Normally at this time of year, yeah...we would have a Thanksgiving episode since it is the week of the holiday. Yeah...not this time. Like Halloween a few weeks ago, we didn’t get it. And it looks like we’re not getting one this season. Every show but The Simpsons...Krapopolis is the exception because they're the new kids on the block, but every show not named The Simpsons, no holiday episode that isn't Christmas. I get Halloween because that's pretty much tradition with the Treehouse of Horror episodes that shouldn't break since the 1990s, but having no Thanksgiving episode for Bob's Burgers, you as a Bob's Burgers fan would probably call this criminal and a violation of the Geneva Convention but guess we have to wait till next year...if we will have a country once Thanksgiving 2024 hits.
In this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers, it’s a Linda episode with her making a bad decision as her favorite raccoon, Little King Trashmouth, could be getting sent to the lobby during a neighborhood block party as Bob gets a customer who has ties with the band and both Louise and Gene try to keep their business in tact with their peers to get a front row seat to a band performing in my spoilerific review of the seventh episode of Season 14 of Bob’s Burgers, titled “The (Raccoon) King and I”.
I get that we don’t have a Thanksgiving episode this season, so in its place, we got this episode. So uh...let’s talk raccoons since they're the topic of this week's episode. Other than being the animal that Linda usually catches up with as if she's watching an installment of her shows, raccoons are sort of like nature's looters. And no, I'm not saying that because they look like the usual robber that you would dress up on Halloween or worst-case scenario, attempt to rob a store, which I’d advise y’all to not do that unless you want to end up on the local news for the wrong reason. To the raccoons, any trash that was left in the background after a huge party or a random dumpster that is filled with trash and waiting to be picked up by the sanitation crew would be free game for them to enjoy and consume. They can be a nuisance for everyone and they still are. And those nuisances, you may think that they might be cute to some, it can carry some consequences. Primarily with the stuff they often time carry like rabies. If you don’t get it treated in time, then there will be some problems.
Now, of course, we didn’t get a rabies issue from one of the raccoons living by the alley outside of the restaurant but he is the center focus despite that it is a Linda episode after making one mistake of a phone call over the concern of her favorite raccoon’s condition and we’ll get to that later into the breakdown portion of the episode. You got to at least give the show some credit on what they’re doing when it comes to trying to expand their side characters that we saw with Rudy, Gretchen, and Zeke as of late alongside bringing in some characters that we haven't seen in a long time, even though Season 13 sort of did that with Jessica, just to name a few on the list. Now, an animal is getting his time in the spotlight even though he pretty much serves as a plot device, that being Little King Trashmouth, not since Mr. Business where we have an animal having their time taking center stage. And right at the time for the neighborhood to have a neighborhood block party. Just be thankful that no animated animals were harmed in the making of this episode. It was almost 3:00 in the morning when you came up with an introduction to an episode that you wish we should've had a Thanksgiving episode. Might as well get to the review and breakdown portion of this review, this is "The (Raccoon) King and I".
The episode begins with Bob and the kids watching something happening when they see some people setting up the stage for the neighborhood block party. And to be fair, this seems way too over the top for a neighborhood block party to have a big stage as if we’re expecting we’re expecting a summer block party except it’s on the streets and not on the beach. So, the stage is being set up for a concert for the upcoming block party, but has it in front of the restaurant instead of what Bob would put it, in front of Mort's place because it would give them a better view of the concert and sees who would be performing on stage. Most importantly, who would be performing? That would be the band known as The Sun Breezers, which is a band from the 1970s that happened to be still around in today's times. So, think of the band Earth, Wind, and Fire...that’s all I can think of since music history is not my forte that isn’t actual history. Though the band, The Sun Breezers, didn’t get a hit song in over a few decades since the release of one of their songs, “Gas in My Car”, came out in the late 1970s. Mostly to tie in with the impending gas crisis of the late 70s, mostly because of the whole issue with the Middle East regarding the hostage crisis in Iran.
