It’s been a year since everything has blown up on our faces, like if anything 2020 had ever done, with the pandemic being declared. Becoming the first domino to fall that leads to where we are now with the other two pieces being Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson tested positive while in Australia and the NBA suspended their season courtesy of Rudy Gobert being the person responsible for not having sports for a few months. But here we are, a year later and we got a vaccine. Well, I’m not vaccinated as of yet, but I’m planning on doing it. Not to mention, the stimulus checks. Feel free to use tiny portions of it to help the page out. I hope that doesn’t sound like solicitation because otherwise, that would be bad.
In this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers, the Belcher family head off to their own thing for the day with Bob and Louise, while being accompanied by Teddy, to get supplies from a creepy guy on the internet, mostly Craigslist; and Tina and Linda going shoe shopping, not knowing that they left the middle child of the family, Gene, having the house all to himself in my spoilerific review of the fourteenth episode of Bob’s Burgers, titled “Mr. Lonely Farts”.
I gotta admit for a moment when it comes to this week’s episode that I was worried that it’s not going to hit a certain bar. Mostly because I have some concerns with the episode and how it would pan out after what is pretty much a controversial episode. I say “controversial” because a lot of people liked the episode despite the endless lies that ruined it in my opinion. Well, this week’s episode came on by, and apparently, for a Gene-centric episode, this was an interesting episode. Possibly a good one to say the least...well despite that we have three plots in one episode, meaning that I have to split that into three...well start off with the startup, the main, subplot 1, and subplot 2 before merging back to the main plot. Kinda like with “Legends of the Mall” from last season. Though this one is good than that episode. Though kinda ironic with the episode that has Gene in isolation when being home alone and you have a song that pretty much proves the fact that Gene hates being alone and pretty much have a fear of it, happened to be the last table read in a large gathering before, wouldn’t you guess it? The fucker known as Corona-chan decided to shut everything down and have everyone work from home. Not a single table/script cover reveal since. Unless they kept that in private through the Zoom calls. Though I don’t mind the subplots for the episode. I did enjoy those two subplots while they’re away from the house and not knowing that Gene is home alone like a hamster in its cage. Let’s unlock those doors and hopefully what I said doesn’t feel like this could be out of context, this is “Mr. Lonely Farts”.
Of course, it ain’t a Gene episode nowadays without having a Gene moment to start off the whole thing with him presenting the family with him doing a belly roll to entertain the masses. Because we don’t know how long this pandemic is going to last, might as well accept that as our form of entertainment. Now watch. Watch, puppet. Watch. Gene rolls his belly as the family watches TV, well just Bob, Louise, and Tina, as Linda tries to find her phone that she somehow lost out of her sight. Don’t know if have the phone to call the missing phone would’ve been the only idea to find the missing device...oh she did that later on? Well, poop.
Linda thought it was the sound of her phone, but instead, it’s Bob, who got a text from Teddy and setting up the second of the three plots of the episode over getting a new vent hood above the grill to replace the old one due whatever reason why it has to be replaced unless you want to count what happened with the events of the 200th episode when the kids accidentally committed arson over a mermaid statue that would pretty much scar kids who watched the show, and yes, kids do watch this show, so uh...sleep well tonight, kids. That would’ve been the most reasonable reason for why the vent has to be replaced. Aging would’ve also been a useful idea for that instead of just replacing it for no whatever reason.
We also set up the third plot of the episode when it comes to what both Linda and Tina are planning on doing throughout the day, well, the morning hours, because apparently, Tina’s shoes seem to be worn down for some reason. I mean, she has those shoes on for eleven seasons and now thinks it’s a good time for her to get some replacements. I mean, it’s kinda like with last season when Tina got her new glasses, which are pretty much the same glasses but different lens, and thinks that she has uncontrollable power like she has the force from Star Wars. How bad is the shoe...
Bob and Teddy then begin to take the old vent down because it does require two people to detached the item from the wall without causing any damage whatsoever with Teddy revealing that he has nothing to do for the day, especially, get this? Attending his cousin’s wedding. He would rather help Bob out in any situation than attending an event for a family member of his, especially at a wedding of all events. Hell, even a funeral wouldn’t stop Teddy from helping Bob out. Even Bob is concerned about what Teddy is doing and why he’s not even attending his cousin’s wedding, but that won’t stop Teddy from helping his friend out. Talk about respect. And also finding out that the place that Bob will be getting the replacement vent is not over at the shop or waiting for the package to arrive, but nope, it’s from a guy he found on the internet. So technically, Craigslist. Yeah, it’s Craigslist. Prompting Louise to begin to suspect that this is pretty much what could be a start of a crime scene investigation. Because it’s a random guy on the internet. You don’t know what kind of shit you’re going to expect from that guy that Bob found to get the vent at a very low price. Lot of stuff that I really don’t want to name stuff, but you get the idea. And also, there’s Gene wanting to show off his belly roll that you kinda wish that it’s the truffle shuffle before finally say that he should go with Tina and Linda to the shoe store. Mostly because there will be some singing during the ride with Gene wanting to get his keyboard for the entire trip.
