If you think that 2020 can’t get anymore 2020 than this, we’re only in the first official week of the new month, into October, and of course, over at the Bob’s Burgers universe, they now have a problem of their own. How somewhat fitting on the same weekend we found out that the President of the United States had been tested positive for coronavirus, we have a pinworm epidemic over at the burger verse with this week’s episode. So...who here has pinworms in their 2020 bingo card? Pretty sure someone should have it all filed up with apocalypse as the free space.
In this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers, what was supposed to be a night out to the symphony for the Belchers hit a dead end with one of their own getting hit with a sudden case of worms during these trying times in the form of the pinworm epidemic that puts everyone on lockdown in my spoilerific review of the second episode of Season 11, titled “Worms of In-Rear-ment”.
If you haven’t read the Comic-Con panel breakdown and recap back in July, WordPress users, sorry that I didn’t tell y’all about all of that, that this was being one of the episodes that was mentioned during the whole panel at home video that this was made before the coronavirus pandemic struck and had everything shut down. And no, don’t think of that idea and statement in a way of them saying that they predicted the pandemic and having the whole family in quarantine issue. Last I checked, this isn’t The Simpsons where they predicted each moment that we just witnessed. How does the statement goes?
Yeah, that. But despite that we have an episode that is pretty much focuses on an epidemic with the whole world pretty much on fucking fire with the ongoing pandemic feature Corona-chan, just replace coronavirus with pinworms and downgrade pandemic with epidemic, surprisingly, this was a very good episode. Probably better than last week’s...guess you could say, a disappointing and slow start to the new season, with Bob entering his dreams. This week’s episode feels like you’re watching an episode from the classic years. The earlier seasons where it was at it’s prime. Not saying that show is now going through a downward turn, that’s up for debate on the direction of the show and where it’s going. But it does feel like you’re watching an episode from the earlier years with the whole family being paranoid over the pinworm epidemic. Yeah, not our first bite of the cherry when it comes to people being put in quarantine over a crisis in the world of human health.
Do remember back in Season 6 when some students, including Tammy, Louise, Gene, Zeke, Rudy, Jimmy Jr, the twins, pretty much placed under lockdown over the idea of a lice infestation courtesy of Tammy, that later revealed to be her having bad dandruff. This one is an actual health emergency with pinworms going around people and laying eggs inside your stomach through your butt and causes massive amounts of itching. And at the time where we’re dealing with a health crisis ourselves with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic that pretty much killed over a million now worldwide and counting. But let aside the doom and gloom of the shitstorm that pretty much rocked the world and take a dive to the Belchers in their night life in quarantine, this is “Worms of In-Rear-ment”.
Onto a normal dinner with the Belchers enjoying a plate of spaghetti with Gene wanting to do a Lady and the Tramp moment, not in an...ew-y way, in which Linda pretty much denied and seems to be excited over the idea of having the family heading out for the night out from the house in the form an orchestra symphony that she’s been dying to go to, that was just brought up just now but it’s pretty much a “don’t question it” type of trope for random episodes. That and bringing up the kids’ report cards. In which hoping for Louise, Tina, and Gene to at least hand it over to see how they’re improving. Ah, the days of when school releasing our report cards. Yeah, all those times where we had to hide them so that we can at least get a clean slate without having any problems despite not being too focused in class. Oh no, no, my grades back in the days are pretty much above the 70 mark. Yeah, don’t know how that happened despite my somewhat abysmal performance. The US education system, everyone! It’s pretty much shit.
Just as Linda is about to have her and the rest of the family to “enjoy” a night out to the concert, it looks like something on the horizon decided to throw a wrench into their plans and also have the kids being put on lockdown mode, almost feels like what schools went through back in March when the pandemic exploded, in what pretty much sums up the most 2020 way possible, an epidemic striking down on the town. Mostly within the school grounds. Like if 2020 can’t get any more 2020 than this. From almost getting World War III moving from fiction to reality to the virus, murder hornets, hurricane season that decided to take some steroids, the election, one of the characters in this show that was just introduced on the verge of becoming the nominee for the Battle of the Week Voting Tournament, hell...fires starting all because of a gender reveal...the year is shit. The year known as 2020 is shit. I know I should save that till like the end of the year, but...let’s face it, we’re probably not going to make it to December anyway. And if we do make it to 2021, hopefully there would be a vaccine for the virus safe and available before the movie drops, might as well go get a plane ticket to find the dead psychic’s grave who predicted that the world is going to end this year alone, and decimated it. Don’t know how but might as well do it.
