Five episodes. Four now after the posting of this review. Time has really passed on by that quick and man, oh man, we’re in a for a really long offseason ahead. And I say because it’s about to be summer and we would have little to no content to pass the time other than waiting for July for Comic-Con. But it looks like 2022 might do us a favor in the ol’ content department. Because you do realize that this is it. This is really it. By this time next month at the time of posting the review, the movie will come out in theaters. A long 30-31 days away from getting our asses in theaters and watching the film. But for now, we have five going into four remaining episodes left in the season, so let’s get down to business.
In this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers, it’s a game of will we or won’t we as Linda prepares for Ginger’s visit while she’s in town as Bob and the kids help Nat out in competing in a little competition in the form of...well, a limo competition in my spoilerific review of the eighteenth episode of Season 12 of Bob’s Burgers, titled “Clear and Present Ginger”.
Ah, the ol’ teasing the viewers shtick. Much like with dangling car keys to an infant or a bag of treats to a dog, it’s no surprise that in the world of entertainment, whether being in television or movie series, there’s that one moment from any of them where you’d think that one random moment from one random scene someway and/or somehow could have huge implications for any series. Sometimes, the teasing over something like a moment or person or place gets answered but whether or not you get a good yet short answer or a bad yet long explanation. And then there are times that you almost got your way and think that now is a good time for a random tease that has been theorized to finally come into fruition...only to not have it answered and have the waiting game to continue.
That pretty much sums up what happened in this week’s episode. Throughout the show’s eleven-year history on the air, there are certain things that have been teased to death regarding the lore of the series. Bob’s mom is one of the items from that last and that is about to be answered once the movie drops. Louise’s ears, that too will be brought up in the film. The maiden Pesto...I think she’ll be in the film. A lot but not some might be addressed in the film as some will have to wait later on into the show. One of these teases that we almost got it answered in this week’s episode, is Linda’s friend Ginger. Twelve fucking seasons. Twelve seasons. Everyone moment where Ginger gets brought up and what she’s been doing has been teased after teased whether by Linda mentioning her or calling through a phone and the fans want to know what’s the deal with her. We saw her back in Season 6 though that was just the back of her head in Linda’s flashback of the day she met Bob days leading up to what was supposed to be her wedding day to Hugo. But that's about it. And I know what y’all are gonna say, “Oh, but what about the woman in Season 1 who was with Linda? That has to be Ginger, right?” Some thought so I don’t think that’s her. Linda brought up that she had to drive 82 miles in a span of 90 minutes in commute time in the credits. So that idea gets thrown out of the window. And so, after watching this episode and hoping that we finally get to see her...the waiting game continues.
Oh yeah and there’s also a subplot with Nat, Bob, and the kids competing in a limo competition, and Tina, just because she’s wearing an old prom dress in the 80s, thinks that she’s in fantasy land and has gone through some turmoil over her man not responding. We might as well break the episode down while I still can. This is “Clear and Present Ginger”.
The episode starts off at the restaurant with Gayle calling Linda on the phone if she can take a look at her new couch but decides to take a rain check and comes up with a lie that the kids have to take some tests on a Saturday. Why did Gayle call Linda to start off the episode? Apparently, Gayle got a new couch because the old one smelled like cat piss. Mostly because she let them piss on it. And also the fears of the couch about to eat her because the local Goodwill does foldouts. Pretty much stating the obvious that uh...yeah, Gayle...she’s a mess. She is a mess. Also, the reason why Linda had to take a rain check and lies to her sister on the phone is that she already made plans for tonight because a certain somebody decides to drop by for the night and will be planning on staying over. That person being Ginger. Driving a full 90 minutes to get from her place to the Belchers’ home. 90 minutes. Hell of a long drive and also questioning which part of New Jersey where the Belchers live. Though it depends on a few things to clarify which portion they’re from. Mostly on what they call a sandwich. But besides that, Ginger is coming over and Linda is excited to have her visit the house. But of course, can’t have Gayle to come over to join because Linda was hoping for a night of just the two of them. Them being distant from meeting in person and playing catch-up. And any intervention from anyone outside would put a dent into Linda’s plans.
