
Monday, March 20, 2023

Bob's Burgers Season 13, Episode 16 Review: Sunday Night Madness Part 1: The Art of the Prank | yahoo201027's Bob's Burgers Reviews


Double episodes had taken over the Sunday night block earlier this week and rather than going to the usual way of how I start the episode review with an introduction and me sounding like an idiot when doing these to get to the review portion of the article, hoping to avoid possible burnout, even though I can be easily distracted about...most of the times, if you haven't checked out my Twitter feed, I'm gonna split the reviews into three to avoid possible clambering. Not to mention, putting my and/or my laptop on the verge of burnout when doing these. I know that there's a three-week break with no new episodes on March 26, April 2, and April 9, but hey, decisions have to be made. So the first of the doubleheader of Bob's Burgers will go first with "What A (April) Fool Believes". Followed by "Crows Encounter of the Bird Kind" after that. And oh yeah, The Great North with "Great Bus of Choir Adventure" comes down to either putting it into the Crows review as the mini-review intervention or having it being its own review once Crows Encounters come out. That being said, let's get to the first of the two, maybe three reviews for this week with one of the Bob's Burgers doubleheaders.

In this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers, one of the two episodes that came out, we got an April Fools March with Fischoeder in a pranking mood and Bob is being forced to join in the game to get back at his landlord with his rent being threatened to be raised because of course he can in my spoilerific review of the sixteenth episode of Season 13 of Bob’s Burgers, titled “What A (April) Fool Believes”.

And hopefully, there won't be any more double-billing episodes for Bob's Burgers for the rest of the season. Hopefully for the rest of the year. I know that it's been half a decade since we last have those but good golly, man, it was tiring when doing double duty with these episodes. You see why I had to split the reviews for the two episodes of Bob's Burgers and have The Great North have their own because of your boy not wanting to be tired as if I'm marching towards my death bed. Hopefully, this won't be happening again for the rest of the season, let alone the rest of the year. You'd see why I haven't done a full season review of Seasons 7 and 8 back in 2017 and early 2018. Well, that was mostly due to personal stuff, burnout, focusing on other stuff, and having the old, old laptop, my first laptop, to have it repaired and later switched to a new one, which was my old laptop before it broke down at the start of the pandemic. Just don’t do that again. Just don’t ever do that again. And as for why we even got a double billing instead of having either this episode or the episode after that to next week...yeah, what was the reason? Like...that one I don’t understand for the decision. What is up with that? Now, let’s get to the review.

It's April Fools’ Day and even though the calendar at the time of posting for the review says March, the Belcher family, primarily Linda, Louise, and Tina in a pranking mood for the holiday where one time a year you can be free of being a dick by pulling a stunt as part of the holiday. Even if the start of April is the time of year for everyone to be worried about them looking at the clock and worrying about them not filing their taxes. By the way, the Belchers should probably start doing that once the holiday is over...unless they did that already. But April Fools Day is here and the girls are in a pranky mood. Primarily targeting Bob with Linda putting salt into her coffee instead of sugar and the sink blasting towards him when turning the faucet on. So basically, it's automatically them going after Bob but more of member of the family going after member of the family. Also noting that each member getting pranked at the breakfast table from switching the salt with the sugar to Louise coughing up fake blood and showing it right in front of Tina.

But once Gene tries to partake in the festivities of pranking, setting his eyes on pranking Linda on April Fools Day...he ends up backing out by telling Linda about the prank before it was taken into full effect. Pretty much settles that Gene is bad at pranking. Let alone not being in an April Fools' celebration when being unable to prank someone his mother. Sure, you could call out the prank war in "Glued, Where's My Bob" with him, Tina, and Louise but if as this episode puts it because it's a sitcom and we have to abide by the rules of sitcom, he sucks at it. Don't question it. And it looks like Gene might not be alone in not being festive in the April Fools' festivities because it looks like Bob too is not in the mood. Mostly because he's not the pranking type. But it's primarily because every year on April Fools’ Day is when Mr. Fischoeder gets into a pranky mood. And if you'd think that it's a one-time thing as if it's an initiation or like to fuck around with his tenants, it's not. It is not. He does that to Bob every year. Every year since getting the building.

