
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Bob's Burgers Season 9, Episode 22 Review - Saving Private Zeke and The Film to NOT Remember | yahoo201027's Bob's Burgers Reviews

Well everyone, this is it, the season nine finale of Bob’s Burgers and man, oh man, twenty-one episodes that I have reviewed since the season began back in September of last year. It’s surprising how I’m still alive doing this and made it towards the finish line. Well it all thanks to the big guy upstairs, also somewhat Satan, nah just kidding, not religious, but also, wanted to thank you, the reader and fan of the show for giving me views which boosted me up to do the reviews once again and didn’t fallout this time around for this season and I hope I can do the same for the next season. So in this week’s season finale episode of Bob’s Burgers, Louise, Gene, and Jimmy Jr must save Zeke from being transferred to another school following him getting in trouble but Tina on the hand won’t let that happen as Randy rent out the restaurant for him to film his short film in my spoilerific review of the twenty-second episode of the ninth season on Bob’s Burgers, titled “Yes Without My Zeke”.

Yep, we have made it to the Season Finale of Bob’s Burgers, another season has come and gone and this episode to close out the show’s ninth season was an alright one. Yeah, it was an alright episode to close out the season. Mostly with the kids trying to help Zeke out to not being sent away to another school. So you could say it’s a Zeke episode because it centers at him but it almost you could say that it’s sort of a Tina episode mostly because her trying to get to Jimmy Jr and when finding out that Zeke is about to transfer to disciplinary school and Tina would sabotage and something like that which of course, have a change of heart. Could say it’s a Zeke episode. Could say it’s a Tina episode though I don’t probably see it. Like the previous episodes, it’s another kids episode to close out the season. It was an average main plot to the episode, if not, an alright episode. Though I like how the kids are trying to save Zeke from getting in trouble despite that Tina don’t want that to happen because he gotten in the way from being around Jimmy Jr, there were some flaws in the way to prevent it from being a good main plot mostly with how it was directed and whatnot but at least the main plot and mostly the episode didn’t close out the season with a whimper. So there’s that.

And as for the subplot, it was okay though it might as well be as forgettable mostly because people mostly focus on the ongoing situation with the kids trying to save Zeke’s ass from getting into massive trouble. Although it was nice to see Randy again, who uses the restaurant for the day to shoot his film that he’s been working and of course, his argument with Bob was something when he accuses him of ruining his shot when it comes to his acting, so at least there has to be a silver lining when it comes to the subplot. But above all else, it was an okay subplot that might as well be forgettable.

Kicking off the season finale with a normal day at the cafeteria with the Belcher kids talking about hanging out after school by looking at a cruise ship and play a little game of sunburn bingo, which they look at the people on the beach from the cruise ship and the first person to spot all five weird kinds of sunburns on a person wins the game. That’s what the Belcher kids are going to do as both Zeke and Jimmy Jr go onto their table to eat their lunch. Tina sensed an opportunity of using her after school activity when seeing Jimmy Jr by turning it into a date by asking him to tag along, in which Jimmy Jr begins to feel a bit nervous, seeing the anxiety beginning to build up onto him. But when Zeke heard over what everyone is doing after school, he ends up tagging along and thus, Jimmy Jr decided to tag along, which makes Tina seem rather upset. She spotted an opportunity to be alone with Jimmy Jr, even though both Louise and Gene will be around but they’ll be busy doing their thing, turn it into a date and then boom, it’s a one way ticket to Canon-ville. But when a brick wall known as Zeke comes in to intervene, Tina’s chances to getting to be alone with Jimmy Jr is at the lowest at the low when it comes to chances from being a thing. How low? The Ottawa Senators’ chances of making it to the playoffs and being relevant again following their loss against Pittsburgh in Double Overtime in the Conference Finals in 2017 which signals their collapse.

Zeke decided to celebrate him tagging along for the ride by doing the most Zeke thing he would do around Jimmy Jr, a good ol’ wrestling match. However, Jimmy Jr is not in the mood in the moment but Zeke doesn’t listen and went on to it and that of course, damage Jimmy Jr’ and of course, Zeke got in trouble and landed himself in detention by Mr. Frond. And Jimmy Jr even asked that if he can give him detention as well just to be along with Zeke though he’s not the one who’s in trouble for roughhousing. I mean yeah, don’t leave a friend behind, gotta be there no matter what the situation is all about. You could say that he’s somewhat possessive with Zeke, in a nice way, like he can’t be separated from his best friend. Huh? Where does that remind of was earlier in the season and it involves two boys, one with the bowl cut and one with long hair and glasses, oh right...Gene and Alex earlier this season. And we’ll get to Zeke and Jimmy Jr’s friendship later in the review. And speaking of Jimmy Jr, first the butt sprain, now the J-jus. He’s lucky that the show’s on hiatus for the offseason for the next three, maybe four months for the summertime, though judging by that, normal injuries last like six weeks, again NOT a doctor, I’m sure he’ll be fine during those months once the show returns in like...I don’t know, September maybe, like around the 29th. Yeah, let’s go with that.

