
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Bob's Burgers Season 9, Episode 7 Review - The Ballad of Drew P. Neck and the Great Turkey Chase | yahoo201027 Bob's Burgers Reviews

Ah Thanksgiving, the one time of year where it’s nothing more to experience despite the frigid temperatures that I had to dealt last week than enjoying food that is impossible to finish up and a watching a good ol’ game of football. Well that and helping people in need this time of year. And nothing screams Thanksgiving over the Belcher household like…saving a turkey from biting the dust over a slaughterhouse. Hmm, feel like this might be an episode that PETA might enjoy this holiday season. In this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers, a change of plans for the Belchers this Thanksgiving as they now have to save a turkey that was already pardoned from being the next bird to be served on the dinner table in my review of the Seventh Episode of the Ninth Season, titled “I Bob Your Pardon”.

This was the Thanksgiving that the Belchers would never want to face when it comes to…well, saving a live turkey. When you see from the previous Thanksgiving episodes, it’s mostly on the realm of what’s gonna prevent the family, mostly Bob, of having a good Thanksgiving. A nice, quiet Thanksgiving with the family around the table and well…do normal Thanksgiving things. But this one, holy hell, this episode, despite being fastly paced, it was an interesting episode. Not gonna lie, it was an interesting episode. I mean, of course, that’s my opinion and y’all have different ones that you want to explain and feel free to do over at the comments below.

And the episode is mostly them trying to save a turkey that was pardoned, meaning that the turkey would’ve been free to go and never to return. Out in the forest. Only to end up realizing that the turkey will be heading over towards the slaughterhouse, the kids being the first to learn about this, later on with Linda and finally with Bob, decided to get the turkey away from the path to the destination and into the open wilderness or a farm that doesn’t send it to the death hut. Not in the form of…not almost similar to Charlotte’s Web mostly because it doesn’t follow that way in the writing of the episode. Well that and no died. More of…anyone watched a movie called “Babe”? Almost like that only the humans are the ones who have to save the animal in the form of the turkey. I don’t know. I could be wrong. But to sum it all up, this episode was some interesting to watch and with the holiday now right around the corner, this should be the one of the Thanksgiving themed episodes from any series that you should probably see.

Beginning with Bob just putting in the finishing touches on the turkey that just prepared for Thanksgiving Day dinner. Of course, it ain’t Bob and his cooking without him talking to it and make noises like the food has come to life. Not gonna lie, Bob with Thanksgiving, despite that he has to work day and night to make things perfect, is like with Linda when it comes to Christmas. Find the perfect turkey for you to make it good and not something that would result in a potential salmonella outbreak waiting to happen. And the turkeys of the past with Bob…yeah, whether it’s getting shot by a bullet by a woman that Fischoeder or having Linda and the kids putting in charge of it while getting Gayle to the household during a massive freaking snowstorm in the making during the holiday. Mother Nature is almost proving me wrong on that assumption of a snowstorm with that winter weather invasion last week. Though I could be wrong on that and they’re some historical evidence that there was once a snowstorm that struck the Northeast on Thanksgiving and making me sound like a total idiot. All I know is…give the man a normal Thanksgiving where the turkey doesn’t suffer major damage like they’re suffering through a career ending injury. Well, this might be it…sort of by the end. You’ll almost probably see I’m going with this.

The kids enter the kitchen and of course, Louise being upset that they now have to waste their half-day away from school for the Thanksgiving holiday by watching a turkey getting a pardon. The only person who is excited over the pardon is Linda because…why the hell not? It’s a Thanksgiving tradition where the government selects some random turkey, have the official to perform the pardoning, and of course, letting it go. Mostly, you see that with the President over at the White House. Well it looks like we’re taking it to the local level as the family now prepare to head over towards city hall to see the pardoning where Bob somewhat stops them at the last moment when he noticed that the Thanksgiving dinner is not yet fully prepared just yet because he doesn’t have any cranberries for cranberry sauce. Uh…I think you should be fine without it. I mean, I don’t even eat cranberries. And I’m pretty sure no one would make a major fuss over the fruit that only be used for the one time a year and then never to be touched and waver away to die all year long. But of course, the hunt for cranberries will now take place once the pardoning is done.

