
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Bob's Burgers Season 9, Episode 14 Review - When a Goose Loves a Human Woman (or the Other Way Around) | yahoo201027's Bob's Burgers Reviews.

“Every Which Way But Goose”…what a bizarre title for a roller coaster ride of insanity for an episode. Because what the…what an episode to watch over coming from the writers with both Tina and that goose. And now, we await a potential goose uprising to take over the world. In this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers, after being rejected by Jimmy Jr in time for the Eighth Grade Prom, Tina builds a relationship with a random goose over at the town’s park while Linda steps in and helps Gretchen setting up with a man in time for her cousin’s upcoming wedding in my spoilerific review of the Fourteenth Episode of the Ninth Season, titled “Every Which Way But Goose”.

For an episode with a bizarre title like “Every Which Way But Goose”, this was an interesting episode. Enjoyable you could say. Because despite that this episode is somewhat has it’s WTF moments, mostly with Tina and the goose in play, it did not disappoint. Of course, there were some flaws in the episode, just to put it out there, this would’ve been this year’s Valentine’s Day episode rather than last week’s somewhat of a mess of an episode that was “Bed, Bob, and Beyond”. And of course, it’s a Tina episode and if you’re a Tina/JJ shipper, then uh…yeah, you could say this was your episode to shine, mostly with, of course, the ending of the episode, but also with Jimmy Jr and how he was over something that he deemed embarrassing for Tina to not lose interest. I’ll give him somewhat credit for coming out with the whole butt injury thing and not went the whole bullshit thing. So there’s that.

Also the subplot…well, I could say it was decent with Linda trying to help Gretchen setting up with a man in time for her cousin’s wedding over the weekend and you gotta give Linda somewhat credit with her trying her best to help her friend out, which works somewhat well at first till it fell apart and apologize. It’s not in the point of going nowhere. It’s probably nothing like that. It was enjoyable. Almost reminded me of with how Linda trying to help Teddy in time for his relative’s party with the dance, but at least that one worked somewhat well. But with Gretchen, that’s a whole another ballgame.

So this was supposed to be Tina’s biggest day of her life when telling her family of two very important things that are about to come to fruition by the end of the day, her hoping for her theme to be picked for the upcoming Eighth Grade Prom, which is of course, coming from Tina, a zombie theme. And of course, once that theme is picked for the dance, asking Jimmy Jr out and have the night of her life. And it’s not like something so small like her theme not being picked or Jimmy Jr rejecting her would take a shit on what could be her day, right? One of these things aren’t like the others. One of these things is gonna take a massive dump on Tina’s perfect day.

And so the perfect day begins to take shape come homeroom when hearing from Mr. Frond coming from the intercom over the classroom that Tina’s zombie theme for the prom has now been chosen to the official theme. Hate it all you want people, but it looks like Tina’s theme is here to stay. That’s only step number one in Tina’s perfect day as she now goes about to head over to step number two, which is of course, asking Jimmy Jr out to be her prom date. In which Jimmy Jr then runs off to the bathroom when the offer came up. I would could go end up being ranty over this, but…remember what my therapist say, don’t give into the anger. It’s only the first hour of the school day. He’ll come around eventually.

Skipping over to lunchtime with Tina asking Gene and Louise about the prom from her theme being picked to Jimmy Jr somewhat bailed out from her offer, shout out to that Susmita cameo in the background by the way, of course, it’s not even a full day and decided to try again. Go for round two…in which he backs away from the table where the Belcher kids are at. So round two is a massive bust…still not a full day of school. We got a lot of school day left, so round three can’t be a total bust. Can’t be the final nail in the coffin when it comes to the rejection by Jimmy Jr. Like how the song from Legally Blonde say when it comes to Tina’s perfect day…

Oh…but the Animation Gods have other plans and decided to take a massive dump on Tina’s so-called perfect day come by the end of the school day when Jimmy Jr decided to come up to Tina but want her to talk in private rather than what Tina expected and wanted it in public just to make a scene like it’s a freaking marriage proposal, well promposal. And Jimmy Jr…decided to reject her offer to the prom.