But we know that Bob, Louise, Gene, and Tina won’t be butting into Linda’s night because it looks like they got their own plans because it’s ♪ return of the Nat ♪ Nat is back and with a box she’s carrying as she enters the restaurant. The box of course is carrying costumes for the upcoming Limo-vitational, which is a relay race for all limo drivers and it’s all for a good cause for a children’s hospital. And Nat invited Bob and the kids off-screen before the episode even began. Not as spectators but to help her out to score some points. As for the costumes at hand, Bob gets a suit. Louise and Gene will be getting some outfits and wigs as they will be dressed up as old ladies. And for Tina, a prom dress from the 1980s because take a look at that, it feels like it has seen better days. And of course, Tina, seeing the dress and prom being mentioned even though prom is only three years away in her lifetime, that’s not going to stop her from having a fantasy.
Of her sliding down a rainbow slide and being caught by Jimmy Jr and leans in for a kiss as if it’s already prom night. Guess who wrote the episode? The Molyneuxs. The hint is already given away because of Nat’s return and Nat is pretty much their baby since her debut back in Season 8. Speaking of that season because you have Tina’s fantasy of her chasing after Jimmy Jr and having a fantasy kiss at the end of that fantasy, you remember the last time they touch on that? Oh yeah, the Tina/Jimmy Jr shippers were not happy over what happened back in 2018 with “V for Valentine-detta” and how seven seasons' worth of content for the guy gets sent into the woodchipper in a span of a 22-minute episode. They were pissed and it’s to the point Bouchard noticed that he and the crew might’ve fucked up over what happened. Which is why I see this moment, even if it’s a fantasy and we’ll get to the ending with Tina later in the review, is pretty much nothing more than an apology letter from them. That’s all that I can see from the writers over what happened four years ago. An apology letter.
So both plots are all set as the Bob and the kids are dressed up and ready to head out with their costumes and help Nat out in winning the competition as Linda prepares the living room for Ginger to arrive and man, Linda really went all out to have a girls’ night at home while waiting for her long-distance friend to arrive. And thus, begins the waiting game for her. From putting on deodorant so she doesn’t smell bad to getting a phone call from Ginger that her car broke down on her way to Linda. And while watching the episode for the first time on the night of the premiere, I knew that this was going to happen. I knew that Ginger wasn’t going to show up until possibly the end of the episode, which she did. She showed up but only the back of her head much like with “Sliding Bobs” in Linda’s flashback. But at least it’s not in the case of “Thanks-hoarding” from Season 8 where you would think that Teddy’s parents would be paying a visit for the Thanksgiving holiday only to...well...not show up. But this is Ginger we’re talking about. The person of interest that has been teased since the beginning of time and if you think that this episode would be the payoff that we’ve been looking for, well, it looks like we’re going to have to wait a little longer more.
Linda passes the time waiting for Ginger to come now that a broken tire put a dent into her plans and she has nothing else to do to pass the time other than taking a sip of wine. And despite the long wait, she seems rather lonely for a while as waits for her friend to arrive that she needs to contact some company to come over while waiting for Ginger to arrive.
And that’s where Gayle comes in after calling her to drop by while waiting for Ginger to arrive because Linda doesn’t want to feel lonely for the next hour and a half. Though Gayle did notice the plate of food and a few bottles on the table, not noticing that it was meant for Ginger, thinking that all of it that Linda set up was all for her. Of course, Linda has to keep the lying game to not fall flat onto her face while waiting for Ginger and has to follow along and hope just having at least one person, just one, being Gayle, can hold things off before she can leave and for Ginger to arrive. Not noticed that while having Gayle here in the house...