If you think that we’re gonna see the mayor in this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? Well, hate to disappoint you, though this page is mostly full of disappointment, we didn’t get the mayor’s official debut. It’s like with Principal Spores back in the end of “The Runway Club” after the kids won the fashion challenge against Mr. Frond for early release from serving Saturday detention but only got the legs from him and not a full on body debut. But yeah, disappointed over that. Mayor’s out due to what appears to be some mayoral business at the last possible moment, meaning that the deputy mayor will now have to take over the event from him. And the show must go on for the pardoning. But of course, the kids still don’t want to be around to see the pardoning and decided to head out somewhere else where the meet a reporter for the town’s newspaper named Ralph, who is on assignment for…covering the pardoning. In which Ralph don’t want to cover the whole pardoning event and wants to cover the hard hitting stories that been going on to get the people’s attention. Like let’s say…getting an interview with the mayor. And that be it unless a scandal decided to break out and oh boy, the town’s gonna be in a boatload of trouble. I can picture it being the synopsis for the movie in 2020. I could be very wrong here.

The Belcher kids finally arrive at the broken water fountain to stare and wishing that the pardoning would be over already, so they can enjoy their half-day now already spent on this very event. Given already a bored look on their faces until they end up overhearing the assistant to the deputy mayor, named Marsha, in what appears to be her talking to her mother on the phone, talking about where the turkey is heading to next once the pardoning is done for. Which is of course, off to the slaughterhouse. So if you live in America and wonder once the pardoning is taking place when seeing it on TV when the President was pardoning the turkey in front of the White House, you think that the turkey would fly free, well…gobble away to freedom? Well…like Doctor Who this week with bubble wrap, everything you know is a lie. It’s off to become food for the dinner table. And the kids won’t let that happen and decided to tell both Bob and Linda about what they just heard and of course, ready to save the turkey from being sent into the oven. But…

Not before reaching towards Ralph to give them a major scoop for him to do to be sent into the newspaper for a major story to rock the holiday. Making this one a major scandal and making the deputy mayor look bad on this holiday season. But of course, Ralph refuses to do the story of the pardoned turkey being send to the slaughter because it’s not a really huge scandal. Doesn’t even got him to be interested in getting the scoop. So the getting the media involved is now out of the question…for now. Meaning that now the matters have taken to the kids’ own hands and ask both Bob and Linda to get the turkey away from the two. 

And so they did once the pardoning is done. That got Linda railed up over what the deputy mayor is planning to do and thinks that the current mayor is that is MIA in the episode, meaning that Linda is now joining the cause. Bob on the other hand, doesn’t believe that the deputy mayor would ever do that and wants to get to the damn store to get some cranberries. That’s the only thing that he wanted to get the dinner ready to go for Thanksgiving. But of course, he’s gonna drive them and follow Marsha along the open road when the rest of the family spotted her putting the turkey in the cage and putting it in the back of her car and drives off. Thus lighting the flame of what appears to be a very long wild goose chase. Or in to keep it in light of the holiday, turkey chase. I’m not funny. And do you kind of give Bob some props on calling the family out on the whole “saving the turkey despite eating it on the dinner table” thing. Him calling them hypocrites. That’s like if you help someone out doing cleaning the house following a natural disaster but not even doing the cleaning to your own. I’m surprised the Belcher kids didn’t decide to take the vegan route and go vegan for this Thanksgiving. Tune in next year when the Belcher family decided to take on Black Friday. God, that shitshow is gonna be huge. Probably enough to get that shit on pay per view.

The chase begins rather slow for them as the rescue to take the turkey and it looks like this slow ass chase now leads them over to the freeway in hopes to not lose her when following. But of course, Bob, like I said in the text above, calling them hypocrites over them saving the turkey despite that they have to eat it tomorrow for dinner. And it looks like he’s planning on take the exit to the next road because it looks like he wants no part of doing the dirty work, get the turkey away from Marsha, and probably being tagged as fugitives. Okay, I made that last one up. But still, I feel like she could do that…by getting the mayor to do the job and…yeah, fugitives. Enemy of the people! Nah, nah, nah. Bob is ready to exit out from the freeway, but the family won’t let them, and the kids begin to get the car to the same lane where Marsha is driving, fighting off Bob when it comes to the wheel. Thus resulting in them almost, almost crashing the car into barrels. You know, those barrel thingies you see on the ramps whenever you take an exit to another road when heading out? Yeah, almost crashed the car. Apparently, we don’t want the insurance company to work on Thanksgiving Day when they have families to go and spend the holiday with. 