And the various flashbacks to each April Fools from the previous years of Fischoeder's prank on Bob shows it. One scene has an army of cats in the restaurant as if he turned the restaurant into a cat café. Hopefully, that doesn't trigger Bob's allergies because he is truly allergic to pet hair. Primarily cats. But why stop there? Because the next few scenes as the past years progresses from flipping the restaurant upside down, a choir group, turning the place into an ice box as if he abused the crap of the thermostat, dressing up as Linda to fool Bob. Took the clothes out of nowhere as well as the wig. Also, note that the shirt that Fischoeder wore when dressed up as Linda was her old buttoned-up shirt from the earlier seasons from Season 1 all the way to Season 5 with "Itty Bitty Ditty Committee". And capping the flashback with everything covered in bubble wrap. It's surprising that the Belchers, when moving into the building, I know that they can't afford shit, but I feel like they should've at least installed a security system or a in the fuck do the Belchers, let alone Bob and/or Linda to notice the sounds that have been going on from the restaurant as if they're expecting a break-in? Sure, if they see that it's Fischoeder...actually, yeah, they would question him on what he was doing. I mean, they can't turn their landlord into the officials just for wanting to pull a prank. Plus, he's rich...he can just post bail right away.

But besides Bob starting to feel paranoid over Fischoeder pulling pranks at him since taking over the building and much like Adult Swim with their April Fools stunt every year since 2004, with last year's joke being their shows glitching in an attempt to promote/tease Learning with Pibby, you have Tina who is excited over Jimmy Jr asking her out, and I know that the Tina/Jimmy Jr shippers are calling it a “date” even though they’re not officially a couple, but to Tina, it's pretty much a date. But Louise sense that something is up. Not because of the whole relationship status between the two, but because of the timing. These two having a get-together...on April 1st? On the one day a year, people can act like amateur pranksters? Not on Louise's watch because she thinks that something isn't up when Jimmy Jr asked Tina for a hang out...just the two of them. Just the two of them. Not inviting Zeke. Not inviting Tammy and Jocelyn. Definitely not inviting Louise or Gene as interference and the same goes for Andy and Ollie. So to Louise, something has to be up. And on April Fool’s Day no less.

Entering the restaurant once breakfast is over with the family enters the restaurant, being cautious as ever when knowing what Fischoeder has cooked up for this year. Honestly, can't blame them, especially Bob for not knowing what kind of stunt Fischoeder has pulled to mess with them. Luckily, no issues so far for them once everyone is getting into position to start the day off. And just in time for Teddy to make his appearance and being in the April Fools' spirit as if he hasn't done anything for the what I would say once Fischoeder enters the restaurant and knowing that it's the first of the month, that being that the Belchers need to pay their rent. And in typical Belcher fashion, they take an IOU and say that they don't have it as per usual whenever Fischoeder pays a visit. But it looks like the pranks have already been underway for Fischoeder to the Belchers, primarily Bob when, wouldn't you know it...

Decides to prank Bob on this April Fools' Day by thinking that he did nothing for the holiday, much to Bob's paranoia, and creates a painting over the window where the kitchen is as if it's something coming out of a Looney Tunes cartoon. You know, in the Road Runner/Wiley E. Coyote cartoons where the Coyote paints the rocks into a tunnel in an attempt to capture the Road Runner and the Road Runner breaking logic and goes straight through the painting but Coyote can’t, either by telling logic to go fuck itself or a random truck that comes out of nowhere. So that’s Fischoeder’s prank for this year to the Belchers and of course, he had Teddy’s help to create that leading up to where we are at. Even though Fischoeder mistakenly calls Teddy “Freddy” from time to time. Other than that, to quote Filthy Frank, he got pranked. And if Fischoeder thinks that once the prank is over, it’s back to business as usual? Wrong. Fischoeder decides to create a small proposition, a favor mind you to get into the holiday spirit. And that is to prank him back. Pretty much what Fischoeder is saying is that because he's been pranking Bob ever since renting the building at the time Linda was pregnant with Tina, he thinks it's a wise decision to make it even and wants him to prank him back. Getting Bob to come out of his comfort zone and hit him with his best shot. Fire away. But knowing Bob, he's not the pranking type. He doesn't want to do it. And this is where Fischoeder decides to hit him where it hurts in the event he refuses to strike him back on this April Fools' Day. By threatening to raise his rent and could face possible eviction. In short, "I've pranked you so many times and because I’m a nice guy, I want you to strike me back. Give it everything you got.’s nighty-nighty in the streets, motherfucker. It’s nighty-nighty in the streets.” And if you think that Fischoeder was just kidding around with that supposed threat?

