It wasn’t that long ago, well, it’s pretty much is a long time ago when yours truly had done the 100th episode back in 2016, partaking in doing that review of that monument episode that set up various levels. Sure, that followed by an election that no one wanted, oh boy, the roles have been reversed as of this moment, and me getting complete burnout. That ain’t happening this time around because I really need the money and my subscription for Microsoft Office, which is the source of the graphics and how the blog post came to be, expired. Also paying bills and whatnot. But that’s not the case even though it is, the show reached another milestone in its almost 10-year run, besides the movie coming up in April, and it’s the magic number that been spewed out for weeks upon weeks since it was brought up in the Comic-Con panel back in July...200. 200 episodes, un-freaking believable. 200 episodes. A movie. Two-time Bravo Party nominations and a championship in 2015 that could happen again in 2020. I mean, at this point, this dog and pony show is going to wrap up sooner or later. Don’t know when. Don’t know how. It’s a coming. The show is becoming an empire and if history did teach us something, empires don’t last forever. Pretty much don’t want to be another Simpsons and be entering its decaying state. But other than that, 200 episodes. It’s pretty impressive the cast and crew held on for that long and here we are. Mad respects.
In this week’s monumental episode of Bob’s Burgers, it’s not a monumental episode until you have Bob about to have his day for business to boom and for massive shit to take a massive dump on his hopes and dreams from fate with the restaurant on fucking fire and must patch things up before the big event arrives in my spoilerific review of the 200th episode of Bob’s Burgers, titled “Bob Belcher and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Kids”. Bob, that was a mouthful to say.
Yes folks, the show reached another milestone by airing its 200th episode earlier this week and I gotta say...it was alright. Sure, a lot of people may think that if this episode is going to be the same as what happened with the 100th episode, being “Glued, Where’s My Bob”, or rather, outperform it. The episode is pretty much based on the over/under scale on how an episode like that, where this was promoted like it’s a huge event, and it is, 200 episodes, congrats to the cast and crew working on the show, being the current and the former, for reaching a milestone after reaching the past one back in 2016, it’s pretty much in the “under” category. But it was an alright episode. No bullshitting on this one.
While yeah, it wasn’t the same or overperformed what “Glued, Where’s My Bob” did back four years ago back when it was a huge freaking deal, and this week’s episode, being the 200th, is, of course, a huge deal. But as the episode itself, yeah, it was alright. Sure, it didn’t rival the likes of “Glued, Where’s My Bob” but it was something. Mostly with this being the Belcher kids’ confession of them being responsible for burning down, well, not burning down, more of causing a massive amount of damage when trying to make some improvements on the sculpture that Linda made, which uh...probably going to haunt people’s dreams once going to asleep, and making this as their redemption tour to make up on what they did. So it was something and for being a monumental episode where the kids are responsible for causing fire damage that is pretty much going to have arson on their resume, yeah, that’s going to be something. But enough being said, let’s break it down on this big episode that been talked about for weeks on end all way to where we are now, this is “Bob Belcher and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Kids”. Or in the Bobs-verse, a normal Tuesday.

It’s the day before the big day for Bob, mostly because anything with the event like the one we’re now having as the spotlight of the episode, to kick things off with the family pretty much going into game day mode. Well, Bob is going into game day mode before the big day arrives to garner customers and making business boom. The event being the Ocean Avenue Business Association Ocean Fest. Try saying that at a fast pace while playing WAP by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion. People actually listened to that during the summer? Jesus. But yeah, Ocean Fest, is the big event that Bob is hoping to get some revenue because event + people + restaurant = big boost for the place and family. And for what Ocean Fest is all about. It’s pretty much crafts, drinking, music, drinking, people playing drums, drinking. Consider Ocean Fest like SXSW in Austin, Texas minus the screenings and people interviews.
Bob is planning on telling the kids to do something for him but Louise interrupts him by telling him that despite that there’s an event like Ocean Fest is going on, there’s also a sculpture contest to coincide with the whole thing that they want to enter. The reason, gift card. A $300 gift card to any place around the whole town. That is pretty much their eye on the prize. And one of the places that the kids are eyeing on if they were to win the $300 gift card, being the toy shop. But Bob put a stop to it because he is pretty much clear that the sculpture contest isn’t their primary focus during the event. Rather, passing out the flyers for the restaurant in hopes of getting business booming during the whole event. Coming from the same place where it didn’t get enough ad revenue, either with a super bowl commercial or at a minor league baseball game.

