
Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Great North Season 4, Episode 20 Review: Bonesy's Eleven: One Last Ride and an Iced Day to Fish | yahoo201027's Great North Reviews


One episode of The Great North for this week to go. And I know, I know, there are two other episodes that I need to do before I can say I’m truly done with Season 4 with The Great North, which would be the first time, unless I count the short reviews for Season 3 even though that portion was sandwiched with the Bob’s Burgers reviews before having to separate it because last year because of the Bob’s Burgers doubleheader, which would make Season 4 the first time I did a full season of The Great North when doing these reviews back in January. And I might do it again in 2025 and hopefully, democracy won’t die by then. Seriously, people... register to vote this November.

In the second installment of this week’s double-dose episode of The Great North, we got ourselves a heist at the school with the Tobins having to return a skeleton to the building as part of the tradition with Ham now the victim of that said tradition, and while that is happening, Honeybee joins Beef to partake in ice fishing in hopes for the two to bond in my spoilerific review of the twentieth episode of Season 4 of The Great North, titled “Am I the Ice Hole? Adventure”.

Yeah, makes you question which one is the main plot of the episode but regardless, if it is the season finale because as of this moment, unless anything pops up between October and December, what a way to close things out here. On one side of the episode, you have a school tradition that is happening to a random student regarding the school skeleton from the science room, and challenge whoever gets the skeleton without getting caught. So, in short, a heist with the school skeleton is the tradition over at Lone Moose School. And we are aware of whatever tradition your school does, whether for good or for worse. Usually, you think of school traditions from colleges and universities, primarily with sororities when having to go through a pledge. However, don’t count out the high schoolers from having their own tradition whenever they’re in school, yeah, that does feel weird saying it and it’s best to move on. Pretty sure my high school didn’t have that when I was around or at least as my memory serves... no, I don’t think my high school does that. I would say anything else but I don’t want to put any of the schools I went back in the day on blast. Aside from that, school traditions are a thing, and whether you like it or not, or if you had participated in that, as long as you didn’t get into legal trouble, it’s never gonna die no matter how hard the faculty can try and stop.

Other than that, you also have the bonding experience as the subplot. Nothing wrong with a little bonding experience with someone that you want to know, whether being a friend or a family member, either with a step-parent or an in-law, and sure, things can be awkward at first but you’ll probably get the hang of it. It is just these things do take time to develop as you see in this episode with Beef and Honeybee. As for the ice fishing aspect of the episode, I mean... in the tundra, especially during the cold months, it’s one of the activities that is on the occasion aside from hunting and trying not to freeze to death. Yeah, I don’t know anything about ice fishing other than going into a shed with a hole open up inside where you do the job, okay, that pretty much sums up ice fishing. I live in the South, so I don’t know the experience aside from actual fishing. And I don’t fish. Quite the coincidence that Week 3 of Animation Domination this past weekend started with Universal Basic Guys, aka Who the Fuck Greenlit this Shit and I hope the Phillies Implode in the Playoffs, with fishing (and no, I don’t recommend hate-watching because hate-watching never work, take Velma for example) to this week’s episode of The Great North. Both of those shows have fishing as the topic even though we see Beef (and the family oftentimes) on the fishing boat. I never fish, so I had to put the ramblings out there. It’s been a long week, so might as well get to breaking down the episode. This is “Am I the Ice Hole? Adventure”.

The episode starts at school with the Juniors of Lone Moose School getting an announcement from Golvokin about a certain someone’s ride into the sunset. Or rather, something that resembles someone because Golovkin announces the retirement of the school’s skeleton model named Bonesy. And the reason for the retirement is not because the model has seen better days, but because of insensitivity. Because the materials that created Bonesy are not made of plastic or some other material (but mostly plastic... but it’s made out of PVC) but instead, it’s an actual human skeleton. I’m not kidding, that skeleton is made out of an actual human skeleton. As in human remains as if the model that is set to be retired must’ve belonged to someone who’s been dead for a long time and have their body being donated to science and their body being served as a model for a school science class. How is the morgue or funeral home not investigated for that? Aside from that, the school is preparing to bid farewell to Bonsey serving as the school’s skeleton model. This also means putting an end to a school tradition that has been a part of the school’s lore for generations and an annoying one if you’re a faculty member. So what is the tradition you may ask that involves the skeleton?