Onto the beach we go as Louise, Tina, Gene, and Jimmy Jr watch over the beachgoers as Jimmy Jr waits for Zeke to catch up but it looks while Jimmy Jr is playing the waiting, Tina begins to make some moves on the boy as Zeke now arrives at the scene but with a worried look onto his face when coming up to the four. He said to Jimmy Jr that his dad got upset over him being in trouble and him landing in detention. Jimmy Jr thinks that he should probably be used to it by now, though...uh...not the best choice of words to cheer Zeke up. That’s like saying if your child was sent to prison for the night for over something like a going over the speed limit, a broken taillight, or something that you even didn’t do and you, the parent, say to either your co-worker or your friend or a relative and say, “Oh, my child just got arrested over going over the speed limit. But I’m sure he’ll be just fine. Doo-doo, doo-doo.” But it looks like that’s not possible this time around for poor Zeke here because if he gets one more detention for a stunt that he pull, then his dad may have no other choice but to send him to another school where it’s like hours away from and it’s for people who have issues and stuff when it’s pretty much a school for troubled kids who have issues when it comes to their behavior. And Jimmy Jr won’t let that happen and must prevent Zeke from being sent away by preventing him to getting into any more trouble. Unfortunately for everyone, the damage is already done because when Mr. Frond sent him to detention and left alone for a while, he spelled out a bad word which the show ain’t going to air it on because family friendly cause kids watch the show despite that sometime, you’ll never know if there’s gonna be a slip up enough for parents to turn the TV off, by whipping up wet toilet paper on the ceiling, hoping for Frond to see it come Monday. Why would you ever do that?! Why?! May possibly to get back at Frond for sending you there, though that was all on you, but why would do that?! I mean, it be no surprise coming from Louise, mostly for fun and telling the system to go fuck itself. Zeke on the other hand, it’s pretty much pent up frustration over it. And he carried the paper around for emergency pranks on standby and that standby happened to be his time in detention. And nothing else, well mostly in case the bathroom you’re in doesn’t have any toilet paper. Feel sorry for those sons of bitches who went to the public bathroom at a stall where there’s no toilet paper. 

Gene and Louise felt shocked when they heard the about Zeke being sent away to another school and has to be separated from Jimmy Jr with the exception of the weekend. Louise was too preoccupied with what’s going down at the beach but hearing the words disciplinary school and that Zeke might be sent away gave her a bit of a shock. Wait until your turn Louise. Wait until your turn. 

Gene felt shocked as well because well, it’s Zeke. Zeke, like Alex, is like his best buddy since the events of “Stand By Gene” and...well, he got Alex, so there’s that. But if Alex’s not around, Zeke would be the next person standing in the wings other than Louise and/or Tina to be with, even though Jimmy Jr’s around unlike Tina with Zeke, not bothered by it. Plus, Gene would probably see where he is coming with seeing the fear building up on Jimmy Jr over losing his best friend. I mean, he almost lost Alex to Courtney in the skating competition earlier this season. Would’ve like come to Jimmy Jr, place his arm onto his shoulder, and say, “Hey man, I know where you’re coming from. I mean, I almost lost my best friend when he ditched me to my ex’s dance partner and almost sabotaged him, but we good now.” Oh, wish he kinda come up to him and say that but I feel like he’s gonna make things worse. 

Oh and Jimmy Jr especially when he heard the news that Zeke might be sent away because let’s face it, he would be a wreck without him. I mean, that’s his best friend. His buddy. His amigo. His nakama. He would be nothing without having Zeke around and that would hurt him and he’s already hurt enough with the butt thing back in the goose episode. Next to Louise and Rudy and Gene and Alex, Jimmy Jr and Zeke are pretty much friendship goals to the max all the way back to Season 2 when Zeke was introduced to the show. 

Tina on the other hand when finding out that Zeke is about to be transfer to another school and would spell him being separated Jimmy Jr away from like hours, if not, during the school days, this was pretty much her reaction inside her when she heard the news...

Yep, No Zeke around leaves Jimmy Jr in the open and with Jimmy Jr in the open, Tina can finally make her way to him and thus, Canon-ville we go for the Tina/Jimmy Jr shippers a la Starco earlier this week. Oops, spoilers. Star and Marco are going to end up together anyway, so that’s pretty much not a spoiler since it’s the only ship remain standing, other than Tomco. 