The family then spotted Marsha’s car on the gas station. By the way, if you live in the Northeastern US, despite the show setting in New Jersey, you see gas stations popping up in the middle of the freeway rather than take an exit and find it either you take the left or take the right in the road that you’re about to enter. Yeah. So they spotted the car that belongs to Marsha and I thought at first when they spotted the car, I thought of myself when that was going on, “this could be anyone’s car.” You know, mistaken identity. That can strike you like a motherfucker and end up creating even more problems. But nope, the car belongs to Marsha, mostly because they spotted her entering the store, seeing the cage in the back of her car. But just as the Belchers are ready to lock and load and take the turkey away without her noticing, just as Bob is about to enter the store for his continue quest for the cranberries…he asks Linda, Tina, Gene, and Louise to not leave the car and do anything stupid. Um, excuse me Bob, have you even met them? Pretty sure the terms “stay in the car and don’t do anything” are not in their vocabulary. You know that they’re gonna disobey Bob’s order and grab the turkey away to their car without any problems that awaits them.

Bob asks the store clerk if there are any fresh cranberries to make some cranberry sauce. But the clerk said that the store doesn’t have that fresh cranberries and would have him take a can of cranberry sauce instead. And that means the quest continues. But once the asking is done, Bob overheard Marsha who just walked out of the bathroom about of course what the Tina, Gene, and Louise had overheard earlier in the episode and that right there, is where Bob beginning to think that, “Oh shit, so the kids aren’t bullshitting. They are really sending the turkey to the slaughterhouse. Even if it was pardoned.” And if you think that Bob’s view when it comes to the turkey might’ve changed? Well…not really. He still wants to cook the turkey for the family but at the same time, he now wants to get the turkey to safety to avoid being the dinner for some random family. Oh and…

Bob spotted Linda and the kids taking the turkey away from Marsha’s car and into their own. Again, staying in the car and not doing anything stupid, not in their vocabulary. But it looks like Bob has a change of heart and decided to join in. Take the turkey to the back of their car and just as they are about to exit out from the gas station and back into the road…

Ralph comes crashing in, almost getting ran over by the Belchers, and decided to join in the cause as well. Because this is now becomes somewhat of a major scandal following him recording an audio of Marsha talking on the phone about taking the turkey into the slaughterhouse. Didn’t believe the Belcher kids at first when it was first brought up earlier in the episode. But it looks like there’s been a change of plans and decided to help the Belchers out. Mostly because of him getting the scoop and hold both the Deputy Mayor and Marsha accountable. But just as Ralph is about to enter the car with the Belchers and the turkey, Marsha spotted them.  But it’s already too late for the assistant to the Deputy Mayor because it looks like Ralph has her calls recorded and ready to set the truth ready and of course, let the turkey go free as well and drive off. And if you think that this would be a total cakewalk for the Belchers and let the turkey go easily once leaving Marsha behind? Well…

Marsha is now gaining on the Belcher family and Ralph just as they are about to take an exit to another road to divert away from Marsha and they did but in order to prevent Marsha from gaining on their tail, it looks like the speed of the car goes up the ante and goes through the ramp into the next road. Thus making Marsha missing her exit and now must find another exit for her. That and of course, the car might’ve suffer some damage in the paint and whatnot. But other than that, they don’t have to worry about Marsha for a while. Meaning that the Belchers and Ralph now have the opportunity to free the turkey into the wild once upon arriving to an off-road and drop the bird off. And it looks like everything is gonna be all cranberries and turkey stuffing. Turkey’s freed! End of episod…