According to Golovkin, there’s a tradition in Lone Moose School, a prank to say the least and it’s not like your usual senior prank where the seniors pull something as they prepare to graduate and move on to their lives because as the episode progresses, especially with Judy and Ham’s class, who are Juniors by the way, all grades are involved. Yeah, the tradition is pretty much Rated E for Everyone with the skeleton being involved in the prank. And how this thing works is that a random student takes out the skeleton from the classroom closet and dumps the skeleton on the doorstep of another student to partake in the tradition and the name of the game is to return the model to the school without getting caught by the adults. So, to sum everything up about what the tradition/prank is about with Bonesy, it’s a game of Don’t Wake Daddy with the student getting the skeleton racing against the clock to get the skeleton back to the school. And daddy in the game... it’s any of the adults at the school. And there are two options from this when going through the episode, you either play a dangerous game of having to sneak the damn thing without getting caught, hoping for luck to be on yourself or you pull a heist a la Ocean’s Eleven and adjust a crew to serve as the distraction so the person who has Bonesy return to the science room closet.

And quite the back-and-forth conversation between Judy and Golovkin when talking about Bonesy and the student tradition because you have the students most of the time returning it successfully while some fail and the teachers keeping score of this as if it’s a game for them and treating it as a teacher vs student type of tradition. And boy, oh boy, Judy was wasting no time to be a bit of a savage because while yes, she, like the rest of the students, is upset that Bonesy’s retirement would mean ending the tradition so that the next generation will never endure it (or at least continue once the new skeleton comes to take Boney’s place), she decided to call Golovkin out because she noticed that the teachers have kept score with all of this and found out that Golovkin didn’t catch a single student participating in the tradition. And in the event the prank gets called into action for one final time before the next week hits where Bonesy is sent away, Golvokin, as much as he wants to pretend that him not catching a student is nothing more than a waste of time, he might as well makes it his life’s mission to get the dub for once in his life before Bonesy is out of the school for good. So, Bonesy gets pushed out of the classroom with Gill, under Golovkin’s instructions, to cart the model out of the classroom...

And we switch over later on to the cafeteria with Judy and Ham, along with Crispin, Kima, and Amelia, at the lunch table and reflect on the times they got hit with the prank and had to return the skeleton and the fun they have despite the suspense from nearly getting caught. Some got caught like Crispin while the others who don’t get to feel the thrill from it. And the two families that got the most action when being Bonesy’d are, of course, the Tobins and another pair of siblings that partook in the event.

That being the Wee Marie Triplets (or how the fuck they’re called from what Judy is saying because, at the time of writing, there is no transcript for yours truly to spell their names), who look like their style hasn’t escaped the 1980s with the way they look and how they dress. So they and the Tobins are tied three a piece with the three from the Tobin camp were Judy, Moon, and Wolf back in the day and I did say that the tradition is Rated E for Everyone, meaning anyone from any grade and any age would partake in it. Ham has not been Bonesy’d. He’s pretty much a Bonesy virgin because he has never been tapped to partake in the event. Hence, why the two families are tied at 3-3, and if Ham were to participate and successfully return the skeleton without getting caught, the Tobins would have the advantage. Ham tries to play it off as him being the only member in the Tobin family to not be tapped but ends up being spilled with hot soup and causing him to head out to wash himself. And hopefully, all of this with the hot soup spilled onto Ham by accident doesn’t come back and would serve as an importance to what is about to come later on in the episode, wink, wink.

We head over to the guest hours later in the day with the subplot (or main plot since the episode title is called “Am I the Ice Hole? Adventure”, in which the ice hole, meaning ice fishing, would be the main plot even though most of the focus in the episode is the Bonesy heist) with Honeybee getting the mail and notices a photo she got of her father Louis in shorts outside of a shorts store dressed up as Abraham Lincoln. According to Honeybee when looking at the photo, back when she was in Fresno, she and Louis had a father/daughter bonding experience where they camped outside of the shorts outlet store where they passed the night drinking wine coolers, playing games, you know, the actual activities when having to wait outside to be the first to get in like it’s Black Friday. And they waited for the night until the early morning hours arrived and for everyone to storm into the building and fight their way to get a pair or more of shorts. It was an experience for Honeybee to have a bonding experience and missed that now since becoming a citizen of Lone Moose.

This leads Wolf to come up with an idea by creating a new bonding experience and he finds the perfect guy for the job, that being Beef. The only problem if you’re Honeybee, they have no bonding experience. And unless you count her helping Beef how to make an impression by writing a poem back in Season 2’s “Poetry of the Penals Adventure” when trying to impress Greta for the first time, they have nothing in common since moving in with the family.

That was until we move on later in the episode at the dinner table with Honeybee asking Beef what is planning on doing in an attempt for her to jump in for her to create a new bonding experience with her father-in-law the same way she has with her father back home. And oh boy, the utter shock once Beef brings up ice fishing that he plans on doing the next day but the real shock was Honeybee in her attempt to bond with Beef ends up joining him for the outing without any given second thoughts to herself or any of the family member’s warning for her until it’s too late and the day is now secured for tomorrow with Beef out to the shed where the ice hole will be at. So, you’re probably for anyone who doesn’t live in the frozen tundra... pretty much everyone in the world who doesn’t live in Alaska, portions of Canada, or the Scandinavian countries who have that for leisure, what’s so bad about ice fishing?