Back to Tina, she, unlike the other four, felt glad that Zeke is going to be sent away, though that’s kind of heartless coming from Miss Goody Two-Shoes over here, because let’s face it, when it comes to Tina and Zeke, she is not in good terms with him. Mostly because he’s mostly in the way when it comes to Jimmy Jr. I mean, Jimmy Jr is Zeke’s best friend but Jimmy Jr is also Tina’s crush and for Tina, it’s like every time, almost every time, she has got an opportunity to be with Jimmy Jr all alone to herself, Zeke comes in and pretty much dashed her hopes of making the boy hers. She invited Jimmy Jr in search for treasure inside an abandoned taffy factory that is ready to be demolished in hopes to be like that book that she found on the beach, he had to bring Zeke along for the ride, alongside with both Andy and Ollie, and that pretty much irked the fuck out of Tina like she’s the third wheel or some shit. Even though, in a non-shipping aspect, put the hate comment missile down, sure Jimmy Jr did nice things to Tina from the rose on Valentine’s Day to the sky kiss to saving Bruce the Goose, he did some nice things for Tina as well, most use of an example is giving Tina a story by becoming the mad pooper. Coming in full circle when Tina found out that Zeke isn’t lying over the whole mascot thing and give the costume to him for his grandmother. But just to put this out there Tina, is having Zeke being sent away make things better for you that would result in having your on again, off again crush being down in the dumps? Think about that. 

The kids won’t let that happen to Zeke and now come up with a plan courtesy of Louise to get the toilet paper out of the ceiling before Monday comes in. And although that it’s the weekend and the school is closed, they can’t get in but don’t count Louise out when it comes to plan, even though what happened in “The Gene Mile” when you and Rudy and Alex and Courtney almost made it to home stretch, giving Gene a scoop and made it to the finish line, only to choke away though not letting Gene to be dragged under the bus. Louise has been working on some sort of prank that she’s been saving on for when her graduation come, though I fear that if that were the case, we might as well have a Frond-bot come in and wreck the day from your story back in Season 4. Although she’s the smallest of the group, she can’t get into the window, so she has to bring in the shortest of the shortest student in the school in Pocket Sized Rudy to crawl into the school and open the door. Except that coming from Gene, PS Rudy is out of town, which threw a wrench onto plan. But it looks like not all hope is lost because it looks like Louise has to bring up another guy for support, a kid named Arnold Evans, who happened to be eight years old but in Louise’s class because apparently, he’s smarter than a third grader. He’s the perfect fit to get them into the school and because of that, the plan is now ready to be in full effect. Just don’t choke you five. Especially when it comes to saving Zeke from being sent to another school. But of course, since it’s on a Saturday and they need to sneak into the school, they now need an excuse to Bob and Linda so that they won’t get suspicious and get them onto trouble. Coming up with an excuse that they have to clean up the beach. Only little did they know that they have the day off because the restaurant has been rented out for the day for Randy to shoot his short film, which we’ll get to that subplot later in the review once the main plot is dealt with. So uh, there goes that excuse.

The kids finally arrive at the school as they push the dumpster onto the wall with the window as they await for Arnold to come into the picture. And speaking of Arnold, here he is as we wears his karate uniform because it’s the only way for him to be in play to help save Zeke from being sent away. And of course, he want to show off his skills even though it’s only them getting the paper out and that’s about it even though there might be a chance that things could go wrong and having Arnold around...okay, this is probably gonna go dark with this. Point is, Arnold like wearing his karate uniform sometimes and today would be that sometime for him to show off his uniform. Showing off that he’s an orange belt and ready to kick some massive ass if someone begins to talk smack about him being in the fourth grade class, him being smart, or him wearing a karate uniform on days where he doesn’t have class. Anyway, the plan now begins to come into play with Jimmy Jr and Gene picking Arnold up for Zeke to put him through the window and for Arnold to open the door for them to get into the school and this is only the day is only just begun.

The kids made it inside the school only to not noticing that when fell to the floor, well the five of them while Arnold just didn’t slip and fall and does a little karate pose like he think that the school just set up a security system in museums like you see in films, you know in scenes where there has to be that person has a mission to a swap and steal an artifact, mostly a priceless jewel, and has to be sneaky because there’s a lot of lasers around and one touch would result in getting security to come in and drag it to the ground. Also got to give a nod to the animators for the wax floor, mostly coming from the reflections of the six kids because look at that, look at the floor, no lines. I seen art of each characters from each series where it’s like those flat icons you see nowadays and some were good, some...okay, A for effort, you’re getting there. Not my fault that I like good art, especially fanart from any series that I like including this series. Sue me. Anyway, the wax was courtesy of Mr. Branca who is currently waxing the floor for the incoming school day on Monday and they thought that they would end up getting caught by Branca but it looks he is stepping away from them as he continue to wax the floor and in order to evade getting caught, they have to take off their shoes so that they don’t get another slip up that would result in them getting caught and the mission to fall apart and for Zeke to be sent away. Yeah, don’t want to mess things up like nearing the home stretch only to fall apart by choking it away. Not gonna let that go. Not gonna let that go. And head down to the room where the paper is at but before that, Jimmy Jr has to get something from the janitor’s closet if they’re going to get the thing down. Gotta get them supplies to prevent a disaster waiting to happen.

