When it comes to the human world, we all have those abilities that we bear ever since we were born out of the mother’s womb or coming out from a white squirm swimming inside the body from a cup from a bank that isn’t your usual bank. The ability to see, hear, taste, smell, feel. And when it comes to the mouth aspect, the taste is one thing. But so does talking. And language is the primary form of talking. We all know the primary language and in this day of age, hopefully, this doesn’t kick me right in the ass, another language is the norm when traveling. Unless you’re Tina, who is learning Spanish because...well...her going boy crazy. Yeah, that’s not a fucking surprise, huh?
In this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers, Tina gets forced to listen to Spanish audio for her class in hopes to improve her grades, leading her to fall head over heels over the narrator of the tape as the key to making the grade with Louise and Gene pushing the narrative in hopes to dunk Mr. Frond for the upcoming festival with Bob and Linda getting a spot for the event in my spoilerific review of the sixteenth episode of Season 11, titled “Y Tu Tina Tambien”.
Just to put it out there, unless you have the translate feature on your browser, a la Google Translate, you really don’t want to don’t want to hear some Spanish coming from the horse’s mouth, being yours truly because, of course, being Hispanic and living in a Hispanic household, yeah, I’m not a fluent speaker when it comes to the language. Just to put that out there. As for the episode as a whole...it’s not that bad but, much like with last week’s episode in “Sheshank Redumption”, it’s not that great either. It’s more on the line between meh and average when it comes to the episode as a whole. Sure, last week’s episode was average regarding the issue of public defecation and why is that even a bad thing to begin with. But there were some enjoyable moments that didn’t downplay it. Whereas this week’s episode, I mean, it’s there, it’s just the predictability may have downplayed it to the core. And of course, where the episode was heading when it comes to Tina learning Spanish. I mean, this isn’t Tina’s first bite of the cherry when it comes to her taking Spanish classes.
You remember back in Season 6 in “The Cook, The Steve, The Gayle, and Her Lover” when she took the class and even got some Spanish out of her when singing a song with Louise and Gene over why Gayle should not date Mr. Frond back when they were a thing. Yeah, remember that? Well, this episode has her taking Spanish, but ending up being bad at it. I mean, yeah, learning a new language can be difficult. I mean hell, I took Spanish classes back in High School, wasn’t easy but I did get through to the end. Though you have to at least give some props to Louise and Gene for wanting to dunk on Mr. Frond for the upcoming school festival. And Frond did see that coming all the way to the big day. And of course, Bob and Linda...just being there when getting their station for the event back when large gatherings was a thing. So let’s get our Espanol on, spoiler alert, there won’t be, again, not a fluent speaker, with this episode, this is “Y Tu Tina Tambien”. And yes, they’re reusing the titles from episodes. Y’all were acted surprised like this is your first time experiencing it?
Starting off the episode with Tina falling into the dumps when writing down on her diary, mostly being mopey because of the rain on a spring day and pretty much nothing else, which you probably can’t blame her for the rainy weather, especially during the spring, to put people in a sour mood. That’s more of a winter job than spring. Though it’s pretty much boiling it down to Tina having a very bad day, starting with Tina mistaking a peeled potato as a bar of soap and coming into the kitchen all depressed and shit as Bob and Linda got their position for the upcoming school festival in the water booth than doing cleaning duty for the school. And also serving as the background for the episode because they get less screen time for this week. At least they’re not doing cleaning duty, so there has to be a positive for them.
Speaking of the festival, you have Gene and Louise ready for the event at the end of the week, mostly because of one thing. Just one on the task list when attending the festival on the school grounds, and that is to dunk Mr. Frond in the dunking booth. And apparently, this isn’t their first time in wanting to dunk the guidance counselor into the small water tank. They tried over and over and over throughout the years to send Frond into the waters but failed. But they’re not ready to go down without a fight this time because the kids have some practice to get ready for this year’s event. Of course, Tina’s so-called seasonal depression could become a dent in the Belcher kids’ attempt to dunk Frond into the water. But apparently, that won’t be the only thing that they should be worried about leading up to the weekend. Though that won’t stop the Belcher kids, especially Tina, from planning on getting Frond wet come the weekend of the festival. Again, Tina’s little sour mood and bad luck won’t be the only dent in the Belcher kids’ attempt to get Frond during the festival.
