And we are again, another season has come and gone. Remember last year at this time when we were ready for the movie to come out in theaters? Yeah, that was a huge moment, despite Disney being freaking turds over not getting enough press and ad revenue to get everyone to watch the film and putting it on the same weekend as freaking Top Gun. Other than that, it’s the end of the season. No new episode reviews until the Fall and right after this review and The Great North’s season finale is when to finally say that I need a vacation. Oh, I’ll still find a way to do something, but after this, I gotta need a recharge.
In this week’s season finale of Bob’s Burgers, it’s the long-anticipated episode that fans have been waiting for and looking at the plot for the episode, it’s Louise creating a presentation for her class about her research on missing air pilot Amelia Earhart while with the subplot, while wishing that this week’s episode should’ve aired last week than the atrocity that we had, Bob hires a personal masseuse for Linda in the twenty-second and final episode of Season 13 of Bob’s Burgers, titled “Amelia”.
And as the episode title speaks for itself, the focus is on Amelia Earhart. I might as well get into the background of the episode regarding the historical figure that is in the spotlight of the episode to close out the show’s thirteenth season. So for anyone with a brain or just be lucky your state didn't ban certain books regarding history, Amelia Earhart was a pilot. The first female pilot who flew solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Breaking the glass ceiling when it comes to flying a plane since the mode of transportation was first invented. Earhart was known for that, alongside being a writer and a champion of Women's rights who happened to be a supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment...but is also known for another thing and the one that most people know about her, the mystery of how she fell off from the face of the Earth. And it happened in 1937 when Earhart attempted to complete something that no one had ever done, completing a circumnavigational flight across the globe and was last seen around the Pacific Islands. Not a trace in sight and not one signal being transmitted from her since that moment. Drawing a lot of people questioning her disappearance to this day. Whether because of an issue with the engine that caused her plane to go down. Or maybe a Japanese warship shot it down, mistaking it for an enemy ship? Mind you that this was before World War II and Japan was making some moves back in the day. Maybe the weather might've played a role. Or just go grasping at straws and say it may have something to with aliens but...that seems too far to reach from stating what really happened to Earhart the same way we remember what happened to that missing Malaysian flight from almost ten years ago.
There was a lot of hype being built up for this episode since the episode titles were leaked online in the early days of the season. Especially since we had the movie this time last year, hard to believe that it's been a year already since the release. Some fans thought that it would be the name of Bob's mom...nope, ended up using the name "Lily" once we get to "Show Mama from the Grave". So people move their attention to either the Pestos or the Fischoeders for the name. I thought it would be the Fischoeders because knowing that we just came out of the movie, I noticed that once we entered the post-movie era of the show, you would expect more from the Fischoeder family. I mean, you noticed the picture frame of a young Calvin and Felix alongside their father in the movie, but their mom is nowhere in sight. So I thought that “Amelia” would be the name of the mother of Calvin and Felix and would explore something about her...instead, knowing Loren, this exceeded expectations leading up to this episode. And of course, all eyes would be on Louise for her project for her class on the missing pilot in hopes for her to get a good grade. And note that we don’t have an intro for this episode. So, no intro, an episode written by Loren Bouchard with him taking over the driver’s seat with Louise being the center focus, not to mention that it’s the season finale, so uh...cue the GIF...
Because the episode did kick off with this being one of those episodes where we have to trace our steps to the beginning of all of this and what led up to where we are at the start of the episode, much like with what happened in “These Boots Are Made for Stalking” with this time around for “Amelia”, you have Louise, alongside Tina, Gene, Peter Pescadero, and a kid in a wheelchair, and we’ll get to him at the second act of the episode, doing the presentation in front of her class as the scene cuts over to when it all began a week ago with Ms. LaBonz telling the class to do a report on their hero for their upcoming assignment as every fourth grader make their way to the library. Already planting the seeds for what is about to come for this episode in particular.