Is when Gretchen comes into the picture who was just doing a minor drop-off of a bag filled with fudge that Linda accidentally left behind from her salon. Was about to head off for the night until Linda decides to invite her in and bond. And while I’m currently giving crap onto the episode, I do have to give it some brownie points when it comes to the idea of having two or more characters that haven’t interacted with each other nor met eye contact come face-to-face. And having Gayle and Gretchen in the same room, not knowing that they’re only here so Linda doesn’t get lonely while waiting for Ginger to arrive, that, and also possible insurance in case there’s a change of plans is that notion from that list. Sure they bonded throughout the episode as Linda waits for Ginger to arrive and were mad at Linda for keeping Ginger’s incoming visit a secret and thinking that she’s better than them. So that’s something I like about the idea of having two characters that haven’t met eye-to-eye throughout the show’s history meeting each other. So I have to give some brownie points for this episode.
Linda tries to struggle to get herself together while having Gayle and Gretchen around as she waits for Ginger to come. She gets a phone call during one of those moments and telling her that the car is fixed and will continue to drive to town. Girls’ night is back on schedule. And what is the activity that Linda has to do with Gayle and Gretchen to pass the time even though that much time would’ve to give her enough time to give them the boot? By making some crank phone calls. Pretty sure y’all maybe should’ve done a little better. I know I would say something to spice things up but with Ginger coming over, I mean the time to get things back on track for Linda should be now or never when dealing with Gayle and Gretchen. So Linda decides to lie her way out by alerting the two that she has to go to the bathroom but in reality, she has to check up on Ginger and see what she’s up to since the last call regarding the condition of her car being patched up.
Only to be caught red-handed by Gayle and later Gretchen by the landline in the kitchen. Finally put two and two together that Linda was expecting Ginger to arrive and realized that the setup was for her visit. Feeling jealous and also threatened that they think to themselves and call out Linda that she pretty much prefers Ginger over either of them. Resulting in them storming out and heading to Gretchen’s apartment to blow off some steam. And also them tripping down the stairs before leaving the apartment. And no, this has nothing to do with the cracked sidewalk outside that will soon result in the sinkhole in the upcoming film. Update on the condition at the start of the episode, it sorta remains the same but it looks like a brand new crack has formed by the entrance of the restaurant. Back to the plot, Gretchen and Gayle stormed out and leaves Linda alone while waiting for Ginger to arrive. Did they overreact to the news of Ginger coming over and thought that they’re nothing more than insurance for tonight? Eh...kinda. I mean, it is Gayle and Gretchen we’re talking about and they totally made it a scene. they have a point though? It pretty much give or take if you think about it over what just transpired.
Entering the musical number from Linda that she was so excited for Ginger and had the night all planned out to be a good night. But she was lonely when given the news from Ginger that her car broke down before having it fixed, resulting in her playing the waiting game and calling in Gayle and inviting Gretchen into the house during her time of need before Ginger arrives. Now, if Linda were to be honest at the start of the episode during her phone call with Gayle, would things change? It’s possible though knowing what happened just now, treating Ginger as if she’s getting the VIP treatment and thinks that she’s better than them, I bet she would not take things lightly. But to be fair, it almost feels like Gretchen and Gayle almost do have a point. They were there for her during the past hour and Linda just cast them aside as Ginger draws near to the city limits. As if Linda just sees Gretchen as her hairstylist and Gayle being her sister. I know they’re siblings and all, but siblings can be friends...I guess. There should be a ruling on that. That is more than enough from the musical number as she restarts everything from scratch and then decides to head off and apologize to the duo.
Which Linda did once she arrives at Gretchen’s apartment, the second time that we saw her apartment in the show other than in Season 2 with her bedroom. She apologizes to the two for what happened and that she felt bad for treating the duo as insurance while waiting for Ginger to arrive. And also falsely claims that Ginger is better than them but that’s not the case from Linda. She tells them that just because Ginger is coming over and she hasn’t gotten an in-person meeting for a while doesn’t mean that she gets the special treatment as them. Again with Gayle over the notion of siblings can be friends too. So there’s that. It’s enough for Linda to have her apology accepted and would have a nice girls’ night for just the three of them...or rather, the four of them. Because Linda put a note for Ginger and telling her where the hangout will be and of course...the reveal.