Enter Spanish class and we have another fallen soldier who became the latest victim of the design. And that is the AV teacher, now Spanish teacher, in Mr. Grant. Kinda like with what happened last season when both Frond and Jessica fell into the redesign bug. And Frond is pretty much the only character, so far, who had more than one redesign on the show. Of course, gotta put it out there, if you see that graphic regarding Frond’s three designs during the duration of the show, have to apologize because I got corrected over Frond’s second design. Noting that Season 2 wasn’t the first time we see the second look, it was Season 4 with “The Frond Files”, my bad. I’m not perfect, God. So Grant fell into the dreaded redesign as he teaches the class for a lesson in speaking Spanish with the kids translating each sentence as the bell rings and everyone heading out of the room, only for Grant to stop Tina for a small talk. That small talk is that her Espanol es no Bueno and having trouble paying attention and have her to do time. By that, I mean she needs a pick me up in order to pass her Spanish class in hopes to get some credits. Even though the credits system is more of a high school thing, but still. Oh, the life and times of high school when I had to take Spanish class. I was planning on doing sign language as the first choice but ending up in Spanish instead. Spanish 2 kicked my ass and yet, made it out unscathed.
Tina’s little problem in Spanish class with the upcoming exam with her grades on the line have now put a dent onto Louise and Gene’s little plan to dunk Mr. Frond for the festival because it is a three-man team to take down one guidance counselor and Tina opting out to go to the library and go listen to an audiotape for Spanish class may have thrown a wrench into practice for the big day. Which, speaking of that, you have Frond coming in, acting like a snarky bastard, thinking that the Belcher kids won’t land a hit on him due to years past of their attempt to dunk the fucker but failed. Though the way he acts leading up to the weekend, while it was enjoyable to some, boy, that is going to bite him right in the ass come the end of the episode.
Tina arrives at the library and asks Mr. Ambrose about the location of the Spanish audiotape for her class to listen through and ends up listening through the whole thing from the start once the tape begins and for to listen through the headphones, the type of headphones you probably see in like the olden times that aren’t noise cancellation, so uh...update the game, school system. It’s not looking good when our taxpayer money heads on over to the military for endless wars that we do not approve of. Tina starts listening to the tape by going through the introduction by introducing the family of the recording much like with most Spanish audios and textbooks in class, going to Spain and taking refuge with a host family. And of course, the 15-year-old boy in the tape, named Rodrigo, ends up being Tina’s love interest of the week when catching her attention. Probably the writers’ way to mess with the Tina/Jimmy Jr shippers to the core. Remember when Tina was into stuff that wasn’t only focusing on boys? Remember that? Fucking Flanderization, man. Ruining everything when it comes to long-running sitcoms. I mean, at this point, the show has got to end unless it wants to take the modern Simpsons, Family Guy approach where lazy writing and poor execution become the norm. And since this is a Tina episode and found her love interest of the week coming from an audiotape...cue the thing.
Though the question here when falling for something, especially during a school subject like Spanish, with Tina falling in love with Rodrigo if it’s going to help Tina is passing Spanish or ending up hurting her and make the situation even worse. I mean, she’s not fallen into the dumps due to the spring rain, that’s a good sign to get out of the funk. But still, knowing Tina and knowing that her falling for each and every guy is now the new norm, it’s probably going to hurt her in making the grade than helping her.
Of course, that won’t stop Tina from finally getting out of her spring depression, when noticing her brushing the same area for hours on end like she’s daydreaming as Bob and Linda, along with Teddy, talk about the water booth for the upcoming festival. Again, Bob and Linda got pushed to the background for this week’s episode when dealing with the task of serving water for the kids who won’t even bother heading over there for the festival. With Linda wanting to up the ante to get the kids’ attention by...trying to be like what any 45-year-old white women would do in an attempt to be modern by turning the water booth into a “cool booth” and even have Bob wear a baseball hat that she found and having it wearing it backward. Making it hip with the kiddos. Oh God, y’all are pretty much embarrassing yourselves before it began.