Yeah, he ain’t playing. He ain’t fucking playing in threatening to raise Bob’s rent and possibly evict him and the family once fifteen minutes have passed with Fischoeder showing the building to a random stranger that he proclaims to be a possible future tenant of the building and threatens to transform it into a chain shop. All of this because Bob doesn't want to accept the deal of pranking him back because he has no pranking bones in his body. In Layman's terms, Fischoeder pretty much called Bob a kitty cat. Y'all know what I meant when I said, "kitty cat". And because of the fears of the rent being raised and possible eviction that could have him lose the restaurant and the house altogether...he has no other choice but to accept Fischoeder's demands to prank him back. Finally getting out of his comfort zone for just a smidge as the day progresses, but at least he's finally throwing his hat into the ring on this April Fools' Day. Hopefully, him entering the ring and getting into the pranking mood to get back at Fischoeder won't hold any negative consequences later across the line, right? Because that would be insane and on April Fools' Day no less.

The Belchers and Teddy brainstorm an idea to get Fischoeder after Bob gets pressured into throwing his hat into the ring and coming up with a prank isn’t all that easy for them to cook up. Especially when the target is someone who is born for pranking people and creating mischief. Especially when Fischoeder called Bob from one of the rides at the Wonder Wharf and the requirements that Fischoeder laid out aren't helping Bob's case when trying to come up with an idea. And that is that he wants to feel the thrill and the impact that comes with it. Not the usual pranking like messing with the clocks or drawing a fake scar on his body. No, he wants that good shit and it's putting a lot of pressure on Bob and the rest of the Belchers to cook up something. And I mean something to make it a good prank. The prank that ends all pranks.

And that’s where the next scene comes in with Bob and Louise, out of the restaurant and at the Fischoeder’s house, going through the trash to find something that would be at least useful to help with their case to prank their landlord to avoid possible eviction. Yeah, as if going through an old man’s trash can is really going to solve things to get the pranking out of the way and return to a normal life. Treating yourselves as if you’re a pack of raccoons scavenging for food. I mean, the Belchers are pretty much on the clock here in trying to find something to help them. But rather than searching for something, Louise spotted something at Felix’s treehouse and it looks like they spotted that can at least try to help them out. Getting something to help the Belchers with their cause...or rather... help from someone.

Yeah, Bob and Louise spotted Felix at the treehouse as he was doing some cardio on this April Fools' Day and of course, he's being shoehorned into the mess with Felix just minding his own business but that's not going to stop Bob and Louise to get some answers to know any of Fischoeder's weaknesses or at least something to help them when telling him that the family is being shoehorned into the pranking fiasco and needs something to prank their landlord back after years of quote-on-quote "torment" from Fischoeder every year on April Fools' Day. Of course, Felix wants nothing to do with the holiday and is just minding his own business. But you're talking to them, which in gang terms, you're a part of it. Just as the conversation was just going underway is that you have a photo frame of Calvin and his father, Daddy Fischoeder, messing around with some people. Throwing firecrackers onto one of the carnies that worked for the Wharf. kinda wish that the carnies should've at least unionized and told Fischoeder that they don't want to be treated like walking rag dolls. Feel like that should've been the premise of the film last year because most of the scenes from various trailers leading up to the release show the carnies and the Wharf.

Other than that, Fischoeder being a prankster isn't new to Felix and he has always had a pranking bone in his body since his younger days. Though back in the day, Calvin would possibly get away with it whenever he pulled a prank on either the workers or the public like he was a kid at the candy store. Kind of like with Louise, April Fools' Day is pretty much Fischoeder's Christmas. Though can pull some pranks also but April Fools' Day is the way to go for the one day a year when you can be free to be a dick around the general public. Oh, and Bob glossing through the photo of Calvin and his dad on the cart has him giving him an idea of what to do for a prank. He's about to do a smart when eyeing on his mode of transportation. Hopefully, that doesn't result in a terrible consequence.