The stage being set up in front of the restaurant does not look good for a viewing experience when not wanting to be around a crowd of people, due to the position of the stage is at, would rather have the stage face towards the intersection where the Wharf is at instead of in front of the restaurant, it's not a good view if you want to avoid being around a lot of people in the crowd. Especially for Louise and Gene, primarily Louise because she had a little side business for the block party where she scammed a few kids, mostly her peers, Rudy, Andy, Ollie, and Arnold, just to name a few, to get a good view from the apartment window. It's just she didn't expect the stage to be positioned behind the restaurant instead of having it by Mort's place and face it to where the intersection of Ocean Avenue and Front Street where the Wharf is. And you can't tell the people who set up the stage to tear it down and build it again in a better direction because it’s already too late. The block party begins today and the band pretty much leaves the town after their concert is done. Louise and Gene now need to think of a plan to make sure that their plan won’t go up to smoke. So, good luck with that.
Linda comes into the picture with her grabbing a cup and a bag of burger buns as she prepares to head off to the back alley to check on one of her favorite raccoons in Little King Trashmouth. Ready to feed the raccoon a set of burger buns for him to feed. And apparently, the cup of coffee isn’t for her to drink, but it’s for the raccoon to drink. Don't think that it's a good idea to give something like coffee, let alone decaf to a raccoon of all beings or any other animals as if you've given them way too much adrenaline as if it's your first time drinking an energy drink, but I guess don't question it if you're Linda because raccoon watching has been one of her hobbies for a long time since I guess moving into the building after renting it. Anyway, Linda gets the stuff because she notices that her favorite raccoon isn't doing well. After all, according to her, LTK, Little King Trashmouth for short in abbreviation form, has some issues regarding his foot or somewhere across his body, but mostly his foot, rather, his paw that caused some concerns for Linda but is unable to treat it because she’s not an expert on how to treat an animal. She’s not a veterinarian. So Linda had to keep checking on Little King Trashmouth to see if anything did go wrong with the raccoon, causing her to spend her day to make sure he recovered as she headed out with the mug and bag of burger buns, resulting in Teddy and later Tina to tag along to check up on the raccoon. Teddy, I get because he, like Linda, are "raccoon people," as seen and heard in both "Slumber Party" and "Eggs for Days" when glossing through the raccoons in the alley like they're doing the urban version of bird watching. Tina on the other hand, only tagged along because she had nothing else to do and didn't want to help Bob around with the restaurant. I mean, she could, but she can't because she gotta follow what the script says. Same for Louise and Gene, who have a side business to save, leaving Bob alone to deal with a potential influx during the block party.
We go over to the back alley with Linda, Teddy, and Tina checking up on Little King Trashmouth, seeing the animal licking his paw where the sore spot is with Linda telling the raccoon to not do that because that's not how you would treat the injured spot the same way you would tell your dog to avoid the area where the rash is at and having to be put on a cone to make sure the spot doesn't get worse from biting. Of course, all three are pretty much bystanders at the moment because they don't have any knowledge of how to treat an animal like Little King Trashmouth. And I don't think that going to the internet and getting some information on how to treat an injured raccoon would be the way because if you get any information from somewhere on the internet like Facebook or TikTok, you pretty much have yourself a death wish to make yourself a hashtag.
Mr. Huggins, the Belchers’ neighbor from across the alley makes an appearance to see what Linda, Tina, and Teddy are doing when noticing that Little King Trashmouth is in the dumps, emotional-wise, even though it's the injury that is the matter of concern. Though emotional support would be the second item on the list with King’s husband Gary being MIA for the day. So, Gary picked the wrong day to go out while leaving Little King Trashmouth to be left hanging to deal with his injury. Then again, most animals have a mind of their own. They’re not obedient since raccoons are not the type of animals you would keep as pets. Especially when you’re trying to nurse an injured raccoon that you’ve been watching over for years. So, for now, everyone in the alleyway became nothing more than bystanders and just let nature do its course.