Well, according to the Tobins (sans Dirt), after giving Honeybee the thousand-yard stare, it’s not a fun place. Boring, of course. However, that’s not going to stop Honeybee from planning on living things up a bit once the two reach the shed. But even living things up would not work. Judy, Ham, Wolf, Moon... they had their fair share of spending time with Beef when doing some ice fishing, and let’s just say, it’s not a fun experience. The cold, the silence, the darkness, the thought process of having to go into your subconscious and see the nightmares unfolding in front of your eyes... it’s not a fun experience for them and for the Tobins to Honeybee, consider that as a warning. Though, it’s different for Dirt back in her day when finding a body with his butt frozen and have to do his business from the front. But aside from that, they have Honeybee a warning on what is about to experience once the morning hits. In comparison to what the Tobins have to say about their experience with Beef when going ice fishing, think back to last year to the Aaron Rodgers shit that was going on leading up to him joining the Jets when bringing up the darkness retreat. It might as well be like that with Honeybee once she joins Beef for an ice fishing trip.

Honeybee and Beef head out once the early morning hits on their way to the shack for the day with everything packed and ready to go. And for Honeybee, despite the warnings that the Tobins spew because of their experience, and don’t want Honeybee to go through the same thing they did once she heads out and makes sure to live things up and hopefully have a bonding experience with him the same way she had with Louis back in Fresno. Little does Honeybee know that the warning that the rest of the family is saying to her is about to come to fruition as the episode progresses. So, once Honeybee and Beef leave for the day since it is a Saturday, the scene transitions to Ham inside the house, down the stairs, and getting a cup of coffee for the morning, only to get a knock on the door and remember when finding out that the Tobins are tied at 3-3 with the other family because Ham didn’t get tapped to be Bonesy’d?

Well, here it is. Ham got Bonesy’d to close out the first act of the episode. He’s now been tapped to partake in the tradition one final time since he is the only member of the Tobin family (and probably within the entire student body) to not have participated in the tradition. And now, he has to participate in the tradition for the final time before Bonesy gets sent to retirement for good. And now, going into the second act, with the arrival of Bonesy and Ham being tapped to participate, the Tobin family, since they’re tied with the other family, think that they now have the advantage because if Ham returns the skeleton without getting caught, then the Tobins will have the advantage and a late one at that with the retirement of Bonesy. There’s just one little problem with all of this now that Ham got tapped into doing the job...

He never got in trouble. Never. Never in his life, he has got himself into trouble with authority at school. And now, Ham is about to deal with some pressure to make sure he gets the skeleton back to the school without getting caught. Him playing a dangerous game of... well, Don’t Wake Daddy. This isn’t like... what I can think of with Ham’s little situation of him never getting into trouble at school... the closest I can think of in comparison would be, and yes, going with the Bob’s Burgers comparison for this one, when talking about Ham never being in trouble (by his lonesome, not with a group)...

Kaylee Morganstern. Oh yeah, I’m pulling out of the magic hat for this one with the comparisons. Like Ham, she is afraid of getting caught by a teacher because she never got into trouble. And that was when she went to Louise to ask for help to get into trouble so she could be pulled out of Wagstaff. With Ham, and throughout the series, on his lonesome, has never gotten into trouble. He’s pretty much a goody two-shoes but you can’t blame the guy. He’s pretty much a ray of sunshine and a sweetheart at that. And now, since he’s the only Tobin and pretty much the entire student body in the school to not have participated in the tradition, today’s the day that would all change. Still going to feel the pressure that comes with it over the fear of getting caught by any teacher to the point where he’s pretty much a noob in all of this. Luckily for Ham, he’ll be getting some veteran experience from Wolf, Judy, and Moon who had participated in the event before.

We got Wolf’s experience as the first one up to give Ham some insight tips as he remembers the time he got tapped into participating in the event. On prom night of all nights that he gets the skeleton and has to return the model without getting caught. But prom night seems to be the perfect opportunity to return Bonesy without getting caught. Or rather, Cheesecake got Bonesy’d on prom night and I guess it would be Round 2 for Wolf to participate in the event. Putting some pressure on Cheesecake to get the model back to the school since being tapped on the night of the event. Luckily for Cheesecake, he has Wolf to help him out once the duo arrives at the prom and trick the adults by dressing Bonesy up as his prom date. Just be thankful that Wolf’s girlfriend at the time Lara Silverblatt decided to give up her dress and wig, yes, I said wig because Wolf said that Lara was going through a wig phase at the time, and thus, we’re in business. The plan went foolproof for Wolf, at the behest of Cheesecake, to return the skeleton despite a few hurdles like nearly getting caught by Gibbons and also nearly falling for the skeleton that dressed up as Lara to make sure that nothing suspicious is going on. Aside from all of that, Wolf did his part when remembering the time he got Bonesy’d.