What is up with you? I mean, you being nervous. That’s fine. That’s fine. Prom is like the biggest stepping stone, it’s like wanting to audition to be on stage for a live television event only for anxiety to kick in and intervene. But…Tina has her perfect day intact and asking you out for the biggest event in your middle school life as y’all soon will be graduating and about to enter a new stage in high school would be the biggest stepping stone in her life and have the best night in her said life, but then this happened. I don’t know who’s to blame for that, the writers for that to happen? Or the Animation Gods decided to take a massive dump on Tina’s big day and have Jimmy Jr to reject her offer? It’s like we learned nothing from last year with the shebang. Don’t make this a sequel. I swear to god!

Tina storms off of school thanks to whoever came up with the idea of having Jimmy Jr rejecting Tina’s offer and about come home with an upset look on her face when we get to the town park where she almost got tripped down to the sidewalk from the goose and begins to talk about her problems, mostly with the whole Jimmy Jr rejection thing, and of course, the goose somewhat listens to it but of course, it’s an animal…they’re not therapists or guidance consolers. 

Speaking to the goose, named Bruce, for the whole afternoon from the rejection to normal Tina conversation about boys and what not and it looks like the goose just stayed there and payed attention to her rather than doing normal goose things like going back to the pond or somewhat fly away. Probably down south to the winter…actually no, it’s been freakishly chilly over here in the South. Heard Florida or Mexico is somewhat nice and warm this time around. Just as Tina is about to head off home for the night, Bruce ends up following her where we have Gus, sitting on the bench next to her, telling Tina on Bruce and why it’s being clingy over her. Stating that the goose that Tina talked to begins to draw a relationship with her. It’s like with a cat or a dog and of course, the whole relationship building thing takes time, though with a cat or dog, it takes like let’s say a few days, if not, weeks for the relationship to be put together whereas Bruce and Tina, it took an entire afternoon for the two to build a bond between them. The whole afternoon. So there’s that.

Cutting to the next day with Tina closing her locker as she listens in to Tammy and Jocelyn having a conversation with Tammy telling Jocelyn about her date to the prom to Tina seeing a couple by that girl’s locker of asking of being a couple at the prom, after what happened yesterday with Jimmy Jr rejecting her offer to be her prom date for the big dance really put a dent into her self-esteem on what was supposed to be her big day after finding out that her theme for the prom got picked.

Then of course, we got round four as we’re doing this again with the whole Jimmy Jr thing when Tina finally thinks that this now could be the day that Jimmy Jr changes his mind and accepts Tina’s offer to the dance. Only for the rejection to stay in place…goddamn…it, Jimmy Jr. One time. The one time you don’t have to step on Tina’s self-esteem after that rejection yesterday and you still hang on to it? What is gonna fucking take you to do a total 180 and accept Tina’s offer? Tick tock, the clock is ticking for whatever time y’all have left being in the eighth grade. This shit is getting freaking ridiculous and this storm needs to end now. Fucking now. Just be thankful we’re gonna be on hiatus next week, so there’s that. Gotta need somewhat of a breather. Oh yeah, and Tina storms off again just as Mr. Frond alerts Tina about the upcoming committee meeting for the upcoming dance. Should’ve told her earlier before she gets mad over Jimmy Jr not accepting her offer and explaining why he’s doing this. My therapist is not gonna be happy over this.

Back to the town park with Tina and the goose named Bruce when Tina decided to give Bruce her sandwich which…yeah, Tina, feeding a goose bread…pretty much a big no-no because goose and bread…yeah, it would the goose. So Tina…you’re pretty much sending Bruce to his death nest.