But yeah, the students at Wagstaff now deal the brunt of an ongoing pinworm epidemic that have everyone being hunkered down until the whole mess is under control with Louise stating with them being locked down onto their homes would pretty much be somewhat of a nuisance to get some knowledge. And well...she’s not wrong. I mean with kids now being distant from school, unable to get the education they need, and being distant from their friends, it can be quite a hassle for them. But at the same time, thanks in part to shit leadership from government officials that pretty much thinks that the whole pandemic is nothing more than a fairy tale, no one wants to have their kids to get the virus. Set alone teachers and other adults working there. That and of course, Tina brought up the assembly with Frond using giant hands as props and showcases the kids how to combat the pinworms by washing their hands. Something that is also topical with the current state we’re in. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water and rub that sucker until you have no skin. Same goes for hand sanitizer. Think the South Park pandemic episode last week pretty much did a good job describe what everyone had to go through with the ongoing pandemic.
Regardless of the ongoing health crisis with the pinworms invading into people’s rectal system, Linda still want the family to go to the symphony, just taking a few precautions like hand washing as they now get ready to head out by getting into their attire they need if they want to look all sympticated, if that how you spell that, fancy looking and had to dress well for the night...
With Tina going through the closet and trying to find a dress she can wear cause when you’re heading out for a night out in the town, even if it’s going to the symphony and pretty much going to be stuck there for like hours on end, and need to dress something fancy, noting that she kept the dress she wore back in Season 1, and decided to pick the dark blue dress. Though fitting it onto herself is pretty much the challenging part for her.
Oh yeah, and there’s the hamster slide that Louise constructed that pretty much just there as nothing more than a plot device for the episode. You think that it would Louise’s class project but last I checked, Louise’s class does not have a hamster, they have a chinchilla. Princess Little Piddles, or Shinobu, or Atlas, so having a chinchilla going through something small like a hamster slide isn’t a ride to a park for a Sunday picnic. So I think it’s pretty much her doing it for extra credit, part of an assignment that she pretty much doing it at the last minute, or maybe giving it to someone as a gift. Options pretty much on the table on a subject that is pretty much going to end up as pointless. As Louise is all dressed up, well her in her everyday outfit, just have a bolo tie attached onto her neck, as she continues working on the slide with Gene coming in with long pants and a black turtleneck like he’s a chubby kid version of Steve Jobs minus the glasses and help Louise for a bit by holding the thing still, so it won’t collapse whenever Louise try to add additional pieces as both Bob and Linda having their set up ready as they await for Tina to arrive. In which she did but...
Yeah. I mean, the dress fits. But that happened. Got one arm fit into the sleeve but had trouble getting through the other. How that happened...well...don’t wanna say that she grew out or something like that. So might as well consider that whole dress mishap as another installment of a new thing whenever there’s a Tina mishap, whether being her episode or not, called “That’s So Tina”.
The family tried their best to get Tina’s arm out of the sleeve so that she can be all set, but it looks like they decided to just waive the white flag and just leave the arm trapped inside the sleeve. Yeah, the arm’s pretty much stuck like that throughout the episode. The whole freaking fracking episode. You’re wondering how the fuck did Tina’s arm didn’t like fall asleep throughout the whole mess that we’re now going to tackle in this review? Yeah, I don’t know how? But...yeah, it looks like Tina’s arm is pretty much going to be stuck there as the family prepares to leave but it looks like the whole arm situation isn’t the problem that may throw a wrench into the Belchers’ night out to the concert because...just as they’re about to head off, Gene begins to feel an itch coming up and begins to scratch it. And the location of the itch that now garnered everyone’s attention comes in the form of Gene’s butt as he reach towards his butt, with dramatic choir playing in the background, not shitting you on that one, and begins scratching it, both with his hands and on the floor like a dog.