Ginger...’s backside. Yep. Yep. I knew that they won’t be showing Ginger’s full face reveal just yet. And I can already see the internet, mostly Twitter and Reddit, primarily Reddit, not having a good time over Ginger and not having the full face reveal. I can see a lot of disappointment from the fans and want to see the full face and want to see what Ginger looks like but again, this was expected. The waiting game has to continue for the time being before the cast and crew gain the balls that they need to reveal her. Though I doubt that the upcoming movie would show the full face reveal for Ginger. It’s possible that you could hear her voice during a phone call with Linda. Possibly over the sinkhole. But that’s about it. I get the disappointment from the fans that we have to wait a little longer, but Bouchard did state in the virtual panel and I guess in the WonderCon panel that we’ll get Ginger but it won’t be the full face reveal. But I guess that’s fandoms when being unable to see panels or reading sites. Closing out the main plot with the four girls having a little get-together. A get-together that Bob and the kids noticed as they head back home from the limo competition.
And just as I was about to get to the subplot while working on this review, it looks like The Bob’s Burgers Movie doesn’t know when to quit when it comes to new content. We’re done with the trailers with the one the day after WonderCon earlier this month is pretty much the final trailer and now we have 15-30 second ads for the TV and YouTube. They released the first one but it shows no new footage and it’s the same as the first trailer. It’s the same for the second one but it looks like we got some minor changes. You noticed that the background music is different because it’s not from any of the trailers. If I were to guess, this has to be from that first six-minute clip that was never shown to the public, and the song is called “The Sunny Side of Summer”. I get any congoers don’t want to publish it online because of spoilers but can you blame us? We’re hungry motherfuckers. We want our damn bread and we’ve been waiting for almost five years since the announcement of the film.
Also three new scenes in the second ad, which I won’t be showing the image and instead, the video is above this very paragraph with the first showing Bob, Linda, and Teddy still running away from the carnies around Wonder Wharf and you see fishermen fishing on the edge of the pier and also Dizzy Dog at one of the booths. Bob and Linda gave high fives to each other at the bank. Linda trying to be optimistic before Mr. Downing, the bank teller, tells the Belchers that they have a week to pay up. And then, of course, you have the kids doing their bit in what I guess is them signing to the potential opening song to the film because you have them wearing backpacks. Meaning that they’re on their way to school. Don’t know how many more they might be dropped throughout this week or next week or the week after that leading up to the May 27 date but any content is better than no content. Now back to the episode review.
As Linda plays a tortuous game of being patient while waiting for Ginger to arrive, Bob and the kids arrive at the race track where Nat is at and tell them the ground rules for the event. Of course, the competition is all for charity but to Nat, other than racing for a good cause and helping sick kids out, she has set her eyes on another prize and it’s coming from the stands in the background. Meet Peggy, the person who Nat is trying to woo. She brought her daughter...who hasn’t gotten a name, so...I dunno, Susan. Let’s go with Susan for the time being. Peggy brought Susan to see the track and Nat wants to impress her enough to go on a date with her and hopefully get married and become Susan’s step-mom. Nothing wrong with that. It’s 2022, so I say go for it, sister.
The first competition is about to begin and it looks like it will be Bob who will be going first as he enters the limo while carrying a cup of coffee without the lid and a briefcase. So the first competition is pretty much the driver doesn’t mess things up during the drive so the coffee doesn’t spill onto your crotch. Because that is pretty much a pain for anyone who drives to work in the morning and gets a cup of coffee. Hoping that it doesn’t burn your crotch as if you’re getting a sneak preview of what Hell is like by touch. Luckily, it didn’t but regardless of the pit stains that Bob contracted because why not despite the constant fears of the thought of having coffee being spilled onto his crotch, Nat takes the first win of the competition and the operation to get Peggy to like her is starting to go well.
Too bad that the competition subplot decides to be potentially overshadowed by Tina, who after texting Jimmy Jr once arriving at the race track, unable to get any return texts as if it’s a late-night booty call. Though I see where this is going. You remember what happened with the likes of “My Fuzzy Valentine” or “Romancing the Beef” where Tina gets overreacted over something like getting a card on Valentine’s Day that has “from” and not “love” written on it or he has to go to a wrestling meet and attends Tammy’s anti-Valentine’s Day party which turns into a get together for romance. Only for things to be patched up later in those episodes like getting another Valentine’s Day card that has a heart or getting a text on the emergency phone while leaving Tammy’s place. Yeah, it’s gonna be like that with this episode. But of course, you gotta have Tina to overreact as if it’s the end of the world. That's how Packers fans felt last year and also early this year regarding the status of Aaron Rodgers. Plus prom is already three years away. Come on, chica! You still have time.