A long walking distance, or easily a driving distance onto the next scene with Bob and Louise staking as they watch Fischoeder driving his way to the barber shop, giving the Belchers the time to strike while Fischoeder is occupied to get his hair trimmed, just a smidge, while on his start of the month rent collecting local tour. And messing around with the golf cart is the name of the game for the Belchers to strike back at their landlord. Messing around with the cart as Fischoeder is occupied. Of course, it's a small one. Nothing too serious or potentially damaging. They just had to mess around with the horn and that's about it. Changing the sounds from the usual car horn to a fart noise. You could say that the prank that Bob is pulling on Fischoeder by messing with the car horn seems rather light and Fischoeder did mention that he needs to feel the thrill of the prank as if the one Bob is pulling seems a bit laid back as if he's playing it safe. Mind you that this is his first prank. He is trying...for a 46-year-old man who has never been pranked in his life, he is trying. Oh yeah, and the change of the horn sounds requires Gene's toy megaphone to record a fart sound into the horn. Other than that, the sounds of the horn have been messed around and now, the waiting game commences.

As seen in the next scene as everyone is waiting for Fischoeder to drive through the streets where you have Tina starting to feel conflicted over wanting to go to her frozen yogurt meet-up with Jimmy Jr and still believing that it's a normal meet-up, or to Tina, a "date", but Louise continues to warn Tina that this might be a possible April Fools' prank. This already gives Tina a conflicting feeling like she wants to go out and meet with Jimmy Jr at the frozen yogurt shop and it’s just Louise’s imagination and her seeing a red flag is nothing more than a mirage. But on the other hand, it's April Fools' Day. Pretty much the only day of the year when you can't trust anybody, even if they ask you out for drinks, or in Tina's case, some frozen yogurt. And anything could make Tina's day into a living hell. As if dealing with the cheating accusation or embarrassing herself in front of a group of teens, oh, we'll get to the bird-watching fiasco right after this episode review, and this is just this season alone. So you could feel some conflicting moments for Tina whether or not she wants to go out. You know she wants to because it's Jimmy Jr but on April Fools' Day...anything goes. Might as well take notes from Gravity Falls when it comes to April Fools’ Day the same way you go through the internet. Other than Tina on whether or not she wants to make it to her supposed “date”, again, the show loves to tease the fans on whether or not these two will get together or not, the waiting game is almost over once Fischoeder makes his way passing through the restaurant and honks his horn at the Belchers and Teddy and out comes the fart noise. A simple prank from Bob to Fischoeder...that ultimately leads to the end of the first half of the episode with Fischoeder getting into a car accident. Pranks oftentimes have consequences and uh...this is one of them. Bob may have committed incidental murder on his landlord. The calendar in the Bob's world says April, but looking at the scene as we switch over from the second act and going into the third, it felt like the Ides of March may have been expended to an additional day.

I mean, the closest I think of for reference for someone who likes the holiday like April Fools’ Day and someone decided to give them a taste of their own medicine that horrifically backfires when talking about this scene going into the first half of the episode and going into the second half...the closest would be an episode of SpongeBob where April Fools’ Day is his favorite holiday and Squidward, getting annoyed of him pranking people just for getting people in a mood to laugh it off, decided to give him a taste of his own medicine...that freaking backfired that resulted in feelings hurt and people scolding for him because mind you, pranks often time can carry consequences. That is what we’re seeing with Bob and Fischoeder. Fischoeder enjoys April Fools’ Day and pranks a lot of people, especially the Belchers and Bob, and Bob, mind you that this was Fischoeder’s idea, wants him to prank him back. Does the prank by messing around with the cart and here we are...with Bob possibly going to jail for potential murder. Did the deed that neither Felix nor Grover has done to their relative.'s over. Your life is over. It's Joever, dude. And boy, oh boy, that was an insane part of the episode and we're only halfway through the episode.

But alas, Fischoeder is alive, he's just suffered through a series of broken bones across his body thanks to Bob's prank that was supposed to mess around with the horn so that it didn't see the brakes getting in the way. Sure, Teddy should share some of the blame since he did the mechanical part of the cart but that was all Bob, and maybe Louise, but it's 100% on Bob's end since he came up with the idea to fuck around with the golf cart that led to an accident that almost took Calvin's life. Let alone the fears of possible nerve damage. But at least he's still alive. Even though because of the prank, the neighborhood is turning against Bob because of his prank almost killing Fischoeder. Surprising that Mort and Jimmy Pesto aren't out there to see what happened. Don't know about Mort but Jimmy Pesto would have a field day over this. Don't pretend that we saw him smile when the sinkhole erupted in the movie. We all saw it. Of course, Edith, oh Edith, yeah, Bob's prank did almost killed Fischoeder but yeah, having the whole town turn against him for a possible murder as if Bob had undergone his villain arc throughout the second act of the episode that ends with his business starting to hurt at the start of the third thanks to his actions.