Switching to the next scene at the library where Louise tries to find a book for her to use to do her work as goes through the bookshelf and it didn't take long for her to find a book that she can use for her presentation. And by find, I mean she did find the book, it just fell from the shelf out of the blue after Kaylee got her book for her class project, and picks it up, revealing it to be a book about Amelia Earhart. And of course, you have Wayne creeping up behind her, and boy, that didn't take long for him to act like a total bitch when questioning Louise's choice of doing her project. And quite a bitch coming from Wayne in this episode. An asshole you could say when attacking Louise's choice of choosing Amelia Earhart for her school report. Accusing the missing pilot of not being a legitimate pilot and thinking that what Earhart did, becoming the first female pilot and her disappearing from the public eye, is nothing more than a show. Even have to throw in the likes of Charles Lindbergh, the Wright Brothers, and every other historical figure who has a dong attached.
Context is key when it comes to what Wayne is saying about him thrashing Amelia Earhart. You could say that he’s acting a bit misogynistic towards Earhart as Louise’s choice for her report. You could say that Wayne was being a smartass because he thought that Louise might've picked the easy way out by picking Earhart as her choice because the only thing everyone knows about her is that she became the first pilot and just disappears out of nowhere. It almost feels like a mixture of both alongside him clarifying that there's no way that Louise would ever do something like picking Earhart because knowing Earhart's disappearance, it's pretty much a guessing game for her project on what happened to the missing pilot...yeah, it's probably Wayne acting a bit misogynistic over Louise's pick and the episode has to make him an asshole. A thorn to Louise throughout the episode. A thorn that sticks to her throughout the episode to apply pressure on her leading up to the presentation. Besides, somebody has to be an asshole in this episode and it ends up being Wayne.
Hours later at the house, at the dinner table with Louise reading her book on Amelia Earhart and man, the family is trying their best to not spill the tea regarding what happened to Earhart that could put pressure on Louise for her upcoming project. The pressure that Louise will find out later in the first act of the episode. But while Louise continues to read through the book about the pilot that went all Carmen Sandiego on the world, Linda brings up that Mother's Day is coming up and is excited over what the family is planning on giving her for the holiday. Especially after last week, which was Mother’s Day, where uh...yeah, committed an atrocity that we haven’t seen in a long time. And yes, even more atrocious than the announcement of the discontinuation of the Choco Taco. Linda doesn’t want anything fancy and out of this world for this Mother’s Day...and by that, I mean she wants a personal spa day. So basically, the likes of the so-called in-home spa day in “Eat Spray Linda” where the family will have to work hard to give Linda her personal spa treatment. Nothing fancy. Nothing too expensive. So that’s something that Bob and the rest of the family should do...despite that Mother’s Day is only a few days away and now, the clock is ticking. Speaking of the clock ticking...
Yep, Louise read through the whole book and finally reached the point where Amelia Earhart disappeared during her flight in the Pacific to complete an around-the-world trip that was never completed with her disappearing out of thin air on her way to the Howard Islands. And for Louise after reading the book about Earhart, she's going to have a hard time when she's planning on talking about someone who disappeared and had no idea about how it happened, why it happened, what happened, and the aftermath of the disappearance. Causing Louise to ask LaBonz for her permission to change subjects...too bad that Louise has been given the no takeies backsies rule for the report and it looks like Louise is stuck in doing Amelia Earhart for her project. With that, the first shot has been fired for Louise as it appears that she can't get out of doing Earhart after finding out that she disappeared and has to create something about her disappearance. Something that can sell the crowd in hopes for her to get a good grade. And of course, Wayne being an asshole towards Louise over Earhart now that she’s stuck with an impossible subject about someone who fell off from the face of the Earth.