Onto the second portion of the competition and Gene and Louise who will be taking the mantle and it looks like the next event should be a good one for the two young Belcher siblings because the next event will be them going through a zombie apocalypse and shoot cutouts of zombies while Louise and Gene shoot them point-blank. And looking at this scene, this is the closest you’ll see some smiles coming from the characters in this modern version of the show. But hey, at least we get some smiles from Gene and Louise, or rather, feeling the thrill of having to shoot some cutouts of zombies while Nat is driving. Okay, not technically smiles, you but could imagine it from the inside. Not gonna pretend that they don’t have seatbelts on and you remember what Nat said about popping your head up while driving. But this one might be getting a pass for this event. At least Gene and Louise have something to do to get some smiles onto their faces.
But of course, Tina begins to overreact over Jimmy Jr not sending her a text in return as if it’s already prom night, again, she only got three years. But she is starting to overreact as if she’s not getting Jimmy Jr’s texts in return and treats it as if he rejected her offer. And just as things couldn’t get any worse for Tina this late in the game, find out that the third and final match of the the game of getting the promgoers who were dumped by their dates and run towards the limo. Oh Tina did run alright in her time on the track. Running all the way out of the track and locks herself in the bathroom. Did I mention that Tina only has three years in her life before the big night and she pretty much overreacts to everything that aspired? Of course, I did.
It took Bob to step in and try to reason with Tina about what was going on. Telling her that she has time. It’s not the end of the world. Telling her that it’s okay to go to prom without a date, which almost sends Tina to go through an anxiety attack before Bob stops her and lets him rephrase what he is saying. Asked her that it’s okay to go to prom without a date because she can’t just focus on one item like looking for a date in one of the biggest moments in her life, only three years from now, because prom is that one of the moments in senior year that you only got a short time to be with people who came across with. Because once graduation hits, that’s it. You’re on your way to do your own stuff. And that’s more than enough for Tina to come out and got her shit together while also apologizing to Nat for pretty much ruining the third event of the competition and possibly her chances to be with Peggy. And while it does put a dent on things, Nat is relieved that Tina is feeling okay over what happened to cause her to create a scene and is ready for another go. Spoiler alert, they won. Yeah, you think that because of Tina create a scene out there for her to run out of the track and lock herself in the bathroom would’ve just handed the win to someone else Nat is declared the winner. Though to be fair, it pretty much comes down to parallel parking. But it looks like Nat’s the winner in this competition and finally put this subplot to bed.
But of course, we can’t leave without bringing up the end of the episode where Tina finally got Jimmy Jr in return as she and the rest of the family make their way home with Jimmy Jr calling her, thinking that he missed prom and Tina telling him that give it three years and wait for the magic happens. Again, this is pretty much an apology letter from the Molyneuxs for what happened in “V for Valentine-detta”. Though look at the background of where Jimmy Jr is staying at. Because that is NOT Jimmy Pesto’s condo. That is not his condo. The background on Jimmy Jr’s side has the night sky, some houses, some trees, and a street. Not too eerily similar to Rudy’s dad’s house. If I were to guess, this is Pesto mom’s house. This might as well be the first look at the house of where Mrs. Pesto lives. Mind you that both she and Jimmy Pesto do have to share custody of both Jimmy Jr and the twins. Though I can see people making the assumption because we haven’t seen Jimmy Pesto throughout this season alone that maybe this is where the Pesto kids are at. Mostly because of what happened with Jay Johnston and his alleged role in partaking in the January 6 Capitol Riots and how it’s storming over this season and the movie. But whether or not this may have something to do with my guest with that...I guess theory. I don’t know. But I think this is where the episode ends as Bob and the kids notice Linda, Gretchen, Gayle, and Ginger having a girls’ night at Gretchen’s apartment, holding a fencing stick. So prepare to have some poked eyes.