And now, the rest of the family will have to help Ham infiltrate the school to get the skeleton in. The problem for everyone, and especially Ham, is that it’s a Saturday. The school is usually closed for the weekend unless the school does any Saturday tutorials but other than that, it’s closed for the weekend and for everyone, hit a brick wall. Luckily, all is not full doom and gloom because Moon may have found the first special item on the list to make sure Ham returns Bonesy to the school. Calling in Russell since he is the leader of the school’s junior janitors. Meaning that he should be able to open the school up for them. And with that, the heist begins. And a long one at best. And speaking of what is going to be a very long day...

Beef and Honeybee arrived at the shed to begin their ice fishing trip. And so begins what might be a very long day of ice fishing with just the two of them. Honeybee uses the opportunity to begin her attempt to bond with Beef by pulling out a notebook to play some mad libs, attempting to live things up since they’re going to be in the shed for hours on end throughout the day. However, that’s not happening. The same goes for having to pull out wine coolers and all the other stuff while waiting for a fish to be attracted to the bait that you inserted into the water. And already Honeybee is starting to regret what she may have signed up for when joining Beef when hoping to bond with him the same way she did with her father back home in California. Because the name of the game for ice fishing is complete and total silence.

Sure, with fishing, whether it’s regular fishing or ice fishing, you have to be patient for when the time comes for you to catch a fish. This, however, pretty much proves the Tobins’ point on why they regret joining Beef to go ice fishing and now, it’s catching up to Honeybee. With all of this that is going in with this storyline in the episode regarding ice fishing, it’s patience. Meditation also because as Beef said, you have to let your mind be open through the ice hole while you wait for the fish to be attracted to the bait attached to the hook.

Think of what is going on, or what is about to go down, to a meditation retreat. Reliving all the stress out of your system, hearing nothing but the sounds of nature flowing into your ears, and yeah, nothing but silence in the cold for the entire day while playing the waiting game for when either Beef or Honeybee feels a bite from their fishing rods. Complete silence because Beef in this scenario is not up for a conversation despite Honeybee wanting to create a conversation for the two to bond. And ooh boy, it’s gonna be a very long day for Honeybee to go through the entire day with nothing to do but wait for either her or Beef to grab a bite. And the look on her face before going back with the rest of the family, that’s the face that she is now regretting joining her father-in-law in doing some ice fishing.

Now we go back to the rest of the family dealing with Ham’s Bonesy’s situation with everyone arriving at Russell’s doorstep and out comes Russell in his pajamas with a necktie with cinnamon roll printed on it because the family had to interrupt Cinnamon Roll Saturday for the guy. But this is an emergency for the Tobins once Moon asks Russell if he has the keys to the school since he is a member of the Junior Janitors to open the school doors. Once again, the Tobins got hit with a hurdle when finding out that Russell did not have the keys to the school because even though he is a member of the Junior Janitors, a kid like him shouldn’t be lent the keys to the school. Thus, a dead end for Ham in his attempts to return Bonesy to the school. That was until Russell brought up that there is another way to sneak their way to the school, that is a window on the second floor but it would be considered a risky move to do. Never count the Tobins out when it comes to doing something that is considered risky.

Moon knows it once he recalls the time he was Bonesy’d and in typical Moon fashion, he knows ball. Try calling one of the teachers at the school, a math teacher, and lie to her on the phone by telling her that the people who supported the troops in World War II, that being her, that they get a day off with the math teacher, Mrs. Grandspark, falling for the lie. Thinking it’s the President of the United States calling her just for Moon to take her place so he can begin transporting Bonesy back to the school and the science room closet.

And talk about a commitment he is doing after tricking Grandspark while she’s away by impersonating her and making sure neither the students nor the adults are suspicious of what is happening. Dressing up as Grandspark on some Bitsy Brandenham timing with the way Moon is dressed up, teaching the class, grading the papers, and having lunch at the teacher’s lounge, once again, making sure that no one is suspicious of what Moon is doing. And out of the three, soon four, members of the Tobin family who had participated in the tradition, as of this moment in the episode, Moon got this easy once he returned Bonesy after reassembling the model to the science classroom closest. The kid didn’t get caught, not one teacher raised suspicion during the whole ordeal. And Moon made this shit looks easy when having to return Bonesy without getting caught so that no one could outmatch him when doing this... for now. Y’all find out once we get to the end of the episode, trust me. Other than that, Russell tags along to help the Tobins get into the school.