So as Louise struggles to find anything that can help her with her report, mostly on creating the theory and aftermath of Earhart’s disappearance with her going through the pictures in her room, you have Bob and also Tina, and Gene checking up on her for a bit before changing the subject from Louise's project to what to give Linda for Mother's Day regarding the in-home spa day that she wanted. Trying to keep quiet so Linda doesn’t hear about what the rest of the family is planning on giving her. With Bob telling the kids that the family can’t give Linda a massage on their own because...well, they’re terrible at it. So Bob decides to call in a personal masseuse to do the job on Mother’s Day for Linda. Even though getting a personal masseuse on Mother’s Day or any other day of the year would be a good idea for the family to give Linda what she wanted, the cost is going to serve as a hurdle. Because of course, paying a masseuse the amount per hour is going to be quite the wallet-burning once the day arrives. But for now, the focus will be on Louise as the holiday and the day of the presentation draws near.
Of course, we got our nightmare scene in the episode with everyone at school in LaBonz’s class where Louise tries to answer a question but ended up being one-upped by too many times that she didn’t get the chance to answer. Him having a big head as it grows each time he gets a chance and answers all of the questions. Resulting in the background changing from the classroom to the vast of space with each of the students at their desks floating in the background and an astronaut appearing, tying in with Wayne’s report on Neil Armstrong and of course, taunting Louise for choosing Amelia Earhart and that she has nothing to show right around the moment she disappeared. Enough for Louise to decide that now is the time to get to work. Go guns blazing on the project to shove it on Wayne’s face as the presentation date draws near. Not to mention, the stress and pressure that is starting to build on her as the episode progresses once we begin the second act.
So the next day arrives with the Belcher kids walking their way to school with Louise coming up with something to knock the socks out of everyone and rub it on Wayne’s face but she needs something for her presentation. It can't be just her standing in front of the class and reading a couple of sheets of paper with little to no visual aid. No, she needs to go HAM on her project if she wants to get an "A" in her report. But with what exactly that is going to at least lend aid to Louise for her upcoming project? That's where the next scene comes once Gene brought up the idea of puppetry to Louise.
Enter Benj, or Benjamin, the...I guess he’s in fifth grade, somebody needs to clarify that, so for now, a fifth-grade student in a wheelchair, voiced by Jackie Quinn, who has a knack for puppets, as seen with him making one for a fifth-grade play at an art class if the fifth-grade play that he's making the puppets for would be the school's equivalent to Avenue Q before planning on playing in a wheelchair basketball game. So, a lot on his plate for the guy when Louise asks him to help him create some visual aid for her presentation about Amelia Earhart. So there’s a lot of convincing to get Benj to jump onto the bandwagon to help Louise to create some visual aid for her project that is due in a week. And there's a lot of convincing going forward throughout the second act of the episode to get Benj to ditch everyone he's doing and help Louise with her project. At least Benj got noticed by Jocelyn and is glad that an eighth grader, let alone an eighth-grade girl is talking to him, even if it's for a short moment by the door. Don’t get your head up, kid. Just putting it out there.
So for now as the scene switches to the house later into the night with Louise still negotiating with Benj to jump on board to help her out with the project, just he has to get everything off his plate, so for now, Louise still has nothing for her visual aid. As well as the writing portion of her report regarding Amelia Earhart and trying to come up with a proper conclusion once reaching the point of Earhart's disappearance. So again, she got nothing on her plate for her report. And the stress and pressure are already taking shape on Louise and almost man, she is about to lose it as we get to the later portion of the episode. But for now, Bob gets a phone call and finds out that the caller is the supposed surprise for him to Linda regarding the personal massage that she wants for Mother's Day. Taking the phone call in private to have the date of the appointment set for Mother's Day for Linda without Linda noticing that could ruin the surprise. I mean, being at a small apartment building with little to no privacy, good luck in trying to find somewhere to keep the surprise hiding until the big day arrives.