We then get a montage of Tina enjoying a moment with Bruce coinciding with Linda trying to help Gretchen with her date in which we’ll get to that later on in the review. We have Tina and Bruce…almost looking like a date rather than a girl and her goose just having a chill session. Being on a boat despite that gooses can float on water, putting a friendship bracelet on both herself and on Bruce, all the way to having a long walk and having a nice little chat. Yeah, I’m getting flashbacks to “Tina and the Real Ghost” with her having a montage with Jeff, that ghost trapped in the shoebox. Only swap out Jeff with Bruce and we have this episode. I’ll take this episode over “Tina and the Real Ghost” because that episode was pretty much a complicated mess of an episode. This episode have it’s moment. Mostly a WTF added into this one and we’ll get to that later on in the review because…oh man, I think that broke me when that happened. Oh and Tina told the family at dinner time that she has left her position at the committee. And not because of Tina being overreacting to Jimmy Jr not accepting her off…actually, yeah, that does seems about right. But of course, while Tina seems to look like she is somewhat enjoying her time with Bruce while of course, still upset with Jimmy Jr to the point of giving him the silent treatment, over at the restaurant…

Yep, Louise and Gene both have to tackle Tina’s job which is of course to clean up the bathroom over at the restaurant. The two decided to make a deal with Tina at the beginning of the episode when Tina’s theme got picked for use for the prom and became a part of the committee, putting them now in charge of Tina’s work as the countdown for prom is all set and ready to go…that was until Jimmy Jr decided to crush Tina’s hopes and dreams of having him as her date for the biggest dance of her life, middle school life, and decided to hang out with a goose, it gone a complete 180 for Gene and Louise when seeing the mess from the bathroom with their own eyes and now not taking anymore shit coming from Tina and tells her that they had to suffer through cleaning a very dirty bathroom like you see coming from a random gas station where those bathrooms aren’t clean in like ages all while Tina was dicking around with Bruce the goose. It concerns Gene and Louise. And it also concerns both Bob and Linda as well as they now noticed how Tina was behaving lately ever since she got rejected by Jimmy Jr and got to hang out with Bruce and of course, Tina storms off from her room. And moments after Tina storms off from her room, Louise spots Tina’s erotic friend fiction from her desk and have the rest of the family to check it out and…this is where…oh good god…the most “what the fuck” moment from this episode, if not, the whole season so far.

So here’s Tina’s story, her having a nice, romantic picnic with them holding hands, well Tina’s hands holding one of Bruce’s wings when lying down on the picnic blanket. Them running away through the field around the sunset times. And then…oh sweet baby Jesus Christ…

They decided to have babies…and laid eggs. Which…w-what? What? L-like…what?! How?! Like…how?! Tina laying eggs…what?! I-I don’t even want to know. I don’t even want to know how. And don’t even think about putting it in the comments in a way to go fuck myself. The show did that with this very moment. And speaking of babies…

Yeah…human/goose hybrids…this broke me. This absolutely broke me when that happened. I know it’s only Tina’s story but…oh my god. Oh my god. Man, did not expect Jimmy Jr’s rejection to Tina’s offer…could lead to that despite that this is all make believe and not gonna happen in the canon of the series. Please tell me this is a one-off joke? Please tell me this is a one-off joke? I feel like this might be Bouchard and the writer of the episode way of a joke just for shits and giggles…that’s what I’m getting with that scene.

On to the next day and both Louise and Gene tells Jimmy Jr about Tina and Bruce and got an answer of why Tina’s been ignoring all week ever since that day when he rejected her offer to be her date. Louise badmouths Jimmy Jr that the reason why Tina went over and have an unnatural relationship with Bruce the goose is because of what he did, which is of course, rejecting Tina’s offer of being her date and stepped on her heart on what was supposed to be her big day. Her big week and Jimmy Jr decided to use an emotional wrecking ball and break the wall that was Tina’s emotions. So to sum it up, Louise and Gene tells Jimmy Jr to get his shit together and fix it by accept Tina’s offer. But Jimmy Jr can’t because there’s something that’s been holding him back from accepting Tina to be his date for the prom and we got an explanation of why he scared off away like a deer in headlights when Tina asks him to take her to the dance.