They finally made it to the classroom where Zeke hid the wet toilet paper onto the ceiling as both Jimmy Jr and Zeke begin to try to either get the toilet paper out of the ceiling or trying to open the ceiling and get the paper out and...Jimmy Jr grabbed a broom. He grabbed a broom but not a ladder to bring along to open the ceiling top? I know you’re worried that you’re about to lose your friend over what he did while at detention and you grabbed a broom to try to open the ceiling and get the paper out but not the ladder along for the ride? So if you’re trying to clean the gutters at your house before an incoming rainstorm and when realizing that you don’t have a ladder and instead you use your car and have a lot of stuff to get yourself to the gutters only for that to fall apart that may result in being in the hospital by the time you wake up. Yeah, it looks like it’s going to be a very long day for the six kids trying to save Zeke from getting into trouble yet again. But it looks like there’s gonna be trouble afoot because while they’re busying to find their way to get the paper off the ceiling...

Here come Mr. Frond coming out from his car and grabbing a bag out from his trunk and about to enter the building, which could spell more trouble for the six kids, though for Tina, who kept on going through the negative throughout the whole thing, a saving grace for her because if they get caught, Zeke gets in trouble, and if Zeke gets in trouble, he gets sent away and Tina pretty much reached the finished line when it comes to trying to get to Jimmy Jr. Even though she as well, alongside Louise, Gene, Jimmy Jr, and Arnold, will get in trouble as well. Though uh, talk about a mix bag when it comes to stuff like that. It’s like you wanted that suspect of a robbery arrest only for you to get arrested as well for being a possible suspect because of the cops think that they’re might be foul play revolving around the crime scene. So yeah, Frond heard a noise from inside the room that the kids are in and fear that their mission was about to collapse and if you think that locking the door and hoping for him to leave would be better for them continue, Frond decided to head down to find the noise only for him...

Only for him to slip down on the floor and not noticing that it was waxing day for the school floors. Oh and that bag he’s carrying, it looks like they might have some time and luck on their hands, key word “might”, because let’s face it, anything can happen as the kids decided to sneak out in hurry up fashion to get the ladder out from the closet and into the room to open the ceiling. 

They got the ladder and of course, they need to get to the classroom without Mr. Branca looking at them like they’re playing a dangerous game of Frogger only you became the deer and don’t want to get caught in the headlights. And whoa, calm down there Arnold. I know you and everyone want to head back down to the classroom to get the ceiling open but...snapping Branca’s neck for y’all to have the advantage? Unless you want “murdering a janitor” on your resume unless you can like knock him out without killing the guy, yeah, might as well follow Louise’s orders and wait for Branca to head out, in which he did and for the kids to get back into the room. Getting real dark in here with that thought and despite that the rating for this week’s season finale got a TV-14 rating, yeah, I think we know why that idea has came up as a possible option.

Yep, really looking like it’s going to be a really long day for everyone as both Zeke and Jimmy Jr, mostly Zeke, trying to get each of the toilet paper down from the ceiling as he comes down and hug it out like they might not going to make it through and fear that Zeke is going to get caught and to be sent to another school and of course, Tina’s attitude in this during the whole thing like she want Zeke to get caught. She want Jimmy Jr all to herself. And while that was happening, I was hoping for either one of the five in the room, well four once Zeke continues to get the paper down but can overhear their conversation, probably either Louise or maybe Jimmy Jr talk to Tina alone and say to her what her deal was and why she want this mission ruined and want Zeke in trouble, even though she and them might end up going in trouble as well, and one of them, or rather all four of them, have to give Tina something to think about when it comes to the whole Zeke situation and most importantly, her ordeal with the guy and pretty much her not liking the guy all together. Imaging Zeke overhearing this and give a sour look at his face over what Tina is saying when trying to get the paper out of the ceiling and say to Tina that once the whole thing is done, then he won’t bother her anymore. Which could probably give Tina a sense and a glimmer of hope for her because with him not getting in the way, she would get Jimmy Jr. But at the same time when hearing it, you could like imaging following what I’m saying, the pain coming from Tina following that conversation. That would’ve been a decent idea to come up with but knowing me, not good at coming up to said ideas to either fill in the gap in between scenes in the episode or as an alternate take of the said episode.

Zeke, Jimmy Jr, and the rest of the kids are nearing the finish line when it comes to taking the paper down from the ceiling as they finally reach towards the final column of the said toilet paper that Zeke put up while he was in detention and while that is happening, Frond starts wearing a tank top that apparently appears to be a woman’s tank top that he bought online.

Yeah, so the item, rather items, that are in the bag that Frond was carrying was full of clothes and why the school and at your home? Apparently he would do that at the safety of his own home but uh, something about mirrors and whatnot. Thought it was something like let’s say either his cat might mess it up. The bathroom is in need or either being cleaned or to be renovated. Or felt uncomfortable and decided that the school would be a safe thing to go to. By the way, not a fashion expert, but uh...that tank top, pretty much does not suit you. Yeah, not a fashion expert and that does not suit him. So yeah, head back to the whole thing with the toilet paper extraction and it looks like the deed is done, the paper is out of their system and it looks like Zeke won’t be going away at anytime despite that they need to find their way out of the school without getting caught. But it looks like the celebration has been cut short because that celebration caught Frond’s attention and oh, if they think that with the door locked, Frond can’t go in and wait for him to leave for the coast to be clear for them to make their escape, well, it looks like Frond is about to head Schunr’s office to grab the keys only for him to slip on the floor again on his way to the office and because of that slip and fall, Frond now can’t return the shirt and it looks like he’s stuck wearing it for good...unless he can like sell it or like donate it to the local donation store. So there’s that. 