And it didn't take long for Louise to finally found the visual aid that she needs for her project and it's the visual aid that was shown throughout the episode as Louise presents her presentation and we'll get to that later in the review, but she may have found her visual aid when she, Tina, and Gene play around with a sheet of napkins and sees a shadow of her hand illuminated over the sheet, quite the touch there, and literally, the light bulb shines over her head on what to expect from Louise regarding her project about Amelia Earhart. Of course, Benj is really busy at the moment that his hands are currently tied that he doesn't have the time to help Louise with her project. But that's not going to stop Louise from acquiring Benj to help her with the project if she wants to get a good grade and prove Wayne wrong.
Leading to the next scene later in the hours with Louise and Benj meeting up, of course, gotta bring Tina along because she's an eighth-grade girl and he saw Jocelyn yesterday by the door, so Benj pretty much like older girls, let's put it out there and has to drag Tina into helping Louise with her project. Just has to use Tina as bait to lure Benj to help Louise in coming up with the visual aid for the Earhart project. And also asked him whether or not he's ever done shadow puppets since Benj is known for puppets. I mean, when compared to regular puppets, the ones where you have wooden puppets with string or a puppet that is made out of fabric can use somewhat...well, interesting to make and it gets shown with the lights on. With shadow puppets, you need the lights off with a projector light being the only source to illuminate. Not to mention the background it needed as if you're in school, in math class, any 90s, 2000s kid out there, remember those projectors where the teacher writes down the question on those projectors onto the screen with a marker. Yeah, it's like that but with your hands doing the work and also some stuff that can help you with that. Benj is aware of the shadow puppet use but he's often seen more of the usual, traditional kind of puppetry and has to rely on a piece of fabric than using his hands to do all of the work. So it's pretty much him testing the waters in the whole shadow puppet shtick when finally coming to terms and helping Louise with her project as the clock winds down with only a few days left before judgment day. And also have to drag Tina because again, Benj likes older women. So having Tina along for the ride is what is going to get Louise to get Benj to join the team and lo and behold, here we are.
And we transition to the classroom during the lunch period as we're at the end of the second act and first half of the season with Louise and Benj doing some practice for the presentation in the classroom, and I said that it was during the lunch period because LaBonz did mention that this was during the lunch period with the classroom being empty. Ready to practice what might be the biggest presentation that can muster come next week. Of course, the unnecessary obligatory sexist comment from Wayne while walking through the hallway about his report on Neil Armstrong because he’s a guy and he can do anything, just to spite Louise. Adding even more stress and pressure onto Louise once Wayne makes his way out from the scene. And of course, the second warning shot had been fired when Louise spoke to Benj about who his hero was and the result that came suit. Benj tells Louise that he picked famed puppeteer and Muppets creator Jim Henson. Nothing wrong with that pick, knowing Benj’s love and experience with puppets. But his result from the project speaks for itself and serves as a warning shot for Louise when finding out that Benj got a "C" for his report. Not a good look for Louise as close to the first half of the episode as she is back to square one despite working on the set as we enter the second half of the episode. The second half of the episode, especially when going out of the third act and going into the fourth is where we get to the real shit. Hang on to your seatbelts, folks. We’re going down swinging.
Entering the third act of the episode and Louise is, of course, still going guns blazing as she works as hard as she can in getting the props ready for the visual aid for her report when cutting some paper while at the booth and sitting between Teddy and Mort while having their lunch. Creating a lot of props from paper while trying to come up with something about Earhart's disappearance and the aftermath. Trying to come up with some theories about what happened to the missing pilot while talking to herself when cutting up the props. Though note that Teddy mentioned that Teddy's therapist's mom knew the sister of Earhart while living in Medford, Massachusetts. Medford, a fun fact, is the town where the show creator Loren Bouchard grew up. And how does Medford tie in with Earhart? Well, I had to search up the town, and even though she was born in Kansas, she grew up in the town during her younger days. And her house there, right at the front, again, I had to search it up, there's a plaque there honoring Earhart. So here's your fun fact about the town of Medford. And also question the towns y'all grew up in and had anything interesting to list. I mean, I grew up in Lawrenceville, Georgia, just outside of Atlanta, and the only thing some might know is that a controversial publisher almost died by sniper fire during a court case visit in the late 70s. True story, look it up. And also Teddy wants to give his gift that was supposed to go to his mom to Linda as a backup gift. Talk about a ride or die from Teddy even though he should probably keep that gift in handy for his mother, just saying.
