
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Bob's Burgers Season 14, Episode 15 Review: The Gayle Audition Files and the Grinder That Counts | yahoo201027's Bob's Burgers Reviews


For anyone wondering where the review of “The Big Steblitzki” for Bob’s Burgers or either “Welcome to Miami Adventure” and/or “Worst Drives Club Adventure”, it is coming. It is coming and under construction. It’s just these episodes have come on and boy, oh boy, it’s already packed as it is. Especially after getting my laptop battery replaced and now having to be concerned about one brief memory crash after another when doing these. But for now, just be thankful that things are somewhat back to normal operations and it’s going to be a challenge to play catch-up before Season 15 begins in less than two weeks. So, for right now, it’s these set of episodes that will be the focus, and luckily that starting next week, it’s all Bob’s Burgers, so the catch-up game should at least be “easily” handled before the season begins.

In this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers, when Gayle plans on sending her audition tape in her attempts to land herself in a survival reality show, Linda is determined to make sure that she won’t get the spot in her attempt to not embarrass herself on primetime TV, but that’s not going to stop the kids to make the tape more interesting while Bob...yeah, he struggles with an electric grinder in my spoilerific review of the fifteenth episode of Season 14 of Bob’s Burgers, titled “The Right Tough Stuff”.

When it comes to the idea of wanting to become famous, there are various steps in wanting to get the spotlight hover over you. Various options of wanting to be noticed by someone in the big leagues hoping that one day, you, yes, you, become a household name through any form of media or anything in everyday life once you appear on the news in a positive way than being on the headlines segment for the first five minutes of your local news for doing some stupid act. And TV seems to be the way to go, it’s a tale as old as time since the invention of the small screen. And certain shows like game shows or reality shows seem to be the way to go in the attempt to become famous... aside from wanting to get your hands on the cash prize or any other prize that you’re desperate to get like a trip to Hawaii or getting a new washer and dryer that would cost less than whatever price you’d found at a nearby Lowe’s.

And that was what Gayle was aiming for in this week’s episode with her wanting to get her moment to shine on TV. Primetime TV to be exact by filming an audition tape and hoping that she can land a spot on a reality show based on the show Survivor because the rules of television can be a hassle despite the show often times making pop culture references. And reading the synopsis of the episode when it came out a few weeks ago, it does sound like another episode of Linda having to quote-on-quote “babying” Gayle as we saw in various episodes whenever Gayle made her appearance. Yeah, Gayle has some issues. She has some issues. But throw in money as the prize in the event Gayle does make the cut, that’s more than enough for the kids to get involved. Then again, there are a lot of options on how to get famous without having to make an ass yourself but knowing that we are in the age of the internet and social media...yeah, we here at yahoo201027 condone you to do anything stupid that could potentially put harm to your physicals and your mentals. Y’all should know better. That being said, time to break this sucker down piece by piece... because there are a lot of things that needed to be taken care of before we get to Season 15 because I missed a week thanks in part to the battery needing to be replaced, this is “The Right Tough Stuff”.

The episode starts with a piece of old kitchen equipment in dire need of getting replaced as we begin the episode with the Belchers at the restaurant, just as the kids put napkins into the dispenser and Linda fondling over a couple of pennies in the register. A new set of pennies to be exact. And the piece of kitchen equipment in question that needs to be replaced according to Bob is the meat grinder. The old meat grinder dates back to the very beginning of the series and now, 270+ episodes later and now, the damn thing needs to be replaced. 

And it’s all due to the sounds it was making when Bob was using it to grind the meat, probably due to the crank of the grinder or the portion of the machine when using the crank, I’m not a mechanic but that has to be the source of what is causing the issue. The point is, that the machine is ready to be replaced after making the sounds but also, Bob having to fight with it to make sure things go smoothly regarding the cranking mechanism the same way you try to fight with your phone or phone charger to make sure your thing is fully charged. It’s a hassle to some and a pain in the ass that your only option would be to get that thing replaced unless you send it to a repair shop. So, we have the subplot already set up for the episode.