And I thought Hillary Clinton saying “Pokémon Go to the Polls” back in 2016 was cringey. This is getting there. This is starting to get there. Especially once the day of the school festival arrives. Back at the school, you have Frond taunting kids like he’s an athlete from a team that happened to be hot shit, not knowing what’s about to go down that could possibly be the most embarrassing thing to watch once the big day arrives. Looking at Pittsburgh Steelers. Looking at you. Go 11-0, lose the last five games, and then get your asses handed by the Cleveland Browns. You don’t want to be like that, Frond. You don’t want to be like that. Don’t be like the 2020 Steelers.
Louise and Gene meet up with Tina in hopes to get some lunch and ready for another round of practice outside in the rain to get ready for the festival this upcoming weekend now that Tina is no longer in a sour mood, which would benefit them. But Tina ends up opting out, rather, bailing on them over wanting to hear the Spanish tape. Sure, not wanting to get a failing grade in Spanish is one thing. But it’s mostly because she wants to be with Rodrigo, the boy inside the tape once she heads back to the library, with both of her siblings ready to follow her on what’s really going on. Though of course, we got some snippets in between with Tina from eating a tuna sandwich during class to her skipping her way to be with Rodrigo, not caring about the rest of the family. Thus, leading both Louise and Tina to head over to the library and catches her red-handed over her falling for someone behind the machine and forms somewhat of an “unhealthy” relationship.
Almost feels like a mixture of both “Ex Mach-Tina” in Season 7 and “Every Which Way But Goose” in Season 9, mostly the latter with Tina forming an unhealthy relationship with another being and bailed out on stuff, with this time being practicing for the festival to dunk Mr. Frond. But that one, when Tina formed an unhealthy relationship with Bruce the Goose, that was because Jimmy Jr stayed silent when Tina was about to ask him as her date to the dance that her theme got picked. Only to take a shit on it, only to find out later that he doesn’t want Tina to find out about this sprained butt. Thus, staying silent when Tina asks him to be her date, thinking that it’s him rejecting her. Of course, there are some vibes of “Ex Mach-Tina” mixed into this as well, mostly because of the idea of someone falling in love with the machine, rather, the person behind the machine. In that episode, when Tina sprained her ankle, she takes up going behind the monitor as she recovers and had some issues along the way, only for Jimmy Jr to acknowledge her. Though only liked her when being behind a monitor. Whereas Tina, she ends up falling for a tape machine that has a 15-year-old boy speaking Spanish as the narrator.
And that of course, worries both Louise and Gene back in the room after school with Gene reading Tina’s diary...okay, what is this? The second time this season where Gene reads her diary? Seriously, the girl needs a better place for her to hide the damn journal...and then shuts her yap. Just putting it out, that’s pretty much strike two. Other than that, Louise and Gene are somewhat worried about what Tina is doing when falling for someone who is nothing more than a voice from a machine. Sensing that she’s forming some sort of unhealthy relationship. Not to mention, how her falling for Rodrigo would affect her upcoming exam for Spanish class because she needs a passing grade. She wants to pass the class. She wants to be with Louise and Gene to get ready to dunk Mr. Frond at the dunking booth once the day of the festival arrives. But again, that won’t stop Tina from falling head of heels, and unless it’s someone else entering the field or some bullshit, you’re pretty much stuck.
Once we get to the day of the exam, we get to see whether if Tina being with “Rodrigo” over the damn tape day after day would benefit her in hoping to pass her exam. It’s kinda like with...imagine if you were having trouble with a subject in school for an upcoming exam and there has to be something to help make things easier by using the things that you like as a tool. And you think that Tina, being with that audiotape with Rodrigo taking the helm, pretending that his family has been snapped by the infinity gauntlet by Thanos, would at least help Tina out in acing her exam. Spoiler alert...
It didn’t. She ends up failing her exam, meaning that she is now forced back to listen to the tape. How does the old saying goes when it comes to Tina and her lust to get into a random boy’s pants...oh right, “Only a brick wall can stop her, found out it’s another boy.” At this point, this is about to get old to the point where it turns people off, don’t you think? Tina flunked her exam, meaning that she’s heading back to the library, meaning that she’ll be heading back to the town known as “La Ciudad de Rodrigo” via audiotape. But Louise senses that something isn’t right about all of this. Not falling into this genjutsu when noticing that something is off with Tina after failing her test. Apparently, Louise found out that Tina didn’t fail her test because of bad luck or some shit. She did it on purpose. She threw away her shot in passing her class and she blew it. She blew it. And Tina didn’t even care. Much a grin to the Eagles in Week 17 against the Football Team. In the words of someone wise once said...