Speaking of sculptures, here enter Linda bringing out her sculpture that happened to be a mermaid out of papier-mâché, with somewhat green paper, in what looks like if Ariel from The Little Mermaid has gone through the stages of evolution if Charles Darwin were to write the whole damn thing, not just this research over at the Galapagos when showing it off to both Bob and the kids. Probably using the damn thing to enter the contest. And that’s what the kids are planning on doing, using the equivalent of what the fuckery Linda made that is going to end up as part of a WTF video compilation for channels that only have like around 120 subscribers to react to garner views in the form of the mermaid for their chance to win the contest. But Bob said no and want them to just pass out the flyers. Besides, you can’t multitask. Tried that and look how that ended.

But it looks like game day before the big day comes to a screeching halt when both Ron and Hugo enter the picture and of course, it ain’t a visit from these two without calling for a surprise inspection. Or in this case, another round of Hugo trying to shut the restaurant down because he’s still upset over the idea of Linda leaving him for Bob while they're engaged. That was a long fucking time ago! Move the fuck on! We’re trying to get soon-to-be former President Trump to concede following President-elect Biden’s win for the 2020 election and to accept reality, but it looks like we’re going to lump you into that bubble of accepting reality. You think your special? This is getting fucking sad. And not like “sad” as in feeling sorry for your sorry ass and showing pity and whatnot. More of “sad” as in, “Dude, this is embarrassing. You are embarrassing yourself. My god, you pathetic sad piece of shit, grow the fuck up and accept it.” But yeah, Ron and Hugo inspect the whole place from front to back, top to bottom, but Bob still passes the whole damn thing and is clear to open up for tomorrow for Ocean Fest. Oh yeah, the whole throwing the rags onto the ground that is filled with grease...let’s just say...might as well be a plot device that you’ll never know until the end of the episode. Also, Hugo talked smack to the sculpture that Linda made, causing him to just go 180 on the comments from taking it down to I love it because it was made from your former flame. Ron, you’re pretty much the voice of reason, please do something.

Later at night, Bob begins to feel nervous about the whole day tomorrow and what to expect and hoping for anything to go to shit. Bob, knowing the year known as 2020, when has anything has gone ever good for everyone? Cause I’m pretty it happened to no one that I can’t think of a single one because there is a lot of shit to name from a random pick of a hat that is pretty much me giving the year some ideas to fuck people around. And of course, knowing that it is a monumental episode, being the 200th, nothing good ever happens. I mean, would you imagine an episode of a sitcom, being live-action or animated, where there are no problems. How boring would that be? As Bob goes to sleep later in the night along with the family around the house, he and Linda are both awake from their sleep from the smell of smoke and the sound of the fire detector and only to reveal...

The restaurant being burst into flames. Guess that is pretty much what 2020 looks like as a whole in one simple screencap. What is this, like the third time the restaurant get caught on fire? This is pretty much peak 2020 at its fucking finest with Bob and the family exiting out from their home and see their place, mostly in the restaurant portion, to be burst into flames. Hopefully, the upstairs, which is their place of residence, didn’t get affected. The seating, the booth, the same. The main damage goes to the kitchen portion with the flattop grill being the item to take the heavy damage from the flames. Though I hope they have insurance, and I hope they really do, to cover the damages. That and also who or what is responsible for the whole place to be burst into combustion. Well...it wasn’t long for the Belchers to find their culprit when it comes to who started the fire. But it’s in the form of who they never expect to start the fire, opposite of the Bon Jovi song “We Didn’t Start the Fire”.