Found out that he got injured while dancing along to a scene from the movie “Save the Last Dance” where he got lost at the moment, thus resulting in him breaking the one thing that he deemed embarrassed…his butt. Yep, his butt. The one thing that attracts Tina to Jimmy Jr and it’s injured thanks to lost thoughts. He was embarrassed when that happened and totally embarrassed if Tina finds out about what happened and of course, it would take time for the butt to fully heal. So Louise tells Jimmy Jr to suck it up and use an alternative motive for use for the upcoming prom by doing some swaying as both Gene and Louise now begins to drag Tina to the prom to be with Jimmy Jr. So previous rants aside earlier in the review for this episode, at least Jimmy Jr got a reason that isn’t a bullshit one for an excuse or stepping in because he feels threaten by another guy like with Josh back in Season 3. So…not ready to give him a pass just yet. There’s still a lot more episode left in this review.

The two made it to the park with a cardboard box and a piece of bread to trap Bruce in order to capture Bruce and keep him away from Tina and drags her to be with Jimmy Jr to the prom which…did it easily? Huh? Thought that it would a complicated thing to do, mostly with Gene being the one being pecked while Louise is busy setting up the trap and lure to it and then, of course, drop the box and trap it with the rock on top so that it won’t escape. So Goose is now trapped thanks to Louise and Gene and now begins to take Tina to the prom where Jimmy Jr awaits her on the dancefloor. But little that the three, well, rather Gene and Louise, that just they are heading towards the school, Bruce ends up escaping from the box and begins to follow them when seeing Tina walking away. Oh…fucking Christ, don’t tell me we’re gonna have another love triangle of bullshit and turn it into “Two for Tina”? It’s gonna be like that, isn’t it? Shit. This is why we can’t have nice things!

The three finally arrive at the prom and sees Tina’s theme in play with everyone in zombie makeup and their suits and dresses somewhat ripped like they’re actually dead and risen up from the grave where both Gene and Louise take Tina to Jimmy Jr where the two decided to have a chat. Mostly why Jimmy Jr has been avoiding Tina all week and finally comes out about his butt sprain that he got but it looks like the conversation has gone totally downhill. How downhill? Sinkhole that came out of nowhere and ate up the house following a massive rainstorm type of downhill. And just as Louise and Gene decided to intervene and have the two just shut up and make up on the dancefloor, guess who decided to crash the party?

Yep, Bruce. Bruce decided to pay Tina a visit by entering the schoolgrounds without anyone outside noticing the animal coming in and invades the prom and run towards Jimmy Jr and attacks him. So…When Animals Attack. Remember that? Yeah, don’t let whatever characteristics about them fool you. So yeah, Bruce invades the prom and attacks Jimmy Jr and then flocks around the gym where the prom is at, only to be stuck by a random nail on the wall thanks to the friendship bracelet that Tina gave him attached to his webbed feet. Frond was about to call animal control on his phone but Tina tries to prevent him from doing that and must find a way to get the friendship bracelet out of the feet for the goose to fly away and also not attack Jimmy Jr at the same time. Speaking of Jimmy Jr…

Yeah, despite the butt sprain, he decided to go and climb up the rafters and must get Bruce out from the nail. But of course, Bruce kept on pecking him as Jimmy Jr tries to get him out from the nail. And so…ta-da, the goose is free thanks to Jimmy Jr and Bruce flies over to Tina as Jimmy Jr also walks over to Tina as well now with his butt injury now more injured than ever following saving Bruce from the rafters. So the guy pretty much sacrificed his butt from ever fully healed just to save the goose for Tina and hoping to not create too much trouble. And she even gave him a peck on the cheek as a reward for what he did. So at least the whole Jimmy Jr thing got patched as we now prepare to close out the main plot with Tina now sending away Bruce and of course, out of nowhere by shear coincidence, another goose comes into the water and we say goodbye to Bruce, never to be returned again.