Getting to the point where once we get back into the restaurant into the next scene with the restaurant not getting a shipment of bread or meat, already dealing with the effects of Bob’s supposed prank to get back at Fischoeder. Though that might be either because of what happened that led to either shipment to avoid getting to the restaurant or fears that what happened to Fischoeder with his cart is going to happen to them with their delivery truck. As if Bob would ever mess around with a truck that might turn a normal day into a gameplay of Grand Theft Auto. Although the shunning from Bob messing around that almost took Fischoeder's life would've gone not just to Bob and possibly Teddy, but towards the other members of the Belcher family thanks to Bob's reckless actions. That would've been the case for the episode where Bob's actions in wanting to get back at Fischoeder at his request would pit the blame on Bob but it would also shoehorn the other Belchers and Teddy because they helped out. Sure, Linda was minding her business back at the restaurant. Gene can't prank for shit. And Tina just wants to go on her "date" with Jimmy Jr to get some frozen yogurt. But they would be shoehorned into this, even though that was mostly Bob, Teddy, and Louise. And I guess Gene also for providing his toy megaphone to add the fart noise but other than that, they would’ve been shoehorned into this and I feel like they did because Bob’s actions did somewhat hurt the business but that’s mostly pointing towards Bob.

But it looks like Bob sense that something doesn't seem right with everything that just happened at the start of the third act of the episode. Primarily at the end of the last scene just as Fischoeder is being put into the ambulance and Bob notices that one of the paramedics happened to be the same guy who Fischoeder tagged along with earlier in the episode when threatening Bob to pull a prank on him or be evicted. And now to the next scene after going back to the restaurant, just as Bob was taking the trash out into the dumpster and noticed Felix on the cart. The same cart that crashed almost took Calvin's life, apparently, it got fixed or there was a replacement, not the first time he drove stick on the cart. And now, Bob wants answers on what is really going on.

Leading him to go across the alley and the street and stops Felix on his way back to the house and demand what's going on. Questioning why Felix has the cart despite that it should've been taken away. Let alone a possible dent that sent Fischoeder flying that resulted in him dealing with a lot of broken bones. Questioning if Fischoeder was really injured when he can't hit the brakes due to it being broken after having the cart messed around. Thinking that the cart is a decoy and accuses Felix of helping his brother be one step ahead of Bob in the pranking game. The guy just wants answers as if this is a reboot of Punk'd and would expect Ashton Kutcher to come out of the woodwork. Of course, Felix ends up avoiding Bob and refuses to answer his questions, causing him to drive away from Bob. And for Bob...paranoia is going to be name of the game for him as we prepare to close out the third act and ready to go to the fourth and final act.

As seen in the next scene to close out the third act of the episode with Bob being all sweaty...though that's mostly Bob having to across town on his way back to the restaurant, not from the alleyway where he was at originally but towards the front side. Acting paranoia as if everywhere he goes might be set up by Fischoeder to strike back. And don't forget, this is April Fools' Day, trust no one. And Bob is taking the holiday way too seriously as if he's on conspiracy mode and accuses Teddy and the rest of the family that they might be in on it and believes that they're playing koi with Fischoeder to get back at Bob or thinks that the window prank was just the appetizer and believes that the main course is right around the corner. Kinda like with Adult Swim back in 2017 when they did their April Fools joke with one night once midnight hits on April 1 with the shows that aired having distorted audio and having the audience laugh tracks being inserted and thought it was their joke for the year and then the next night, still on April 1, comes the Season 3 premiere of Rick and Morty on a loop that resulted in both the airings of Dragon Ball Super and Samurai Jack to be pushed to another week. And also people going through rage mode over the short supply of Szechuan sauce from McDonald’s if anyone remembers that. Bob becomes paranoid over the pranking and accuses his family and Teddy of being in cahoots with Fischoeder for personal reasons. Everyone except for Gene, who has no pranking bones in his body, decides to take him to the mansion to convince Fischoeder that all this pranking is an inside job. Also, that animation though with Bob messing around with Gene's face. Look at him, his face looks like freaking silly putty.