This leads us to the next scene with everyone behind the bushes as every member of the Tobin is ready to roll out, though with two duffle bags with one of the bags containing Bonesy, meaning one of those bags would have to serve as a distraction. Russell is being told to leave the premises since from here on out, it’s an all-Tobin affair since this is Ham’s situation after all. So, Russell does so as instructed but not before he plans on giving everyone a “good luck hug” before being denied by Judy which causes him to exit stage left for I guess the season until January. And now, it’s all on the Tobins to sneak into the school for Ham to return Bonesy to the classroom closet with Ham, once again, feeling the pressure since this is the first time doing this in what is pretty much the last time the tradition will take place.

And that’s where we get to Judy’s time with Bonesy with her experience with the tradition. And her plan back when she was tapped when having to take the model back, well by having her friends dressed up as herself to fool every teacher as if she created clones of herself or a possible flash mob like it’s one of her performances. Treating this screencap above as if you want to add some music over, like, some marching music with Judy and her friends, dressed up as herself, coming into the school. Like... I dunno, the Jedi Temple March theme from Star Wars during Revenge of the Sith with Anakin and the clones marching into the Jedi Temple. Not in the way of what you would think with this scene, nuh-uh.

So, in Judy’s part when describing her experience, she has some of her friends dressed up as herself and enter the school to serve as a distraction. We’re talking about Kima, Amelia, Crispin, John, Gill, Steven, Crissy, and Henry taking part as the distraction so that Judy won’t get caught. Tricking every adult in the school when searching for the real Judy once they entered the school. Gibbons almost did, but ends up catching Gill dressed up as Judy. Meaning that, yes, Judy returned the skeleton without getting caught by the teachers. And thus, ending each of the Tobin siblings’ experiences with Bonesy to give Ham some motivation, keyword “some”, once he enters the school with the skeleton in his possession.

Ending the first half of the episode with Ham still having butterflies in his stomach about having to do the whole thing. Still conflicting about whether he wants to do this as the last-ever student in Lone Moose to participate in the tradition but that’s not the point. The better question is who the hell sent the bones to Ham’s doorstep, as brought up by Dirt. Because if you are tapped to partake in the event, surely, there has to be someone, whether it’s the previous student who participated in the tradition or just a random student, who had to drop the damn thing and want to be hidden so they don’t want to be known. It’s not like every student has to sign an NDA or some shit when doing this because there’s no such thing as one.

Though, when looking back at the episode when talking about who’s the person responsible for sending the skeleton to the Tobin’s property, my dumbass went straight to Gill. Think about it, or don’t, in the first couple of scenes earlier in the episode when Golovkin announced that Bonesy is being sent to the gulag for retirement, you have Gill being upset over the news, and at the end of the first scene, you have Gill, as Golovkin instructed, taking the skeleton out. That is what I thought at first but looking back on it, I really doubt that happened and we’ll get to who really sent Ham the skeleton and we’re talking about the same person who teamed up with Kima back in Season 2 to turn Judy’s mystery party to a crime scene with the pizza being replaced with a pair of underwear.

Ham thinks that it was from someone in Wisconsin, a baker named Christopher Cakes, who isn’t the biggest fan of Ham’s creations. And oh boy, Dirt was wasting no time in wanting to take down the guy, give the woman some info and she might be getting ready to see Cakes to the Great Baker in the Sky, much to Ham’s dismay because threats of violence is the last thing Ham wants. And his biggest hater sending him the skeleton seems a little excessive for someone who just leave a hateful comment. Though, I can already bet for anyone who has an Alexa when watching the show, whether it’s on the night it came out, on DVR, or Hulu here in the States (hopefully this episode won’t be a long ass wait across the world on Disney+), that the moment Dirt and later Ham yelled out Alexa, I can already bet some of y’all’s Alexas got turned on right before the break. Tell me I’m wrong if you’re an Alexa user who watched the show when it came out.

Entering the second half of the episode and quite the start we got in just seconds once Moon and Judy entered the school with one duffel bag in their possession and got stopped by Golovkin. Remember at the start of the episode where Judy called Golovkin out because he’s the only teacher who has never caught a student participating in the prank and tries to scoff and pretend that he doesn’t care for that? Yeah, he wants to score a win for once, and knowing that it’s the last week to have Bonesy at the school before being sent away, he’s running out of time for him to catch a student who had been tapped in participating in the prank. However, Golovkin gets tricked by Judy and Moon when opening one of the two duffel bags that Judy is carrying, revealing it to be a bag filled with apples. This means that Golovkin is now on the hunt to find whoever has the other bag that contains Bonesy, which Ham is carrying, meaning that he may have already put two and two together that Ham has the skeleton. Adding more pressure onto him going into the next scene in this plot.