So uh…main plot…it was something alright. Weird, but it was something to gloss over. You could say I enjoyed it. The whole Tina’s story thing with the goose, yeah, that broke me when that happened, mostly with the whole…Tina having goose babies…I’m now thinking what kind of drugs the crew were on when making the episode. Though…I got to give Jimmy Jr some credit, yeah, hard to believe that, but he’s not a jerk in this episode. At least he’s being honest over his butt injury and his reasons why he can’t accept Tina’s offer to the dance. I’m not sold on him like 100% following what he did back in “V for Valentine-detta”, but…think of it like baby steps. It’s mostly baby steps for him with the whole redeeming factor with his character. Even though this isn’t the redemption episode that Bouchard promised. It’s only February, we would still have time despite that after this episode, the season is now at the halfway mark, so uh…tick tock, the clock is ticking.

And then we get the subplot of the episode with Linda and Gretchen. We have a sad Gretchen coming into the restaurant and Linda asks why is she down in the dumps. Gretchen said that she’s about to head over to her sister’s wedding for the weekend but doesn’t have a date and time seems to running out for her to find the perfect guy to hang around with in time for the big event. And she even asks Teddy if he’s available for the weekend, except for the fact that Teddy has other plans for the weekend by taking his mom to a live show over at a casino, so uh…looks like Gretchen is in quite a pickle as the weekend draws near. That was until Linda decided to help her friend to get her a date in time for the event by doing some online dating. Not the speed dating one. We all know what happened the last time Linda decided to pair some people up on that one Valentine’s Day of 2013.

The online profile is already set and ready go for Gretchen to find a date with Linda on the laptop and Gretchen on her phone when trying to find the perfect guy to take for her sister’s wedding but of course, finding that perfect guy is not an easy choice. Now that we’re in the world of online dating where we have apps where it gives you recommendations once filling out what you want in a romantic partner. It’s like picking an apple from a tree over an apple farm or a farmer’s market, it’s still Winter in the Northern Hemisphere so bad timing, for the upcoming bake sale and you want to get the people excited. You know, woo them. And finding the right one, whether if it’s the color, the texture, the taste, or all of the above, is not an easy task. Said coming from someone, again, who is freaking single as fuck.

It’s almost like with Gravity Falls in the 2014 episode “Soos and the Real Girl” when trying to find a date for his cousin Reggie’s wedding, Soos needs to find a woman to take for the wedding and have Dipper and Mabel’s help. That and of course, there was a dating simulator and if watch the series, you know what comes at the end of that episode. If not…go watch it. Go watch it.

Judgement day has arrived for Gretchen to finally meet her dream date days before the wedding and when the two finally see the guy coming in to the restaurant…

Wow…that guy looked…bland. They deemed him as if a banana were a person. I see more of a vanilla wafer with legs. This guy would a horrible SpongeBob cosplayer come Halloween and would lose bad whenever there’s a costume contest.

So the guy’s name is Norman and…he is Gretchen’s online date. The two decided to have a conversation as Linda want to set the mood for these two to at least have the spark ignited between the two as she talks to Bob about the date in progress as it looks like Gretchen is about to make a move already. Not even the first five minutes and it looks like she has already making it a tad too fast enough to make Norman somewhat uncomfortable. So just be thankful that Linda’s there on standby to make sure the date doesn’t go downhill. And that’s where the montage coinciding with Tina and Bruce comes into play.