With Frond ready to get the keys, it looks like the mission to save Zeke from getting in trouble for the last time fell flat on it’s face as Zeke prepares to be upset and thinking about taking a random stapler as a souvenir as both he and Jimmy Jr cry out and hug it out one last time and this is where Tina begins to have a change of heart, for once, when it comes to Zeke because even though she doesn’t like the guy mostly because of him being in the way for her to be with Jimmy Jr, let’s not forget what happened in “Midday Run” with Tina helped Zeke taking the mascot costume after finding out that he wasn’t lying about him taking the thing for his grandmother at a retirement home, that was for Zeke. For Jimmy Jr, it’s the same thing but about to come full circle because Jimmy Jr being upset over Zeke with Tina coming to the rescue because he doesn’t want to be upset is like with a few episodes ago in “Every Which Way But Goose” when Jimmy Jr came to the rescue to save Bruce the Goose because Tina was upset and don’t want her to feel that. 

She came up with a plan to get her and everyone out of the school without getting caught by Mr. Frond by going up to the ceiling, grab the ladder with them, and head down to another spot for them to get down and make their escape. Of course, Louise and later Zeke saw a flaw in what Tina came up with mostly because of the tiles being fallen off whenever they go due to their combined weight, in which Tina stated that yes, the ceiling can’t hold them due to their combined weight and the tiles coming down would attract the attention to Frond but she also stated that although the tiles would go down to the floor, there are cables that were attached and bolted on so that the ceiling and them won’t go down to the floor, of course just as everyone prepare to put on their shoes and ready to go up the ladder and onto the ceiling, in order to not get any attention, they have to stay on the tray and try not to wobble. Try not to create noise either Frond might get y’all alive...that and potential creatures that might be waiting in the wings like rats and cockroaches. Oh and how does Tina know about all that as Arnold questions how Tina know about the structure of the ceiling, let’s just say, the boys’ locker room may need to tighten up security whenever Tina is around.

The guys finally made up to the ceiling and begin crawling for their lives as Frond got into the room, only to see the room empty. But it looks like he’s not calling it quits after seeing the room empty as he saw the broom left on the floor and begins to take each of the tiles down piece by piece like they’re playing a dangerous game of tag here as the kids crawl their way as each of the tiles begin to come down courtesy of Mr. Frond and in order to get Frond out of their hair to give them some time to make their way to escape, here comes Arnold to the rescue with Zeke giving Arnold the stapler for him to throw, which alarms Frond, thinking that they’re at the nearest tray, which looks like it’s only like let’s say five, maybe eight inches let’s go with that, I’m not an architect, and Frond begins to take each of the tiles down but instead of catching the kids, which it looks like they are heading somewhere to evade getting captured, he grabs the attention from Mr. Branca and got into an argument in the whole he said, he said argument with Branca upset that Frond is destroying the school with popping each of the tiles down to the floor as Frond’s reason is to capture the perpetrator(s) hiding on top of the ceiling and thus, gave the kids the perfect time for them to escape. Coming down to an area near the exit, sliding through the wax floor while not falling a la Risky Business, you know that infamous scene with Tom Cruise wearing nothing but a shirt, socks, and underwear mouthing to Old Time Rock n’ Roll, only to not do that and instead, making it out alive without getting caught. Congrats, you finally save a guy from being sent to another school, got some paper out from the ceiling, and not getting caught by Frond wearing a tank top that shouldn’t even fit him fashion-wise. Now to the final minutes of the main plot of the season after making it out alive and saved Zeke’s ass from being sent to another school.

Jimmy Jr thanked Tina for what she did out there, even though throughout the day, she was hoping for something bad happened for Zeke to be sent away, for a change of heart, save Zeke and themselves by coming up with an escape plan, and pretty much everything leading up to this scene. Sacrificing her alone time with Jimmy Jr to save Zeke because she don’t want to see him upset like again, with the Goose episode with Jimmy Jr saving Bruce because he don’t want to see Tina upset. A lot of Tina/Jimmy Jr shippers out there were hoping for a repeat. Coming in full circle when Tina kissed Jimmy Jr in the cheek, they were hoping for at least a hug to close out the season, if not, possibly kiss number nine. But you could say a thank you would be considered a consolation prize but also fueling the fire coming from the Tina/Zeke shippers because Tina saved Zeke. And despite the way she behaved in the episode leading to her having a change of heart, you could probably imagine when watching the final minutes of the episode, you could probably hear them shippers in the background and probably disrupt their neighbors enough to get the police involved for a noise complaint. So I have to give Tina somewhat credit in this because all though that the way she behaved throughout the episode from learning that Zeke might be sent away to another school to try to downplay the whole thing as Zeke tries to get the paper down with everyone else around on guard, all without thinking of sabotaging the whole thing though you’re not the type of person who would end up doing that despite almost ruining Jimmy Jr on stage when doing his magic act or trying a date with both Jimmy Jr and Becky, at least she knows her heart lies. It was an alright subplot, average to say the least but despite that the pacing seems to be somewhat of a problem from turning it into a good main plot, at least it was pretty much straight forward despite some spills in the way. It’s not great but at least it was enjoyable in my opinion.

