Unless you guys are living under a rock, it appears that we might have double episodes next week. Yep, two episodes in one night. The first time that happened since the end of Season 8 back in 2018. Almost five years since we last had a double billing. Meaning that your boy will be working overtime when doing two episodes into one review. That and also the mini-review of The Great North that I’ve been doing into the Bob’s Burgers reviews since early October. So either It'll be the breakdown that I've done but would mean that it would come out either Wednesday or Thursday or possibly Friday as the latest or maybe go the way of what I did with the Top 12 Countdown back in December for the two Bob's Burgers and The Great North episodes. So it'll be an interesting week next week. Other than that, Daylight Savings...yeah, Congress is not doing their job in attempting to end it nationwide.
In this week's episode of Bob's Burgers, in what might as well be Louise's "last", adding the quotation marks on the word "last" show and tell, she and Tina must find something that might wow the fourth-grade class as Teddy attempts to impress her date Kathleen at the restaurant by having a date there and watch a game live in my spoilerific review of the fifteenth episode of Season 13 of Bob’s Burgers, titled “The Show (And Tell) Must Go On”.
We all know about the topic of show and tell. You present the item that you brought in and tell the class about the said item. Yeah, we all have that throughout elementary school. Though in this day of age, the show and tell for school seems to be dying down as time progresses...I don’t know. Though any item to bring to school often time could create some issues that might pose a possible threat. In a world where any item, even if it's small in size, some people believe that you might be planning on threatening them. Welcome to the world of fear, folks. But other than that, it's one of those experiences in elementary school where you have to bring in something from home or somewhere in the outside world and tell everyone about the said item in an attempt to wow the crowd.
And that is what Louise is planning on doing for this episode when trying to impress the class in what is supposed to be her “final” show and tell in her elementary school career, and we’ll get to that little tirade in a bit we get to the breakdown, and something like finding an item from the beach would be her target to search for the day. Attempting to be like her old, prime self from the early seasons and go take a risk to find the item that she is searching for, despite putting herself at risk when retrieving the item that she needs for her class’s show and tell.
But knowing that it's a Louise episode nowadays in this modern version of the show, it got formulaic to the point where it sort of drained you whenever Louise appears in the later seasons, with "The Plight Before Christmas" and the movie being the exception, you often get the same result. Louise does something dangerous and/or reckless, the opposition (whether being Tina or someone else) opposes, Louise does the deed, and then backs off by the fourth act and learns a lesson. It's getting tiring. I mean, she had her biggest characters on the goddamn big screen just last year and we're back to square one. I know that this is me bitching and y'all gonna call me out and accuse me of being a "fake fan" and a "hater" and probably go as far as calling me "anti-woke", which how does this tie into this? How? No, seriously, how? Might as well get to the review before things go spiraling out of control, well, if this were a YouTube video, then yeah, things would spiral out of control. This is "The Show (And Tell) Must Go On)”.
The episode begins as usual with the family at the breakfast table with everyone eating a bowl of cereal. Bob was originally going to make cheesy eggs if it weren’t for Gene eating all of the cheese that Bob bought. And here enters Louise, feeling tired once more in back-to-back weeks at the breakfast table. As if the whole issue with the stinky socks from last week doesn’t cause Louise to develop insomnia. But it’s not the sock issue this time around because Louise tells the family on her way to the table that she struggled to find something she can take for her class’s upcoming show and tell. Her quote-on-quote “last” show and tell because Louise brings up that fourth grade is when show and tell comes to a screeching halt for the students in elementary school. But this is where the tirade comes into play and we just began the episode for the review.
But notice that Louise brought up that this is her “last” show and tell, as in, this is her “final” time to present an item to the class and tell about said item. As if the show is telling the viewers that the kids are expected to go up a grade. Which...come on...come on...who are you kidding? We know that ain’t going to happen. You and I both know that the show isn't going to age the characters up. Let alone putting the kids a grade higher. Like...this is pretty much baiting the viewer. You are baiting the viewer by giving them the false initiative in this episode that you're giving ammo to some of the fans in thinking that this will be the moment, this will be the season that the kids will finally be moving on up, quoting the theme song to The Jeffersons. But if you watched the show for a long time, I didn't get into it until late 2013 going into early 2014, but for longtime viewers since the beginning should know by now about the characters.