Yep, Gene got the worms. Tested positive for pinworms and now him, along with the rest of the Belcher family now under quarantine thanks to Gene contracting it. And you’re probably thinking, if you think of worms when it comes to health, you usually think of dogs since they usually get it. And yeah, that is true, dogs usually get worms. But to us humans, we also get worms in the form of pinworms, where they’re like microscopic but they live inside your digestive system and the rectal system. Those fuckers can lay eggs and there would be some massive amounts of problems ready to happen. According to the CDC, this thing transfer from person to person, much like with the flu and now aforementioned coronavirus, with the eggs, after being popped out, live through 2-3 weeks via clothing and other stuff and also cause symptoms like itching and restless sleep due to itching. Wash your hands but also wash your clothes. I’m not a doctor but pretty sure this is the last thing we need for 2020 to bring up another health emergency. Pretty sure the writers just found out at the release of the episode that they have now given 2020 more ideas to make everyone miserable. Just gather the seven dragon balls or have magical fairies and wish for this year to be fucking over with.
Although Bob, Tina, and Louise are taking things seriously after Gene’s diagnosis, the one member of the family who’s not taking the whole pinworm issue seriously after witnessing her son getting the worms inside his ass, Linda. Apparently, Linda wants to follow the Kirk Cousins approach and not take the whole issue seriously and pretty much downplaying the whole issue with her only son that she cherish the most having contracted with pinworms and with her probably saying, “Oh no, my Genie beanie got the case of the worms. That’s not good...oh well, he’ll be fine. Let’s go to the symphony.” Like...lady, there’s a health crisis going on right now and your son is one of the people who contracted the damn thing and now feeling the full force of the worms inside him and fears of going to the damn place would cause even more issues and have the place to become ground fucking zero. This isn’t the fucking time to have it your way. Health has to come first. It always have to go first.
Bob, after countless moments on the laptop searching for pinworms, which...really don’t want to go Google images on the fucker, believe me...I did, and it was not pleasant. But it looks like the upside for the whole issue is that the pinworms living inside the body is pretty much treatable with medicine, meaning that Bob now has to head off to the pharmacy, leaving Louise and Linda to be socially distant from Gene in hopes to not get contracted with pinworms, thus leaving Tina, of course, being socially distant from her younger brother, being alone with Gene with him asking Tina to hand him something for him to itch. Thus heading off to the kitchen and handing Gene a spoon you used to make spaghetti and handing it over to Gene, of course, not wanting to get contracted and have Gene to scratch his butt and of course, tells Tina what happened and how he and the family ended up in this mess.
So it happened when Gene was washing his hands after using the bathroom when he noticed a tater tot fallen down to the ground from his side of the aisle and noticed that there’s a hole in his pocket that made the tot fall from his pants pocket. Don’t know if that was the only tater tot inside the pocket and decided for that tot that now’s the time to floor dive while having Tom Petty’s “Freefalling” playing in the background? Gene noticed the tater tot fallen to the ground and was about to pick it up with his hands that was just washed, not noticing that someone across him is at the stalls and as a way of him to take a peek. Found out the person who came out of the stalls just as Gene was about to pick up the tater is none other than Peter Pescadero. Who was nice enough to pick up the tater tot and gives it to Gene...in which he (Gene) straight up eating it. Yeah, that was longer than five seconds in the whole five second rule idea. In normal times, that would be disgusting. In times with corona, it’s pretty much a death sentence.
So a few things to put into the list here. Number one, Gene didn’t even bother washing his hands for a second time. Hell, didn’t even bother getting hand sanitizer when coming back to class. Second, the tater tot is on the floor and Peter Pescadero was the one who picked it up and gave it to Gene...after coming out from the bathroom. Not saying that it’s all Peter’s fault for how the Belchers ended up in where they are at with the whole pinworm issue. Not calling him a spreader for being pretty much patient zero when it comes to the pinworm issue even though he was showing no signs of itching. Just didn’t even know and also felt disgusted over Gene eating the tot from his hands after picking it up. And third, after finding out what happened over at the boys bathroom, with Gene coming out, he sees Tina walking by and gave her a high five before Tina enters the girls bathroom. And because of Gene didn’t even bother washing his hands for a second time after eating that tater tot, it looks like Tina now has contracted pinworms from her brother. Though you think that Tina, after using the bathroom, would wash her hands before going back to whatever she was doing, thus limiting her chances of getting it but coming from the horse’s mouth, it looks like Tina is now the second member of the Belcher family to come down with the pinworms, just as Bob came back from the pharmacy with the medicine.