But all and all, what do I think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? This was an alright episode. It would’ve been great if Ginger was fully revealed with the full-on face reveal but I knew that won’t do that and thus, the waiting game continues. But it’s an okay episode to say the least. Not bad but it’s also not that great also.
I mean yeah, this was fully expected for Ginger to not have a full face reveal that I think even Bouchard, don’t know if it’s either the virtual panel last year or the WonderCon panel earlier this month but still, it would’ve been a better episode if a full face reveal would’ve made a difference. But besides all of that, the moment that Linda gets a phone call that Ginger got a flat tire just as Bob and the kids make their way out to where Nat is at is where my prediction is about to come to fruition of her not showing up until the end. But...almost came close to the idea of her arriving and then cut to credits. So I was half right about the prediction regarding Ginger in this episode. Still wish for a full face reveal but that was expected, so I guess the damage may have already been done.
Though I do have to give some pointers to the episode of going with the idea of having two characters not having to meet eye-to-eye to finally meet with this episode regarding Gretchen and Gayle. The two people that you don’t see being in the same room until this episode came into play with them being around Linda while waiting for Ginger. And even go towards Gretchen’s apartment after storming off after finding out about Ginger’s visit and thinking that she’s better than them, in which Linda had to apologize to them for being last-minute insurance while waiting for her lost distance friend to arrive. And I do hope that continues with two or more people that haven’t seen eye-to-eye to have some interaction and uh...we have that in this episode for Gretchen and Gayle. Though the main’s alright.
I guess the subplot might be better than the main plot. I guess you already know one answer, Nat. Nat is queen and there’s no denying it. Tries to woo her crush Peggy by participating in a charity limo driver competition and having the Belchers help out to win the prize, even if it was a good cause. Though I feel like this may have been overshadowed by Tina being overreacting to Jimmy Jr not sending her a text after having a fantasy of her in a prom dress that Nat gave her for the competition to the point where she ran off to the bathroom and lock herself in. Again, you have three years in your life before getting ready for the big night. Three years. That’s the average span of an anime time skip for when the big night arrives. Of course, here comes Bob being the unsung hero of the subplot to tell her that it’s okay to go prom without a date and the notion that prom night is pretty much one of those moments before graduation and bid adieu to your friends for who knows how long. So there’s that before Tina collects herself and Nat winning the competition despite Tina making a huge scene at the start of the third event.
So final thoughts, I think this was an okay episode. Would’ve done a bit better if we got a full face reveal but this was expected and now, the waiting game continues for when is the right moment for the cast and crew to reveal her face. Though the idea of having two people who haven’t interacted for a long time with Gretchen and Gayle wasn’t a bad idea. Though I think the subplot might be the high point for this week’s episode despite Tina stealing the show by the third act of her creating a scene and overreacts over Jimmy Jr not sending a text as if you’re waiting for the goddamn tickets to start opening up for the upcoming film. Okay, that almost sounds uh...coincidental. So I’ll give “Clear and Present Ginger”...
A 6 out of 10. But that’s pretty much my opinion and now I wanna hear yours in the comments below. What do you think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Do you think this episode should’ve done better if Ginger’s face was revealed? What do you think of Gretchen and Gayle’s newfound friendship? Did Tina overreact over not getting a return text from Jimmy Jr? And when will we get our hands on tickets for the upcoming film? All that and your mini-review down in the comments section below. Down to four episodes in the season before the movie and the offseason. Tune in on May 1 for when Gene becomes attached to a device and Bob tries to reason with him about the importance of growing plants for his school project in the nineteenth episode of Season 12 in “A-Sprout a Boy”.
Follow me over on Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram for updates and behind-the-scenes stuff. As well as the poll for this week’s matchup in the 2022 Battle of the Week Voting Tournament and lookie-lookie, it’s Gene Belcher as he takes on Cole Tillerman in the second round of the Group D stages. Poll closes on Saturday afternoon. No later than 1:00. And of course, y’all should know the drill by now...
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***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Century FOX, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***
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