So it looks like the thing with Norman seems like a…don’t want to say dumpster fire, more of…at least you tried and that’s okay. We’ll try this again with the different guys that she’ll meet and so she did throughout the montage and every time Gretchen is with another guy through the powers of online dating…yeah, things aren’t looking good for Gretchen as she kept on doing her usual self and making the wrong moves to make them uncomfortable. Oh, I’m gonna get a lot of hate comments after this. So yeah, after meeting various amounts of guys for Gretchen to pick at least one to go with for the wedding like it’s the freaking Bachelorette, no luck coming from her when it comes to finding the right guy to be around with. The closest Gretchen can probably, key word “probably”, is the guy who I think we did not see in that montage who happened to be an employee over at the airport. Not a TSA agent, I mean like someone who either work at the ticket counter or the one who is busy with the baggage and putting it in and out to and from the plane. And that got Linda going all excited that Gretchen somewhat got a guy that she likes and wants her to message him but Gretchen said no. Don’t think it’s mostly because of like her liking that person from the airport back. It’s mostly with her not feeling it like with the rest. So that’s a hard pass from Gretchen. But Linda on the other hand…

Oh good god, Linda…what the hell? So she did the dirty deed by going behind Gretchen’s back by logging into Gretchen’s online dating profile and is about to message that guy from the airport by inviting him to be Gretchen’s date for her sister’s wedding. Which to Bob, yeah, this is a pretty bad idea for Linda to do that. But she won’t listen to the warning and ends up messaging him. Like what the hell are you doing? You’re putting a massive dent onto your friendship. You should’ve stop while you’re ahead. Bob is not keen to the idea of Linda doing a “Linda” and mess around with Gretchen’s profile and her love life in general.

And neither does Gretchen when coming into the restaurant hopping mad over what Linda did with messaging the airport guy to the wedding and liked her messages. You’re probably thinking of yourself of what’s the big idea from Gretchen’s perspective when being mad at Linda over that airport guy. Well, Gretchen thinks that it’s Linda pretending to be her and you could say accuses her of stealing her man, is that what I’m getting at? But that doesn’t matter because of that little oopsie daisy have now caused Linda her friendship with Gretchen. All over a guy. All over a relationship. It’s now odd we may have dodge a bullet with the Roller episode back in November with Gene, Alex, and Courtney…oh man, thank god we didn’t gotten ourselves into that train wreck. Oh and Gretchen is causing a scene outside of the restaurant following that little breakup, let’s go with that.

Linda decided to drop by to the salon where Gretchen is at and decided to apologize for what she did for that messaging that airport guy behind her back and of course, fucking up her friendship with her. Telling her that she felt bad of making her of someone she’s not and that she only wants what’s best for her to be happy come the wedding. And speaking of the wedding, it looks like Linda has found the perfect person for Gretchen to take for her sister’s wedding and found it’s not a new guy from online. Nope, Linda decided to fill in the spot for the wedding. So consider this a girls’ weekend out in style to the wedding. Doing it in style with a limo on standby. Funny because when Linda mention that both she and Gretchen should get a limo to get to the wedding as transportation for the weekend, I was hoping for like a mention of Nat, the limo driver from “V for Valentine-detta”. Hoping for Linda to say, “Ooh, we should get a limo. I know the limo driver. I have on speed dial. Maybe she can drive us to the wedding.” You know, a mention. A brief mention. A shout out to say the least. But yeah, the subplot of the episode wraps up with both Linda and Gretchen making up, restoring their friendship, and Linda being Gretchen’s date for her sister’s wedding. So what do we learn this week, kids…other than not lending Linda your online profile email address and password…yeah, I think that’s the only lesson of the week when finding the right person to be your date. And also be yourself, yeah, let’s go with that. The subplot seems somewhat decent to say the least in my taste despite there were some flaws in the way, mostly around the end of the subplot with Linda straight up apologizing to Gretchen but above all else, it was a decent and somewhat enjoyable subplot with Linda trying to help Gretchen out. So that was something.


So all and all, what do I think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? Um…wild. But no bullshitting around, I seem to like the episode mostly with the character development coming from Jimmy Jr of all people and although it’s not fully his redemption episode like what Bouchard said in that interview earlier in the season, no messing about coming from the writers when it comes to Jimmy Jr in this episode from him…don’t know if that…if Jimmy Jr didn’t have that butt injury, then that would be a whole different ballgame, thinking of a “Two for Tina” sequel episode only with the goose.