And it wasn’t long until we get another member getting infected with the pinworms and that’s coming from Bob himself because another reason that pretty much made Gene pinworm patient zero and also for fate to pretty much take a massive dump onto Linda’s night at the symphony with Bob finding out that Gene was using Bob’s business shoes the other day after getting out of the shower, playing bottomless business, don’t know if that was before or after Gene came in contact with pinworms, and causes Bob to drop his shoes as he’s now the third member of the family to contracted the pinworms, leaving only Linda and Louise as the only ones...or rather, just Louise because she now suspects that Linda came too close with Gene.
Setting up the paranoia, yes. But also, she did have a point when showing the three screencaps here with Gene and Linda sharing a mother/son moment, not the ew-y kind, with them going all Lady and the Tramp with the spaghetti to Linda giving Gene goodnight kisses, and even them hugging, thus having Linda to think that Gene may have his mother contracted with the worms and thus, makes four. Making Louise, the last healthy Belcher left standing. Like...you know that game...guess y’all know this game, called Among Us? Yeah, where the players accuse one another over who’s the suspect over...I think a murder or something like that? Yeah, finding the imposter. This is pretty much who has the sudden case of pinworms with Gene being the spreader, accusing anyone who came in close contact with Gene. Who high five him or hugged him or anything that been touched by him, pretty much infected. All four of the five Belchers, anyone not named Louise now got the worms. But Linda still pretty much downplay the whole issue with the whole family now in quarantine, ready to break lockdown protocols, and still want the family to head out, despite that everyone but Louise have the worms inside them and there’s also fears of people who came in close contact with these four members, being Bob, Linda, Tina, and Gene, would get hit and it would spread over to the next person. And to the next person. And into the next person. And into the next. Louise was not having that and decided to run off and begins making her escape.
Thus for her to hide in her room with Linda gaining steam and try to prevent the door from opening with her requiring Bob, Gene, and Tina’s help, who pretty much have problems of their own but Linda in this episode, despite that she cares about her family and whatnot, pretty much downplay the whole thing from top to bottom despite that if there were to head out the door with pinworms still in their system, even if they bring the medicine with them, the consequences are still high for anyone to get pinworms being transmitted from one person to another. Almost feels like with the ongoing pandemic where we have pretty much the majority of people, mostly Americans, not taking the virus seriously. We’ve been in this pandemic for seven months. Seven months! That’s like eons ago with the dinosaurs still roaming around and if you look at Europe for example, they’re dealing with a second wave and they done a better job handling the virus than we do here in the states. We’re not even in the second wave because we haven’t got out of our first. That’s pretty much embarrassing and also horrifying to think about it, if not, always seeing it with your own eyes. But yeah, Linda continues to downplay the whole pinworm issue and breaks into Louise’s room to find her, only to have no luck finding her. I mean, she did but Louise, an active nine-year-old child, mind you, still not going down without a fight. Even though Linda did touch her sheets and you can get pinworms from clothing, so uh...might as well wash it or it’s a tireless night like it’s partying on a late Saturday night at the club.
Then of course, as Linda continues to rip through the whole house when looking for Louise, all of a sudden, we have an unexpected musical number that pretty much should’ve made last week’s season premiere episode somewhat decent than mediocre where Linda gets a symphony of her own, singing that she had everything all planned out with the family enjoying a night out to enjoy, or in the kids’ take, suffer, countless hours of classical music...no offense to the classical music lovers, with her imagining herself on stage with pinworms doing the choir work. I mean, it was surprising, but it was something being the first musical number of the new season with her pretty much had everything planned out but then Gene came down with pinworms and pretty much destroyed his mother’s hopes and dreams of the week and even if the whole pinworm epidemic pretty much threw a wrench into the night, she still want to have her family to have a nice night, even if she downplays the whole issue and not knowing the consequences throughout the whole episode and pretty much made her lose her marbles. Honestly, it was surprising to see a musical number being brought up in this week’s episode, but it was nice to see it with the pinworms as the orchestra with the whole health issue being the center of attention and pretty much have the whole Belchers going the symphony in the sidelines. Really should’ve brought a number in last week’s episode but I think the damage is already done.