Now, to the main plot with Gayle coming into the restaurant after the family noticed her outside the restaurant doing some jogging before entering the building. She tells the family the reason she was jogging just moments ago is that she is preparing herself to do something that she has never done before in her life until now. She’s getting ready to film her audition for a TV show, a reality TV show, in hopes for her to land a spot and get a moment in the spotlight. And the show that she aiming to be a part of the cast of is a survival reality show, which is why she had to get into shape... well, aside from... well, how to survive like finding food or not getting poisoned. Just think of the show Survivor because that is what the show that Gayle wants to be in is... or Total Drama Island to the few who know what a true survival reality show is.

The name of the show is called Tough Stuff Island, as I said, think of Survivor or Total Drama Island if you’re a Gen Zer or Alpha, with the show is about that Gayle is attempting to audition. The cash money as the prize already got the kids’ attention courtesy of Louise and that’s more than enough for them to throw their support to their aunt (but it’s mostly because of the money once it was brought up, all depends on how far Gayle would in the event she does end up on there).

Linda on the other hand, feels some skepticism because of how things will turn out for Gayle. As much as she wants to show her support for her younger sister and wants nothing but the best for her to get that spot. It is just that the sisters have passed their prime and getting too old to do something active because, at the tender ages of 42 and 44, that’s old enough for them to not even think about fighting the accusations of becoming seniors. Linda had to put it out there because the people that participated in the show are active and under the 40s range. Even though there are some people over their 40s, hell, there are some who are in their 60s, 70s, or... fuck in their 90s who are still kicking it and staying active.

And Gayle is already committing to make sure the audition tape goes right for her to land the spot on the show. It all comes down to how will Linda fare as the episode progresses. Especially when bringing up the past moments that Gayle wanted to try out through various flashbacks with them setting up a cardboard cutout to prevent burglars from invading her place, building a panic room for her cats, and trying out acupuncture, it all comes down to how much support Linda wants to throw to her sister while at the same time, looking out for her well-being. Might as well see how the filming of the audition tape will pan out.

Onto Bob’s side of the episode later in the day with him at the appliance store to find a new grinder for him to grind the meat, pause, to make some burgers. Looking for something similar to the old one that he had been using for years and hoping that the handheld grinder is there on the shelves. The problem for Bob is that the store doesn’t have that. At least, not anymore because out goes the handheld stuff where you have to give your arm a workout when grinding the ground beef into a beef patty, and unless it’s like an old handheld TV with an antenna with no connection to a digital receiver or a radio in your emergency survival kit, they’re now out of style unless it’s there at a flea market or a thrift store or maybe if Amazon or eBay has it. Not Temu, because fuck that. This leads Bob to get an electronic grinder for him to take home. Letting the machine do its work with no hands needed aside from how to program the damn thing, though it’s gonna take a while for Bob to get through, especially once we get to the end of the first act of the episode with him reading the instructions after the purchase was made.

Which he does as Linda decides to do some research on the show that Gayle is planning to send her audition tape once the filming is complete. The company behind the grinder that Bob bought is called Torino, which, of course, is made in Italy. And if you remember the espresso machine back in Season 3 when Tina became addicted to espresso and pretty much all things caffeine; if you know, you know. Back to Linda, she’s doing some research on Tough Stuff Island and the video speaks for itself when seeing snippets of the show. Showing people who are young and athletic doing some challenges like pushing an empty oil barrel up the shore, seeing that the contestants there are more athletic and active as they look in comparison to Linda, who tried to a split while at the dance floor that one time through a flashback and nearly broke an ankle or semblance of her reputation despite her being active on the dance floor and telling herself after that would be mishap that age is catching up to her.

However, it’s the next two sections of the video that got the alarm bells ringing for Linda when researching the show that Gayle is planning on auditioning. Especially in the last section with some folks who, like Gayle, tried to audition by showing off their skills but ultimately failed to the point that you questioned themselves if they were either serious about being on a survival show or sent it to the wrong show and thought it would go to America’s Funniest Home Videos, even though there are compilations now online whether being on YouTube or TikTok. That should be more than enough for Linda to now step in and make sure that Gayle doesn’t make an ass of herself on camera going into the next day. Hoping for things to go right for her to at least not fall into the fail compilation of the video or not get the spot at all. Which, almost sounded like Linda is praying and ready to attempt to perform Gayle’s downfall, but that’s not the case. She cares for her sister and wants to throw her support for her, but after seeing the videos, especially at the section of the video where people tried and failed when showing off their skills, there’s no other choice but to make sure that Gayle does not make an ass of herself once filming begins going into the second act.

