In another installment of how shit 2020 had become, HQ almost targeted by another hurricane, this time, during the season, but somehow dodged a bullet from Hurricane Delta. And yes, we did reach the Greek alphabet. Though, Louisiana can’t even catch a freaking break and still recovering from Hurricane Laura back in August. Thoughts are with them, hopefully their hurricane season, even though the whole enchilada isn’t over until November 30, ends after that so they can begin a very long recovery. Meanwhile in the voting tournament, looking at the results, Alex Papasian could be days away from getting the nomination. Though at the time of the posting, Tulip Olsen probably tied it up, if not, taken the lead. Just another reminder to exercise democracy and cast your vote. Anyway, episode review, let’s do that.
In this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers, the Fischoeder brothers open up a nightclub with Felix taking charge of operations and hire both Bob and Linda to work for them, temporally, as the Belcher kids, didn’t learn their lesson of not having their parents around when taking over the basement in Seasons 3 and 5 (though that one had Linda involved), takes over the basement yet again in hosting an underground pool party that pretty much broke numerous CDC guidelines in my spoilerific review of the third episode of Season 11, titled “Copa Bob-bana”.
So who here misses the nightlife prior to the COVID-19 pandemic? I don’t. Not a partying type of person. Or rather the social, this is getting freaking sad in a hurry. But regardless, having an episode from any show that have the idea of the nightclub being the focus isn’t new to anyone, unless you’re a first-time viewer. For this episode, it’s pretty much the Fischoeder brothers, mostly Felix as a whole, taking over the nightclub scene with him owning his very own club and having Bob and Linda to work for them...well that was until things fell apart that, controversial take, pretty much made the episode somewhat fell apart at the end...well, mostly the final minutes of it. Though it wasn’t a total loss for the kids cause despite a subplot that pretty much feels somewhat bland and seems to be going nowhere with the whole kids hosting an underground pool party and thinking that it would be like with Season 3 or Season 5, being the last time they did something in the basement, it wasn’t a total loss for them, so that’s pretty much that. Not a total loss for the kids but somewhat of a loss for both Bob and Linda. That being said, might as well somewhat relive what life is like before the pandemic struck when it comes to group gatherings, this is “Copa Bob-bana”.

Episode opening up with Tina open up the dishwater, with steam fully coming out, with her picking up the place with both Gene and Louise glossing over and telling their father that one of the plates didn’t come out clean, causing concern for Bob as Teddy enters the restaurant and orders a double since he skipped breakfast for the day, which...pretty sure shouldn’t done that. I mean they said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And going for a double burger...yeah, don’t know if that’s going to help for the long run. Mostly with that tin bath in the back of the truck that now garnered the Belcher kids’ attention. Speaking of that, the kids noticed the tin tub at the back of Teddy’s truck and pretty much established their subplot later on in the review as they explore the damn thing from top to bottom...

We have a visit from the Fischoeder brothers, Calvin and Felix, entering the restaurant and tells the Belchers, mostly Bob and Linda, about them opening up a nightclub. First off, Felix came back after a season’s break despite that his brother, Calvin, came back two episodes ago when encountering the hand slapping. Second, why do you have to tell what the hell you guys are doing to them? What, like private social circles inside a mansion in the middle of an island in a middle of a storm not the norm anymore? Just pretty much go to the Belchers at the restaurant and tell them what you two are doing because y’all got nothing else to do?! Is that what it is now? So yeah, Fischoeders enter the restaurant and tells both Bob and Linda that they’re opening a nightclub with Felix as the owner and manager and also seems really happy about all of this. Linda, also happy that they’re opening a nightclub, in which Calvin asks Bob for a job position as chef over there for opening night with the whole nightclub being a bar/restaurant style of club but having Bob to be a temporally as they search for a full time chef for their little club that they purchased over at an abandoned storage unit, just hope they pretty much got rid of the stuff like spider webs and maybe rats that pretty much made the place their home. But yeah, Calvin asks Bob for a position. Bob has concerns about all of this...till he brought up the rent and thus, Bob enters the bandwagon and becomes their temporally chef for the time being for opening night. So when you’re thinking about having Bob around to whatever shenanigans you’re pulling, just bring up the rent and have it lowered and then, he’ll be on board for what kind of bullshit that we’re ready to encounter.