Enter one Gene Belcher, who reveals to be the one responsible for the whole mess. He tells about what happened and what caused the fire in the first place in the form of a musical number, but it looks like it won’t be the only musical number you’ll see in this episode cause there’s more. Starting with Gene, while everyone is asleep, he thinks about the whole sculpture contest and what to do with the sculpture that Linda made earlier in the episode wants to improve it if he, along with Tina and Louise, wants to win the $300 gift card of destiny. Of course, had to take a shit first. Don’t know if that’s foreshadowing for what to come in next week’s Thanksgiving episode with Gene in the bathroom and decided to work on the statue after leaving the bathroom. Taking the straightener and blonde wig from the drawer. Of course, you can see both the Beefsquatch mask that he wore in various episodes, given by Peter Pescadero back in Season 2, and the Wagstaff cheerleading uniform that he wore back when he was a member of the squad back in Season 4. The Africa necklace when he was wearing his Queen Latifah UNITY costume in Season 3. Though the blonde wig...I gotta say Season 5 in “Work Hard or Die Trying, Girl” with him doing his one-man show of Die Hard: The Musical.

Using the wig and the straightener and carrying it downstairs to the restaurant and work on improving the sculpture that Linda made, and it made it look good. And Gene did make it less terrifying, but by a hair, no pun intended but forgot about the whole safety thing when it comes to working on things. Mostly on finishing the hair and forgot to unplug the straightener before heading back to bed. That of course, leads to the restaurant being caught on fire and destroying the kitchen. So lesson learned, kids, when you’re done using something that is hot as a stove or hair straightener, please turn it off unless you want to be wrongly accused of arson even though you didn’t freaking noticed it was still on. Especially next to something that is flammable like a papier-mâché sculpture of a mermaid that is now grilled fish, overcooked. Oh yeah, and Teddy came in and relieved that the family is alright despite the kitchen is now in need of massive repairs or remodeling.

Later into the morning hours with everyone, but Teddy, in their normal outfits with Gene feeling bad over what he did in burning the restaurant down and apologize time after time but you gotta appreciate Bob for keeping his cool during this whole mess that he caused even though it would come down to how much the damage cost for everything to be replaced and hoping for it to open up before the start of Ocean Fest. But it’s only one person, Gene, who is responsible for the whole mess. I mean, Gene can’t be the only person who is responsible for the fire that made the restaurant to hit the brakes. Well...

Looks like Louise comes clean and says that she too started the fire as she explains what happened in, of course, like with Gene’s explanation, in song that she too wants to win the contest and make some improvements of her own. So with Gene, it’s adding a wig and straightening it. With Louise, it’s adding pyrotechnics. Rather, adding a few firecrackers that she hid under the bed. Which...if that fire spread across the house and reach towards the box, yeah, the place would probably be deemed as unlivable. Louise attempts to improve the sculpture by adding some firecrackers and sparklers onto the thing on top of the wig that Gene attached but also the straightener still plugged and next to the object, resulting in it being on fire. Mostly due to one of the sparklers fallen onto the straightener and catches on fire, resulting to where we are now. So yeah, that makes two Belcher kids that confessed to the crime, but Gene said it first, so according to Louise, he said it first, blame him.
So that’s two kids that set up the fire with Bob still keeping his cool though feels like the boiling point is ready to break at any given moment coming from the kids’ antics. And this man survived through having his entire ass stuck on a toilet before doing a huge interview for a magazine. Oh yeah, and it looks like the flattop situation has gone from bad to worse with finding out that the thermocouple, a pair of wires that make the stove to heat up, got badly damaged from the water to put out the fire, thus, Bob has no stove to use to get the show going. And to make things from worse to shit in a matter of seconds like a pitcher throwing a curveball at a record pace...

Tina ends up becoming the next person up to be the one who started the fire. All three kids started the fire over the damn sculpture. It’s impressive to see that it took 200 episodes, 11 seasons, almost 10 freaking years on the air for all three kids to do the animation gods a favor and take a dump on their father’s hopes and dreams. So in the first song, Gene puts the wig on the sculpture and straightens it, leaving it plugged. In Louise’s song, she added sparklers with one of them fell on top of the straightener. Meaning in Tina’s song, she took a look. She would’ve saved Bob the trouble when noticing that the straightener is plugged and unattended and just pull the plug and prevent the fire. Nope, grab the paint from the basement and make the thing look family-friendly. Not knowing that the sculpture was NSFW through the entire episode. If that is, then uh...prepare to be hit with a massive fine from the FCC. And this coming from the show where it’s original premise would be about a family of cannibals. You think that I’m making this shit up? Yeah, no bullshitting. That was going to be a thing. And you’re probably thinking, how the hell did Tina do to cause the fire with paint? She placed a fan for the paint to dry, which caused a reaction that leads to the sparkler to fall down onto the straightener and with Gene’s failure to unplugging it, causes the sparkler to ignite and causes the sculpture, and later the kitchen, to engulf into flames.