Pretty much sums up the Tina situation following her throwing away her Spanish exam, just to be with Rodrigo and the audiotape like it’s listening through an 8-hour ASMR video serving as white noise to reduce insomnia. And even decided to not join Gene and Louise on the day of the festival. Throwing away their shot of dunking Frond into the booth filled with water. That is simp language right there. That sounds like a simp. But yeah, Tina opted out from the festival and thus, it’s Gene and Louise who will be dunking Frond as she sticks to the library to enjoy another round of being with Rodrigo.
But before heading back to the kids’ front, let’s take a check on the Bob and Linda front of the side on the day of the festival with them ready to serve water, though it’s going to be a long day ahead for them with the students and adults attending the festival. Again, just there in the background throughout the episode. Haven’t done dickity dick for the duration. I mean, you might as well have them saying, “Hello,” and head back to the Belcher kids on their side of the basket in the main stage.
Speaking of which, cutting over to the dunking booth with Louise and Gene ready to get their shot to dunk Frond into the booth, all without Tina, who is pretty much dead to them as they wait in line. But it looks like they have a trick up in their sleeve in their final attempts to snap Tina some sense into her in hopes to join in the fun and abandon the audiotape listening session. And at first...two options to think about on what both Gene and Louise were planning on doing. Option A would be the most predictable way to get Tina out of listening to the audiotape in them getting Jimmy Jr to invite her to the festival. That would’ve been that except that he’s at one of the booths with Zeke if you look at the scene to start off the final act of the episode...and I’ll get to talking about a certain someone making his long return to the show, getting to that. That would’ve been option A for them to get Tina out of the library...and throw that away and go with option B, which is to get rid of it...in which they can’t also do. Which means it goes to option C.
Re-record the fuck out of the tape, inserting themselves into it. Can’t tell if that is pretty much Wandavision in a nutshell because I don’t have a Disney+ account and I’m not too keen on superhero shows and movies. With Louise and Gene invading the audio and in Tina’s head as a way of telling their sister to not act like a total simp over someone who is not even real. Their way of saying to wake the fuck up, Rodrigo ain’t real, stop acting like a total simp, and at least join in to help your siblings out in dunking Mr. Frond at the booth.
Okay, while the episode has pretty much turned it into a flaming trash heap, there have to be at least some decent moments in the episode. Sure, there’s the little in-between scenes with Tina eating the tuna sandwich and her not being around Rodrigo’s parents when abusing the fuck out of the fast forward button. So does here with Louise and Gene re-recording the tape and inserting themselves inside Tina’s head. Gotta give this episode some brownie points with that and also Gene being around each scene with each family member as Tina presses the fast forward button and of course...Rodrigo getting attacked by an alligator at the behest of Louise. Of course, gotta add the most WTF moment in the episode, and...they added the Wilhelm scream. They added the fucking Wilhelm scream in the show?! Like what the fuck?! Like holy fucking shit, they added that. But of course, that didn’t help the cause to get Tina out of the library, so that means that it’s up to Louise and Gene to dunk Frond into the water.
They spent their tickets, all of it, by the way, to get each ball thrown at the target with Frond acting like a snarky little bastard man child and taunting on both Gene and Louise and thinking that they’re not going to land a hit on the bullseye. Gene and Louise take that as a challenge and try their best to hit the target. Of course, they try and try and try despite all of the practice they had done all week in the rain. And of course, no-hit all the way to the last ticket and the last ball. It’s Game 7, in the fourth quarter, clock running towards double zeros, and have to rely on a field goal to win the game. They have one shot. One ball left. They need a freaking fracking miracle. And it all depends on who’s going to throw the ball.
Enter, Tina Belcher. Who left the library and coming in need to help her siblings out to dunk Mr. Frond into the water. Serving as the miracle that both Louise and Gene needed to dunk their guidance counselor to the tank. Of course, you have Frond still acting smug with ordering Branca to give him stuff like a folder, a computer, and a phone, though you’d think that he would be downright electrocuted, nope. Probably thinking of a toaster bath. Tina did her part, of course, you have Rodrigo popping up in Tina’s subconscious as a force ghost when preparing to throw the ball...you have Tina do a better job in throwing the ball with Rodrigo’s help and yet, the girl failed her Spanish quiz? Let that sink in. Speaking of sinking, Frond, thanks to Tina’s throw thanks to Rodrigo is Jedi force ghost drilled into her subconscious, the Belcher kids finally got something that they wanted in sending Frond down to the gulag, all wet. Maybe if Frond didn’t talk like a fucking big mouth like a smug little bastard, then maybe he wouldn’t get dunked. Even though this was bound to happen. That and also Tina feeling bad over her abandoning her siblings for the dunking booth, just to be with her boy toy of the week that is not even real, and them ready to enjoy the rest of the day at the festival. So that’s the end of the Tina side of things.