I’m not sold on Jimmy Jr following that ugly mess back in Season 8 when breaking both Tina’s and later Becky’s heart on Valentine’s Day but looking at how the writing and the directing is doing to Jimmy Jr with his reason why he didn’t accept Tina’s offer that ended up with her landing on Bruce’s hands, or in this case, feathered wings, with his broken butt and not in a bullshit type of excuse. He was embarrassed of telling Tina about it. That and of course, saving Bruce from the bleachers but in exchange, more injury for the butt. So…again, not sold on him like fully at 100 percent. More of the likes of…baby steps. That’s what I can describe Jimmy Jr in this episode, baby steps.

Bruce…oh god, Bruce. Um…this is what we’re going with? It’s like, “Really? You’re going with the lowest common denominator for Tina when being rejected by Jimmy Jr?” I mean again, I’ll take this episode over the likes of “Tina and the Real Ghost” because that episode was a complicated mess. Where with this one, has somewhat of a what the fuck factor. The meter pretty much malfunctioned when the Belcher family read through Tina’s erotic friend fiction about her and Bruce, who is again, a goose. To the point of…Tina…doing a goose…okay, I don’t know what kind of drugs the writers were on in the making of the episode but Jesus freaking Christ…Tina and Bruce having….goose babies…that broke me. That actually broke me. No bullshitting. Like “Oh what the fuck are you doing?!” Please be a one-off joke? Please be a one-off joke and never do that again.

The subplot was of course, decent but it was somewhat enjoyable to watch over with Linda trying to help Gretchen finding a date in time for her sister’s wedding via online dating. Almost looking like with Gravity Falls with Soos trying to find a date for his cousin Reggie’s wedding, only…without a dating simulator going all yandere and trying to lure you to be with a machine, cause…no. This series wouldn’t do that. My little problem with the subplot mostly goes to the direction and probably at the end with Linda apologizing. I have no problem with Linda fixing her friendship with Gretchen and filling in the spot of being her go to person for the wedding, the pacing might be an issue. Mostly because it seems rather a bit fast. You probably felt it as well thought there’s some of y’all out there doesn’t feel it going too fast, despite the pacing and possibly the direction of how the subplot was executed, it was a decent subplot to watch over.

So all and all to sum up this week’s episode, despite that it has some weird moments, mostly coming from Tina’s story with her time with Bruce the goose, it was an enjoyable episode. The development pretty much sold it for me when it comes to the development, mostly with Jimmy Jr. Again, not sold on him, it’s mostly baby steps from here on out. I need more. I need more. Of course, the subplot, decent and enjoyable but having some issues with the execution and of course, the pacing. Not bad. Not bad. So I’ll give “Every Which Way But Goose”…

…an 8 out of 10. And just to keep it a 100 here…this episode would’ve been this year’s Valentine’s Day episode despite that it aired a few days after the holiday, this should’ve been a Valentine’s episode despite that of course, doesn’t feel like a Valentine’s Day themed one, but at least it’s somewhat better than last week’s. Should probably make a poll on that over at Twitter…maybe Instagram over that IG Story section. No episode next week on the 24th, Oscars. Can’t compete with that. Tune in on March 3rd on what could be a busy Spring couple of months counting down to close out the season with Louise taking the school as principal. Yeah, can’t wait for that.

Speaking of Twitter and Instagram, follow me there. Tumblr, same thing so could get content like fandom updates, birthdays, episode premiere history, and all that stuff to pass the time. And if you want to feel like Christmas every other week, feel free to donate to help both me and the page out over at PayPal, Patreon, and/or Ko-fi in the links below…

…so do that. Keeping this page running isn’t easy without the funding it need for survival as 2019 rolls on as it prepares to enter it’s third month. So hop to it. And until then, until March 3 with “The Fresh Princ-ipal”, that’ll be me with the review and I’ll see y’all later.

***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Century FOX, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***

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