But yeah, all three kids are responsible for starting the fire and the world keeps turning. Bob seems upset over what happened but someway, somehow, he keeps his cool after all three of his kids caused the fire in the first place. Mostly because his main focus has to be how to get things rolling before opening hours when random individuals who are attending Ocean Fest despite a kitchen that is burnt into a crisp and just have the kids to pass out the flyers. Like, imagine this scene but take this pony show in a harsh direction. Having Bob’s boiling point to break into pieces and denounce his own kids over the kitchen being badly damage. Being the straw that broke the camel’s back and saying that they have finally done it and be upset over what they did. I know that seems harsh but imagine if there were to happen. Man, oh man, the comments on the internet would not be pretty during a huge event like this one. But Bob did keep his cool and must lay his focus on the kitchen, putting the kids on flyer duty.

But all three kids, while passing out flyers in the middle of the Ocean Fest event, now all feel bad about what happened and now must come up with something to make up with their parents by getting another thermocouple wire for the flattop stove, even though that’s more of a Teddy thing than a kids issue but since they started the fire and the water to put it out caused it to be heavily damaged, it looks like they don’t have a choice. I mean, what choice do they have? Go to the nearest Walmart and get a flattop from the kitchen aisle? Depends on how much cash you have in your pockets. But it looks like operation: daddy's apology is a go for the Belcher kids and putting aside their assigned flyer pass-outs...

While back at the restaurant, we have Bob getting off the phone with Teddy working with the electricity, still in his pajamas while everyone is in their everyday clothing, telling him that he’s about to head off to get a portable grill that he can use for Ocean Fest, temporally until they can afford to get another one to replace the old one, meaning that he could be able to get things rolling in time for opening hours to serve the people who are currently attending the event. Though knowing that we’re in the mid-section of the episode, this dog and pony show could be ready to go downhill. Like planning to slide down on the nearest hilly road because why the fuck not, yahoo201027 incorporated is not responsible for making everyone planning on doing it, during or after the lockdown, and turning it into an episode of Jackass. Please don’t fucking do this. Please. By the way, what the hell was Linda doing during the whole cleanup process off-camera? Well, she enters the kitchen and...

Jesus, talk about a close-up. And yeah, I have to agree with you on that one, Bob. That does look terrifying. Like no, really, it’s like looking through what is pretty much a soul-sucking emotion with that face that Linda patched up following the fire like we’re going through a field trip to the levels of hell that we didn’t even notice. If you ever wonder who or what is responsible for why this year is nothing more than a living hellscape that is pretty much rivaling the year 536 AD like it’s a game of softball...I think we found our answer. It’s that damn sculpture. Like...that...that right there...that is going to be the last thing we see before we die. Either from sickness or murder or a possible apocalypse in like...any day now. Hopefully not January 20, 2021. Not because of Trump no longer being our president, but mostly because people can finally shut the fuck up over “Oh, The Simpsons are at it again with the predictions.” Yeah, and some think that this show predicted a pandemic over a pinworm epidemic but it’s not. Good luck sleeping tonight, kids. You gotta need it and pray to whatever god you worship.

So Linda has patched things up with the sculpture that the kids heavily damaged though not a lot and gave it a makeover...if you want to call it a “makeover” and more of adding more nightmare fuel onto the damn thing like if Halloween has just been extended through another month and placed it outside for the world to see. That of course, leads to having Jimmy Pesto to come and taunt Bob following the whole restaurant fire, which...yeah, wrong timing there, dick for brains. And also saw the sculpture that Linda made and remodeled and compares it to his own with Trev doing the dirty work, who happened to be allergic to seaweed cause that’s the material being used. Hey, remember at the end of “Prank You For Being a Friend” when most people thought that Jimmy and Bob would somewhat get along? Yeah...most people didn’t read the writing in the fucking wall. Reset button, motherfuckers. That’s how the saying goes with this show.