Later in the night, Bob and Linda enter the place and seeing the place at first hand with everyone setting the place up from top to bottom where they encounter an old face, it’s Mickey! Working behind the counter and being a bartender at the nightclub. Oh Mickey, you so fine, you so fine, you blow my mind! Hey Mickey...aight, I’ll stop. Yeah, pretty much one of the big highlights of the episode is the return of Mickey. Feels like this is pretty much a fanservice episode where we have both Fischoeders, ready to bring in a third with their cousin Grover, and now Mickey. As for the characters who had the longest droughts since their last appearance, the main three who had their droughts extended being Josh, Jessica, and Mickey. The first two came back last season with Jessica, haven’t seen since Season 4 and Josh, haven’t seen since Season 3. Thus making Mickey to have the longest drought for a recurring character to make their return after last seeing him in Season 5, almost six years since we last saw him and no, the credits to “Glued, Where’s My Bob” doesn’t count. That doesn’t count. It has to be a speaking role. Last we seen Mickey in Season 5, speaking role wise, and with Jessica and Josh return last season, he had taken the title of recurring character who has the longest drought...up until this episode. So the person who now taken the title now that Mickey returns...well, it looks like it’s Jairo? No...think it’s Abby since she appeared in two episodes, recently being Season 5. Abby or Jairo may have taken the mantle of recurring characters of their longest drought of appearance. Meanwhile, I’m still on Alex’s and Darryl’s return to the show...have they even found a new voice of Marshmallow after Herman stepped down? Are we even going to find out?

The Fischoeders take the Belchers to take a tour of the place, and by that, I mean putting them in their starting positions for the episode with Felix taking Bob to the kitchen where he will be working and for Linda, pretty much gotta sit there as Calvin head off to rehearse the song for opening night, only for him to ask Linda to perform a duet since the song he’s performing is a duet. So...for Linda, it looks like she got a job position as a co-singer for Fischoeder to perform come opening night. So that’s one Belcher adult to have the job position filled, now for Bob.

Felix takes Bob to the kitchen and tell him the deets for what to do where Bob noticed kitchen equipment and appliances in that exact place he now pretty much have a culinary boner, yeah, I know I have to keep it PG but coming from me who pretty much swears, my page, I make the decisions. Bob falls in love with the kitchen and how clean and new it looks and ending up having a some fantasies of how opening night would pan out with Bob coming out, looking all fancy, with him coming out and placing food onto the table, coming from the appliances that seems too new for him, and taking over the jazz performance.

And yes, unless you didn’t know, H. Jon Benjamin did a jazz album. He’s pretty much a jazz musician though can’t tell if that fantasy that we just saw was pretty much Benjamin’s idea to put it because why not? Pretty sure he came up with the idea that the cast and crew can’t say no to that idea. But besides that, it looks like Bob, thanks in part to that kitchen and wishing that he has that with his kitchen back in the restaurant and hoping to replace the old, pretty much rusted out appliances and accept the position of chef. Temporally because the Fischoeders still need to find a permanent chef for their building, but regardless, Bob got a spot for the club and the same goes for Linda, thus making them to have two jobs. At day, working at the restaurant and by night, now working at the an abandoned what pretty much in a bad neighborhood in Murder Alley District.

Onto the next morning, Bob and Linda seems happy over the fact that tonight’s the night for them to work for the nightclub from the Fischoeders, thus leaving the kids alone, well, not alone cause Jen is pretty much babysitting them. Again, feels like a fanservice episode. Just bringing out the classics. And normally, with Jen taking over the babysitting spot, you think that Tina would not be happy over it and think that she would do somewhat of a “better” job but knowing the subplot that we’ll get to that later, but with Bob and Linda heading out for the night and with Jen taking the spot, who is pretty much an easy target to get through, have the Belcher kids to host their little pool party down at the basement. But for that, they need to distract Linda for Teddy to have the tub in and have it filled with water. Again, more on that in the subplot.

