
Monday, April 04, 2022

The Bob's Burgers Movie Morning Surprise Second Trailer Breakdown and Thoughts | yahoo201027's Bob's Burgers Discussions


I might as well quote one of the lines from the Godfather trilogy and pretty much coming out from the third film, you know, the film that people think that it sucked ass? How is that saying goes? Oh yeah, “just as I was done, they pulled right back in.” That is pretty much what happened this morning when the second trailer came out. Yeah, you thought the trailer would’ve come out during the panel yesterday or even given it a few more weeks for release. Now that we’re about to initiate final countdown mode, it looks like I’m back at it again to break it all down piece by piece with the second and hopefully final trailer for the film. Of course, be wary of TV spots in the coming weeks that may or may not include new footage. So I might as well break the trailer down piece by piece including what we got from January and also from this past weekend over at WonderCon, I’m sure that’ll be helpful. This is my breakdown of the second Bob’s Burgers movie trailer.

And coming from the previous post regarding WonderCon and the setting of the film, this will take place during the final week of school and going into Summer Break. Because you have the trailer starting with Bob getting really worried about what’s about to come. Now, it pretty much comes down to two things. One, of course, is being the sinkhole that developed and is currently killing his business. Just as he and Linda were about to serve the early Summer crowd on Memorial Day weekend, the start of Summer vacation because summer break equals an opportunity to keep business afloat.

Hell, the first few moments of the trailer have him on the worried side when the bank teller tells Bob and Linda that they have a few days to keep their door open and he has to rely on the early Summer to at least help out. And you have to least give Linda some credit for what she’s doing to get Bob to be optimistic and tell him that everything will be alright as their eyes are already set on the early days of Summer. But knowing the script coming from the scriptwriters, especially when working on the film, nothing good is going to ever happen to poor ol’ Bob. Hence...

The formation of the sinkhole. Yep. That happened. Remember that three-second clip that was shown around on Reddit that someone took during the executive meeting a few weeks ago that showed this scene? Yeah...that happened and it’s now in the trailer. Though if we’re gonna be honest when looking at that scene, even if it’s almost the equivalent of a three-second short you have seen from those reaction video tweets. We already know what the synopsis said about the sinkhole and the movie and that Bob and Linda will have to find a way to keep the doors open while the sinkhole is being patched up.

Though something that is keen to everyone is what caused the sinkhole to open up and gape almost the entire block when you have some workers taking a photo of what caused the sinkhole to form. And theories are really going full frontal in the remaining days we have left until the big day of when the movie comes out. Poor infrastructure might be one option that is being thrown onto the table. Some want to pinpoint the shark from Season 3. Even though it might be unlikely and sounded silly, remember, some theories that seemed silly to everyone turned out to be true. I’m talking to you, Steven Universe and Gravity Falls. So there are boundless possibilities for what is the cause of the sinkhole. Though if it does turn out to be poor infrastructure, yeah...that problem might not be on...I don’t know, the Fischoeders nor the Belcher kids if the shark theory gets picked up, which I hope it’s not, I might as well go to a costume store or online shopping to purchase a clown costume if the shark is the cause of the sinkhole. Though if it was the shark because Bob did come up with the idea of burying the shark underground in front of the restaurant resulted in causing some damage to the restaurant but also some bumps on its way to the building, the pipes would’ve burst right away and not treat it like a ticking time bomb and cause the sinkhole to form sooner in that episode than later into the movie.

We have more moments from the first trailer and being extended into the second and we’ll get to more later on in the breakdown and we begin with one of them and that is Louise going down into the sinkhole as Tina and Gene decide to have the high ground. Really want to celebrate the idea of the Obi-Wan series being pushed to the day of the movie premiere. So we get the extended version of one of the scenes from the first trailer with Louise ready to take matters into her own hands by investigating what caused the sinkhole and the result? Falling down deep into the sinkhole and have the back of her pajamas being covered in mud. Just because Tina or Gene didn’t even notice that they need to carry the rope to hold Louise for her to climb down and also left her Kuchi Kopi night light by the edge of the surface. Yeah, great job there you two. Great job, y’all deserve some standing ovation.