The Belcher kids on their redemption tour make their way to the kitchen shop on hoping to get a replacement thermocouple for the flattop stove for Bob to use, not knowing about a temporary usage for Ocean Fest via that and a propane tank, but it looks like they’re a little late on getting it because the shop sold the last one to someone else who is planning on opening a restaurant herself. That pretty much peeved the Belcher kids off and want to know who the person who bought it and even threatening the whisk department unless they want the name being dropped to them. Luckily, they found their lead on who got the last thermocouple in the form of an owner for an up and coming shrimp restaurant. And that will be their next location to head over there to get the wire for the flattop. No whisks were harmed in the making of this episode. Despite that, a flattop stove is being the only fatality in this event thanks in part to the kids’ antics.

Back at the restaurant, Bob finally got the substitute flattop for Ocean Fest for him to use with Teddy carrying it over to where the old one died. Of course, gotta need something to power that baby up. And of course, it’s not a Bob’s Burgers episode, even if it’s a monumental episode like this one, without Bob treating each object, being kitchen item or food like it’s his own child...that he didn’t denounce over burning the place down to the ground. Like...take it easy there, man. I know that you’re suffering from witnessing your kitchen being burnt into a crisp courtesy of the kids and should probably have this one, but...uh...treating the grill like it’s your girl like it’s a night out of the town while your wife is right freaking there...yeah, I don’t know where I’m going with this. I mean, it’s not like he’s planning on...I don’t know, having intercourse with it? Though knowing the internet...oh god. What have I done?!

The kids finally make their way to the shrimp place, soon-to-be-opened to the public, with them looking through the glass but unable to open because, well...it’s locked. It’s not ready to be opened yet. Thus, going across the alleyway and into the back of the place and see the wire, the thermocouple, on the counter. Tina pretty much wants to take the legal route and just wait for the owner, the person who bought the thermocouple, to come back. Which...who knows how long would that take? So it looks like it’s plan B then. Plan B being breaking and entering. Also, you gotta hand it to Louise when calling out Gene when it comes to come back to the place and eat the food there even though it’s shrimp, which is shellfish, and Gene is allergic to shellfish that includes crabs, lobsters, and shrimps. Calling back to what happened in “Lobsterfest” when Gene got an allergic reaction when eating lobster. The kids are planning on breaking and entering, even though Tina is not for the idea of stealing the thermocouple, but knowing Louise, twisting some words and say that it’s not stealing, they’re just “borrowing.” Yeah, just like most of the dozen times where you or someone you know probably been used that excused like borrowing a pencil, only to not have it back. Those motherfuckers pretty much caused the economy to crash and burn.

The kids are ready to break the window with a brick they luckily found just not that far away, rather, next to them, with Louise being the one to smash the thing onto the window but unable to do it for the first time. Come the second and it looks like they don’t have anything to do. Rather, doesn’t have the courage to do so. I mean, it’s bad enough that they caused the restaurant to be on fire thanks to them trying to improve the sculpture for them to win the gift card that is pretty much going to have their resume to contain the “arson” label onto it. And breaking and entering to the restaurant, just to get a thermocouple for the flattop for Bob to replace, would make things even more worse. So it looks like their little redemption tour of getting their father to apologize for what happened earlier today falls flat.

peaking of falling flat, the restaurant is fully open despite the kitchen still heavily damaged from the fire with a customer, one of the people who are currently attending the Ocean Fest event, visit the restaurant for something to eat with Linda checking in on Bob to see what’s the hold-up. Well...looks like this isn’t anyone’s day. Rather, Bob’s day, of course, animation gods can be cruel bastards, with having the mobile flattop and the propane tank attached with Teddy setting things up and still in his pajamas. He is still in his pajamas. I mean...you gotta him give him some dedication around here with him not bothering to change clothes and patching the equipment up from the fire damage, pretty much leaving the walls and floors to be patched up for the cleaning crew to arrive...if they can afford to get it. Get the guys over at Servpro, maybe they can get it done. At least it’s not during like a flood. Or rather a during a hurricane because you’re by the oceanfront and the fears of storm surge coming in and mess everything up. Feel like that might be the plot for the show’s 300th episode. Have a hurricane to mess everything up. Not in the likes of...let’s say Superstorm Sandy, but you’ll never know. But so much for Bob’s day and his chance to get things rolling because it looks like the propane tank seems to be out of gas. Which is pretty much kicking Bob’s hopes and dreams in the nads even more. Now you know how Mariners fans feel when tried to make it to the postseason but failed.