We go inside the apartment with Rudy becoming the first to enter what might as well be a very long pre-show with him coming in early before everyone else. It's his fifth appearance in seven episodes this season, keep tabs on that at home when checking the score. Rudy made it first to get a front-row seat to see the Sun Breezers in action but things are not going in Louise's way when Rudy sort of notices that the stage is not facing towards the intersection and instead, behind the restaurant, thus, blocking the view from seeing the band performing. Again, it seems a bit too late to tell the stage handlers to tear down the stage and build it in another location, in another position for them to get a better view. Yeah, things are not looking good for Louise as she tries to improvise with Rudy as she and Gene await for the Pesto Twins and Arnold to arrive. The improvised solution? Try squishing your face really hard on the verge of breaking the window when trying to get a better look from the back. Better than joining with the crowd and probably sneaking into the building facing the stage and going towards the empty upper levels or on top of the roof. Don't think those ticket apps like SeatGeek would do that when trying to catch the main event to perform.
We ended the first act of the episode as we prepared to get to the second with Linda coming back out of the restaurant with a pickle in her hand for Little King Trashmouth for him to eat rather than picking on his paw, but to no avail. As for what to do with the raccoon when it comes to calling in an expert...oh boy, this is where the dumbassery comes into the picture. So, we all know that Linda, Teddy, and Tina have no experience in how to treat an animal with their injuries. Tina, mostly because she’s a kid. Linda and Teddy have no experience in how to treat an injury to a raccoon other than them just observing to see what’s going on with their lives. So, when it comes to calling in an expert on how to treat an injured animal like a raccoon having a sore on its paw, who would you call to deal with this shit? You’d probably say a veterinarian to treat the injured raccoon as a possible answer and you would be right. What did Linda do in a state of potential panic over the condition of Little King Trashmouth? Do you know who did she call? Animal Control. Yeah, fucking animal control because that's the first thing that Linda can think of from her head when trying to make sure Little King Trashmouth feels better the same way you go to your mom to kiss your boo-boo to make sure it goes away, even though your boo-boo is a freaking bullet wound on the chest and say the phrase, “Sana, sana, collita de rana” to make the pain go away.
Linda...what the fuck? On what planet do you think that calling Animal Control was a good idea to treat an injured raccoon? To her, she thinks that calling Animal Control would treat and heal the raccoon feel better. Except for the fact that it's not the case. Teddy had to fact-check Linda on what Animal Control really does to an animal when being called. Oh yeah, they get called to give the animal some permanent laced Ambien. Linda just signed Little King Trashmouth’s death warrant because of her dumbassery when trying to find someone to treat the raccoon and is about to be sent to the lobby because she, along with Teddy and Tina, is not a total expert on how to treat an animal. The Great North would never. And I know y'all would say to me, “Oh, but yahoo, Moon had no idea on how to treat a pregnant reindeer after it followed him there from a rundown Santa’s Workshop in that Christmas episode last year”.
And you might be right because with "Xmas with the Skanks Adventure", Moon thought that the reindeer that followed him from the Workshop that caused him to hide the animal from the rest of the family after the town noticed that it went missing and had to deal with the horrible conditions was one of the factors on why there's something wrong with the animal, only to find out later in the Christmas white elephant exchange event at the community center, to be fact checked by Quinn, that the reindeer is not a male, and instead, happened to be a female and on the verge of giving birth on our way to recreate the nativity scene but with the reindeer. Sure, Moon did have to call Judy to check on the reindeer's condition and everyone else after the whole issue regarding the family’s prized possession with Skanky that Beef loathed the inanimate object, to the point where a vet had to be called in to help Moon and Quinn treat the reindeer. At least an animal caretaker was called in to deal with the animal in pain. Linda in this episode, the total opposite. So uh...congrats Linda, you’re pretty much this week’s “lolcow of the week”.
Linda, at the start of the second act of the episode, tries to convince Animal Control to call off the appointment, saying that it's a big misunderstanding because she didn't know what she was doing thanks to her not using her common sense on who to call to have a raccoon treated for injury and instead, having to send the Grim Reaper to finish the job because of Linda’s misunderstanding, but alas, convincing Animal Control to back off didn’t go well and the appointment with Death still goes as scheduled. Linda gets upset that she may have gotten Little King Trashmouth to claw his ticket for an all-expense paid trip to the Upper Room because of her misunderstanding and Teddy tells Linda to calm down with him and Tina tells her that they should lie to the Animal Control people so they can leave. So playing the waiting game and lying to the Animal Control personnel would be the way to go. But yeah, Linda...the fuck?