The next scene shows Louise, Tina, and Gene running through the forest. I would suspect that they’re by the Fischoeders’ property. Probably making their way to the treehouse, the tree mansion that is owned by Felix back in Season 5 and in the first trailer. At first, when looking at the trailer, I thought it was just Louise in the forest as if she’s in her dream with Kuchi Kopi and the other toys that she has...turns out it didn’t the moment I gave it a few more looks because she was in her pajamas when that happened. Still guessing that her hat might be in question in that dream. Now, it almost looks like it might be during the investigation. Say a mishap were to happen and Louise questioning her leadership skills.

But what is interesting is the next scene with Bosco. Yeah, what’s up with him? Because it looks like he’s about to step in and take matters into his own hands. Your first thought would be Bob and Linda because they want to keep business afloat despite orders to keep the place shut down for a few...well, knowing the size and how deep the sinkhole is which would result in the entire summer to be patched up, that’s one way to put it but almost seems dumb. But he could get into the way of the kids. 

Think about it. The Belcher kids want to get to the middle of this situation that is slowly killing their parents’ business and their home. Wanted to find the truth to all of this and would drag the Fischoeders into all of this. Bosco, and I were to guess based on this scene, could butt in and might throw a wrench onto the kids’ investigation in hopes to save their home. It’s pretty much your basic “wanting to find the truth but the officials or some mysterious organization doesn’t like that and want the truth hidden” trope. 

And any truth in hopes to save their home, just putting out there, could have some implications for the lore of the show. I know that continuity in the canon of the show outside of the movie is as rare as finding cheap gas prices, but again, some implications from the movie could tie itself into the canon of the show once Season 13 hits. So Bosco planning on getting involved in the kids’ investigation seems logical if you think about it and could be opening up a can of worms on why he doesn’t want them to investigate and pretend what they’re doing is all make-believe. And looking at the setting, I want to guess that this might be the area where the kids make their way to where the carnies, the people who worked on the Wharf, live from behind the apartment complex. Again, Bosco potentially butting in into the kids’ investigation is something to look out for.

We get an extended scene from Gene’s fantasy from the first trailer. You know, you have the reformation of the Itty Bitty Ditty Committee with Gene, Louise, Tina, Rudy, Peter, and Darryl in their outfits from the first trailer back in January. It looks like we got the start of his fantasy in this trailer where you have the robot alien making their way downtown and you have Gene and Peter showing some signs of concern. Having their “oh shit” face being shown via close-up with the wind from the UFO bursting through the area and their hair...Gene’s hair waving. Knowing Gene’s fantasy of having the band back together, they have to put on a show to I guess prevent a possible invasion. If you look at the previous trailer, spoiler, they did.

And speaking of the crew, you have Louise, Tina, Gene, Rudy, and Darryl at the school grounds. Of course, you noticed that Peter is missing from the shot. Pretty much telling everyone who didn’t bother looking up the news from WonderCon this last weekend that the setting for the film will take place on the last week of school before the summer break. And looking at Gene’s fantasy and where this is going because in his fantasy, you have him, his siblings, and of course, Rudy, Darryl, and Peter perform on the stage over at the Wharf to celebrate 80 years of opening. Possibly eyeing a shot at performing in front of the crowd. I mean why not? They did perform at Lenny DeStefano’s birthday party, though that was off-screen as the credits rolled in. But hey, just be glad that my boy will be making his way into the film. The boy is back, y’all. Though again, all eyes and ears are on Darryl’s voice for the movie and will spell what to expect for Season 13 and beyond regarding the voice. And knowing that someone like Harley in the poster, mind you that Katie Crown was the voice of her before the end of Season 10 when the protests took place and decided to step down, it’s possible we’ll get to her new voice as well. And hopefully Marshmallow as well.