Only where the fear factor went from 0 to 100 real quick with the coyotes now coming into play. Damn it Belchers! Y’all had one job! One job! The Belchers’ plan to free the turkey sort of work for a short while as Marsha finally got them but of course, she’s too late to stop them from freeing the turkey. But now have to deal with a new problem when hearing the howls from a pack of coyotes. And as Tina, Louise, and Bob head off to get the turkey back into the cage, here comes Ralphie boy telling Marsha that he still have the recorded conversation on standby, awaiting to be sent to the press for a story for the next day. However, Marsha tells Ralph to not publish the story about this whole fiasco that been going in the episode lately. And Marsha, in the somewhat of the most sliest and slimiest way possible to bribe Ralph to not publish the story by getting him a free pass to interview the mayor. Not the deputy mayor. The actual mayor. The one that went to fuck off and decided to not be on screen in this episode. But Linda decided to up the ante by giving him free food the next time, or first time, over at the restaurant if he were to publish the story.  So it looks like poor Ralph now have a decision to make. Either take Option A, have the story put into complete darkness and gets a free pass to talking with the mayor. Or Option B, take Linda’s offer for free food and expose the truth to the town and make the government look bad. This almost sounds like the government over at the Bob’s Burgers universe is almost as corrupted than ours. Actually no, I think our government in the real world is even more corrupt. Talk about nice, warm heaping pot of corruption stew already in the progress in this week’s episode. Freaking corruption stew. I’ve been rewatching Final Space lately. You should watch it. I await your pain.

So while Ralph now have to choose either option like giving away a rose like it’s the freaking Bachelor, we have Tina, Louise, and Bob walking towards the forest as they try to find the turkey when Tina talked to Bob about if he ever faced off with a coyote or any other specie of wild dogs. I mean, we faced off with a wolf before. Though that was last Halloween. He was high on painkillers. And he accused Teddy of being a literal werewolf. A coyote? Unless that turkey was the road runner, then that turkey is pretty much screwed. That is until the three Belchers finally found the turkey and not noticing that there’s a herd of coyotes waiting to take the turkey out in cold blood. It’s like you can imagine these three while watching what appears to be a possible murder caused by Mother Nature like, “I want to get the turkey to safety. But against a herd of coyotes ready to maul a live turkey...oh god…oh…oh my god, we’re in deep doo-doo.” And this is an episode, despite being a Thanksgiving themed one, we have one plot of the episode. Somebody has to take the spotlight, for a little while, to show the viewer what that character got when it comes to the development. And lo and behold…

It’s Louise, stopping the coyotes from getting turkey and holy crap, she scared the coyotes away like sharks scaring away people from the waters. This was Louise’s shining moment. At first, she doesn’t even care about the turkey being pardoned, but as time goes by as the family are currently taking the turkey out to freedom, she begins to grow somewhat of an affection enough to save the turkey and probably risking her life from the herd. At one time, of course, Louise begins to show affection and she can’t let the turkey die in the hands, or paws of the coyotes and of course, been a lot of “of courses” in this episode it’s somewhat downplaying the whole thing, risking her life. But at same time, Louise…please do us a favor and never do that again. Because I feel like Bouchard is really want to write a character out in the form of a fatal car crash. He is like waiting for the big day where is he like ready to be given the green light to get the character to bite the dust. And now I worry about the movie two years from now. Hmm. 

Oh yeah, and Ralph chose Option B while all of that is happening. Meaning that the story will now be published and…Marsha just gave up. She just went all, “fuck it, you guys won. Go free the turkey. Go publish the story. Can’t stop you guys from doing both of those things. So…have a go. Publish the damn thing. Can’t wait for chaos to erupt.” And just waive the white flag. The Belchers and Ralph now heading back to the road to find another destination, up to a farm. And if you think that Marsha would really go away and head back to town in shame…?

Yep. She’s now bringing in the big guns. She lied to the Belchers and Ralph about her apparent surrender. The chase is now not officially over just yet. Just another standard slimy politician, even if she was an assistant to the deputy mayor. At this rate, she might as well lie her way to the nomination and lose in the biggest upset known to ma…okay, this is getting really going off the rails from here. So let’s continue on to the episode. And hurry because I do not look good in hate mail and death threats. Mostly coming from the you know who supporters.