The Belcher kids enter back to the restaurant with piles of flyers after flyers, surprising both Bob and Linda over their failure of passing out the flyers but also surprised over the failure of not making things up with their father of getting another thermocouple for the flattop that they felt bad over. Even if it means trying to break in and take it but unable to do so because...well, they already enough damage with the kitchen being burnt to the ground and adding breaking and entering into the resume...think Grand Theft Auto where the kids already have three stars and adding breaking and entering would rise up to four. I mean, you have to give the kids some credit where I guess some credit is due. Yeah, they fucked up over what happened with the kitchen when trying to improve the sculpture for the upcoming contest in the middle of the night, but they tried so hard to get into Bob’s good side when trying to find a replacement thermocouple for the flattop but failed. Even if it means attempting to breaking and entering into a building that is untouched. As the kids begin to feel shame and dishonor to the family...

We have a random woman entering the restaurant, who reveals to be the owner of the place that the kids tried to break in and checked on one of the flyers that the kids dropped with Tina’s note written on and went to the restaurant and know about what happened and decided to give the thermocouple to the Belchers instead. Felt bad about what happened and reading the note that is pretty much a plea from the kids as a way of saying they want to apologize for what happened with the restaurant fire and gives it away. That and also, she could get another one cause the shrimp place doesn’t open until another month. But the Belchers, thanks in part to the kids, mostly Tina’s little note on it, got the replacement thermocouple for Teddy to install and get things rolling. Though if you think that if we’re going to get a new kitchen after burning down the old, thanks in part to the kids? Yeah...sadly, no. We ain’t getting it. We ain’t freaking getting it. Maybe in a fanfic, I guess. But here...would probably be a snowball in hell for that to happen. For Bob, finally got his way. But for the kids, still living with a guilty conscience of the fact that they burned the kitchen and will never live it down. Going to be stuck like glue for the rest of their lives...or that would be the case until this happened.

Enter Ron and Hugo yet again with Hugo looking down with Ron trying to make him say what he’s trying to say. That said for him to unable to say but have Ron get him to spew it out is that he, not the kids, caused the fire. Or rather, what lead to the fire that destroyed the kitchen overnight. And it may have something to do with the surprise inspection yesterday with Hugo throwing the grease-covered rags to the floor and the rags that were covered in rags someway, somehow caused the fire that caused massive amounts of damage around the general area along with the kids’ failure to unplug and move the straightener when trying to improve the sculpture. So the kids might be in the clear despite leaving the straightener plugged, added sparklers, and having a fan to create a reaction to start having the restaurant burst into flames...everything is Hugo’s fault for leaving the grease-covered rags on the ground from yesterday. Of course, in the form of a song, number four...four songs, what is this, Central Park? But yeah, Hugo is to blame for the whole restaurant on fire that made the kids feel bad even though it’s mostly their fault, it’s just they didn’t even notice the rags on the floor at the moment the fire started. But while Hugo does feel bad about what happened, thanks in part to Ron applying pressure to make him apologize for what happened and also heard about what happened, decided to be a dick and thinking of it being a reminder to not leave rags on the ground...even though that was all you, fucker! That was all you!