Speaking of the second act, going into the next day, Linda and the kids are on their way out with the camera on hand for them preparing to meet with Gayle at the park to get her audition tape rolling. Leaving Bob to be on his lonesome because he has to deal with the new meat grinder that he bought the day before. Other than that, Linda and the kids are heading out with Linda poised to make sure that Gayle doesn’t make an ass of herself to the point where she doesn’t land herself on the fail portion of the audition tape compilation. And for the kids to jump aboard, to make sure that things go right so Gayle ends up on the show because, of course, they want their hands on the money as the prize. Even though for that to happen, they don’t give you the money right away, it’s a competition and you have to survive through the whole season till you are the last person standing. That’s how this shit works. So the kids will have to make sure that things go well, super well on how the audition tape will go for Gayle to land a spot on the show, that is if Linda is even on board with it since it looks like she’s doing so she doesn’t make an ass of herself.

The family minus Bob arrives at the park with Gayle getting ready for the production to begin. Stretching herself by the exercise section of the park as she is ready to go and do some stunts. Starting small with the exercise equipment at the park with the kids, rather Louise, wants Tina and Gene to serve as the bears as if they’re going to treat it as if she’s on the show and about to go through a bear attack. And the audition itself, whether it’s the park, the beach, or the bleachers at a football field... I know that the argument here regarding the message of the episode is on the topic of age and activity... oh boy, Gayle does not look like the athletic type when performing the stunts that she is doing.

Sure, the age conversation is there, it’s just... her trying to make an impression... how should I put this lightly? Y’all remember the moment when you got your first steps when you were a toddler or saw shows or movies with someone who wants to compete but shows that the person in question has no skills to the point where you want to feel sorry for that person... it’s like that with Gayle. And that’s not me saying it even though it does, that’s all that I saw and retweeted on Twitter during the premiere. And we all saw it and I think some have flashbacks to when they were in Gayle’s shoes when having to audition to be a part of an extracurricular activity. Gayle gets up across the balance beam and for the Belcher kids, Louise decides that it’s best to step it up a bit to make the video more appealing by sending out Tina and Gene to pretend as bears and go after their aunt as if the video is about her attempting to survive a would-be bear attack. Though I’m pretty sure the island there on the show doesn’t have any bears in attendance. Mainly because the island is tropical and not up north in the piney forest as if the show is filmed in Canada. And this is only the beginning.

We go back to the restaurant with Teddy getting his burger, now becoming a taste tester since the installation of the new meat grinder. And here we go, Bob is fishing for compliments on the burger patty and wants some notes on whether it tastes the same as the old grinder or it tastes differently. Putting some pressure on Teddy as he takes the first bite. It’s like watching a child finish a drawing and show it to their parents, hoping to like the piece without having to hurt that child’s feelings. Some shades of the one scene in “Sit Me Baby, One More Time” with the family being put on potential blast when getting burgers that aren’t made by him and fishing for compliments if whether or not it’s better than his. And it’s sort of like that with the meat grinder in this scene and questions whether the patty is good with the old hand-crank grinder or the new, mechanical one that he bought at the store. Teddy takes a few more bites before finally getting the taste of the patty, getting some of the same taste with some differences in between. That should be more than enough for Teddy to lay out his notes on what he thinks about the patty through the new meat grinder.

Leading Bob to introduce Teddy to the machine when watching the item finishing up grinding the meat into the tray. And despite that Bob has to know how the thing works since getting the item the day before after finding out that the old grinder, now placed on the shelf behind both him and Teddy, it is doing its job well and saving Bob some time without having to rely on his arm to grind the meat. But don’t expect the new meat grinder to become a permanent staple going forward. Because this is the last we’ll see this subplot until we get to the near-end of the fourth act of the episode. Especially because you have the old grinder at the shelf facing at them as if the thing has eyes and stares at the two men, especially Bob, as if the hand-crank machine wants to be back into submission. And now, it sort of feels like something coming out of “Sacred Couch” with the living room couch. The old one becomes defective, the family gets a new one and then regrets it after purchasing it. Don’t worry, this time, it won’t be a massive money-waster once we get to the end of the episode.