The Belchers and Ralph finally arrive at the farm and of course, not just any farm. We’re now taking a trip back to memory lane in the same farm that Gene, Louise, Tina, Jimmy Jr, Zeke, and Rudy traveled to in the hunt for the two-butted goat back in Season 6. And look…

The two-butted goat is back. Look ma, no censors. Zero fucks to give. I’m allowed to swear on this site but not allowed to uncensor goat anuses. Even it if looks like a you know what. And with that, this page will be terminated in about a few hours. Happy Freaking Thanksgiving. All things are about to be in the clear for the family and Ralph when all of a sudden out of nowhere…

The Deputy Mayor has now enter the ring. God fucking damn it Marsha.  So yeah, Marsha alerted the Deputy Mayor on where both the family and Ralph were heading. Gee…

I wonder who was responsible for telling Marsha where they were heading to drop the turkey off for safety and freedom?  Anyway, the Deputy Mayor and Marsha now got them red handed but of course, the Belchers aren’t going down with a fight. Literally. The Belchers having a little brawl, mostly on the game of “gimme that” with the turkey in the cage being the main prize of that game, with both Louise and Gene giving the Deputy Mayor a purple nurple. But it’s not enough and both the Deputy Mayor and Marsha now gained possession to the pardoned turkey and this is Bob comes into play and begins to slap some sense into the officials. Being the voice of reason. Talk no jutsu. Oh my god, Bob has inherit the talk no jutsu. Telling the both that this day was supposed to be the day of getting cranberries at the last possible moment for sauce but ending up getting into a situation of saving the turkey from being sent to the chopping block and that they broke their promise. And that’s something that you can’t run away with. Telling them to do the right thing and let the turkey go and have its freedom rather than being put in the dinner table. And while that doesn’t work for the Deputy Mayor. It was the speech that broke Marsha. Enough for her to tell the Deputy Mayor that she is calling it quits. Resigning from her position of being the assistant and of course, telling her mom about it and even got the mom involved to tell him out of his bull crap.

The farmer from Season 6 makes a full comeback after being lost in a corn maze while the whole thing between them and the turkey was taking place. And the Belchers want the farmer to take care of the turkey, making it like a pet or at least be the caretaker of the animal like with the two-butted goat. And it looks like he has now accepted the offer and with that, the turkey has now found a new home. Of course, just to make sure the farmer don’t end up making the turkey into food for himself. Because god forbid, we don’t want that to happen. 

Then of course, the resolution with Ralph. Now with the turkey now becoming the farmer’s property, that leaves Ralph ready to release the story to the press for them to be the headliner for tomorrow’s paper. But the Deputy Mayor, being the slimeball that he is, tries to get Ralph not to publish the story. Dude, I know you’re like the acting mayor of the town, but…this is really going against the First Amendment. It’s bad enough that the press have to deal with Trump’s bull-bull of words, deeming the press as “the enemy of the people”. Ralph has the right to publish the story. But the Deputy Mayor have a say and thinks that he has the authority to stop him from publishing it. Which, again, going against the First Amendment. So what happened to Ralph and his story. Well…

Published. Finally grew some balls and have the story published as the Belchers are preparing to have some Thanksgiving episode. Despite that it’s not being front line news, At least the story has finally got out and the truth finally been set free and never to be censored in the hands of someone like a deputy mayor. So we got the turkey story resolved. We got Ralph and his news story resolved. But what about…cranberries? We’ve been so busy dealing with saving the turkey from getting the axe, that we forgot about the cranberries. Well, fear not. Looks like we finally got the resolution with Bob.

Acting like an excited kid like he’s getting presents at Christmas. Being excited over being in a puddle full of cranberries. And of course, finally got his cranberries for the dinner that they are now ready to eat. Bob…never stop on what you’re doing, you. Never stop doing that. Anyway, just as Bob begins to prepare to speak in his Thanksgiving pre-dinner speech, but then Louise decided to have a go and let her speak and have her pardon the turkey…that’s been dead and already cooked. Recaping her experience throughout the episode from her hating live turkeys to her saving one and of let’s not forget, she risked her life when fending off against a herd of coyotes. Again, this feels like Louise, in my opinion, has stole the show in this episode as the family tried their hardest to save the turkey from being sent to the slaughterhouse. And how the episode handled was somewhat amazing to see despite that the episode was fastly paced. But for all the good reasons.


So all and all, what do I think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers. Not gonna lie, I think this might be my favorite episode of the season, so far, only seven episodes into the ninth season. And as for where this episode is ranked when it comes to the show’s Thanksgiving themed episodes in the past years, this might’ve been fallen in the top three. Either around second or third place when it comes to the ranking of each episode. “Turkey in a Can” still holds on to the top as the favorite. “Gayle Makin’ Bob Sled” on the line of being the least.

