for whatever reason whether if it’s whether why their versions of Wagstaff is deemed “too creative” or how their parents first met. But this time around, with Gene being the one who needs the storytelling, it’s Bob who had to take the mantle after Tina and Louise told theirs, of course, parodying each action movie being Predator, Air Force One, and Armageddon. It’s something but don’t be surprised if we get another one in the coming future. Hell, we might have Linda taking the mantle as well in a future episode the next time we may have to do an anthology.
As for which story I enjoyed the best, out of the three...I gotta go with Tina’s story. Sure, it has its moments...mostly on the WTF scale when it comes to the whole who is the first lady in Tina’s story in her version of Air Force One. Went from Courtney, which I get cause knowing her and Gene’s history and have her to be Gene’s vice president instead, Tammy, random but no, to Linda...why? Again, why?! Alex would’ve been the better choice to be Gene’s first lady, rather first husband. Just putting it out there. Though do I have to give props on who’s idea is it to have Bob, Zeke, and the Pesto boys to be pears and being armed with peelers even though it would usually peel the skin off and not the clothing. Just uh...just a little flaw to point out.
I mean, Louise did try with her story with a Predator parody with him taking on a bread monster that happened to be Bob who turned everyone into bread, still alive but could be dealing with death in the coming hours to days or weeks. And same for Bob, even though he did help Gene out on what caused him to have stomach problems in the form of a moldy chicken parmesan to have an asteroid in the movie parody as the damn thing, so that’s something coming from the both of them but all and all, may have to go with Tina’s story in this episode.
So final thoughts, this was a good episode despite minor flaws mixed in and a WTF moment with the whole Gene wanting Linda to be the first lady in Tina’s story. But I do enjoy it and glad that we have an episode where it feels like a holiday episode mixing with the anthology episodes and also surprising to see an adult, being Bob, being the one who would take the mantle of storytelling, subbing for Gene, who had to deal with stomach pains. And would not be surprising if we get another one of these with the adult taking the storytelling baton from each of the two kids. Hell, even one of them and have Linda tap along as well. Though it’s also surprising that the writers finally decided to give Bob a break this Thanksgiving when it comes to the turkey abuse and give that treatment to Gene with the problems with his bowels. So I’ll give “Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid”...
An 8.5 out of 10. But that’s my opinion and now I wanna hear yours. What do you think about this week’s episode? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Which story, out of the three, is your favorite? Do you feel sorry for Gene with him dealing with stomach issues? Where does this episode fall in the Thanksgiving episode ranking? All that and your mini-review down below in the comments. And of course, a new episode on Sunday, November 29 where we’re talking planes with Linda wanting to overperform her parents’ visit and in style at the airport in the eighth episode of Season 11 in “The Terminalator II: Terminals of Endearment”.
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You know the drill by now. PayPal, Patreon, Ko-fi, you name it cause it’s gonna be a dark winter and things need improving and also paying bills to keep everyone on for the cold months. Thank y’all so much for reading. For everyone living in the US, have a safe and Happy, Healthy, and Socially Distant Thanksgiving. And for everyone who doesn’t live in the US, have a day and be safe and wear a mask and wash your hands. And until then, I’ll see y’all later.
***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Century FOX, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***
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