Then we get to the subplot of the episode, entering the climax of the review for the season finale, with Randy coming back into play and into the restaurant and asks both Bob and Linda if he can use the place, not to buy, god forbid that would happen, but rather to rent it for the day. And the reason why he told the two is that he planning on shooting an independent short film about a man looking back at his life almost like with...I don’t know, Miracle on 34th Street. Maybe? Where he plays a character who looks back at his life called Steve, where he is also the writer, producer, and director to the whole thing, took guts to do all that. But didn’t even say why he’s doing this? Don’t know if he’s doing this he got an idea one day and want to do it so that he won’t like forget the next day. Or like filming it and put on YouTube cause nowadays, short films probably are going to be on YouTube and personal websites for the world to see despite that some out there might download it and claim it like it’s their own. Or probably filming it and ready for like an upcoming film festival whether if it’s in town or out of town. Though I don’t know if Randy’s little film is going to make towards next year’s SXSW in Austin, Texas. Just putting that out there. But yeah, it looks like the restaurant will be closed for the rest of the day for Randy to shoot his film. That could explain how the kids got a day off despite an excuse that came up with when preparing to save Zeke from getting into trouble again. Also just be thankful that both Bob and Linda didn’t like interfere and being suspicious over what they’re doing. Even though this season alone, didn’t even bother to interfere. Didn’t even bother. Next season better fix that.

Day of the shooting with Randy ready to get into character in getup with a sweat jacket and gray hair of a wig and had crow’s feet added onto his face as both Bob and Linda watch the action ready to be shown and with that, the acting begins for Randy to be in character. And uh, let’s talk about Randy’s acting. Because despite that he’s a filmmaker and he pretty much got experience when it comes to the entertainment industry, though behind the camera and being the person who, of course, he’s a documentary filmmaker, interviews and stuff like a...not in the form of Michael Moore, but getting there, think it would be better for him to be behind the camera and stick to making documentaries rather than whatever he’s doing as of this moment. Of course, while filming, he ends up accusing Bob of ruining his shot due to him making some noise even though Bob was quiet throughout the whole filming process. But that doesn’t stop Randy from accusing him of that and it looks like it’s not just scene and this scene only because it looks like as the subplot drags on, it’s scene after scene where he was bothered by Bob and here enter Linda in hopes to not let Bob do that, in a nice friendly manner, to head to the back, mostly in the employee bathroom, though basement would’ve been another place where he should be heading off to. Though Linda didn’t like go off and kind of like defend Bob whenever Randy accuses him of making some noise and say, “He didn’t make any noise while you were filming, what you mean?” Something like that but instead, tells Bob to head to another room for Randy to stay focus, stay in character, and have a perfect shoot in the film. Like the kids dealing with taking the paper down from the ceiling, this is going to be a very long day...for Bob when dealing with Randy in the restaurant.

Bob finally comes back behind the booth after Randy is done shooting his scene as he prepares to rehearse for another scene and Bob noticed something wrong going on with the script that Randy have and created and going through that yeah, Randy have some rewrites at the last possible minute. Last possible minute. That’s like if you just finished up your essay for your class and everything was all good, no mistakes in grammar, no mistakes when it come to the creativity and whatnot, and think that you’re all set and ready to get that bitch turned in to your professor but has to check over for one last time before doing that...until you decided to mess it up and go “fix” the parts, the good parts that might hand you a good grade for your semester. Adding commas on to the title, thinking that the plot of the movie is no longer a guy who reflects on his life and instead, it’s the guy who somewhat fucked up. You think that the original idea would’ve the best, if not, decent choice to use in production but instead, took a left turn and not noticing a dead end and drove off a cliff and onto the water for the car to sink. This is what you get for using Apple Maps as your choice of directions. This is why the atlas industry is going out of business.