Back to Bob and Linda over at the water booth to close out the episode with them feeling disappointed over not one person attending the booth, despite adding in some cringe to attract the youth of the school to at least take a sip of water from each cup. With Bob thinking that it may be because of the hat. I mean...he’s not wrong, I think it could be the hat. That or because they don’t want to drink water because...well, water is boring. Boy, how the tides are turned for both Bob and Linda when you have each and every festival goer, mostly the kids, coming into the water booth with Bob and Linda thinking that it’s the power of the hat. Or it may be because the kids think that it’s a good idea to play Hot Ones with Sean Evans when eating something hot that causes them to head over to the water booth and of course...
My boy! My motherfucking boy is back! Darryl, my son, welcome home! Yeah, so Darryl is back despite being there in the background and not having a single voice role in the episode, but fuck it, I’ll take it. Because let’s face it, I miss him so much. Back. Pointless, but back. I mean, Darryl is pretty much my favorite side character on the show. He grew on in the span of years when watching the show. Underrated as fuck. Glad that Darryl made his return to the show, despite having a non-speaking cameo, being one of the kids who ran towards the water booth after eating spicy food to take a sip of water. This is pretty much the show throwing breadcrumbs onto the fans when it comes to everyone’s favorite side character, including myself, ending up eating it up. I say fuck it and take it because it’s been almost three years since we last saw him. Yeah, I only recognized Darryl as one of the kids storming to the water booth, which made me lose my shit. Not knowing that he’s there before because I’ve been focusing on the story of the episode.
Hence, seeing in this frame, in this scene when Frond came to the Belcher kids’ table and taunt Tina, Gene, and Louise over them planning on dunking on him and ending up falling short like a smug bastard, where you have Darryl sitting in the back, top right of the image, eating with both Peter Pescadero and Susmita.
And of course, in this image on the day of the festival where you see Darryl in the bottom left in one of the booths, along with the other kids that we all know attending the festival, not just Darryl, with Jimmy Jr, Zeke, Andy and Ollie, Tammy, Jocelyn, Rudy, Wayne, Peter, Harley, Courtney, Susmita. And at first, I thought for a second there, I thought it was Becky Krespe. Becky, being the girl who Jimmy Jr chose as his Valentine’s Day date over Tina, only to break up with her mid-date. I thought it was her, but apparently, it’s not her. My eyes are probably just made for decoration. Though you noticed that some kids are missing from the scene in the festival. Sure, Henry is not there, but he is there when Louise and Gene were looking for Tina in the library. You kinda forgot that he was there. Him being a cardboard box and all. But we’re talking about others. We didn’t see Arnold. Honestly, don’t blame him knowing how small he is. If this is the weekend, then my guess would be him attending karate class. That one has to be reasonable for his absence. You don’t see Jodi there. Neither does Abby, Jessica, Millie, Jeremy, Megan, Rosa maybe, fuck...even Alex is absent from the scene. I mean, you would have each of these characters added into the mix, but nope. We get Alex’s mom though, but not her son. Damn shame, Alex is starting to grow on me. At least my fave side character, Darryl, is back in what is pretty much fanwank for the final minutes of the episode...that is pretty much a flaming trash heap. God, I hope Darryl makes a full return, voice role and all, despite the whole...you know...surprised that everyone forgot about that. Surely because we have current issues regarding the voice acting side of things with Johnston and now Middleditch. Remind me how the fuck the show doesn’t have any backup actors on standby?