Linda spotted Louise about to make her escape but apparently can’t due to her having tiny arms unable to drop the fire escape ladder to run away and was about to use paper towels as rope to make her way down, but ended up too short and using paper towels as rope...yeah, they would rip easily and would cause some problems that is pretty much a PR nightmare written by itself. That causes Louise to enter back but the paranoia still sets in with Louise coming up with a distraction of raccoons, of course, Linda being obsessed with the animal, and ran off yet again, but this time, things may not be in her favor with her unable to make her way to the door with Tina, Gene, and Bob all scratching their butts on the wall, causing her and Linda to run around the hamster slide that Louise is currently building earlier in the episode. You think that this would possibly be Louise’s chase to lose with the whole going around the room with the chaser being the one to be capture the chase-se, pretty sure that’s not a word and me not making any sense but follow along, with a nine-year-old who is massively active and not to mention, young, up against a 42-year-old housewife who is somewhat starting to lose shape. Who would win this battle?
Louise becomes the victor thanks in part of her being the most active and her being the most active and outran her mother, but in the result of that, causes Linda to become all dizzy from all that running, and of course, collapse onto the hamster slide and pretty much destroyed it. All that hard work over the whole damn thing from top to bottom, gone. All that hard work...gone. Who knew that downplaying the whole pinworm issue pretty much can cause dire consequences. Either ending up transmitting people with pinworms or destroying the hamster slide with the side of pinworms. By the way, Gene touched it earlier in the episode when helping Louise out? And Louise was the last person who touched it? So...you think that Louise could end up being affected by the whole issue but...doesn’t look like she’s showing symptoms. No itch or anything. Despite being paranoid, she pretty much staying healthy all the way to the end of the episode.
However, this wasn’t pretty much Linda’s night to begin with for this very episode with everything all planned out after finding out that the kids’ performance in school is doing poorly and thinks that sending the whole family to the symphony would improve their learning skills but with Gene, and later her, Tina, and Bob, contracting pinworms because, let’s face it, the boy is not clean. Pretty sure “cleanliness” is not in his dictionary as Louise describes him earlier in the episode. Louise, along with Bob, Tina, and Gene now have to make up with Linda over what happened and try to cheer her up, stating that yeah, the night is a total disaster with four of the five members contracting pinworms thanks to Gene and it looks like symphony night is pretty much canned with Linda pretty much badmouthing herself, thinking that she failed as a mom and thinks that with no trip to the symphony would make the kids somewhat dumb, in her point of view, but the family don’t see and uses the whole hamster slide that is now destroyed as an example of how the kids are somewhat improving. I mean, Bob is not wrong on that. And using various cardboard and paper rolls as parts for the hamster slide, which even if Linda hadn’t collapse over it and destroyed it when chasing after Louise, the issue may still be there with how much can the thing hold for one hamster. The PR nightmare that probably don’t want to imagine if there’s a mishap. But despite the total loss and the contraction of pinworms, Linda finally got up and felt better, emotional wise, and hugs her family, well except for Louise, who of course, the family got pinworms and don’t want to end up contracting it.
And rather than going to the symphony to make things up with Linda as the family, including Louise, who doesn’t not have the worms inside her, taking the medicine and hoping for the worms and chances of it going away, well despite that idea of eggs from the worms already dropped, but...yeah, worms going bye-bye for the time being as we end the episode with rather than going to the concert to make things up for Linda, it’s now making things up for the kids with them ready to rebuild the hamster slide, maybe making it a little better following the last version pretty much destroyed. So again, despite that this night was pretty much a total loss for Linda to unable to get the family to the symphony thanks in part to Gene contracting a sudden case of pinworms that pretty much put the whole family in quarantine, it wasn’t that much of a loss for pretty much the whole family following what the kids did for making the hamster slide and with the one that was destroyed by Linda, decided to pretty much pull an all-nighter to rebuild the slide with the medicine to begin take its place to do the work to take out the pinworms.