Speaking of Tina and Linda, Linda still struggles to find her phone by using the wall phone to find her phone and sadly, no luck on finding the damn thing. Before saying “fuck it” and decided to head out to the store while the day is young, not knowing that Gene had already decided which party he’ll tag along with. That party being Linda and Tina going to the shoe store. Oh, Linda is aware on which side Gene is tagging along with for the morning hours. It just she thinks that he would tag along with Bob, Louise, and Teddy to a possible murder spot down the block. Again, not knowing that Gene would rather be with Tina and Linda. But by the time Tina and Linda head out, and the same goes for Bob, Louise, and Teddy as they all head out for the morning to do their thing. Not knowing...
That once everyone left the place, Gene finally found his keyboard for the car ride but now noticing that both parties have left the building with Gene looking around the house and around the restaurant, putting him in a state of panic. Calling Linda on the phone, only to somehow found her phone at the last place she would look around the house in under the couch cushions along with a coin and a peanut M&M, in which he had to eat it. Of course, he had to call Linda first and remembers her number, so it’s not surprising. Though when he trying to get Bob’s number, that would’ve been his ticket out of here but can’t read the last digits of the number written on the fridge due to a sludge of ketchup over it. Causing Gene to now realize that he’s been left home alone. But not before he gets a call from his imaginary friend, Ken, on the phone. And by phone, I mean the tongs as a headset like he’s Doppio from Part 5 of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and telling his 28-year-old albino imaginary friend, who is not real that even Bouchard said so himself, that the family left him alone and having the house all to himself.
Gene, now home alone, raid through the fridge like it’s a cold January day at the Capitol and eat stuff from the thing like he hasn’t somewhat learned his lesson from what happened in “Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid” where he ate a rotting parmesan chicken that landed him in the toilet and missing out Thanksgiving. Seen here eating portions of a bowl of grapes, a tub of pasta, and a loaf of bread. Now, think of it for a moment there. You’ve been left home alone after your family leaves you to do stuff. And need something to do to pass the time until the family return later in the day? What would you do to pass the time? I mean, now in this day of age, it’s mostly watch something on your phone and stream some shows. But with Gene, that’s different. What would you think he would do to pass the time? Other than going through the fridge. Well...
Try ransacking through the closet in Bob and Linda’s bedroom, find a secret stash that revealed to be Linda’s crackers that she kept hidden until Gene stormed on through and ripped it away from the closet, and begin eating it on the bed. I mean, Linda did say whenever she leaves the house, either alone or with Bob, she did say that to the kids to stay out of the closet. I mean, they’re kids. You'd think that’s going to stop either one to explore to the closet? I guess. I mean, it was never touched until this very moment with Gene being home alone and eating the crackers like a madman while talking to Ken via tong-lephone. And also leaving crumbs on the bed. As the saying goes, do you want ants? Because that’s how you get ants. Especially now that the weather is now beginning to warm up as we prepare to enter Spring. Oh, but the bedroom of Bob and Linda isn’t the only room to be ransacked thanks in part to Hurricane Gene.
Try hosting a bit of a mini-concert for himself, rather a rave, over at Louise’s room with her items on the floor and serving it as the audience. Oh boy, Louise is not going to like this when finding out what happened to her room. Especially when it comes to someone, especially by blood, touching her stuff. Especially her toys on the shelf. But because Louise is not here and with both Bob and Teddy to deal with the whole thing with the vent in what could be the inspiration for a future episode of any crime show on primetime TV during the weeknights, Gene has the power to do so to pass the time. Though...Louise isn’t going to take that lightly and let’s just say...Gene won’t live long to see the sunset. She is sentimental when it comes to her stuff and she’s not going to take what happened lightly.
Then to Tina’s room with Gene reading through Tina’s diary. Okay, at this point, Tina may need something to lock away the diary at a secure location so that it doesn’t get discovered and opened up to the whole family. Yeah, the whole family. Girl needs something to hide her thoughts without anyone, like Gene in this episode, reading it like it’s another installment of a book series. I had to listen and watch through a compilation of commercials from the 2000s because of nostalgia and I’m getting fucking old, remember Password Journal? Don’t know if they’re selling it still but if it did, then give Tina one. Hid that shit with that light that reveals the writing and turns it off like it’s the spoiler feature over at Discord. Might as well give her that once her birthday hits. At least it’s not her erotic friend fiction because...the last thing Gene needed during his time alone.