Later on inside the nightclub, Bob tries to ask Felix about the whole menu but too busy trying to set things in order in his own image with his cousin/lawyer Grover trying to convince that you can’t put a lampshade over a candle. Which...why would you ever put a lampshade, an item that happened to be easily flammable, over a candle? These aren’t like with those lanterns you have to let it fly into the sky in certain festivals and vigils, it’s nothing like that. Plus, you’re in a building, pretty sure the place didn’t even bothered getting insurance once it was bought and been transformed. Grover asks Felix to not add a lampshade over the candle but Felix, being the manager and owner of the place, decided to be a little conservative on the whole design and have it his way as Bob finally got Felix’s attention about the menu and hoping for some minor changes, like with the candle thing, no changes. As Felix continues to build the damn place in his own images despite the cons that been noticed and fears that it would totally mess things up come opening night. Yeah, naming Felix as the manager, and not a good one at best, would pretty much be the most regrettable idea for the Fischoeders to name him with that title. It’s like being summoned for jury duty and you have a winning fantasy team and you handed control to someone you know that pretty much have no experience and decided to make terrible moves enough to end your season. And I have a fantasy team, goddamn it. How the fuck am I 2-2?! (2-3 or 3-2 by the time of the posting)

Later on in the main plot, Bob serves Felix the “jazz balls” he’s serving on the plate as a taste test to see if it’s going to have the green light to serve to the public, in which he did tasted it and head off to one of the waiters and walk away, leaving Bob with both Calvin and Grover at their positions with him overhearing their conversation about Felix, behind his back, with Bob telling the two Fischs what they’re talking about. Revealing that this nightclub thing...nothing more than a sham. Rather, it’s a private social club and thinks that Felix would lose interest once this blows over, causing Bob to be concerned over the whole thing from top to bottom, whether being finding out that the whole nightclub thing is nothing more than keeping Felix happy like he’s treating him like a fucking two-year-old who would easily get temper tantrums unless you give it a toy. This nightclub is pretty much a toy and Felix is the two-year-old and waiting for the right moment for everything to be shut down. Or in the fact the employees who has their jobs working at the damn place pretty much going to find out that everything that been going in nothing more than a sham, not getting paid for their payroll, and pretty much wasted their times away from their homes. Pretty much sums up failed sports leagues to their players. The second version of the XFL is not even their fault, that’s all on COVID and not knowing it would explode right onto their faces. But regardless, Bob found out about the whole thing and now have to keep his mouth shut, mostly to Felix, so they don’t pretty much took a massive shit onto Felix’s hopes and dreams.

Well unless you end up tell that to Linda in the kitchen about the whole thing when cooking up the jazz balls and pretty much telling her that everything about the club is a total sham and that whole thing is mostly them humoring Felix and wait for him to have this thing to blow over for the next 48 hours and would have Linda to react over the whole thing from top to bottom...however, someone else pretty much overheard about what happened.
In the form of Felix, seen here like he seen disappointed in finding out that he’s not going to Disney World for vacation, disappointed over finding out that the whole nightclub scene is nothing more than a sham just for both his brother and cousin to humor him, ending up having his self-esteem to be lowered. Not even a jazz ball can even help lift Felix’s spirits up a bit. And this coming from the guy who he and Calvin almost drowned in the hands of Felix. Yeah, we haven’t forgotten about that, huh?

Felix drinks his pain away with both Bob and Linda watching over him being upset since finding out that the whole nightclub idea is nothing more than a sham with Bob pretty much feeling bad for the guy. Again, for a guy that almost let you and Calvin drowned. Still haven’t forgotten about that. With Fischoeder asking Linda to do a rehearsal for the duet for the upcoming opening night and probably be the last opening night they’ll do, by the way, some people kinda felt robbed over not getting a musical number from them. Sure, it’s in the credits but I feel like some people may have been robbed from that. Oh yeah, and Mickey referring Felix to his boss when giving him another drink pretty much crank the emotions meter for Felix from sad sap to horror film and like he’s ready to murder the shit out of his brother. Nothing sinister going on here with him.