Because we go back to the ice shack with Honeybee and Beef and did I mention that Honeybee is already regretting her decision to join Beef in doing some ice fishing? Oh yeah, she is truly regretting that decision when trying to bond with her father-in-law. She thought to herself that maybe should do something to at least live things up but Beef means business when it comes to ice fishing, being focused, and in complete silence, she now notices that there’s no way that she’ll find something that they would have in common. This leads Honeybee to become weary because of how boring this whole experience is to the point where she is about to fall asleep. Well, technically, not in a full sleep where you were in class and having to go through a boring lecture to the point where your mind decides to knock you out of commission... for a short time, of course. Leading Honeybee into a limbo state where you’re half-awake and half-asleep, nice little imagery that is used for the mindscape by the way, as mentioned by the rest of the Tobins, you’re going to face your nightmares. Coming across wit-

Jesus fucking Christ, that design of the monster that Honeybee conjured up. And yes, this portion of the review had to be typed near or at 3:00 in the morning my time, so that’s gonna haunt my dreams... yeah. God, the design of that monster that Honeybee brought up looks like a combination of The Noid from the old Domino’s commercials and Hippocampus from Krapopolis and mashed it into one for someone’s sick amusement. And the way that monster was acting towards Honeybee in her nightmares... lock that asshole up. Send him to whatever level of Impel Down to be placed or a few cells from where P. Diddy is going to be locked up. God, that looks a bit terrifying from Honeybee’s perspective. Especially when seeing him with kids... no. Just... just no. To the point where Honeybee wakes up from limbo and now realizes that she is now regretting her decision to join Beef in doing some ice fishing. And yeah, might as well get this part of the scene of the plot out of the way before going back to the other plot with the skeleton.

Quite the performance there coming from Dulce Sloan with this scene with Honeybee breaking down after realizing that she has regrets joining Beef in doing some ice fishing because of how boring it is, feeling through the cold, going through radio silence out in the wilderness, and just got out of a nightmare when going through limbo. Honeybee only doing this because she wants to have a bonding experience with Beef but is having massive difficulty in trying to find something they can have in common. And all this boils down to her missing her dad. No, Louis isn’t dead, it just missing hanging out with him since moving with the Tobins and it pains her that she misses the one time in her life when she has to spend time with a parent, mostly her dad, that she has the most bonding experience with, whereas Beef, quite difficult to get to him when trying to find something in common.

In comes Beef to comfort her following her breakdown by telling her that he doesn’t mind doing this and was hoping for any of his kids to enjoy it but ends up failing to get through the limbo experience, getting through their nightmares, and all the other stuff that came with the ice fishing experience, or inexperience, that with Honeybee joining him, she would the one to go through that but ends up failing as well. And if you go through the limbo, as Beef did years prior, you’ll luckily get the fish to your fishing rod to reel it in. And for Honeybee, decides to give ice fishing another go, thanks in part to Beef’s little speech when comforting her and accepts Honeybee’s declaration to give it another shot and continue their day ice fishing, and also decides to live things up a little by bringing out a few drinks from her bag. Mostly a wine cooler for her and for Beef, a can of Four Loko that she said earlier in the episode bought it from the black market. Yeah, I don’t know anything about how she does that leading up to her trip, but best that we leave it as it be.

Checking back at the rest of the Tobin family with the Bonesy situation with Golovkin on high alert now that he found out that Ham has Bonesy in his possession and won’t stop until he catches him redhanded from reaching the science room. Especially since he stopped Judy and Moon with one of the duffel bags that he thought contained the missing skeleton but turned out to be a bag full of apples. Once Golovkin returns inside the school, the coast is clear for the rest of the Tobin family to enter the school... or rather, Ham alone has to do the job since Judy and Moon already did their job as the distraction and per Wolf’s instruction, Ham’s on his own for here on out since the finish line is nearby. Wolf’s not going to serve as a sacrificial pawn like with Judy and Moon and neither will Dirt. And the last thing Ham needs once going inside on his own is Dirt planning on putting Golovkin in a chokehold. So now, everything is riding on Ham to get the skeleton back to the classroom with the family’s legacy and his own on the line before the skeleton leaves the school for good. Treating it as if it’s the fourth quarter with only less than a minute to go on the clock, down by around two points with no timeouts to make a game-winning touchdown or field goal. Ham makes his way to the science room with the skeleton in the bag like a football to the endzone, or at least the red zone or field goal range...

Only for the fool to run the ball to the goal and fumble. Ham got caught by Golovkin, who had waited for him to pop up the moment he found out that he (Ham) got tapped to participate in the prank. Wasting no time playing the waiting game to make sure that he gets a win for once in his life before Bonesy gets sent away for good once the new school week arrives. And now, he did the deed, and for the Tobins, not a look good for them with their reputation now dashed because of Ham... well, he probably looked around from all directions once he entered the building to make sure that Golovkin since he’s the only one in the school, on a Saturday no less, but he probably stormed into the building without looking and that would be considered Ham’s downfall and thus, got caught by Golovkin and by the door of the science classroom... or so we thought. We’ll wait on that for a bit.