Onto the final act of the episode with a paranoid Bob and Gene arrive at the mansion, outside of Felix's treehouse and ready for him to go full Bob-Anon, after getting a clean shirt and getting the sweat out of his body, and decides to question the Fischoeders, both Calvin and Felix, who were just enjoying their time and drinking their cocoa as he awaits for him to get out of his body cast and have a presentation planned with doves. Is what he answered to Bob's question before getting to the actual answer about whether or not all of this was staged from the start. At this point, the notion of Fischoeder pranking him and the thought that he nearly killed him, only to find out that the paramedic was the guy that Fischoeder brought over earlier in the episode, and cart fastly repaired after the accident is eating him alive. In the same way, a person gets into trouble for something they shouldn't have done and had to lie their way to get out of dodge but had to deal with the guilt that is eating them alive. That is a guy who is being tortured on whether or not Fischoeder is going to make his next move. It's getting to the point where once the rest of the family arrives to check up on him after being concerned about his well-being. So far, not working because this is a man right here who is fully traumatized over whatever bullshit might come out of Fischoeder's ass. We might be seeing what a broken man looks like. Developing forms of PTSD from all the pranking after thinking that he might've killed his landlord as he walks back towards the ledge, not knowing where he is walking despite walking the wrong way, and then...bam! Falls down the ledge with Bob pretty much suffering through the same injury as Fischoed-

Nope. Instead of falling off the ledge and falling into the hard soil of the ground, he landed on a field of pillows on a scaffold. Tricking Fischoeder and I guess everyone else into thinking that he is being batshit insane and being out of touch with reality. In Layman's terms...

So what has happened that led to Bob finally got Fischoeder good with him having a possible mental breakdown and having people thinking that might be living for the rest of his life in a wheelchair is that despite having the town turning against him for thinking that he might've badly injured Fischoeder took place over an hour before the accident took place with him and Louise leaving Felix's treehouse and a lightbulb shines over his head on their way out by having Teddy to build him a scaffold by Felix's ledge by his bedroom. Oh yeah, Felix. Bob shoehorned Felix into the fiasco to help him prank his brother by allowing him to keep him busy. Having the rest of the Belchers involved. Not to mention having Bob be an amateur actor and pretends to be paranoid leading up to where we are at with this scene. Don't think the rest of the townsfolk were in on this, though I'm sure they want no part in this unless they too were victims of the prank. But other than that, Bob got Fischoeder good. He got him really good. Guess they don’t have to be evicted after all...or until the next time shit happens to the Belchers. All is good for the rest of the family after pranking Fischoeder with no negative consequences...other than...uh...

The scaffolding is not steady and it had to be built quickly so that it can't hold support for a while and almost caused Bob to fall for real. Because that would be a different story if Bob ends up dealing with the same fate as Fischoeder with a broken body part or two. Just be thankful that April Fools' Day is coming to a close for everyone, even though Fischoeder wants to do it again next year despite the trauma (even though it was Bob acting) and him almost died with a couple of broken bones, yeah, that should be a good call for Bob to not do that again next year despite Fischoeder wanting to prank Bob once more the next year. Besides that, the day finally comes to an end. Bob finally pulled his first prank...and I guess Gene also but that’s more of Bob. No one is hurt or seriously damaged...well, except for Fischoeder who seems to be walking fine but in the credits have him in a full body cast with his head exposed, but other than that, the day is done and so close to the first episode of the doublehead-

Right...we got Tina and Jimmy Jr. I mean...yeah, thankfully, Louise is wrong about believing that Jimmy Jr inviting Tina for frozen yogurt on April 1 out of the other 364 days of the year (365 in a leap year) is nothing more than a red flag because it is still April 1 and anything can go. Thankfully, that didn't happen because you have Jimmy Jr getting a better understanding of why Tina kept him waiting for the whole day and thinks that April Fool's Day was in May. Yeah, that seems about right. I know that the last scene of the episode pretty much gives fuel to the Tina/Jimmy Jr shippers. I mean, guess who wrote the episode in this doubleheader? To them, that is pretty much a clear sign. I don't ship the two but at least the so-called "date" as Tina puts it because it's Tina, at least there was no prank as they attempted to keep her cool when mentioning the holiday. Thinking that her missing out for the whole day was her idea of a prank. I mean, she was feeling conflicted because it was April Fools' Day. What do you think was going to happen?