But back to Louise as the scene cuts over to her room with Gene coming up with sounds to be used for the presentation with his keyboard and also some sound mixtures he got from Peter Pescadero...well, his brother who plays guitar and is currently in college and in exchange for the sound mixtures...asks Gene to teach him how to twerk. I really don't want to get into details on why Gene would agree to that but gotta need something to help Louise out. And also Tina is doing her doing something other than just being there because Louise had to drag Tina along in hopes of acquiring Benj to partake in the presentation. But also questions why Louise created a paper robot as if a robot from fuck knows nowhere had something to do with Earhart and had to be tied in with the Soviets. I mean, this is a book report about a historical figure, not coming up with an idea for a Doctor Who episode. And this pretty much tells you going into the third act of the episode with the clock currently ticking as it is Mother’s Day weekend that Louise is stuck in a slump. Having trouble trying to come up with something after Earhart’s disappearance. Trying to create props day in and day out. Questioning whether or not what Earhart did was poor planning or was doomed to fail from the start during her attempted trip across the globe that led to her disappearance. And again, you can feel the stress and pressure eating Louise throughout the past few days when doing the report and wanting to get a good grade and telling Wayne to shut the fuck up about how great his pick is because he’s a dude.
The stress and pressure that continues, as I mention, drag throughout the episode on a Saturday night to the morning of Mother's Day with Louise having nothing to come up from her mind in the writing portion of her report when trying to come up with the aftermath of the disappearance of Amelia Earhart and the many conclusions and theories about what happened to her. And we all have that moment in our lives when we worked on a project that can hold consequential things in our life. Whether it’s an essay for a class, studying for an exam, creating a report for your job, writing an article, publishing a book, anything...anything that can carry a lot of pressure and the thoughts that came with it. You wanted to perform well. You wanted to prove the doubters wrong. You wanted to be seen. You just wanted to have a good time. But there's always that one moment, one bad thought that comes butting into your psyche and adds more pressure into your body and makes you afraid that one mistake, just one can fuck everything up. With Louise in the third act of the episode when trying to come up with something regarding the disappearance of Amelia Earhart, it’s that. The pressure. The stress. The fear. The anxiety. It’s all there for her when trying to come up with something to shove it in Wayne’s mouth in hopes of getting a good grade. Bob noticed that she was stressed out and told her that she should at least get some rest for the night to alleviate the stress out of her system but once Mother's Day Sunday arrives, nada. She's still stressed when trying to come up with something. And while dealing with stress and anxiety when doing something that complex like a book report that has a due date for a week over an additional few, but the stress and anxiety for Louise...that's one of the two items on the list that Louise is dealing with. And yes, I said two. Because there's another item on the list that needs to be addressed and it's the one that's been clouding over the episode since the start of the episode. Ever since Louise picked Amelia Earhart for her class project and received misogynistic comments from Wayne throughout the week.
And that's enough for Linda, lying on her bed with Bob thinking that she's still asleep or just lying there on the bed with the door open and overhearing everything that is going on in the background. Hearing everything that has been stressing Louise throughout the week to Mother's Day Sunday. The stress and anxiety of doing a huge project is one item on the list. But it didn't take long for Linda to put two and two together and thinks to herself, "Okay...I've seen what's going on here. I know what is really going on that is stressing Louise out." And we'll get to the talk between Linda and Louise later on, which will be soon in this review, but for now, Linda knew that something is up and she already knows what's troubling her. Why she is struggling to get a good grade? Why does she want to put Wayne in his place? The answer is right there throughout the episode. Since the start of the episode, it's right there. And Linda knows what is going on with Louise being stressed with her report on Amelia Earhart and the anger that comes with it towards Wayne. Again, we'll get to that talk between Linda and Louise in a bit. But for now...