Though the spoons thing was somewhat enjoyable with Gene playing with the whole thing around the kitchen. I mean, I get the three things being sentimental when it comes to Linda, Louise, and Tina that Gene now ransacked through. With Linda, it’s the crackers. With Louise, it’s her toys on the shelf and of course, not wanting anyone coming into the room and already dealt with enough shit in the past with Teddy, Jessica, and Zander coming into her room without prior consent. We still don’t know about the Millie thing that transformed her room into a carbon copy of Louise’s. Though Kaylee was invited to be there. Just be like Kaylee, might be the moral of the idea of going into a walk-in closet like Louise’s room. Though the spoon thing was enjoyable out of the four, just putting it out there.
But that won’t be the last time we saw Gene going wild when being home alone because that leaves him in the restaurant, surprising that Bob didn’t even bother locking the doors before heading out because otherwise, we could have a Home Alone situation, decided to make some food for himself by seeing a bag of hamburger buns and decided to up the ante with the bread and thinking of using the meat grinder to make some “bun-burgers” as he said as he goes down into the basement. It’s bun on bun on bun action. And this coming from the same country where we have two pieces of fried chicken as bread. And yes, that is a thing.
And let’s add some misfortune into the mix during Gene’s time alone at the house as he heads on down to the basement with the old vent that was ready to be shown the door once the new one enters the restaurant ends up collapsing and closing the door, causing Gene to be locked inside the basement. Trapped inside the basement...with no other alternatives to get of there, window to escape and almost feels like a basement you’d seen in movies where the victim gets trapped like it’s a prison a la Silence of the Lambs or even worse than that situation. Not to mention, of course, the house door is unlocked. The restaurant, despite being closed, was unlocked. And if you’re wondering how the hell Gene even made it to the restaurant? Yeah, that was pretty much the only way by heading out through the front door of the house and open the restaurant. I mean Bob did leave the place unlocked. Guess that’s how Gene came into the restaurant from the house portion of the building, thanks in part to a certain burger restaurant owner forgotten to lock the restaurant. Never mind, when going back to it, Gene has the keys. You left him with the keys?! Why?! I mean, at least it’s not worse. Not like Gene didn’t grab something and break the windows. Or used the grill because the last thing we need is 200th episode 2.0 in burning the kitchen down for the second time.
Oh, and to make things even worse for Gene, despite putting up multiple bags of potatoes to turn it into a chair and have a jar of pickles, and possibly the bread, as food for survival until the whole family comes back to the house before the lunch rush, his only contact that he talks to throughout the whole situation since the very start, being Ken through the tongs. Which surprising that it didn’t even fall off from Gene’s head throughout the whole morning hours. I mean, there have to be some instances where that happened during those times. Mostly when ransacking each of the rooms. So the fact that the tongs have held on for so long onto Gene’s head...unless he like attached tape, which would totally feel like it would hurt like a motherfucker like it’s waxing on any of the body parts, but not by a lot. Of course, we gotta talk about this scene...
This was pretty much the highlight and I guessed what saved the episode. When Gene gets upset that Ken left him to do other stuff in the world of imagination, it feels like Gene was about to lose it. Like being left behind by his family was bad enough for him for the day and now with Ken abandoning him at the worst possible time, it feels like we’re setting up...I guess you could say what is Gene’s biggest fear other than being around snakes. And that is, of course, isolation. Almost kinda seems topical with the whole pandemic that lasted through a year where we had to stay in our homes and not being around people we know. But Gene is pretty much different. I mean sure, he’s a kid. Most kids don’t like the idea of being alone for once in their life. But he said it himself. Saying that when being livid over Ken leaving him hanging, that him being alone is his worst nightmare. And also begins to think that this is Ken’s way of saying to Gene that he need to somewhat get over the fear of being alone. Despite that, he hates being isolated from his family and peers. It’s like with “Roller? I Hardly Know Her!” with Alex after accepting the offer to be Courtney’s dance partner. It’s like with “Mommy Boy” with Linda after accepting the invitation to that all women’s business meeting. The fucker doesn’t like being alone. And you know what it took for him to finally got over the fear? All by song, thanks to Ken. Sure, it’s a good moment and it did save the episode.