Though take a look at this scene. Man, oh man, you have the scene where you have what appears to be a wall filled with stuffed animals like you saw over at the carnival and you want to win one? Well...not anymore because it looks like we got fire coming out of nowhere and possibly burning everything to the ground. Few possibilities to think about this scene. It comes down to either this is a flashback to the Fischoeders’ young days and the early days of the Wharf where there’s some mishap that resulted in a fire or maybe...and this is just a maybe, the workers for the Wharf decided to say that enough is enough and go on strike. Tired of the poor working conditions under Fischoeder wants better living conditions. Honestly, I don’t blame them. I mean, there’s no freaking union for the employees of the Wharf under Fischoeder as if they’re working for Amazon. Either those two or a musical number. Either way, it almost looks like the workers may have had it with Fischoeder and could possibly throw a wrench onto the Wharf’s 80th anniversary celebration throughout the summer break. But my god, the visual looks haunting with the fire coming in and burning everything into a crisp and I for one love it.

Then we get what is pretty much a rough day for Bob, Linda, and Teddy, as they tried to sell some food outside the Wharf as an attempt to get business floating while the building is shutting down for God, knows how long but it looks like they’re hitting a rough patch when going mobile. One of the many patches that could result in Bob hanging up his apron and spatula for good as if it’s some sort of domino effect. And I’m guessing the people who are chasing after the three appear to be vendors. Vendors who are employed at the Wharf and possibly don’t like any outsiders to butt in. Hence the next scene later in the trailer where you have Bob and Linda hiding on top of an attraction and hoping they don’t get caught and possibly beat up or thrown out or both with Linda beginning to slip down due to the fact that it’s raining as you can see the raindrops coming down from the sky. Again, one of the patches that might lead to Bob ready to hang it up in his attempts to keep his restaurant open and make some buck to save the building. Though this is coming from the guy who never paid rent to the Fischoeders, but who to say.

A few scenes to knock it out of the park. You have Louise opening the door in one scene and already I’m sensing meme material from that. Though it looks like she and also Tina and Gene are about to enter Felix’s home. It’s possibly gonna be Felix trying out his uniform but I doubt that since I guessing he’s doing that because he’s gonna be a major player alongside his brother. So they’re probably breaking in and trying to find something that could help them with their investigation.

Louise’s fantasy gets an extension from the first trailer where you have Louise, in her pajamas, talking to her toys. You have Fischoeder looking at the sinkhole with the Belcher kids holding what appears to be pieces of paper for each kid which could possibly serve some importance in what to expect for when they take matters into their own hands. Either that or it might not serve any importance. And of course, we some a lot of scenes from the first trailer so I’m not going to bring that up again from Linda introducing herself in Gene’s burger suit to the Itty Bitty Ditty Committee finishing up their performance. And also Bob and Linda doing a number and if I were to guess, it’s one of the scenes that the people who attended the panel got from the sneak preview. Those lucky sons of bitches.

We got the two people from the poster making their trailer performance with a guy who suspects is an employee over at the Wharf and also the Dizzy Dog mascot standing on top of the stage, though the stage looks like it has been seen better days. I mean, if we’re gonna state the obvious, this was the same stage from “The Deepening” where the mechanical shark attack took place and oh god, it’s gonna be the shark that caused the sinkhole, isn’t it? Goddamn it.

Also, some scenes include Zeke wrestling Jimmy Jr. Note that Zeke isn’t on the poster when it came out a few weeks ago but now he’s here. And don’t worry about Andy and Ollie, they’re here too. Just have to buy tickets to see everyone in action. Other scenes include Linda nut shotting Bob in the bobbies, that’s gonna hurt especially this late at night. Louise, Tina, and Gene make their way out of Felix’s home through a dumbwaiter from the first trailer to avoid getting caught and also them entering what appears to be Felix’s bedroom. Look at that, we’re expanding. Speaking of the three, going down the slide into an underground room which I’m guessing it’s the abandoned rides and attractions from the first trailer a la Batman going down the Batcave. Though you have Gene pressing the button as if he’s Dee-Dee from Dexter’s Laboratory. You know, her saying “Ooh, what does this button do?” Thus resulting in the three being sent down. Typical Gene. Typical Gene. The musical number with Louise and the carnies at the same spot as the first trailer. Again, the rubber duckies that’s been teasing a lot of us viewers and wanting to know what’s so important about the item. Closing out the trailer with Bob talking to his burger that is ready to be shipped out with the kids treating it as if this is normal. Classic Bob with him talking to his food.