Linda's Mother's Day gift has arrived once Bob opens the door and sees the masseuse that Bob hired for the hour, voiced by, guess this, Paul Reubens. Don't know who that is? He's freaking Pee-Wee Herman. Pee-Wee's Playhouse if anyone remembers that. It was an odd show when it was on Adult Swim back in the day. And yeah, that happened. That actually happened back then. A short time on the block from 2006 to 2007. I’m not bullshitting you, go search it up. So the masseuse, named Pat, enters the apartment with Bob telling him to keep it quiet so the gift is a surprise for Linda on this Mother’s Day but guess the cat’s out of the bag now following the sound of the table falling down the stairs that caught everyone’s attention. So much for the surprise element. Linda prepares for her massage therapy once we get to the next scene for her Mother’s Day as she wanted throughout the week since that was the gift that she wanted but once the massage takes place is when the masseuse, named Pat, noticed a knot on her back and a knot in the world of massage and chiropractic procedures, that’s a signal of stress. So you’re probably wondering when watching this scene by the end of the third act of the episode, where does this come from? Why is Linda stressed to develop a knot on her back? She was never stressed throughout the episode, so why now? What’s the cause? And well, we have our answer, Louise. Her feeling stressed over her not finding the answers she needed for her Earhart project regarding her disappearance and feels as if she failed. The gloves finally come off with Linda telling Bob to take Louise to the living room. She knew that something was bothering off and decided to talk with her youngest daughter entering the fourth act.
And again, the answer is right there flashing over our eyes throughout the episode on where this was going that caused Louise to be stressed that somehow transmitted onto Linda during her massage therapy. The topic, of course, is the issue of sexism. And let’s not kid ourselves when saying this, society is fucking bullshit. Because it is. Especially when it comes to history and pretty much life in general, it has been dominated by men since the beginning of time. Every book, every mention, every site, everything had been made and developed by a guy throughout the process of time. But times changed and we have women doing the same thing as men in making strides and doing the history-making themselves. So what Linda is saying to Louise is that this is her first time. Her first encounter dealing with misogyny and sexism, especially at her age when being ridiculed by Wayne one too many times since the announcement of the fourth graders doing their reports and Louise doing her report on Amelia Earhart being her hero. Her first encounter with misogyny and you know there’s more coming in her life because again, society is fucking bullshit. Especially with Louise doing her report on Earhart and getting negative and misogynistic comments from Wayne with him calling Earhart an illegitimate pilot because of her gender and would go as far as calling her a failure because she disappeared because of poor planning that led to her falling from the face of the Earth. Not so fast, says Linda. Because she would not stand the slander that was thrown which caused Louise to be put under a lot of stress when trying to come up with a conclusion.
And I think back to the press conference from Giannis Antetokounmpo when the Bucks were beaten by the Heat, and I know that I had to bring a topic of failure from a guy into a conversation between two females and hear me out...and y'all can call me out if you want after this, was Amelia Earhart's disappearance during her trip across the globe because of poor planning regarding navigation or something else in mind? You could say that. But does that automatically make her a failure? Hell fucking no. This is not a failure. There are good days. There are bad days. You learn from your failures and you try and try again until you get it right to prove the doubters wrong. And even though Earhart and her passenger Fred Noonan met with a mysterious and tragic end while being stranded on an island for two years, her not being able to complete her attempt to be the first woman to go across the world on a plane and disappeared around the Pacific Islands doesn't make her a failure. And while you have the doubters to think about regarding what happened to Earhart because that's all people can think about, you have to wonder what does her mom think. How would she react to her daughter's disappearance and that not one boat or plane was able to locate both Earhart and Noonan?