Going back to the audition portion of the episode, you can see why Linda has to be somewhat concerned about her sister’s well-being once the tape is sent to the show. And the audition scenes in the second act of the episode show it. The park scene is one thing with Gayle using the step-up beams (only for Louise to send out Tina and Gene to go and pretend that they’re bears to make the video more appealing), but her at the beach with her running and later at the football field and getting up the bleachers, not by her feet, but crawl her way up the stairs. Don’t know why they can’t take Gayle to a rock climbing wall for her to test out her climbing abilities but alright I guess. Though, there are some conversations where you could say to yourself that Linda is somewhat sabotaging the film because of that one scene with her filming Gayle running, only for her to pan away to the ocean for a bit. Not saying that Linda is a hater in all of this, but again, she knows where she is coming from when it comes to looking out for Gayle’s well-being.

That, and the one scene where Linda had to put the camera down and both she and also Tina and Louise see Gene by the goalpost, staring it with him being the ball in the event Gayle plans on kicking him to the goalpost. Don’t know why they couldn’t get a football or maybe a soccer ball, I know the difference between football in the US (and Canada) and football/futbol around the world but I feel like that they should’ve brought in some props to serve as obstacles for the audition tapes. But no, gotta have Gene serve as the ball. And hopefully, the Gene ball gets through the post instead of shanking it. The pain is still fresh for Bills fans after that Divisional game against the Chiefs back in January. Or Bears fans after the double doink. Other than that, it looks like Linda got all she needs on tape and is ready to edit, which has been taken care of later in the episode as we are now at the two-minute warning of the first half of the episode...

Everyone saw the video that was edited by Linda. And the kids straight up hate it after seeing it to the point where they decide to have a private meeting with their mother over what was going on with the filming of Gayle’s audition tape. They don’t like on what Linda is doing with her in charge of the camera when filming Gayle’s audition tape as if she was sabotaging her chances to be on the show. Causing a back-and-forth between her and her kids over whether or not Gayle should be on the show after seeing her performance that was captured on camera. The kids need Gayle to do more because, again, the cash prize of a million dollars is on the line (again, Gayle would have to be on the show and survive through the whole season if she wanted to clinch the prize and for the kids to take a portion) but Linda thinks that she’s fine with the clips that she got from the day and is poised to send it to the show to hopefully not get the spot.

Especially when bringing up the old drawbridge when talking about how Gayle used to be a good climber, key word “was” since she might as well passed her prime as if Gayle is in her Celtic Shaq era. Saying that Gayle used to be a good climber when she and Linda were teenagers, climbing to the top and jumping into the canal as if she was diving down to get a spot for the diving team. That was when they were high back in the day and serving it as a mini-hangout spot. Other than that, Linda forbids the kids from ever thinking about going to the old drawbridge for Gayle to climb to the top and jump for her audition as she still thinks that everything she got is fine as it is.

Yeah, that’s not going to stop the kids from going behind Linda’s back going into the end of the first half once the early morning hours hit and being picked up by Gayle when entering the second half of the episode. Gayle and the kids hit the road on their way to the old drawbridge to film Gayle’s attempt to climb and get it on film following the kids calling Linda out for not taking enough film of Gayle doing her audition, let alone her poor editing and her would-be attempt on sabotaging Gayle’s shot of landing a spot on the show. And now, the kids have a shot to do a redo, rather, film an extra scene and the drawbridge is the scene that the kids needed to film for them to send to the show for Gayle to earn herself a spot.

The four continue to be on the road, with the kids lying to Gayle to make sure what they’re doing isn’t suspicious to get Linda’s attention because she forbids them from doing it, but end up doing it because of everything that is going on leading up to the video’s presentation. The kids and Gayle continue their road trip to the old drawbridge as the early morning takes place and on the way there, Gayle decides to put on some road trip music... but not the songs that she put on a playlist like Spotify or downloaded into her device’s media library, you know, copyrighted songs. There are some copyrighted songs but replace them with vocal covers... by Gayle herself. So hey, if the audition thing to get on a reality show doesn’t work out... there’s always this. Whether on YouTube or... I guess SoundCloud? I don’t know if they’re relevant these days.

We go back to the building miles away from Gayle and the kids with Bob and Linda at the breakfast table with Bob reading the paper and Linda making herself a meal with the conflict over the new grinder coming up as a conversation starter. I mean, we already know that the new grinder isn’t going to be a permanent staple but Bob has that new grinder in his mind because of the improvements it came with after buying it. So basically, it’s like you remember getting a gaming console on Christmas and the thought on your head throughout the holiday break, and going into the new year, your focus is on that focus and wanting to play. That sounded like Bob with his new grinder... well, except to the point where, unlike a gaming console, not going to be a permanent staple.