So as Linda, Teddy, and Tina try to come up with a plan to deal with their situation with them now playing the waiting game, trying to keep their cool before Animal Control arrives at the scene, where we get to Bob's side of the episode of him having to deal with the restaurant on his own, where a customer comes in to get a bite to eat. That customer is the road manager of one of the bands that is set to perform, that is the Sun Breezers, named Ian, voiced by Julian Barratt, coming into the restaurant to grab a bite to eat as he awaits for the band to perform since they’re pretty much the headliners for the neighborhood block party. Bob seems impressed that Ian got to tour around with the band and says that the band is still rocking after decades of being together despite having just one hit song that made them one-hit wonders back in the 1970s. Bringing on the optimism that they're still kicking after a few decades, but Ian, while ordering his food, tells Bob to hold his horses because while the band is still around and the members still's far from thinking that it's all sunshine and rainbows because according to Ian when traveling with the band, it’s downright miserable. It’s like your favorite team had one championship in the past but once that championship title was won, everything turns to crap and is unable to make it back to glory, let alone sniff the playoffs. That is pretty much the Sun Breezers after being around for a few decades and that one-hit single was the thing that made them relative. Hell, it got to the point where he had to write a book about it. Feels like that’s something that you’re not proud to mention to be added to the book as if you’re telling the reader about the mad negativity that is going on behind the scenes.
We go back outside where the situation regarding the fate of Little King Trashmouth with Linda planning on taking the raccoon away to make sure Animal Control doesn’t do its job of killing the animal off by planning to cover the animal with a towel because whenever an animal is underneath something like a towel, it would put them to sleep temporality for Linda, Teddy, and Tina to be sent to a safe location away from the Animal Control’s range. Didn’t say where to hide Little King Trashmouth in the event Linda does cover the raccoon and she, alongside Tina and Teddy, tries to contain the animal by putting him inside a box. Can't put the raccoon inside the house. Especially with the kids upstairs when trying to watch the concert from the windows. That would probably tell you that Linda didn't learn her lesson from what happened the last time she had to relocate Little King Trashmouth to the house for safety reasons. And that was during the fiasco that was the slumber party. Linda tries to catch Little King Trashmouth with the towel, but to no avail, the raccoon, with an injured paw no less, makes a break for it to get out of Linda's range. Causing even more frustration for everyone with the clock ticking before Animal Control makes its presence. But at least there’s one positive, sort of, and that is the removal of the splinter that caused Little King Trashmouth to be sent to the IR before storming off. Linda thinks that it’s good that the splinter is out of the King’s paw to remove any evidence before Animal Control arrives, it just he has to limp for a bit because of the soreness of the paw that caused him to feel some pain. Not like Animal Control would go into torture mode on the three as if they’re being sent to Guantanamo over the location of Little King Trashmouth. They’re not that barbaric...humans. Animals, that’s a different story. So while Linda, Tina, and Teddy have to deal with a bit of turmoil from their side of the aisle...
Going back inside to the house where Louise and Gene have to deal with theirs when they overheard that Rudy, Andy, Ollie, and Arnold noticed that they're unable to get a good seat to the concert, mostly because of the position of the stage being set behind the restaurant, thus, blocking their view, something that Bob and Louise noticed that it would hamper their business. Getting to the point where the four boys would be asking for a refund of their candy because of them getting screwed from seeing the concert. Causing Louise and Gene to stop them from their potential tracks and try to improvise. I know that Rudy, the Pesto Twins, and Arnold got screwed out from their first concert viewing as if they were about to file a phishing report. But to be fair...