Opening night arrives with both Linda and Calvin getting ready for their big performance with Linda decided to go to the bathroom for a quick pee break before performing cause you don’t want to perform with a full bladder and as Linda is heading towards the bathroom, she noticed Felix in the storage closet, only for him to pull out a sledgehammer and rather than probably using it to smash his brother...whoa, okay, that pretty much got dark that quick. Oh boy, where the hell did that come from? But no, it’s not that, it’s mostly to embarrass his brother, on stage, while performing, hitting the sewage pipe and have Calvin covered in sewage...well would also hit the people and also Linda. That and also tear the place down like he’s a part of the demolition crew, something that Linda would not let that one slide and tries to reason with him and try not to get back at his brother for pretty much shitting on his hopes and dreams. And if you think that would work with Felix standing down, putting the hammer away, and just calm down and enjoy what it is...

Or lock Linda in the closet. Pretty much. Locking Linda in the closet with Felix heading off and ready to have his revenge on the waiting side as he now watches his brother Calvin taking the stage with Bob coming in and asking him to where Linda is, pretty much haven’t told him where you hid her. I swear, you’ll probably be bad once you tell the authorities where you hid a dead body. Hell, the Belcher kids are pretty much good when it comes to hiding stuff better than Felix and...they’re kids! And that of course, causes Bob to head off to go through the entire building, rather, the first floor, in search for his missing wife.

Though wasn’t long for him to find Linda and opens up the storage closet with portions of the floor now smell like pee...God, I hope that wasn’t all her for doing all of that. Then again, she had to go to the bathroom when we got locked up in the closet. Though you think a bucket would’ve helped her out on taking a wazz. But enough with that, Linda tells Bob what Felix is about to do with the hammer and ready to destroy the sewage pipe for the sewage to destroy the place and might as well be a race against the clock as Felix now begins to make his move while his brother performs a song that was supposed to be a duet, only for Bob and Linda to stop Felix just as he was about to hammer through the wall, have one of the waiters to take the hammer away. Only for Felix to storm right through the stage and tackle against his brother. Felix calling Calvin out for never believing in him. Whereas Calvin pretty much calling Felix out for never gone a full two days without to do something else. In which pretty much being the most saddest fight we seen for...pretty much this year alone. And not “saddest” like them tearing apart. More of watching two old guys fighting around like it’s a game of poker over who ate the last oatmeal or something like that. To the point where Bob and Linda decided to head out. Normally, they would break up the fight, but I think it’s best for them to not intervene. And would say because it’s a sibling fight, they can’t get involved even though Linda has a sibling, but Bob doesn’t. How does the saying go when it comes to siblings wanting to rip each other throats off?

Yeah, that. And before you say anything, yes, I do have siblings. Yes, I’m the oldest of the two. And they’re pretty much fucking annoying. Fuck this pandemic and fuck this lockdown. Bob and Linda return back to the restaurant with Bob looking down at the old worn out kitchen appliances with Linda wanting to get upstairs and get changed...that was until they noticed the kids in their swimsuits and covered in wet bread pieces and that’s where we jump over to the subplot because why not? You think it’s going to end here? We got this and the final minutes of the episode to tackle, so let’s head over to the subplot.

As Tina, Gene, and Louise explore the tin bath from top to bottom, we have Rudy driving by with his dad on their way to the airport and telling them what they’re doing with them telling that what they think that they got a pool but Rudy thinks that what they got isn’t actually a pool and ending up comparing what the Belchers got as a poll to Chloe Barbash’s, who he attended just last year. Of course, looking at Louise’s face and attitude when upon hearing about Chloe Barbash and her pool in a single sentence.