But not as great as what happened with The Great North in this week’s episode. That really won the night for...well, everybody. Including myself. No offense to this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers. It’s great and all, but The Great North for this week was a slam dunk with the LGBT representation regarding both Ham and Crispin. Y’all want me to do a review on this? Let’s just prepared around the Easter weekend timeframe, either before or after the holiday because there’s no new episodes on the week of April 4, regarding The Great North. Could take a while but this was in the planning stages to be picked up and it looks like the time could be right to do the deed since, by the time we get to the Easter break, we’d be seven episodes in with the show. You could call it a tease. You could call it fodder. All I know, it’s coming. But for now, we press the pause button on the main plot of “Mr. Lonely Farts” with Gene to get over to the two subplots, and let’s begin with Subplot A...
Bob, Louise, and Teddy arrive at the location for Bob to get the replacement vent for the restaurant in a neighborhood that looks like you see in the suburbs across...let’s say the South. Let’s go with that. The three are ready to pick up the item that they’ve been looking for, through Bob looking at stuff on the internet, which is inside the garage and full of appliances like refrigerators and washers and dryers like he got it from an appliance store that was once running out of business. I say Circuit City...yeah, definitely Circuit City. Also Sears. I know that they’re not officially out of business’s pretty much a slow death in progress.
Once Bob paid for the new vent for the restaurant, he now waits for the receipt for him to take...except that it took the three of them for hours on end for them to get the damn receipt, so they can head on home. But it appears that the guy is currently MIA at the moment. Though again, this is a guy from the internet. And Louise still thinks that because Bob found the guy from the internet, that the reason he hasn’t shown up is that he could be sharpening his blades and ready to create a mass murder like we’re about to see a live murder on animated television because again, you’ll never what you expect when meeting someone on the internet, not knowing who’s behind the screen, either being a murderer, a predator, a terrorist, a white nationalist, or an FBI agent. At this point, you might as well contact the guys from that MTV show, called “Catfish”, when it comes to meeting with someone behind the screen. Sure, there are video calls, especially since we’re still in a pandemic, but’ll never know.
Bob finally said that he’s tired of waiting for the guy to come back for the receipt and decided to go inside the house to see what’s the holdup with both Louise and Teddy to tag along...and hopefully not leave in fucking body bags. The three enter the house, going through the laundry room that also serves as a hallway to the garage that somehow is dark. And not just in the laundry room, but also in the kitchen as the three walks on through like the crew of the show is really setting up the vibe of a horror film about a group of people whose car has been broken down and stops by at someone’s house for a phone call for a tow, except that the house owner happens to be a downright serial killer who kept various knives and blades but also severed limbs hidden inside the closet or garage. The 1970s were a...a messed up time. A lot of serial killers early in that decade. That’s insane.
The whole house tour ends with Bob, Louise, and Teddy making their way to the living room with Louise and Teddy armed with both a butter knife and a cheese grater and...okay, props on them falling to the hysteria of thinking that the guy has been missing throughout the episode and have the idea of him being an ax-wielding murderer was something and had to arm themselves, well, mostly Louise and Teddy arming themselves in a very dark room, that very much setting the mood of what could be a possible homicide ready to take place.
The guy finally popped out of the blue with Bob, Louise, and Teddy shocked over him showing up just now with the receipt in his hands. Even though both Louise and Teddy are behind Bob while being armed with both the knife and grater in their hands, which somewhat upsets the owner. Though you have Bob in front of them, don’t know if this is pretty much their way of having Bob serve as the human shield, even though they won’t do that. Especially Louise and Teddy...who would rather just get killed right away than let Bob get the first experience right away. But the guy tells the three that he’s not a serial killer, just because he was selling stuff on the internet. It's surprising that he didn’t like sell his stuff over at the dark web because he would not enjoy that. And that’s how we wrap up what I called “Subplot A” with the vent replacement with the seller not pleased over what happened, but at least Bob got his receipt and the vent for the kitchen as he, along with Louise and Teddy, to head on out. Not knowing that a certain someone what they, along with Linda and Tina, left behind and as of this moment, trapped inside the basement. Speaking of Tina and Linda...
Onto Subplot B with Tina and Linda entering the shoe store in search to find some new pairs for Tina to wear for the rest of the show...mostly a replacement version of her worn-out shoes because they won’t give her a new pair that isn’t her converse due to...of course, status quo. It’s like with what happened leading up to “Boys Just Wanna Have Fungus” with Tina getting new glasses. All that hype throughout the Summer into the Fall building up, only to end in disappointment. Though the two girls are seemed to be distracted from the main objective over the shoes in the middle of the store that happened to be over the budget, much like with other shoes, mostly made by well-known rappers like Travis Scott or Kanye West. Or any pair of Air Jordans. The cost of a mortgage for a small house is the same price as those pair of shoes. They get distracted for a bit before heading to their main destination, for a moment, at the discount, layaway section of the shop and...uh...