Louise did bring up a good counterargument to prevent the four boys from leaving the apartment. Louise didn't even notice that the stage would be in the wrong position to the point where she had to play hardball to keep her side business afloat when being placed in front of the restaurant instead of Mort's place. How it didn't even land by Mort's place and instead have it positioned by the restaurant, let alone blocking the view, you could say that it was all bad luck for the Belchers to have to deal with the stage being built in front of the restaurant and blocking their view the same way if you remember "The Land Ship" with the rows of porta potties being set up by the city for the town's annual Land Ship parade. That's the first item. The second item that Louise had to bring out comes down to them...well, them being kids. They're small in height, so if Rudy, Andy, Ollie, and Arnold were to leave the apartment and join the crowd, they're not going to see the band performing and instead, they're going to see the adults dancing and that's about it. Now granted, they could scoot their way to the front row but uh...good luck with that. It gets to the point where the four, mostly the Pesto Twins and Arnold build themselves a totem pole to get a clear view. But that, of course, won't work. Resulting in Louise improvising by sending the boys out of Gene's room where they would originally go to see the concert but got blocked by the stage to the living room where it's sort of the same thing but they got a front-row seat to see the action backstage without ever needed a pass. Better than going across the street and I dunno...either get a view at an empty second or third floor or by the roof as if you’re playing sniper.
The hour of reckoning has arrived as we're nearing the end of the first half of the episode, almost eight minutes left in what is pretty much the shortest episode, which lasted for 20 minutes and 57 seconds, not including commercial breaks, with Animal Control pulling up, causing Linda to ditch her nervous chopping of the onion, playing the waiting game before the van arrives, causing Linda, along with Tina and Teddy to drop what they’re doing, and make their way to the back alley and meet with one of the Animal Control members, previously voiced by Laura Silverman in Season 5, now voiced by Rhetta, with Linda and the others trying to lie to the officer that there’s no situation and trying to convince her that it’s nothing more than a misunderstanding in hopes to drive the officer away. Trying to channel her inner Han Solo at the Death Star. The lie almost worked to drive Animal Control away with Linda telling the officer that she had mistaken the raccoon for a dog that mysteriously ran away from its owner. Knowing that it is the block party, anything can happen. However, the lies quickly fall apart once everyone sees Little King Trashmouth limping across the alley, causing the officer to pull out the pole with a noose and a cage with Linda trying to protect the raccoon because of how injured Little King Trashmouth is with the sore foot after having the splinter removed but that's not going to stop the officer from catching the raccoon as if she's a Pokémon trainer. She even said the line when preparing to go after the raccoon to close the first half, brought to you by the piss poor decision-making by Linda that may have the King to have an appointment with God.
Onto the second half and the chase is on for Linda, Tina, and Teddy to protect Little King Trashmouth from Animal Control because of the dumbassery that Linda committed earlier in the episode. They could call in a witness who should've helped them with their cause by bringing in Mr. Huggins, who saw and heard what happened...only for him to be MIA because he went to the block party. So much for the use of calling in the witness to help with the trio's case. Tina comes up with a plan to catch Little King Trashmouth become Animal Control does this by going through town, but they have to go separately since the raccoon could be anywhere, and going as a group would buy Animal Control some time. Gotta split up like it's Scooby-Doo and they're the Mystery Gang. So, leave it to Tina to come up with a hopefully foolproof plan to capture the raccoon before Animal Control does. Props on her for that.
Checking up on Bob and Ian as the concert continues, going through the list of starters before getting to the main event, we stick with the topic of “how continuing to do your profession would make you miserable as time progresses”, like...dude, read a room. Especially around Bob, whose profession is all things cooking, primarily burgers, and running a small business through the grassroots approach even though it’s struggling. But that’s not going to stop Ian from spouting the disappointment that comes with the notion of chasing after a dream and once you have achieved it, you’re going to feel some disappointment as time progresses. He sees it with the Sun Breezers over time since the release of their hit song that made them one-hit wonders and unable to have their other songs being bangers as if they’re waiting for lightning to strike twice...more than twice in a span of a few decades. And take a look at Bob’s face. Take a look at his face...
That is a face that made him realize he had spent his entire adult life running a business, dedicating his life to operating a business of his own, after storming out of his dad's business after not getting the respect he was getting long after his mom's passing, but this is a face of a man who pretty much had his profession questioned to the fact that the longer you pursue, the more depressed you're becoming. To the point where you may have to question your life choices and want to stop while you're ahead. And that goes for anyone who had a dream to chase, especially once you come out of college with a degree and notice that adulthood fucking sucks and the same goes for what you thought about what the job you want growing up would exactly be instead of dreaming on what you thought it would be. Even though adulthood did suck when having to deal with an influx of student loan debt pinning you down and unable to make an escape as if you're Houdini. So yeah, Bob's profession is being questioned after Ian tells him that keeping a profession through time is going to make your life miserable over time from the present until the day you purchase a casket and make your way to being buried underground. And that's just America when it comes to having a job and enjoying your profession. And you can see why Finland is beating us when it comes to the title of “Happiest Nation in the World”.