Like no, really take a good look at her expression. And I seen some various posts when it comes to that when Rudy brought up both Chloe Barbash and her pool that Rudy attended. First, Chloe Barbash. Had to bring her back into the mix because why not. She was there in a few episodes last season though not by a lot. Second, Chloe’s pool...gotta agree with Louise on this one, pretty much a one up to everyone, including her. Third, speaking of being one upped, what is this, the third time? The third time where Louise hates being one upped by someone? Do remember when in “Human Flesh”, when finding out that one of her classmates brought up her uncle being a matador and decided to up the ante with telling everyone that the restaurant serves meat out of human remains and again in “The Hawkening: Look Who’s Hawking” when wanting to show a screening to one of the Hawk & Chick films during Koji’s visit but Rudy’s broken arm became the talk of the school and decided to up the ante. So it looks like Louise may up the ante once again with the pool they spotted at the back of Teddy’s truck. And fourth, did I mentioned Chloe Barbash? And not to mention, Rudy attended that party and how Louise reacted to that...remember when Louise thought that the whole card and weed thing was supposed to be for her but instead, it was for Chloe, in which she felt relieved but actually felt somewhat upset to the point where she kinda felt jealous and also found out that Chloe was pretty much using him to get his quiz answers.
On whether or not Rudy may have a thing for Chloe despite after finding out about her being a quiz digging dingle pretty much have Louise on watch. Mostly because she don’t want to see her friend get hurt. Gotta look out for your best buddy but following what happened since the events of “Bob Actually” when things kinda took a massive shift of their dynamic where the title of love interests now being somewhat added to the trivia portion of their profiles. And this is coming from me, who pretty much ships Louise with Rudy because at least that ship makes sense. It’s probably going to be the whole best friends turned lovers trope. And also, a much better ship than being with Logan because fuck Logan, am I right? Regardless, Louise found out about Chloe’s pool party last year and that Rudy visited there causes Louise to decided to host one of her own.

Thus, having her, Gene, and Tina to ask Teddy to hand it over and of course, lie their way to get the pool inside and telling him that it’s for their parents’ anniversary and anything that has something to do for both Bob and Linda, Teddy to take yes for an answer and begins thinking about putting the whole damn thing in come tomorrow. But for that to happen, they need to distract both Bob and Linda to ever find out about them putting the tub inside to host their underground pool party at the basement. Like you three ever learned when it comes to hosting stuff underground without parental supervision, whether being the underground casino or the underground ice rink. Though that one have Linda jumping into the bandwagon and turns into an icy fight club. Luckily for the Belcher kids, it looks like fate may have going in their favor thanks in part of Bob and Linda, as of this moment, this very moment, the two getting their spots for the nightclub and working for the Fischoeders.
Oh, but it looks like the animation gods decided to bless them with even more stuff to enjoy because with Bob and Linda ready for their big night over at the nightclub for opening night, instead of Tina babysitting both Gene and Louise, it’s Jen who will be taking over the spot and let’s face it, Jen is pretty much...she’s not a reliable babysitter but if Tina becomes unable to do the duties or depends on how late Bob and Linda are out and about, Jen is pretty much Bob and Linda’s call. Even with that, Louise can pretty much get around Jen to have it the Belcher kids’ way to whatever they want like trying to get to the core of a tootsie pop without biting the whole damn thing whether if it’s trying to attend Tina’s dance with Josh that lead to that dance off with Jimmy Jr or trying to attend Linda’s high school reunion to see their mother pretty much embarrass herself in front of her old classmates or even last season when deciding to drive an ice cream truck in an icy street at night, nearly died from hypothermia. Is Jen not a good babysitter? Yeah, I guess. But is she responsible for all of that? Not exactly, because even though it’s the babysitter’s duties to keep the kids in mind, at the end of the day, it’s pretty much the Belcher kids accepting their share of the blame and protect her, even Tina, who pretty much against her for taking that spot. And that girl faced off against a crotch kicking preschooler and had to create a cease fire with Tammy to tackle her.
Oh, but it looks like the animation gods decided to bless them with even more stuff to enjoy because with Bob and Linda ready for their big night over at the nightclub for opening night, instead of Tina babysitting both Gene and Louise, it’s Jen who will be taking over the spot and let’s face it, Jen is pretty much...she’s not a reliable babysitter but if Tina becomes unable to do the duties or depends on how late Bob and Linda are out and about, Jen is pretty much Bob and Linda’s call. Even with that, Louise can pretty much get around Jen to have it the Belcher kids’ way to whatever they want like trying to get to the core of a tootsie pop without biting the whole damn thing whether if it’s trying to attend Tina’s dance with Josh that lead to that dance off with Jimmy Jr or trying to attend Linda’s high school reunion to see their mother pretty much embarrass herself in front of her old classmates or even last season when deciding to drive an ice cream truck in an icy street at night, nearly died from hypothermia. Is Jen not a good babysitter? Yeah, I guess. But is she responsible for all of that? Not exactly, because even though it’s the babysitter’s duties to keep the kids in mind, at the end of the day, it’s pretty much the Belcher kids accepting their share of the blame and protect her, even Tina, who pretty much against her for taking that spot. And that girl faced off against a crotch kicking preschooler and had to create a cease fire with Tammy to tackle her.