The conversation takes a shift to another topic once Linda notices an odd odor plaguing the kitchen. Linda notices that it was the smell of someone farting, already knows that it would be Gene who would release the gas, and put two and two together that the kids ate their breakfast earlier. And Bob... the dude can’t lie to his wife about what the kids are planning on doing with Gayle. He just fucking blabbed it out to Linda on the kids heading to the old drawbridge for Gayle to climb up for her audition tape. Like, there was no mention whatsoever of whether or not the kids told Bob to keep his mouth shut or at least threaten something that he likes to be put in harm’s way like... I dunno... the meat grinder. If this were the previous version of the show, you know they would. But this the modern series, wouldn’t harm a fly and just pray that no one will notice. And y’all seen anime, right? The almighty mom trope, also known as the mama bear trope. And the kids just poked the bear thanks in part to Bob’s big mouth over what they’re about to do with Gayle on their way to the drawbridge.

And poked the bear they did once we get back to the kids and Gayle in Gayle’s car on their way to the drawbridge where the music gets cut off by an incoming call from Linda, which the kids now notice that their mother has now know what is going on and need to make a break for it. Louise has to step in and tell Gayle to not answer the phone and thinks that Linda’s number is one of the spam bots that is calling her, going for the name “Scam Likely”. Of course, Gayle, being Gayle, thinks that someone who might be a scammer is just someone who Gayle needs to talk to... yeah, friendly talk that would result in getting your information stolen through a single phone call. At least she’s smart on this one but she really needs to get to know the lingo on how not to respond to a spam caller. The kids swipe the ignore button, leaving Linda hanging.

And going back to the house after the revelation, Linda is becoming pissed. Like super pissed over the kids going behind her back with Gayle to the old drawbridge. Angrily searches for the keys, in which Bob thinks that it should be a good idea for Linda to let him drive because the last thing that the two need at this hour is for Mama Bear Linda ready to transform into potential Road Rage Linda.

And this moment in a flashback shows it with Linda angrily honking at someone just for being slow. To the point where we could’ve been moments away from seeing a possible road rage incident occurring. Either that or just she doesn’t like the traffic because tick-tock, you’re wasting my time. We all saw that one moment in Season 2’s “Food Truckin’” when we saw an angry Linda on the road and we saw it in this episode, even if it’s a flashback. And a smart decision to let Bob drive for this one once they head out to reach the kids and Gayle to the drawbridge.

The hour of judgment has arrived once we get to the end of the third act of the episode with the kids and Gayle arriving at the old drawbridge. And despite that, it had been a long time since she last climbed up the drawbridge that had been suspended upward for years, not to mention how rusty it looked appearance-wise but that’s not going to stop Gayle from doing the impossible by climbing up the old drawbridge to the top and for the kids to film the whole thing. Not knowing that with how old and rusty the bridge is and also how a bit rusty Gayle is when it comes to her being physically active could potentially put Gayle at risk of a possible injury. I’m not a doctor and I saw some people trying to play doctor online a few weeks ago when watching the near-end of the Brazil game between the Packers and Eagles. But yeah, the kids would not know that Gayle climbing up the old bridge, especially at her current age and her trying to get into shape, would potentially put her at risk of possible injury. Either that or her mind or Father Time himself telling her to bow out. But Gayle decides to take the risk and begins climbing once the camera is turned on and recording her doing the job.

Just as Bob and Linda are out in the open road on their way to the old drawbridge to stop Gayle from climbing the drawbridge, though by now, she has already started climbing, so it’s now telling her to stand down and face reality. Age has been the topic of conversation in this episode aside from the idea of Gayle... well, being Gayle during the filming process earlier in the episode. Linda had already accepted that she was getting old and all this because she tried to do the split that one time and it was her body telling her that she peaked. And wants Gayle to face reality as well about them being middle-aged and their bodies slowly starting to wear down as if Father Time is catching up to them. Whether you want to say that Linda is only looking out for her sister because she doesn’t want to be humiliated on primetime TV or just let face reality which almost sounds like she’s being a hater even though that’s not the case. And oh yeah, this isn’t the only episode from one one that has to deal with this type of topic. There’s also another one coming up waiting in the wings that came out the same night, just replace the word “old” with “young” and replace the physical activity with how to treat wildlife animals.