And then...we get to Tina. Boy, there’s gonna be some issues going on with her based on the trailer. First off, we got the extended version of her fantasy with her and Jimmy Jr riding on horseback on a beach with Jimmy Jr, from the first trailer, down to his shirt and underwear. I mean this is Tina’s fantasy after all. So you got to include that. But as the trailer progresses, it looks like she may have gotten to a snag when looking at her pushing a force ghost of Jimmy Jr from her fantasy, not having any pants on, and pushing him away onto one of the booths in the Wharf. Though it’s surprising that the kids are allowed to have their bikes riding through the Wharf as if there’s no rule for transportation vehicles to come into the area. Yeah, can’t wait for a car to come ramming in at 60 mph. Jesus, this is getting dark. And of course, you have Tina being frustrated and ends up throwing her journal to the wall to close out the trailer. So if I were to guess what Tina is going through, I could possibly see three options being put onto the table. Let’s try option A, which is the sinkhole. Because when the sinkhole formed and of course, the fears that the family could lose not just the restaurant, but also the house if Bob doesn’t get some payment for the next seven days as if we’re following the playbook from The Ring. Yeah, a lot of stress over one issue can put a strain on everyone’s plans, and seeing Tina in that situation can put that much stress onto her.

But then comes the second and possibly the easiest way out possible and that is writer’s block. I know that sounds like the most obvious when looking at the end of the trailer because knowing Tina, she will find a way to get some inspiration while being away from the house and help both Louise and Gene out in trying to save their home. You’ll never know but the second option is pretty much the easiest way out when it comes to Tina’s little issue at the end of the trailer.

But then comes the third option, putting the think bank into the box and locking it up. And this one seems way too farfetched. But you noticed that the setting is in the last week of school and you see scenes of the Belcher kids and also Rudy and Darryl. As well as Jimmy Jr and Zeke in the trailer. And when you look at the poster, you also have Tammy, Jocelyn, Harley, Chloe, Frond, and also the others as well. And I know that knowing the show, they would never do something that drastic like aging up the characters and whatnot, but what if because it is the last week of school, the talks of graduation get brought up and the eighth graders are ready to head out and advance their way to high school once the Fall hits. 

And Tina did say to Gene and Louise that this summer will be the “Summer of Tina” as she described in the first trailer back in January. But once she comes back from school and possibly once the sinkhole takes place, while the family is dealing with the issue with the sinkhole, Tina has to deal with her own problems and question her use of imagination. Say...something happened at school and she gets called out by Tammy and Jocelyn...well, mostly Tammy and that’s where the line has to be crossed between them and calling out Tina. Mostly her telling that it’s time to lock it up and thinks that it’s time to let her imagination rest because high school. Grown-up stuff even though high schoolers can be childish at times and that would lead to her doing stuff like throwing her journal onto the wall and pushing an imaginary Jimmy Jr onto the booth. Those are the three options that I can come up with Tina with that scene at the end of the trailer and it looks like it’s the waiting game for May 27 to arrive. 

But that’s pretty much my take on the trailer and now I wanna hear your thoughts and speculations for the upcoming movie in the comments down below. Follow me over on Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram for updates and behind-the-scenes stuff. Round 2 of Group A in the 2022 Battle of the Week Voting Tournament remains open until Saturday between Rukia Kuchiki from Bleach and Ryuko Matoi from Kill La Kill. And of course, y’all should know the drill by now...

Donate over at the PayPal, Patreon, and Ko-fi pages to help your boy out in both improving the page and of course, paying the bills to keep the lights. And until this Sunday for the new episode of Bob’s Burgers with “The Spider House Rules”, wash your hands, wear a mask, get vaccinated and boosted, and I’ll see y’all later.

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