And give props to Linda for trying to ease the situation in a serious manner in the episode when helping Louise when helping her daughter out with her report while the masseuse is attempting to untangle the knot on Linda’s back. A complete 180 for Linda from last week’s episode to this week and on Mother’s Day, despite being a week late from the holiday, and on this season finale, this is one of those episodes that you can’t ignore. You just can’t ignore it and quite a life lesson that was needed. Not all heroes are perfect. They have flaws and that's alright. All you can know that is you know about this person and the legacy that was left behind. And because it is a Mother's Day episode, despite being a week late, you have Linda telling Louise while helping her with her report that Amelia's mom raised one hell of a daughter and no matter what happened, she knew that she would be proud of her daughter and her accomplishments. And if she didn't, that's okay too because her mom will always be there for her daughter. So props to Linda for coming up with something to help Louise with her report while getting the stress out of her body, as well as Louise from their talk...even if there were some moments where she had to drool a few times and Louise getting out of dodge for comedic measures but other than that, applause to Linda for that conversation with her daughter. Not just Linda deserves the praise, but Louise as well.
And just in time for her to share her conclusion to her report about the impact of Amelia Earhart’s disappearance and the legacy that she left behind with Linda’s help leading up to the day of the report where we are at right now as it was shown throughout the episode. An incredible performance from Louise with the help of Tina, Gene, Benj, and Peter with the visual aid that helps her to get a good grade and knock the socks out of her classmates. And the use of the shadow puppets that were used look incredible with Louise giving it her all in sharing her report with the class, even if it's a book report and she doesn't have to go overboard with the project unless it's a PowerPoint presentation on standby, but here we are and Louise, of course, knocked it out of the park. Not just for her report on Earhart, but for this episode. The season perhaps and after her biggest character arc that she had in the movie almost this time last year...even though I gave out crap on certain Louise episodes where nowadays she had to learn a lesson that it felt too formulaic and tiring, this one beats the cake and it's fucking amazing to watch through when it first came out. Again, this is one of those episodes that you can't ignore, and what Linda said to Louise leading up to the conclusion of the episode is the moment that everyone needed. Other than that, Louise did her presentation with grace despite the struggles and pressure that came with her doing the report, and you kinda wish that we would've seen Wayne getting his comeuppance once he takes the floor and tried to present his report after Louise's. Mostly him bubbling like an idiot after Louise did her presentation and there's no way he'll outperform. Surprising that Wayne didn't get canceled for saying shit like this because that will get him canceled.
And of course, we have the end credits scene with Louise and Linda, guessing this is after Linda’s massage, with her creating the props and of course, the person who sings the vocals at the end credits...that was Nora Smith doing the vocals. Don't believe me? Go to Loren's Twitter page and find that tweet. It's there. Man, I felt like Loren just woke up and bring out the pain to close out the episode. But other than that, it's a great episode, and...god, either this episode or Plight or Radio No You Didn' of them would have to get an Emmy nomination later this year, I guarantee it.
So all and all, what do I think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers to close out Season 13? What a way to end the show’s current, now previous season with the season finale that ended with a bang. And with Louise being the center focus in the episode and her having to deal with misogynic comments from Wayne after choosing Amelia Earhart for her report, bruh...this was an amazing episode.
And you know that it felt real with this episode when you feel the stress and pressure from Louise throughout the week when working on her report on Amelia Earhart, especially on the part where she disappeared and needed to come up with something that can get her a good grade and to tell Wayne to shut the fuck up. And creating a visual aid for her report, alongside getting Gene and Tina, as well as Peter Pescadero and Benj to help her out. And again, you can feel the stress and pressure from Louise as the episode progressed when trying to come up with something regarding the disappearance of Amelia Earhart. After finding out about her falling from the face of the Earth. That’s one of the two problems that Louise had to go through in this episode. The pressure of her thinking that she would be unable to get a good grade. But also having to deal with misogyny and sexism coming from Wayne since the start of the episode.