Despite being fastly paced, this was a pretty good episode with the whole thing with the Belcher family saving the turkey from being sent to the slaughterhouse after being pardoned. Not in the whole them going up against the government, but more of telling both the Deputy Mayor and Marsha that they broke a promise of giving something like a turkey a second chance in life, only to be sent to be executed in becoming food for the dinner table. Though that didn’t get the sense into the Deputy Mayor. You know, politicians and them being slimy. But Marsha on the other hand, after trying to get the turkey away from the Belcher and not having Ralph to publish the story of them sending the pardoned turkey to the slaughterhouse, thanks to Bob’s little speech, got her to let them eat cake and have them let the turkey go. That and resigning from her duties as the assistant. So that was something alright.

Ralph…at first, I thought he just like there to be someone, not in the form of getting in the way, could possibly see more of him being the support and of course, he only teamed up with the Belcher family because of the whole thing with them saving the turkey and both Marsha and the Deputy Mayor breaking their promise and that right there, with of course, have the recording of Marsha’s phone calls being recorded on tape, peeked his interest and was about to be pressured to have his story about to be silenced. And if weren’t for the Belcher family stepping in, then the story would’ve been shot in the dark and have the truth ending up being silent. Thank god that wasn’t the case. And the Ralph finally got the story up and running. Despite being in the back page…page eleven of the newspaper.

Louise…oh shit, Louise. This was her time to take the spotlight when it comes to this episode. The development when it comes to the wheel of attraction doing a complete 180 when it comes to the live turkey that the family is saving from both the Deputy Mayor and Marsha. And what sold me to the idea of Louise doing a complete 180 when it comes to saving the life of the pardoned turkey is her scaring away a herd of coyotes. That right there sold me that Louise has stole the spotlight. And despite that the episode is fastly paced, it was handled perfectly. And I hope we can see more of that in future episodes.

So to sum it all up, this was a perfectly good episode and it was executed perfectly and despite that the episode was fastly paced, it doesn’t downplay the whole thing. Despite the beginning being kind of slow with Bob being putting in the turkey to be in the fridge in hopes to get the turkey to taste good once out of the oven, after the beginning is where the car begins to go over the speed limit on a freeway where there are no speed limits. Or if you live in Germany, driving through the autobahn. Not hoping for this puppy to crash once you get your destination. And it was driven perfectly. And I hope we can see more in the future. So I’ll give “I Bob Your Pardon”…

…a 9.5 out of 10. Like I said, don’t want to repeat myself, and it looks like I’m gonna say it again. This was a good episode. It was executed perfectly, and despite was fastly rushed, it doesn’t downplay it to be a perfectly good episode. I would’ve been a higher rating in the form of a 10 but of course, the beginning was sort of slow in my opinion. So...there’s that. And for anyone who are currently living in the United States, I hope everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving and if you don’t live in the United States, then…have a day. Have a day. Tell me what you think about this week’s episode. Do you like it? Do you hate it? Was this the best Thanksgiving episode in the series that you saw? What’s your favorite one in this series? Thoughts on Louise going a complete 180 throughout this episode and all of that in the comments below.

You can follow me on Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram for updates, fandom birthdays, and day in fandom history posts. So feel free to do that. And just putting this out there…

Yep, help the page out by donating to either to my PayPal, Patreon, or Ko-fi pages to help raise money to keep the pages going as we are about to enter this holiday season. Oh boy…next week…

Shitshow of the century. Grab the liquor because it’s gonna be a very long night full of betrayal when Gene’s friend that was introduced back in the last season, Alex Papasian, ditching him for Courtney Wheeler, Gene’s ex, to be her roller skating partner. I feel like I want to do a speculation on this one. I feel like I’m being tempted to do so. Bouchard…at least make Gene, Alex, and Courtney friends by the end of the episode. Is that so hard to ask. In the Eighth Episode of the Ninth Season, “Roller? I Hardly Know Her!” And until then, that’ll be it for me and I’ll see y’all later.

***Bob's Burgers is owned by 20th Century FOX, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***

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