We go back to the ice hole plot to start the final quarter of the episode with Beef and Honeybee continuing to ice fish with Honeybee giving the activity another shot after the breakdown that had to go through. Going back to the world of limbo while she waits for her time to capture a fish from her fishing rod. This time around in her limbo state, Beef is with her and despite that, yes, that abomination of God that is the monster with eyes all across his body is there and skating circling around the two adults. Thank God that seeing the monster is short-lived once Honeybee now noticed a shadow of a fish swimming underneath from inside the ice. Signaling that Honeybee may have gotten herself a bite.

Which she reeled the sucker out of the hole and quite the big ass fish that Honeybee caught after going through hours of being stuck inside the shed that felt like an eternity but she survived. She survived the whole experience and finally got herself a fish out of the frozen water. And a big ass fish at that, looks like the two adults will be taking home the biggest catch of the day and all it took was surviving through the entire day in the cold dealing with dead radio silence and surviving your worst nightmares in an attempt to get yourself a bite. And a bite to eat because it looks like we’re having fish tonight.

Back to the skeleton plot with Golovkin catching Ham redhanded by the door of the science classroom, thinking that Ham got the actual Bonesy in the duffel bag that he is carrying, which has to be open for Golovkin to see in hopes for him to get a win before the skeleton is permanently removed from the school. However, the skeleton that Ham is carrying in the bag he is carrying... that’s not Bonesy. It’s the same skeleton according to Golovkin, but Ham doesn’t think so. This causes Golovkin to go inside the classroom and open the closet and believe that Bonesy isn’t there in the closet, still thinking that the skeleton is in the bag. Oh boy, Ham got Golovkin good with this scene when entering the two-minute warning of the episode with Golovkin taking out an item that is underneath a cloak and revealed to be the actual Bonesy. The fucker got fooled and the skeleton that Ham is carrying in his bag... turns out to be a Halloween decoration once he presses the button and you see its eyes glowing. Golovkin thought that he was going to get a dub in the event, thinking that this was his golden opportunity after catching Ham redhanded in the final weekend of having Bonesy around... motherfucker is going home with an L and for Ham, he pretty much gave the Tobins an advantage at 4-3 against the other family when participating in the prank.

And now, entering the two-minute warning of the episode and probably the season and now, we get to the background of how Ham got tapped into partaking in the last-ever Bonesy prank in Lone Moose School. First off, found out that Bonesy has never really left the school at all after Ham was tapped, of course, we see that after Golovkin got tricked by Ham the moment he pulled out the skeleton under the cloak. As for how Ham got involved in all of this, being picked into participating in the event, go back to earlier in the episode when the hot soup spilled onto Ham after everyone at the table found out that he hadn’t participated in the prank. The “hot soup” that spilled onto him that caused Ham to leave the cafeteria to have his groin treated... that’s not hot soup. Not even soup at all and instead, it’s just warm water that was poured into his bowl.

Instead, he makes his way to the skeleton that served as a decoration from the student council office and uses it as a decoy because he is a member of the council and has access to the decorations. He pulls the skeleton out while wearing a lot of spider rings because it’s Ham being Ham, and takes it out and takes it to the science room once fifth period hits with the room being empty so no one will spot him. Covers Bonesy, the actual Bonesy under the cloak, and places the decoy to serve as Bonesy. It’s like as if the skeleton was never taken out at all once placing the decoration to serve in Bonesy’s place. As for who tapped Ham into participating in the prank for the last time in the school’s history? None other than...

Ham Tobin himself. He tapped himself the moment he left the cafeteria and this was upon hearing the news of Bonesy getting retired and he is not missing that out with him being the only Tobin and student in the school who had never participated in the prank. As for who we thought originally once Ham hid himself from behind the desk that tapped him into doing the heist by dropping the skeleton outside of Ham’s doorstep, none other than Judy and Moon who had to take the decoy out of the closet, not knowing that it’s a decoy skeleton and not the actual Bonesy. I mean, it would make sense for Judy and Moon to do it because they don’t want Ham to miss out once Bonesy is out of their lives for good once the new week hits. They don’t want him to be left out and also, competition since they were tied with the other family before Ham stepped up and successfully placed Bonesy back by not taking him out and placing the decoy instead.