Yeah, the crying kid over putting on a new pair of sneakers was one issue because you really don’t want to go through kids throwing tantrums, and cry for no ever reason would be one issue for the average shopper when trying to get new shoes. But look at the aisle. Look at it. It’s like a freaking tornado came through and fucked everything up. Mostly with the shoes being displaced and all. It’s everyone who has OCD’s worst nightmare.
The two girls found the replacement converse shoes for Tina to try out over at the discount aisle of the store and...they’re heading off to the fancy, expensive aisle of the store. Just throw that objective right away into the trash bin. Might as well play around with the whole thing for the rest of the morning. Again, not knowing what is happening back at home regarding Gene being home alone. So they decided to mess around for a bit in trying out some heels and boots with Tina somewhat struggling over wearing the footwear. But also trying not to get busted by the employee at the store over not wanting that aisle to be displaced like with the discount aisle.
But that won’t stop Tina and Linda to have some fun with the boot aisle in trying out some high boots over at the aisle and that’s where their side of the episode coming to an end after deciding to stop for the day when noticing that they’re doing the misplacement of each and every shoe from its box like with the discount aisle and take the converse instead to take home. And even scored a 20% off on the pair for some reason. But hey, better than paying for like...the actual price plus the sales tax to buy the sneakers. Even though Tina really wants to get the boots that have heels on them, even though that ain’t going to happen. Especially with what happened the last time you wore heels that landed you with a broken leg and being placed behind the monitor.
The two subplots merged with the main plot with the family now back at the restaurant with Bob, Louise, and Teddy got the vent from the guy to be attached as Linda and Tina came back to the house with Tina enjoying her new, replacement shoes and thinks that she’s a different person, except not really. It’s really like with the glasses back in Season 10. And it took until just now for the rest of the Belchers and Teddy to now realized that they left Gene all alone at home. For the whole morning. They didn’t even notice that their own son in the family is not with either party for the whole morning. They didn’t even fucking notice until just now at the final minutes of the episode. The whole episode and they didn’t even notice during the issue with the vent receipt or going shoe shopping. Sure, Linda doesn’t have her phone because she can’t find it until Gene found it under the couch cushions. But you think that either Bob or Linda or even Louise or Tina or Teddy would’ve brought it up but lol no. Paging Captain Hindsight. Captain Hindsight, where the fuck were you?
It wasn’t long for the rest of the Belcher family and Teddy to explore the house to find Gene with the Belcher kids noticing their stuff being ransacked from the crackers to the toys to the diary to now realizes that he’s in the basement with the old vent trapped him inside, only to find him griding bread into crumbs. Of course, Gene finally got over the fear of isolation thanks to Ken. Of course, gotta give some props to the episode for exploring that idea and that song for saving the episode with Gene dealing the thoughts of why being alone is not a good thing to experience. Again, he’s a kid. Kids pretty sure don’t like that. So having an imaginary friend to help you around, though left you at the worst possible time when being trapped inside the basement with no other exit around, pretty much helped him out to get through the whole experience. So that’s something. At least he didn’t burn the house down, so there’s that. But may now have to deal with an incoming invasion of ants...mostly because the weather is starting to warm up and also Gene did leave a mess with the crumbs on the bed. Freaking spring, man.
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Correction: Meant to put in Episode 14 on the Episode section |
I say an 8 out of 10...yeah, 8 out of 10 for this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers. But that’s my opinion and now I wanna hear yours. Tell me what you think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Is this a good Gene episode in your opinion for a while? How would you react when you were home alone? Which subplot is your favorite? All that and your mini-review in the comments down below. I had some suspicion on this episode and it did sorta exceeded expectations, which is good, I can accept that. Though the one airing on Sunday with Linda dealing with some...issues...regarding the stomach trail in the fifteenth episode of Season 11 in “Sheshank Redumption”. Haven’t even aired and already, it’s in the “sus” category. Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram are the places to go to follow for updates and behind-the-scenes stuff that also includes the Battle of the Week Voting Tournament for this year, and right now, it’s with the anime community between Shiemi Moriyama from Blue Exorcist taking on Hange Zoe from Attack on Titan. Polls close on Saturday, March 20. And March 21 is the start of the Group B stages between Giorno Giovanna from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and Krillin from Dragon Ball. And if you wanna help the page out, now that y’all got the stimmies...
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