The kids head off to the bathroom to talk about the whole tin tub with Louise decided to throw a pool party of their own, mostly because when finding out that Chloe had a pool party of her own last year and Rudy attended that party and wanting to rub it in her face. Tina seems to have some issues about having an underground pool party and inviting a few of their friends and thinking that Bob and Linda would be mad at them, to the point where she may have second thoughts on the idea of having Teddy to bring in the tub inside. Then decided to go a complete 180 with the idea when Louise pulls out the Jimmy Jr card, much like with Bob had to be the chef at the nightclub after Fischoeder pulled out the rent card. Yeah, just bring up Jimmy Jr coming along whenever something pops up, and Tina is pretty much ready to go...girl deserves better. There, I said it. I await the death threats in my DMs.

But for Teddy to put the tub into the basement, with Bob being the only person out of the restaurant, they need to distract Linda for Teddy to put it in and have the thing filled. Enter her giving them somewhat of a tiny show for her upcoming duet with Fischoeder and ending up hugging them to prevent her from getting to the basement as Teddy puts the tub inside and fill the sucker up with water for tonight. Not like the tub may have some issues later on that might probably bite them in the ass or something like that.

Come later in the night as Bob and Linda prepare to head out and with Jen taking over and decided to watch TV as the kids “goes to sleep” and enact their pool party night with Jen just watching TV, great babysitter ever, am I right? Causing the kids to switch their attire from their regular day clothes to their swimsuits with Louise taking Rudy, Zeke, Jimmy Jr, Andy, Ollie, and Chloe, courtesy of Rudy, who pretty much tells her about what Louise is doing at the basement. Because she loves pools...remember when Chloe was supposed to be in “The Gene Mile” because she was in the script cover but written out? Yeah, that happened. And also can’t tell if Rudy still have a thing for Chloe even though...she pretty much used you for your quiz answers back in Season 7. Pretty sure there’s like other fish out the in open waters...pretty sure someone who won’t use you for your quiz answers.
The kids, with Louise, arrive at the pool and sees both Gene and Tina in the water with Gene eating, hoping he doesn’t get cramps when being in the water, and Tina, in her swimsuit, hoping to impress Jimmy Jr and turning it into a date night. Though their friends and Chloe noticed some issues with the tub, so you know that this night might be going down the drain with Chloe seems to be unphased over the design of the tub and Zeke noticing the water being cold upon entering. Plus knowing the size of the thing, pretty sure having a room of nine people in one medium sized tub enough to fit probably less than nine, I don’t know, I’m not a pool expert, would pretty much go against the maximum capacity. And also, during the COVID-19 pandemic, against CDC guidelines. Though you think that with that tub, have that upgrade that sucker into a jacuzzi and boom, pretty much have a nice pool party. Though you may need some equipment so convert that and probably would’ve been better to just dig a hole onto the floor and just fill it with water.