So all and all, what do I think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? A flaming trash heap to be perfectly honest. The episode wasn’t that bad, but much like with last week’s episode, it wasn’t that great. Sure, this episode is going to be downright forgettable and stuff with the rewatch factor there written on the wall. But the episode pretty much fell apart in a quick manner once we get to Tina falling for Rodrigo when starting listening to the audiotape for her Spanish class. And again, how the show is treating Tina these days, thanks in part to good ol’ Flanderization, may have her turning her into a simp. Relying on boys and boys only and that’s about it. If you just now realizing it, well...almost everyone, mostly like 38% of the fandom noticing the changes since the end of Season 7 and right into Season 8 and 9.
Like I said at the beginning of the episode, this was average and predictable. Reasons why I say that because there were some good moments, decent moments at least. Though it feels like it went downhill from here on out for the duration of the episode. Mostly with Tina falling for a random guy who is not even real. Almost had some “Every Which Way But Goose” vibes from Season 9 with her forming an unhealthy relationship, but also have some “Ex Mach-Tina” vibes mixed into, mostly with Tina falling for a guy inside the machine. Again, it feels like the writers pretty much have made Tina into a downright simp. Only paying attention to Rodrigo. Treating it like it’s a day in the virtual world, minus the headset. Throwing away her Spanish quiz that she was supposed to pass with the help of the audio. And even abandoning the task of dunking Mr. Frond with Louise and Gene leading up to the day of the festival, only for her to come on in at the last minute.
Of course, you have Bob and Linda just being there, in the background, when getting ready to serve water for the festival and how to attract the kids in drinking water by trying to pull out the “cool parent” card in trying to get into the times and being modern. Yeah...no. No. With them wanting the kids to come over to the booth, you might as well call what the kids call it these days as “cringe”. I mean, the kids did make it to the booth at the end of the episode, but that was mostly because they ate something spicy and not because of the power of Bob’s baseball cap backward. Yeah, Bob and Linda pretty much pushed into the background that they didn’t even bother getting a subplot of their own. Thrown under the bus since this is pretty much “The Tina Show”.
Though again, I have to give the episode some brownie points with some decent episodes as “positives”, if you wanna call it that. Um, there were some decent scenes that I somewhat enjoyed. Sure, there’s the in-between scenes with Tina ending up eating her tuna sandwich in class and just pressing fast forward, avoiding the family, and just jump over to Rodrigo. Though that highlight would’ve gone to when Louise and Gene invaded the audiotape by re-recording it and inserting themselves into Tina’s subconscious. Of course, the WTF moment being that fucking Wilhelm scream added when Rodrigo was being attacked by an alligator. Other than that, you have the episode that is pretty much fanwank with each of the side characters, with little to no lines, appearing in each scene of the episode, leading up to the end with them running towards the water booth. I fell victim to it and I had to eat the fucking bread crumbs. I’ll take it because I miss having Darryl around, despite being a non-speaking cameo, but I’ll take it. Though shame that we didn’t get the likes of Jodi, Arnold, Abby, Millie, Jessica, and Alex into the fanwank mix. That would be something.
So final thoughts, average, leaning towards the “meh” territory, though forgettable with the rewatch factor written all over the wall when watching the episode. How Tina was behaving in the episode was not my cup of tea. Mostly with her throwing away everything from her Spanish quiz that she should’ve been studying and practicing with her siblings to dunk Mr. Frond. Of course, you have Bob and Linda thrown into the background throughout the episode that they didn’t do jack shit than wanting to up the ante in getting each festival goer to drink water. Of course, you have the fanwank where you have almost every recurring Wagstaff kid popping up throughout the episode. But that about it. So I’ll give “Y Tu Tina Tambien”...
A 5.5 out of 10. It was reaching towards a 6 out of 10. But...a score of 5.5 out of 10 might be a better choice with the episode. But that’s just my opinion and now I wanna hear yours. What do you think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Do you think that the Flanderization effect already taken place on the show? What are your thoughts on Tina so far in the show since your first viewing? Do you think Bob and Linda would’ve done better in the episode? All that and your mini-review down in the comments.
No new episode on April 4 because of Easter break. Of course, The Great North piece could take a while, but I promise you that it is coming. It is coming. But Bob’s Burgers returns on April 11 and it’s another Tina episode, folks. This time, hopefully, it’s not with a random boy, but with an underground trend that Frond is not fond of. Choosing between either jump into the trend or follow the rules of the law in the seventeenth episode of Season 11 of Bob’s Burgers in “Fingers-loose”.
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***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Century FOX, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***
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