And again, give props to Linda for helping her daughter in the fourth act of the episode. Putting two and two together when noticing what’s bothering Louise leading up to Mother’s Day weekend. And even though I thought that the subplot would probably be its own thing and be separate from the main plot, it was nice to have Linda going on a complete 180 with her performance from last week's episode, that we'll pretend that it's nothing more than a wild night in Vegas, to helping her youngest daughter with her project and telling her that misogyny is a thing and finding out that this is Louise's encounter with the issue...yeah, getting flashbacks to last year with Central Park in the episode "Lunar Palaver" when Cole had his first racial encounter after dealing with a Karen thinking that he's threatening her, even though he's just playing pretend and Owen had to step in and tell his son that there's racism out and of course, trying his best to not scare his son while trying to give him a reason after that encounter. It's sort of like that with Linda to Louise on Mother's Day after Louise encountered a misogynistic encounter from Wayne that caused her to feel stressed throughout the week in hopes to get a good grade for her report. So it’s incredible coming from Linda with her helping Louise and Louise outperforming her report by the end of the episode.
Other than that, it's an incredible episode to close out the season. Much like with Plight, I knew that we were going to get something like that and was expecting people to bawl their eyes out. Even though this is mostly more on the line of "Topsy" back in Season 3. Benj is an interesting character and it's nice for the show to have a character with a disability to take the supporting role and help Louise with her project, even if Louise had to drag Tina into the mix because again, I feel like Benj like older women. And also makes puppets and has a knack for puppets enough for him to test out the waters in doing shadow puppets to help Louise out. The subplot was alright but that was overshadowed by the main plot with Louise. And yeah, the drool coming from Linda when Pat tries to untie the knot on Linda's back while performing the massage was pretty much there for comedic measures but it didn't downplay the seriousness of the conversation between Linda and Louise. So final thoughts, an incredible episode to close out the season, and uh...yeah, I think this episode has done enough to state more of my thoughts about this. So I'll give "Amelia"...
A 9.5 out of 10. So in total, just to save the trouble, it’s a 6 out of 10 for the season. It has some ups and downs...mostly downs coming out of the movie but it did progress throughout time and we have a few bangers with this episode. I mean, you could say that the show is back, and what I mean is that we might be looking at a renaissance of what he had encountered with the peak of the show that was Seasons 3-7, but we might be getting there. Maybe not but we'll see. So that's about it for Season 13 of Bob's Burgers. Yeah, The Great North's review might be an interesting me, because coming out from an episode that was a serious one...yeah.
Follow me on Tumblr, Twitter, Mastodon, and Instagram for updates and behind-the-scenes stuff throughout the summer. The third match of the Group D stages in the 2023 Battle of the Week Voting Tournament has already taken place between Ham Tobin (The Great North) and Hunter (The Owl House). Voting ends on Saturday, so cast your vote if you have the time. And of course, y’all should know the drill by now...
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Donate over on PayPal, Patreon, and Ko-fi pages to help your boy out in both improving the page and help to pay the bills to keep the lights and hopefully, I do something for content. The review for the second part of the season finale of The Great North should be out sometime tomorrow, so be on the lookout for that. Other than that...I thank everyone here for sticking around with me this past season and uh...none of this is possible without y’all, even if you’re just there because it popped up in a Google search, trying to find some images for your next artwork. Let’s see what Season 14 has in store in the Fall. And again, I don’t know what to do in the Summer but we’ll see. I should recharge myself for a bit before doing something during the summer months, or at least until Comic-Con in July. And until then, wash your hands, wear a mask, get vaccinated and boosted, and a reminder that you’re loved, you’re beautiful, ignore the haters, and I’ll see y’all later.
***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Television Animation, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***
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