Back to Randy into character mode and following the revised script he made and of course, scene for Randy for a moment as Linda questions him who was Randy in character was talking to when doing the scene. In which that Randy tells Linda that he’s talking to the Character of Death. Yep, we’re at the scene now where you have the Grim Reaper appear and Randy’s character talk to him and try to reason and promise that he won’t do shit ever again like with The Christmas Carol with Scrooge went to the future with the Ghost of Christmas Future and see the family of Tiny Tim grieving at his tomb and then sees his own if don’t amend his ways and that he’s going to end up if he doesn’t and begins to turn over a new leaf. That or what Linda stated in that Ingmar Bregman movie where the guy play chess with Death or maybe a movie where Brad Pitt played death? Almost kind of like that. Randy can’t play his character of Steve and Death at the same time as he prepares for his next scene so either one of the two, either Bob or Linda, has to play the grim reaper. Linda would volunteer to do the role but Death has to be white man...ha. So uh, Bob, looks like it’s all you to play the grim reaper in Randy’s little short film and you can’t say no on this part unless you want to end up being blackballed even though this movie probably not going to viewed by a lot of people. least do that for once and then your troubles will be going away once the day is done and Randy exiting stage left and never to return.

Onto the final parts of Randy’s short film in the movie with Bob in a hooded cloak as Randy’s character talks to him with Linda watching over in glance, thinking to herself when watching the film being put together of seeing her Bobby being in the movie and look at Bob’s face when looking at the camera.

And no, this is NOT a fourth wall break. You shut up. Look at that face. It’s like he doesn’t even want to do this but if it’s the only way to get this train rolling and get Randy out before the day is done with, then it looks like he has to do it. A look at his face saying that this is the one time that he has to do a role on a movie and that about it for his entire life. Oh Bob, Bob, Bob...there’s a thing, and maybe you heard of it, called Bob’s Burgers: The Movie? Yeah, you’re the star and it looks like you’re gonna be in the movie whether you like it or not. So better get used to it come July of 2020. Let’s say, in between the start of Comic Con of next year to the start of the Tokyo Olympics, let’s go with that. And with that, filming comes to an end for Randy and his short film that may end up becoming a complete dumpster fire with Randy thanking Bob for using the restaurant and have him playing the grim reaper even though he wasn’t even given a choice as now prepares to leave but not before Bob asks Randy for him to keep the robe. Because apparently, he looks rather good wearing that cloak and that he doesn’t own a cloak, so there’s that.

With Randy now gone from the restaurant, Bob and Linda has the restaurant all to themselves, well until the kids come back from the school, with Bob thinks that the restaurant pretty much isn’t like death incarnate and Linda comes in and say the restaurant isn’t death. And also say that they’ll die in the restaurant. They’ll die in the restaurant together, when they’re older of course like in old age, saying around 60s, maybe 70s, or in Linda’s case, 60 years unless the Earth doesn’t like deal with a massive catastrophe from climate change in like less than ten years from now. So you might as well say the day both Bob and Linda decided to call their retirement from the building is the day they both die though uh...don’t think that’s how the life expectancy works for the two, mostly when Louise ends up taking over the restaurant but for now, it’s pretty much them being couple goals because why not? Everyone like them and you can’t possibly beat that as now close out the final subplot of the show’s ninth season.


So overall, what do I think about this season finale of Bob’s Burgers? To keep it a 100 here for y’all coming from the tip of my tongue, it was an alright season finale. Not bad but also not great, would say average at best though I was hoping for the mushroom episode that Bouchard promised in that interview from Entertainment Weekly last year counting down to this season, but looks like we got this episode instead. And despite there were some flaws in the episode unlike the previous season finales, dragging some episodes under the bus like “Torpedo” in Season 1, “Beefsquatch” in Season 2, and “Into the Mild” in Season 7, there were some good moments that didn’t downplay the whole episode.

Like how they handled the relationship between both Zeke and Jimmy Jr in this episode, especially when Jimmy Jr heard that Zeke is about to be sent away to another school if he were to get in trouble one more time, putting Jimmy Jr in an upset mood and also fears that he might lose his best friend. Yeah, we see them in play, whether for comedic relief despite that it’s a comedy sitcom, or in the likes of “Two for Tina” for example, supportive. Jimmy Jr upset that he was about lose his best friend was almost sort of like with Gene being upset and feared that he almost his friendship with Alex earlier in the season. Though surprise Jimmy Jr didn’t like come up with a song to sing about his friendship with Zeke. I mean, like Gene and Alex, this is the OG friendship in the series, for the kids I mean, all the way back to Zeke’s debut back in Season 2. So I like that and maybe can get something like that for the next season, which is most likely in September of this year, bet.

Though with this episode, and of course, we have both Tina and Zeke and of course, with Jimmy Jr, I thought that this would be an episode where we dwell into Tina and Zeke’s complicated don’t know if you want to call it a friendship, mostly during the whole thing with taking the pieces of paper down, because while Zeke, despite being muscular and can be wild at times, is a pretty chill guy to probably have a soda with...despite that Tina pretty much hates his guts mostly because of one person, Jimmy Jr. Because Zeke is Jimmy Jr’s best friend but Jimmy Jr is also Tina’s crush and him in the way would ruin her chances to be with him. Was hoping for like us, the viewer, examine their relationship and hoping for Tina to set aside her somewhat of a “hatred” for Zeke for once, in which she did, and of course, hoping for these two to have some baby steps on building their friendship to close out the season. Didn’t get that even though Tina did have a change of heart and help Zeke and pretty much everyone else out of the school without getting caught, thus making Jimmy Jr happy a la “Every Which Way But Goose” with what Jimmy Jr did to make Tina happy.