So all and all, what do I think about this week's...well, first of two episodes of Bob's Burgers? Well...if I'm gonna be honest, out of the two episodes that came out, and we'll get to the next one sometime tomorrow or Wednesday, it's actually an alright episode. Yeah, there were some moments that were meh, or didn't care for it, but it was an alright episode. I guess you could say that it was getting the vibes you're feeling as if you're watching an episode from the earlier seasons and they're not wrong.

A breath of fresh air for once in seeing an episode like this one. Having Fischoeder being all pranky and Bob coming out of his comfort zone. Sure, Bob getting Fischoeder at the end of the episode was kinda predictable but the moments leading up to it leaves you with speculations on what is about to come next. Bob thinks that he might've killed Fischoeder with his prank that horrifically backfired and him being majorly paranoid throughout the third and fourth acts of the episode. Wow, they were selling it but in a good way. Again, it almost felt like you were getting something from the earlier seasons of the show. Smashing.

Other than that, Bob being paranoid was something in the third and fourth acts of the episode and even though that was more of him acting to get to the moment Bob got Fischoeder good with the pranking was interesting. Got some Fischoeder lore regarding the photo that was sitting in Felix's treehouse of Calvin and his father with Calvin throwing a firecracker at a random carnie. Also interesting with the lore of the show regarding the characters. Though you'd think that with the episode being April Fools' Day, you'd think that someone like Louise, a prankster who likes to create mischief, would've at least stepped up to the plate. Though if that is, then we would've been looking at a Louise vs Fischoeder episode. Though that would've been better than "Beach, Please" from the previous season. And having Gene to be mean, he did something but again, that's more of Bob pulling the prank than just the two of them. Besides, Gene would end up blabbing about the prank at the wrong possible time much like with him earlier in the episode when attempting to prank Linda by having her orange juice covered in mac and cheese dust. And the thing with Tina and Jimmy Jr at the end...I mean, some might think it's a date, or at least that's what Tina would describe, but again, this is nothing more than a get-together...though just the two of them without the thought of dragging anyone like Zeke or the twins along...yeah, Louise does kinda have a point in thinking that it's a red flag but other than that, no pranking whatsoever and again, pretty much giving fuel to the Tina/Jimmy shippers with that scene.

So final thoughts, it’s an alright episode. A fun one in that and would give you a vibe of the earlier seasons. But there are some I don't pretty much care but Bob being paranoid knocked it out of the park and the speculations leading up to the end of the episode was overall good. So I'll give "What A (April) Fool Believes"...

A 7 out of 10. But that’s my opinion and I wanna hear yours in the comments down below. And this one of the two episodes of Bob’s Burgers that came out this week. The review for “Crows Encounters of the Bird Kind” is coming either tomorrow, that being Tuesday, probably during the overnight hours, or sometime on Wednesday. The Great North for this week should probably be its own review after the release of the second Bob's Burgers episode review later this week. At least we got a three-week break after this until April 16 as the projected date.

Follow me on Tumblr, Twitter, Mastodon, and Instagram for updates and behind-the-scenes stuff. The first match of the Group B stages of the 2023 Battle of the Week Voting Tournament between the former Alpha Party Nominee from the 2021 season, Feliciano Vargas/Italy from Hetalia taking on Piccolo from Dragon Ball with the polls closing on Saturday. And then next week, Group C with Quinn Ergon (Final Space) and Reagan Ridley (Inside Job). The week after that with Group A between Riko (Made in Abyss) and Momo Yaoyorozu (My Hero Academia). And the week after that, Group B between Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) and Shikamaru Nara (Naruto). And of course, y'all should know the drill by now...

Donate over on PayPal, Patreon, and Ko-fi pages to help your boy out in both improving the page and helping pay the bills to keep the lights on to get something to come out from my ass to this page. I should recover after this by working on three posts in one week. Good God. And until the next episode...which is soon, wash your hands, wear a mask, get vaccinated and boosted, and a reminder that you're loved, you're beautiful, ignore the haters, and I'll see y'all later.

***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Television Animation, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***

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