Yeah, it wasn’t long for this little social get together to go downhill for not having food on standby for the guests to feed. Causing Louise to head back upstairs and into the apartment to get some snacks, thus leaving Gene and Tina to entertain the guests with Tina trying to get a compliment for her new swimsuit. So far, Zeke and Jimmy Jr seems impressed with the stripe going through the swimsuit. Pretty sure Tina only got the swimsuit only to impress Jimmy Jr on standby, huh? Louise did get the snacks, only to get stopped by Jen. But only Louise can get through Jen like a marble going through the muddy ground during a race. Did I mention the race being a goddamn friendly? Yeah, the whole metaphor section is pretty much running out of ideas.

Well it wasn’t long for Louise to have the snacks brought down to the basement and have the guests to be fed, only for Chloe and Tina to find out that the water is coming out. As in, there’s a hole in the tub and that causes the water to come out and ready to flood the basement. Like, did some of y’all didn’t even noticed a hole or a few holes in the tub? Didn’t Teddy tell you about a whoopsie when putting the tub inside? Pretty sure this might be a hidden product placement for Flex Tape. Now waiting for that guy from the commercial to pop up out of nowhere. The kids exit out from the tub as the water exits and now must find a way to plug it up.

Causing the kids to get the water out one by one to prevent the whole basement to be underwater and for Bob and Linda to not find out about what happened to avoid getting into trouble, of course, that caused Chloe to pretty much exit stage left and be on heading back home. Good...exit stage left anyway. You’re probably going to miss out on what to expect next. What you mean by that? Well, trying to figure out how to plug up the whole, Jimmy Jr came up with an idea to sop up the water, in which Tina tries to be sarcastic and pretty much call the idea out for being pretty much the stupidest idea for the episode...and the guy took a broom first rather than a ladder to get the paper sticking out from the ceiling. But it looks like Jimmy Jr is right about plugging the hole up with something soft and Gene pulling out the hamburger buns from the box is what going to help close the hole up to prevent the water to come out. But in result, cause the buns to be soggy and Bob’s wallet to be lit up in flames, financially. Though while Bob and Linda’s night at the club seems to be a total loss with the whole nightclub scene being nothing more than just to humor Felix...

At least the kids’ night at the pool in the basement wasn’t a total loss despite the whole pool social gathering pretty much didn’t garner people’s hopes up and having the water to pretty much almost flood the entire basement up, the buns pretty much helped the water from doing all of that and they seem to have fun playing with it and it’s pretty much a pool party for them. Though to be Chloe for pretty much exit out from the basement before the idea come into play and have everyone to play in water full of soggy bread and have them covered in wet breadcrumbs. It’s like entering a pool of water full of yeast to make some bread when trying to create a world record. Just hope no one, who may or may not be Gene, eat the soggy bread from the water. And that’s pretty much bathwater now.