We head upstairs to the apartment with Louise's little side business continues to be steady with Rudy, the Pesto Twins, and Arnold watching the backstage action while trying to get a view of the stage itself and see who’s performing, let alone if the main event, the Sun Breezers, will have their time to take the stage. And keeping it steady it goes for the side business once Gene comes with a random set of t-shirts with the words “Sun Breezers” written on it through a marker. And it would put Louise and Gene in a tight spot in the event those shirts get washed because if that happens, the marker would be off the shirt, leaving you nothing but a shirt. Just a heads up but that's not going to stop the four boys from getting their hands on the shirts for free as they await for the main event, the Sun Breezers, to take center stage.
Entering the final five minutes of the episode as we prepare to end the third act and go into the fourth with Tina, Linda, and Teddy in separate locations trying to locate Little King Trashmouth across town. Linda goes through one alley, Teddy goes through the other, and Tina goes through the other until she finds the raccoon and it looks like he's not alone because the Animal Control officer found the King first. This caused Tina to alert Linda and Teddy through a call that would give away their location where the raccoon and Animal Control are. The call? Pretending that she won the lottery as the alert call to signal Linda and Teddy instead of her saying, "I found the raccoon! I found the raccoon!" on a loop and might disrupt everything. So, good thing to create a call to make sure that Linda and Teddy can understand when locating the raccoon. That and also we got a brief shot of Huggins dancing with his good hip in the streets when attending the block party. Gotta add that to close off the third act of the episode.
The Tobin family is back!
— The Great North (@GreatNorthFOX) November 21, 2023
Season 4️⃣ of #TheGreatNorth starts Sunday, January 7 on @foxtv, next day on @hulu 🎉
Yeah, I gotta bring this up while working on this review since the news just broke while working on this damn thing, these things take up two days, just bear with me here. So, The Great North is set to return in the first official week of 2024. January 7 to be the exact date. We're so back, Great North fans. We are so back. And all it took was for the strikes to be over...and be prevented from going for back-to-back titles. At least we got a date. As for whether it's going to be a shortened season or the full 22-episode season...who knows? Mostly because Season 4 does start the week before the NFL Playoffs. Why do I get the feeling that I would have to create a reaction piece after posting this review? Back to the review of the fourth quarter.
Linda and the others are at a standstill in between the action between Little King Trashmouth and Animal Control. Tina and Teddy would probably go and try to distract the officer to get Little King Trashmouth away from the officer's range, but they don't want to get into any trouble. Don't want to cause any bad blood. That and potential injuries if either of them picks up the animal. So everyone had been demoted to bystander as they watched the Animal Control officer preparing to capture Little King Trashmouth and about to send him to the gulag with Linda regretting her actions of why she had to call Animal Control to treat the raccoon instead of calling a veterinarian in the first place. Again, dumbass moment right there. Unable to do something as she watches the horror she is about to witness...or so she thought when she decides to capture the animal in lighting flash speed. How?
Try going into the liquor store, apparently, Linda is a regular there since she usually purchases the wine there, as she gets one of the empty boxes by the backdoor, and to no one's surprise, she ends up catching the raccoon, stopping the officer from laying her pole with a rope away from the animal before running off. While Linda did come up with a decent idea by going lightning fast to save Little King Trashmouth from being caught, thus ending the situation regarding the raccoon. But Linda’s actions of her accidentally calling Animal Control instead of a veterinarian is still going to be one of the dumbass moments in the series. Not my call even though it sounded like it, she was in a state of panic over the raccoon’s condition. And calling Animal Control as the first item on the contacts list isn’t that bright of an idea. Better than doing it yourself unless you want to have yourself a funeral in the event you get potential rabies. But at least, that fiasco has been dealt with.