So all and all, what do I think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers, surprisingly enough, this was a very good episode. Probably better than last week’s somewhat disappointing and slow start to the season. And this episode feels like you’re watching an episode from the earlier seasons. Like you feel the atmosphere of like you’re watching a classic episode when it comes to this week’s very episode with the whole pinworm issue that pretty much put the Belchers’ night out on a complete standstill.
I mean sure, pretty sure an episode about a health crisis during an ongoing health crisis is pretty much the last thing some people need. Pretty much used the show as a source of escapism, but you do know that this episode was made prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, what? Like eight to nine months this was in production? I mean, Nora Smith in the Comic Con panel back in July did state that the episode was brought up before the pandemic started. Sure, it’s no South Park Pandemic Special, but let’s not also forget that this isn’t the first time Bob’s Burgers had to do a health crisis episode with Season 6 with “Lice Things are Lice” being the one with the kids, Nurse Liz, and Mr. Frond under lockdown thanks in part with Tammy coming down with lice, which revealed to be bad dandruff. That was a false alarm. In this episode, not so much with a pinworm epidemic pretty much shitting on Linda’s parade with Gene, who pretty much doesn’t have the worm “clean” and “wash” in his cue cards, getting his tater tot back from Peter Pescadero, who just got out of the bathroom, pretty much put the whole family into quarantine. Call it what it is, despite being an epidemic episode during a pandemic that was made before the pandemic struck, it was a good episode.
The musical number we have in this episode was pretty much a surprise to have. You kinda wish that last week’s episode would’ve been more...decent, if there’s a musical number to at least patch up a few holes in the wall but actually didn’t. And this week’s episode does with Linda wanting to send the family to go the symphony after the whole report card issue with them not focusing and improving enough and thinks that the sounds of classical music would help them...that was until Gene contracting pinworms pretty much took a massive dump onto the big night. But it was a good musical number, first one for the new season, and of course, was surprising to see that just popping up out of nowhere with Linda trying to find Louise.
Yeah, Linda...pretty much trying to downplay the whole pinworm issue when trying to get the family to the symphony despite the family coming down with the case of worms inside their digestive and rectal systems and fears that it could turn the concert hall into a pinworm hotspot and that was over the whole report card ordeal. Not saying that she pretty much downplayed the whole episode like she tried to downplay the whole Gene having pinworms situations, but you get the gist when it comes to pretty much what’s been happening with some, if not, most people downplaying the whole virus and thinking that it’s pretty much like the flu. Except it’s not. Mostly around the midway point of the episode where she became somewhat insane and trying to have it her way despite that after Gene, enter Tina, Bob and even herself coming down with pinworms when in came in close contact with him. Surprised that Louise didn’t get it because she was close to Gene. Gene did help Louise out with the whole hamster slide by touching one of the pillars of the slide and holding it still with Louise putting additional pieces into the damn thing. Just saying.
So final thoughts, this was a good episode. Probably better than last week’s episode to start off the new season. Almost feels like you’re watching an episode from the earlier seasons with the humor and whatnot with the Belchers being in quarantine. The musical number was a surprise. And at least the ending, despite it feels a little sus, stick the landing with the family not going to the concert and instead, rebuilding the whole hamster slide that Linda destroyed following that chase after Louise. I’ll give “Worms of In-rear-ment”...
A 9 out of 10. But that’s pretty much my opinion and now I want to know about yours? Tell me what you think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Do you have any pinworms growing up? I know, TMI but still. Do you enjoy the musical number for this episode? All that and your mini review in the comments down below. And don’t miss this Sunday’s episode with the Fischoeders opening up a nightclub with Bob and Linda helping out as the kids...pretty much haven’t learned their lesson from Seasons 3 and 5 and host an underground water park in the third episode of Season 11, “Copa Bob-bana”.
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***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Century FOX, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***
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