But regardless, Hugo is to blame and for the kids, they’re pretty much in the clear. And you know that saying from Bob back in episode one of the whole series, you know, him saying “I love you but you’re all terrible”. To the kids on the day of the grand re-re-reopening on the same day as Bob and Linda’s anniversary. 200 episodes later, sure, they fucked up and fucked up big time, but good god, they tried their damnedest to get everything together when the chips are down. Feel sorry for something that they didn’t, though they sorta did, but they tried to get a replacement thermometer for Bob to use for Ocean Fest, and Tina’s little note that she left behind got the family that. So uh...the morning may be a loss for both sides, being for Bob and the kids, but they made it through. Looks like business is about to boom. But it’s not a total loss to wrap up the show’s 200th episode. Though shame that the credits didn’t like go overboard in like copy and paste the credits of the 100th episode singing the song that was used but has the characters that were introduced from Season 7 and beyond but...nope. We get Linda dancing to her sculpture...that she won. The thing won. Despite looking like something coming from the ninth level of Hell’s gift shop ready to scare children if they misbehave a la scared straight program, it won the contest. Linda gets the $300 gift card. How would she use it? Probably getting replacement utensils that were lost in the fire. Yeah, that’s probably going to be that.
So all and all, what do I think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? Well, it’s no “Glued, Where’s My Bob”, I’ll you guys that. But it was an alright episode to celebrate another milestone in the show’s nine, soon-to-be ten-year run on the air. Mostly focusing on the Belcher kids and them accidentally starting a fire, that they didn’t cause to start, and tried to fix things and taking matters into their own hands with Bob trying to get the ball rolling before opening up for Ocean Fest.
While yeah, the whole Hugo and Ron thing, along with the brief appearance of Jimmy Pesto, may have downplayed the episode, mostly Jimmy Pesto because I think that’s the only thing he can do for this episode and possibly in future episodes as well of just him taunting Bob because why not, they got nothing better to do. They being the writers. Though Hugo...yeah, mostly a downplay but all the way to the final minutes of the episode where he reveals to be the person responsible for starting the fire. So there’s that.
Though that honor for the episode goes to Tina, Gene, and Louise for what they’re doing to get to Bob’s good side after finding out that they started the fire when trying to improve the sculpture that Linda made in order to win the contest. Okay, yeah, the idea of Bob denouncing his kids and have his boiling point break would be the harshest thing I would ever come up with when it comes to what to expect following the kitchen fire. But you have to give them credit for what they’re doing to replace the thermocouple, even if they were planning on breaking and entering to get it from a shrimp restaurant that won’t be open for another month but unable to do so. But Tina’s little note that she did as Louise and Gene tried to break in via brick did attract the owner of the restaurant and just gave it to it. And that was something for what they did over something that they would never imagine going that far like starting a fire to destroy property and maybe have the label of arsonist in their profiles.
But...man, Bob can’t catch a break in this one when it comes to monument episodes like this one. 100th episode, stuck in the toilet thanks in part of the kids’ antics of an ongoing prank war. 200th episode, kitchen on fire thanks to the kids, and also Hugo, that have destroyed the area in time for Ocean Fest to come in. At this point, the hurricane idea for the 300th episode might come to fruition. Probably around...I say 2024 at best. Because 2016, the 100th episode (despite being the 107th episode aired) was an election year and the same goes for this year with the 200th episode for 2020. Just saying. Putting it out there. But man, can this catch a break for once?! And the sculpture...yeah, nightmare fuel coming from Linda and for her to improve it after being hit by the fire and somehow won the contest at the end of the episode. This is really peak 2020 right there. Good god, the world is fucking ending, huh?
Final thoughts, when it comes to over/under when it comes to perform at the same levels or overperform the levels of “Glued, Where’s My Bob”, it’s mostly in the under category but it was an alright episode. You gotta give props to the kids for trying to make things up after accidentally burning the kitchen down when trying to improve the sculpture. For the show’s 200th episode, it was an alright episode despite Jimmy’s little appearance may have downplayed it. So I’ll give “Bob Belcher and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Kids”...

A 9 out of 10. But that’s my opinion. Congrats to the cast and crew of the show for reaching a milestone like this one. And also featuring my recent artwork of Henry and Susmita holding hands and drinking boba tea if y’all already saw that on their social media pages. And now I wanna hear y’all’s. What do you think about this week’s episode? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Do you think this episode is over/under in the levels of the 100th episode? Do you feel bad for the kids over what happened? Does that sculpture that Linda made give you nightmares? If so, get a bible and a cross while having Africa by Toto play on your phone to protect you in the comments below. Of course, it’s November. Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Thanksgiving episode next week, this upcoming Sunday, and it’s an anthology episode with Gene suffering the case of the runs and the family uses their storytelling skills to cheer him up in the seventh episode of Season 11, the ninth overall Thanksgiving episode of the show in “Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid”.
Thank you so much for partaking in the review of wordiness. Follow me over at Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram for updates and behind-the-scenes lore. And if you wanna help the page and your boy out financially...
PayPal, Patreon, and Ko-fi pages are the pages to go. Either one is fine. Need to pay the bills and with the holidays coming up to get you guys to come in to get some traffic...might as well. Even if I were to suffer through another burnout. Do that. Comment, like, share, do all of that and I’ll see y’all later, and a big congrats to the cast and crew of Bob’s Burgers for making it through.
***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Century FOX, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***
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