Tina’s behavior leading up to her creating an escape for her and everyone to evade capture was something I don’t like coming from this episode because yeah, with Zeke gone, she would have Jimmy Jr all to herself. But the way she act, despite that she didn’t like sabotage the whole thing even though she won’t have like the cajones to do that, she pretty much downplayed the whole thing. Hoping for the mission to save Zeke to fail. Even though not noticing that it would make Jimmy Jr sad over losing Zeke but also would get her in trouble for being a part of the mission. While I do have to give Tina credit for saving Zeke and the others from getting caught by Mr. Frond and knowing her ways with the ceiling and thus, making their escape, her behavior pretty much downplayed the whole thing from top to almost bottom in the main plot.

Arnold seems like an interesting character despite that he’s gonna end up being a one-shot character and never to be returned because it’s a sitcom and chances of coming back is pretty much low to medium, maybe medium-high at best. Hope we can get more of him in future episodes because he seems to be somewhat of a fun character to watch over, despite being an eight year old and in Louise’s fourth grade class because he skipped a grade due to his intelligence and like to wear his karate uniform sometimes and think that he’s all high and mighty because he’s an orange belt, though saying, now I feel like I’m gonna get beat up by him. Though one user on Reddit think that Arnold would be considered as Darryl’s replacement and I hope not because I like Darryl and I hope we can more of him, thought that’s not possible next season in Season 10, I say Season 11 at best but also in the movie. Give my boy some love.

The subplot in this episode was rather an okay one even though it’s most likely to be forgettable at best. Although that Randy came up to close out the season and to do his movie by renting out the restaurant to shoot some shots for the said movie, despite that it was pretty much straight forward, kind of felt empty coming from Randy filming scene after scene in character. Although I do like that little squabble between both Randy and Bob when he accuses him of making noise, thus making him lose his concentration and break out of character, even though Bob didn’t even done shit and kept quiet during the while filming process. Though kind of wish that Linda would like at least step in and at least defend Bob but instead told him to go to another room until the shot is done with. So yeah, this subplot is pretty much forgettable but it was an okay, not that bad but also not that good, again, okay, just to play it safe. But that’s my opinion to state in this review.

So all and all, unlike the previous season finales in seasons past, it was an interesting episode, though average to say the least. Do like how Jimmy Jr and Zeke’s relationship was handled like something you see coming from Gene and Alex earlier this season. Got to give credit to Tina by the end of the episode for helping Zeke and the rest of the kids escape despite that I don’t like her behavior being played out earlier in the episode. Of course, subplot, again sounding like a broken record, you won’t hear me again for like three, if not, four months, unless we get news from Comic Con in July, okay but somewhat forgettable to say the least. So I’ll give “Yes Without My Zeke”...

An 8 out of 10. Low end 8 out of 10 just to play it safe just like with last week’s episode. Do enjoy the visuals, mostly with the reflection with the wax floors, got to give props to the animators again like with last week with the whole Linda thought cloud thing. And since this is the season finale, counting every rating from “Just One of the Boyz 4 Now for Now” to right here, right now with “Yes Without My Zeke”, my rating for Season Nine...

An 8 out of 10. Yeah, I mean, despite that the season pretty much has a lot of episodes that focuses on the kids and the subplots are pretty much dire to the point where you kind of wish it’s not there to begin with, there were some good episodes and some good moments in the season that didn’t downplay the whole thing. So an 8 out of 10 would be considered a safe bet to say the least. But that’s my opinion and now, I want to hear yours. Tell me what you think about this episode and most importantly, this season, do you like it? Do you hate it? What do you think about Jimmy Jr and Zeke’s friendship? Do you think there should be more work on this episode? Will Tina and Zeke get along? Will you be watching Randy’s little film that he made? Tell me that and your mini review of this episode and season and more in the comments down below.

Thank y’all so much for sticking by me this season. Twenty-two episodes. A whole goddamn season and as of this moment, feeling exhausted over all of this. But none of this wouldn’t happen if it weren’t for to you all, the reader, for making this happen and getting me back to doing these things and onto the next season we go once the Fall season arrives. If you want stuff to do during the offseason, follow me over at Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram for fandom posts like day in fandom history and fandom birthdays and whatnot and also updates on what’s going on outside of the blog. And if you want to feel like Christmas every other week during the offseason...

Donate today to help your boy out over at PayPal, Patreon, and Ko-fi to fuel the fire know as this very page and improve a lot of things here to pass the time once September (or October) comes into the picture. Thank y’all so much for sticking around for this season and yeah, that’ll be it for me here and I’ll see y’all later as Season 10 begins to knock on our doors.

***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Century FOX, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***

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