We enter the fourth and final act of the episode and just as Gayle continues to climb up the old drawbridge, she and the kids get caught by Bob and Linda. The kids tell Gayle to keep on climbing just as they’re ordered by a pissed-off Linda over them going behind her backs even though Linda brought up the drawbridge before the start of the second half... so, some of the blame is on you for bringing it up. So, as Gayle continues to climb up while the camera is off, Linda scolds the kids for going behind her back of going to the drawbridge because she knew that at her (Gayle's) age that it would pose a hazard as if she is saying that she’s fragile, physically, of course, because it has been a while since Gayle last climbed the damn thing. That, and also need to face the fact that they’re getting old. They need to listen to their bodies that they have peaked. They have passed their prime. And also that because Gayle hasn’t climbed up the drawbridge in a long time would pose a massive risk for her that could result in an injury and also, the fears of her landing on the fails compilation of the video that the show put out that could make her a joke by not only the town, but the country. And even Linda thinks it’s a good idea for everything to be wrapped up and go as it is with the film they got and the possibility of not getting the spot on the show.

However, that’s not going to stop the kids from doing what they’re doing. Sure, they’re in it for the money. And sure, the film that they saw that was edited was bad which leads up to where we are in the episode. That’s two items on the list of why the kids are doing this to push Gayle into having her audition tape filmed and to be on the show. They threw their bets on Gayle to succeed. Linda can call out on all of this, saying that Gayle needs to step aside because of the age issue as if she’s Biden prior to him dropping out of the election, but that’s not going to stop the kids from throwing their support for their aunt for this opportunity. Something that Linda should’ve done earlier in the episode despite that this is Gayle we are talking about. And to think about all of this... Gayle needed this one. She needed this one. She needs a win for once aside from the moment in “An Incon-wheelie-ent Truth” in exposing Bob and Linda’s lie about the Wheelie Mammoth’s whereabouts and as much I want to throw some shit onto her, which I have to remind y’all, I have no issues with Gayle, it’s just her episodes have been more misses than hits. And with this episode, with the kids throwing their support for their aunt despite wanting to get the prize money, she proved the doubters wrong. She proved Father Time wrong. And she proved Linda wrong.

And this shot paints the picture. Gayle, despite being rusty after her last climbing session years ago, has made it to the top of the drawbridge with confidence despite some struggling off-screen while Linda was scorning the kids over the current situation, but she did it. Gayle pulled it off and reached the top of the drawbridge. She enjoys her few moments of success with the family in awe over her on top of the old bridge and rips off her shirt, showing off her stomach with the words “Cast Gayle” painted before jumping deep into the canal as if she was auditioning to join the Olympic diving team. And despite what Linda was doing with her messing around with the filming process because she was concerned for her sister’s well-being and also the argument about age and physical activity when planning on getting on the show, Gayle did beat the odds despite looking like a fool earlier in the episodes with the way she performed and yeah, pretty much tells you what an underdog story looks like and how to beat the “you’re too old” or “you’re too young” allegations when doing an impossible task like auditioning to be a reality show or taking care of a bald eagle. And we’ll get to that in the next review of that episode once that is ready to go. So, for now, Gayle did the impossible, and for Linda, regarding the age argument, might as well think about putting on the clown wig and nose.

As expected for Bob, he is returning the grinder to the store after a few days of trying it out, and come on, we all know that it wasn’t going to be a permanent staple going forward. Most likely the old grinder is going to stick around, just needs a little nudging with the handle... don’t know why that wasn’t the solution before coming up with the idea of replacing it. And did he really have to go on a full-on speech after returning the grinder to the shop? I mean... sure, he does have some “decent” times with the new machine. It saved him time, which is a good thing. It’s efficient, it’s fast, and it serves him well, but again, we already knew right away that the digital grinder isn’t going to stay for too long and to become a permanent staple going forward. It comes down to him missing the old grinder and despite the issues like him having to pick a fight with the crank, the texture of the meat that comes out is what Bob is familiar with and Bob misses the grind when using it and saying that it’s a metaphor for life. Almost feels like drawing a connection with what we have seen with Gayle throughout the episode. But an alright speech by Bob, who had to keep the line busy just to return the grinder. And dude... pretty sure a speech is not necessary when having to return an appliance. That usually belongs to bitching and pouting.