The fucker planned this from the start. From the start, he planned this out of the blue the moment Golovkin announced Boney’s retirement. On some Sosuke Aizen, Eren Jaeger timing with the way he pulled the strings. The dude’s an Op. He’s an Op. He pulled the strings and planned everything by having things played out and then... bam! You did not expect that to happen and it shook you like an earthquake. I mean, the only comparisons that I can think of with Ham pulling the strings would be, and I know that y’all are already tired of the Bob’s Burgers comparisons, first off, fuck you, it’s my page, I can do whatever; and second, the comparison to all of this with Ham and the Bonesy prank, think back to the Bob’s Burgers episode “The Millie-churian Candidate” with Henry Haber. His campaign was dead in the water when going against Jimmy Jr in the election and in order to win the school election, he decided to pull the strings to make sure the election went his way by having Millie throw her hat and picking up steam, have Louise join Jimmy Jr’s campaign because of the fear of a Millie Frock administration and do massive damage control to tank his campaign, have Louise launch her campaign (also dead in the water), breaking into Frond’s office for Millie to self-destruct her campaign on the day of the election, and have everyone but Henry disqualified. Either that or the rap beef earlier this year with the release of “Meet the Grahams” by Kendrick Lamar following the release of “Family Matters” by Drake an hour apart. Either way, give a round of applause for Ham for pulling that stunt to fool not just Golovkin, but everyone by playing scriptwriter for this episode.

Of course, the celebration has to come to a screeching halt once the episode ends once Bonesy is dropped off at the doorstep with all four of the siblings written on the note attached. Golovkin wants a rematch after what happened earlier in the day and for Ham and now the entire family, it’s challenge accepted one last time in participating in the prank in a 7-v-1 and thus, end of the episode and hopefully the season unless something happens between October and December before we get to January 2025 with Season 5.


So all and all, what do I think about the second of the doubleheader of The Great North? And out of the two episodes that came out this week, or rather, this past week because by the time of posting, it’s already a new week, but out of the two episodes that came out this past Sunday, this was the better of the two. No bullshitting, this was the better of the two episodes that came out this week.

Both plots are enjoyable, not gonna lie. Sure, some slow moments from here and there with certain moments but it didn’t sour my enjoyment of it. And out of the two plots that I enjoyed the best, I would tip my hat to the heist plot. Yeah, I said it. The heist plot was something I enjoyed from this episode. Especially at the end of the episode when finding out how Ham pulled it out and that he was the one who was pulling the strings before being officially tapped into participating. He played the part well throughout the episode the moment the skeleton gets dropped at his doorstep and for someone who at once never got into trouble in his life on his lonesome, despite nearly getting caught, that’s some freaking commitment right there for Ham when having to participate in the prank upon hearing that Bonesy is getting retired. And also seeing Judy, Moon, and Wolf’s experience with Bonesy in their various flashbacks, that was interesting too.

The other plot with Honeybee and Beef ice fishing was interesting too. There were some slow moments, especially the two starting fishing and Honeybee trying to live things up by attempting to play mad libs and pulling out a wine cooler, and was expected that she would regret doing this and later decide to give it another go, only for her to catch herself a fish, but it didn’t stop me from enjoying it. And the moment that Honeybee broke down after realizing that she regrets doing some ice fishing, that is some performance right there from Sloan and quite a touching scene between Honeybee and Beef when comforting her. So, both plots are enjoyable and yeah, out of the two episodes that came out this past weekend, this was the better of the two. So I’ll give “Am I the Ice Hole? Adventure”...

An 8 out of 10. But that’s my opinion and I wanna hear yours in the comments below. We’re done with Season 4 and hopefully, we’re done with the season...well, except for me because there are still two episodes that I haven’t gotten the chance, don’t worry, it’s coming. It’s coming. Relax. But for now, it’s all Bob’s Burgers from here on out up until January and yes, I’ll get the review to “The Big Steblitzki” out before the start of Season 15, just got to do the review of the upcoming episode, the last episode of Season 14, “To Catch a Beef” first... once the episode comes out at the time of posting.

Follow me on Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Mastodon, BlueSky, and Threads for updates and behind-the-scenes stuff. We have a Quarterfinals match for this week between Jolyne Cujoh (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure) and Son Gohan (Dragon Ball) in the 2024 Battle of the Week Voting Tournament that is currently underway (hasn’t been made at the time of posting but will be open once the afternoon hits leading up to the new Bob’s Burgers episode). Link to the poll in the bio of my socials. The poll closes on Saturday. And y’all should know the drill by now...

Donate over at PayPal, Patreon, and Ko-fi pages to help your boy out in both improving the bills and keeping the lights on to pump some content for y’all to embrace my BS. And until the next time, get vaccinated, register to vote, and a reminder that you’re loved, you’re beautiful, ignore the haters, and I’ll see y’all later.

***The Great North is owned by 20th Television Animation, Bento Box Animation, and Wendy Molyneux, Lizzie Molyneux-Logelin, and Minty Lewis. Please Support the Official Release***

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