We head back to the restaurant and the comments that Ian said to Bob about his profession wearing him down as time progresses, as seen with him at the grill and you see the montage of him aging from the current Bob to him becoming a very old man to the point where his body is starting to decay. Just be thankful that we're not a skeleton version of the guy, or at least this skin falling off, we dealt with that enough from Tina's fantasies with zombie boys and a dead Carnie living under the street. As if he's about to realize that maybe Ian's right about the whole issue of following your profession could wear him down and can lead you to a miserable position as if you're beginning to regret your life choices. But knowing that we're nearing the two-minute warning, we don't have time to have a storyline of Bob having to go through his existential crisis because the headliners, the Sun Breezer, take the stage and begin playing despite Bob and Ian being unable to see the band playing because of the stage blocking their view. Cutting the conversation on what could’ve been an existential crisis arc for Bob if we weren’t going for the two-minute warning.
At least the kids are having fun despite not being able to see the full view of the stage but at least they can dance away as the Sun Breezers sing their hit song that made everyone, no matter the generation you're in, dance the day away. That and the four boys had to deal with the scent of the marker that was drawn onto the shirt that Louise and Gene gave away. But that’s not going to stop everyone from getting their groove on. So, Louse’s little side business despite the stage not being positioned correctly wasn’t a total loss. Just as long as the band is playing, then they should be good to go.
Going back to the back alley with the Animal Control officer preparing to head off after putting away her equipment following that little fiasco when trying to catch Little King Trashmouth thanks to Linda’s misunderstanding and once she heads off to deal with another appointment, Linda comes out and gently drops the box that contains the raccoon onto the ground for him to get out...rather, jumped from the box that Linda was supposed to drop when seeing his other raccoon counterpart, Gary, and talk about a happy reunion for the two despite that Gary was MIA for the entire episode while the King was going across town while trying to evade capture by Animal Control. At least the King got his happy ending despite having to deal with a splinter that caused him to feel pain to the point where he had to somewhat yank it up and cause him to limp for a while, as well as Linda mistakenly calling Animal Control instead of a veterinarian to deal with the issue that started in the first place. Well, better than having a raccoon funeral I supposed.
And then, we get to the final scene of the episode, I know the scene with the King and Gary going through the alley at sunset was the actual final scene before going into the credits portion of the episode, we have Bob and Ian listening to the Sun Breezers singing their hit song "Gas in My Car", available on Spotify, and yes, it's actually there, where Bob noticed that despite Ian's comments that the band feel miserable according to him because their songs after the release of "Gas in My Car" became a hit song, resulting in them becoming one-hit wonders, he noticed that band is happy. Telling Ian, "Hey, you said that the band is supposed to be miserable. But they don't look like they're miserable on stage." Yeah, Ian's comments may have some sort of a double meaning regarding how a job profession can wear you down for years. Sure, behind the scenes when they're not performing, Ian does have a point about the band members being miserable after years, decades of being with one job profession and were hoping for lightning to strike twice after the release of their hit song, only to be hit with a dud. But when it comes to them performing in front of a crowd, it's not like in the way of seeing an ad for an anti-depressant drug where you see the person who is living with depression having to put on a mask to hide from the public before telling you how the drug work, it feels like them being miserable is nothing more than a facade. A rumor. Because whenever they play in front of the crowd, they have their moments where they want to quit but at the same time, they don't want to put away their instruments just yet and have to entertain the crowd as if they're feeling a rush of the audience cheering and feeling the groove, all that crap. And yeah, the same may apply to Bob when it comes to his profession. Almost had an expanded B-plot with Bob having to deal with an existential crisis but most of the attention had gone through the A-plot with Linda and the raccoon.