So, eight weeks have passed since the filming of the audition and the Belchers are on the couch, already past the two-minute warning with the family watching the show to see if Gayle’s tape made it, hopefully not land in the fail compilation, and hoping whether or not Gayle make the cut. The good news is that Gayle’s video of her jumping down the old drawbridge made it on the air and not in the fail compilation portion of the show. Which is good for everyone that all it took was a disagreement and a visit to a drawbridge that would’ve gone wrong if something happened. But the bad news was that Gayle did not get the cut as expected. She will not get on the show. At least the video made it on the air, so there has to be a silver lining to all of this aside from proving Linda and Father Time wrong that she can be active while being middle-aged. If it weren’t for the fact that the sole reason for Gayle to not make the cut is over a little wardrobe mishap that they spotted when reviewing the tape. Or, so what Gayle thought.

Ending the episode with Linda in her room deciding to give the split another shot after Gayle proved her wrong that she still has a lot left in her bag despite being middle-aged. She did the job and to her, it feels like she still got it, but have some trouble getting up once we get to the credits. At least she still got it, just the whole “beating the old person allegations” only goes for Gayle and nothing more.


So all and all, what do I think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? It’s an alright episode if I have to be honest here. And when at first when finding out that it was going to be a Gayle episode, it was pure hit or miss with a lot of misses and this isn’t me shitting on Gayle. Let’s put that out there, this isn’t me shitting on Gayle. The first three acts of the episode were slow and it was up until the fourth act where things really picked off. Especially with Gayle climbing up the drawbridge and proving Linda wrong about how age is going to catch up to her and the kids throwing their support for her, even if it’s for somewhat selfish reasons like getting their hands on the prize money.

This episode pretty much did Gayle right, especially in the second half with the kids having her go up the old drawbridge despite Linda not wanting her to do that. Especially because she doesn’t want Gayle’s video to end up on the fail compilation and also brings up the topic of age and that she should stop what she is doing because the sisters are middle-aged and Father Time is catching up to them. But that didn’t stop Gayle from doing the impossible and again, if we have to be honest here, Gayle needs this one. She needs this win for once aside from exposing Bob and Linda’s lie about the Wheelie Mammoth in Season 11 or even her song with Linda’s band at their high school reunion going back in Season 4. And this was much needed for Gayle, even if the first three acts of the episode were slowly paced and won’t be taking off until we get to the near end of the episode. Aside from that, it’s an interesting main plot and yeah, do think that Gayle does deserve that win with her proving Linda wrong about her age catching up.

The subplot was... decent. I mean, it was expected that the new meat grinder that Bob bought wouldn’t be a permanent staple after there was an issue with the old one regarding the hand crank maneuver but I still feel like the message was felt a bit unnecessary when having to return the item to the store. Though not a lot to say about the subplot because most of the focus is on the main plot. So I’ll give “The Right Tough Stuff”...

A 7 out of 10. But that’s my opinion and I wanna hear yours in the comments below. I’ll try to get the review of “The Big Steblitzki” out before Season 15 begins in less than two weeks and we have another episode from Season 14, the last one before Season 15, with “To Catch a Beef” and it’s a Bosco episode. And until then, we have two episodes of The Great North to go over. And yes, the reviews for “Welcome to Miami Adventure” and “Worst Drives Club Adventure” are coming. Can’t leave Seasons 4 and 14 empty before we get to the new season, so I’m going the best as I can and hopefully, I don’t get burnout before Season 15 begins. It’s gonna be a very long Fall season to make up for lost time caused by the strikes last year.

Follow me on Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Mastodon, BlueSky, and Threads for updates and behind-the-scenes stuff. We have a Quarterfinals match for this week between Louise Belcher (Bob’s Burgers) and Cole Tillerman (Central Park) in the 2024 Battle of the Week Voting Tournament that is currently underway. Link to the poll in the bio of my socials. The poll closes on Saturday. And y’all should know the drill by now...

Donate over at PayPal, Patreon, and Ko-fi pages to help your boy out in both improving the bills and keeping the lights on to pump some content for y’all to embrace my BS. And until the next time, get vaccinated, register to vote, and a reminder that you’re loved, you’re beautiful, ignore the haters, and I’ll see y’all later.

***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Television Animation, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***

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