Onto the final minutes of the episode with Felix and Calvin entering the restaurant with Felix apologizing for what happened and how he behaved, mostly locking Linda up in the closet and pretty much have her pee by the mop. Hope the next person who gets the building don’t get pee stains from the closet over in Murder Alley District as Calvin handed an envelope to Bob, pretty much being the paycheck, nothing more than an IOU and an empty envelope. What do you expect? They’re pretty sure they don’t pay their employees, so don’t expect them to somehow seeing them in court for what appears to be defamation or tax evasion. The IRS are nothing to fuck with, just reminding y’all as we close out the episode with Bob telling Fischoeder what to do now that the basement is now flooded courtesy of the kids, but it looks like...might as well let the kids have this one...until the credits where Bob has to get rid of the tub. Yeah, I think the kids’ night may have been somewhat better than the parents. Eh, we might see that come the Halloween episode next week (date pending).
So all and all, what do I think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? It was an alright episode to say the least. The execution for the episode for both plots seems...somewhat sloppy, especially all the way to the final minutes of the episode. Think that the subplot may need a little more work, but it was decent with the kids having the pool into the basement. Regardless, this episode is pretty much fanservice. It’s pretty much fanservice at it’s best.
Mickey’s back. Highlight of the episode. Everyone’s favorite ex-convict back in the show, pointless...but back. At least we don’t have to wait for the movie for him to return coming from the horse’s mouth, that being Bouchard on Twitter when answering a fan’s question about when he’s returning. Kinda wish he does more in the episode for this episode because it’s been almost six years since we last saw him but he’s pretty much a bartender in what appeared to be a sham of a nightclub. Yeah, the return is kinda pointless and was hoping for more with his return, despite pretty much fueled Felix’s revenge rage, nice to have him back. I mean, let’s not forget, Bill Hader’s a busy guy and maybe that could explain why we have a lack of Mickey since Season 5. No longer the holder for recurring character with the longest drought of appearance. That title now goes to...Abby? Jonas? Someone? Yeah, I think it’s Abby who’s now the current holder.
Though I feel like some people may have been robbed over the whole Linda/Fischoeder duet they were hoping. Credits pretty much solved that but if you’re hoping for like during the episode, then yeah, you may call out on y’all being somewhat robbed. Now you have to wait for the whenever the next album drops and hoping for that duet to pop up in your Spotify. Though it was something for Bob to have a fantasy over the whole kitchen that he wish to have to replace the old ones that seems to be run down to the point where he pretty much takes over the stage and play the trumpet like it’s a party out over at Bourbon Street in New Orleans. But let Bob have his thing because shame that whole nightclub is nothing more than a sham and wouldn’t have those appliances installed into his kitchen, but we can all agree on a few things; Bob, don’t change on whatever the hell you’re doing. Also looks nifty in that tux.
Main plot have some flaws but nothing more than the subplot, which feels like it was going nowhere with some bland execution with the Belcher kids hosting their own pool party, pretty much for Louise to one up Chloe Barbash. Of course, it has Rudy written all over it and with Rudy attended Chloe’s pool party, pretty much have Louise to decide to host a party of her own. I mean, it was a disaster, much like the execution, up until the Belcher siblings and their friends decided to use the hamburger buns to plug up the hole. So, it wasn’t a total loss for the kids for their night, unlike the parents. It just that the subplot may need some work. It was decent but it may need some improvements, not by a lot. Just patch up a few holes to make it a far more decent, better yet, average subplot. Though pretty much brought up the whole Louise/Chloe rivalry, and it’s a rivalry now because...Louise pretty much hates Chloe’s guts but mostly because of Rudy.
So final thoughts, well before that, Teddy’s voice, cause when I watch the clips before the episode aired, thought for a second there like if it’s like recording from a Discord video call. Can’t tell if this episode was the first one where everyone worked from home or not, but...for a second there, thought that recording was a little off. But final thoughts, it was an alright episode. Pretty much full on fanservice with some plots having some flaws with the final minutes seeming a but rushed with the subplot needing some minor improvements. But it was an alright episode. I mean it’s not great, but I don’t hate it. So I’ll give “Copa Bob-bana”...

A 7.5 out of 10. But that’s pretty much my opinion, and now I wanna hear yours. What do you think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Would you ever attend the nightclub despite being used to humor Felix? What’s your take on the Louise/Chloe rivalry? Is Louise really jealous of Chloe over Rudy? And would ever try out a jazz ball which now I think it’s pretty much a hushpuppy? All that and your mini review in the comments down below. Halloween episode next week with the kids going to an hotel to deliver some food as Bob and Linda go to a blood bank in the fourth episode of Season 11 and the 2020 Halloween episode, “Heartbreak Hotel-oween”. Date pending because sports.
Thank you so much for wasting your time by reading this review. Feel free to follow me over at Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram for updates and behind the scenes and whatnot. Hoping for the Halloween to air on schedule, fingers crossed. Pray to whatever god you worship. And if you want to help the page out...
Feel free to donate over at PayPal, Patreon, and Ko-fi pages to do all that to help your boy out and pretty much keep things improving and paying bills and rent. That’ll be it for this review and until pending, please be the eighteenth. MLB, don’t you there and maybe wait for the Dodgers to implode. I’ll see y’all later.
***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Century FOX, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***
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