Wrapping things up, Bob starts dancing to the song as Louise and Gene make their way to the restaurant to pick up a few things for the upstairs for the little afterparty they'll be hosting with Rudy, Andy, Ollie, and Arnold once the band finishes their performance for the block party. Carrying a couple of liters of soda and a bowl of ice cream, that's a lot of ice cream for them to eat, to carry upstairs. So, Louise and Gene have their side of the aisle to deal with as the band performs and the same goes for Linda, Tina, and Teddy, rather than getting some rest from what happened throughout the day, decide to get back to their positions with Linda and Tina getting back to do their duties, or until Louise and Gene decide to drag Tina to join in the conversation, and Teddy ready to have lun- dinner since they have spent the whole afternoon trying to play “catch the raccoon” against Animal Control. Ending the episode hours later as the sun sets where we see Little King Trashmouth and Gary showing their affection before riding off to the sunset, as seen in the screencap above. Still going to hold Linda accountable for that dumbass moment that almost sent Little King Trashmouth to the gulag.
So all and all, what do I think about this week's episode of Bob's Burgers? Well, it's an interesting episode, to say the least when trying to sum up everything that I saw with this episode. We have three plots for this episode and even though we didn't have a Thanksgiving episode to coincide with the holiday this week while everyone is away for the holidays, it was an interesting episode coming from the three plots.
I’m still going to hold Linda accountable for the whole fiasco that almost sent Little King Trashmouth to the gulag. Like...I get that you're not an expert on how to treat an animal injury, and thank god that you didn't have to go on the internet on how to treat the animal that might kill you, but I'm still going to hold her accountable for mistakenly calling Animal Control instead of a veterinarian when treating the animal. While yes, the moment between the King and Gary at the end was nice and Tina did well when it comes to planning on how to get the raccoon to evade capture from Animal Control, I'm still gonna hold her accountable. The moment I saw that part of the episode before the first commercial break when it first came out this past weekend, I was facepalming over the fact that she called Animal Control, even if it's by accident because she thought that they would treat a wild animal like a raccoon back to full health, not knowing that it's the opposite. Other than that, the A-plot was okay. A slow start before things turned into a wild goose chase but it's better than having ourselves a raccoon funeral if it weren't for Linda fixing her mistakes in the fourth act of the episode.
The B-plot with Bob and the C-plot with Louise and Gene were all alright. With Gene and Louise's plot, they try to hold their side business steady after noticing that the stage isn't positioned right and could pose a threat to their business. And we sort of see that with Rudy, Andy, Ollie, and Arnold almost planning on leaving the apartment, only for Louise to improvise along with a counterargument. I mean, Louise did have a point about them being small in height would be a hassle when trying to watch the concert. And it wasn't too much of a total loss for Louise and Gene with their little side business plot as long as the Sun Breezers play a round on stage once their time arrives. And the B-plot was alright with Bob and the road manager Ian when talking about the effects of how keeping your profession for years can wear you down. We almost had a full subplot with Bob potentially going through an existential crisis because of Ian's comments before the band comes on stage and performs. They look miserable off the stage, but on the stage, it's a different story. So it's an alright subplot coming from both sides, whether it's Bob with the road manager or the kids and their side business. The's okay, but I'm still going to hold Linda accountable. At least the song is catchy and again, it's available on Spotify for y'all to listen. Especially when cooking up Thanksgiving dinner. So I'll give "The (Raccoon) King and I"...
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The official ratings haven't been revealed at the time of posting |
A 7 out of 10. Yeah, I think that seems to be a fair enough score for the episode. But that's my opinion and I wanna hear yours in the comments down below. Kinda wish we had a break this Thanksgiving, but it looks like that's not possible and your boy is going to be busy, busy, busy for the next weekend, this upcoming weekend with the 60th Anniversary of Doctor Who coming up to kick the weekend off. We have an episode coming up this upcoming weekend and I wanna say it should be an interesting episode with Big Bob being in the episode, but it looks like the kids will be messing things up regarding a clam attraction in the eighth episode of Season 14, "Wharf, Me Worry?" That's the name of the upcoming episode.
Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Mastodon, Threads, and BlueSky for updates and behind-the-scenes stuff. The third-place match between Feliciano Vargas/Italy (Hetalia) and Ham Tobin (The Great North) is going on for this week. Link in the profile. And two weeks from now, the Final Round between Jolyne Cujoh (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure) and Louise Belcher (Bob’s Burgers) for the championship title. And, of course, y’all should know the drill by now...
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***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Television Animation, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***
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