This is like with Tina...take “Fort Night” for example with her proclaiming that it was going to be her last year going trick-or-treating with her originally going to be dressed up as a dragon alongside her siblings and the Pesto twins, but she still trick-or-treats in later seasons. Similarly, her time with the Thundergirls with her being convinced by Louise in “A River Runs Through Bob” to resign her position, though that’s more of Louise calling the Thundergirls a “cult”. And in "Tina Tailor Soldier Spy" had her at the beginning of the episode planning on turning in her uniform because she's getting old...but gets brought back, mostly because of an issue regarding a mole, and she sticks around with her troop ever since. Linda brought up her upcoming 14th birthday in the “Some Like It Bot” two-parter and mind you that this was when we were getting ready for the movie just last year and the movie, of course, set on the last week of school and going into summer break and her birthday didn’t get brought up ever since. No mentions of graduation from the eighth graders. Yeah, this episode and the other mentions of stuff from the past episodes from the past seasons...pure baiting, and this needs to stop. Either do what you're teasing or don't do anything at all and not bait people into thinking that it's gonna happen and never to be brought up again.
Also, we got a callback to the very first episode of the series with Louise presenting a hamburger and claiming that the meat contains human remains from the crematorium next door, which sort of solidifies that she was in third grade when that happened. Mostly because the start of the flashback has her in kindergarten when showing off a mechanical arm that she created out of foil. Her first-grade show and tell shows her showing off a drawing of a monkey that she claims that it's her pet, which...just be lucky that it's imaginary because otherwise...let it be noted that monkeys are not pets. Second-grade year shows off a shark tooth that she claimed she's been attacked. Though you'd think that the class would've seen the evidence of where the bite marks are located around her body but no, had to create bullshit. And of course, the last flashback showing what happened in the very first episode, pretty much solidifies that Louise was in third grade when that happened. I mean, it would make sense because Tina was 12 in the first five episodes of the series, though if we go by production codes...yeah, it can be screwy. But yeah, fourth grade being the last time Louise will be doing show and tell, and needs something to impress the class one final time but so far, she has nothing in her arsenal. Even though Linda tells Louise that maybe she should bring one of her toys from her room to show to the class. Sorry, collectibles, but that's not gonna happen. Also, we got filler, it's a side story but it's filler with Gene dealing with some issues regarding his bowels and his inability to take a dump. A filler side story that will latch on throughout the entire episode. Primarily in the subplot, which we’ll get to that in a bit.
Bob brings up an old cannon by the shore of the beach that was used in the War of 1812, used it against the British, and it stood still as a monument by the shore. And apparently, it won't be the first time the kids would be visiting the cannon because they went there once and climbed on it. They were little back then, so it has to be legal...as long as they didn't cause damage to the weapon that hasn't been used in over two hundred years. But Bob bringing up the cannon, let alone a few loose cannonballs that somehow washed ashore from a storm last month in the show's timeframe, has Louise declare that the targeted item that she needs to bring to school for show and tell. Going to get a cannonball to school and of course, would have to drag Tina along for the ride. Even though Bob and Linda would disagree with what Louise is planning on doing in bringing in an actual cannonball to school. I mean, it's old but you'd never know whether or not it'll explode. Because that's the last thing the Belchers need is Louise accidentally committing terrorism by bringing an old cannonball that somehow can explode after being inactive for 200+ years. But again, that’s not going to stop Louise from finding the loose cannonball despite the warnings from Bob to not get the cannonball and from Linda to not go into the cave. Two of those warnings that Louise will ignore and could put her safety at risk. I mean, we’re talking about the same girl who fell into a sinkhole and almost got herself ran over when talking shit to that bitch of a juice truck owner.
Going into the subplot of the episode with Teddy asking Bob and Linda to do him a favor while on his lunch break. Asking the two about Kathleen and how she loves watching the sport of hurling, which is like hockey but on the grass. It's not field hockey, but don't confuse it with lacrosse. You see why people here in the United States have never even heard of the sport. So the favor that Teddy is proposing is that the sports bar that is by the apartment where Kathleen lives is closing its doors and the sports bar that is by her is the place where she usually watches a hurling match, and with the owner of the bar is closing its doors and heading back to Ireland, not for possible deportation, but because they want to bring something from America and have it sent to Ireland. And that gives Teddy an idea in hopes to impress Kathleen. The problem is that they don’t have a TV...channel. No TV channel to show the live sport because it’s from a different country and that would require streaming through a computer. That and a projector to adjust, along with a screen. Turning the restaurant into a sports bar for a day and it looks like Bob and Linda, alongside Gene who has his own issues regarding him being blocked from taking a shit, have to say yes to let Teddy transform the restaurant into a sports bar for hurling fans, primarily Kathleen.
Switching over from the subplot to the main with Tina and Louise making their way to the beach, below the cliff where the cannon is at on the top, signaling that they’re at the location and now need to find what they are looking for. A tad far from walking distance going from the restaurant to the beach at the western end of the city. And despite the warnings given by Bob and Linda to not go search for a cannonball and go into a cave in the event the cannonball Louise is looking for is inside, she's gonna ignore it with Tina trying to reason with her to not search for a cannonball and instead, try to find something else that is less dangerous. She attempted to pick up what appeared to be a dead crab, half of a dead crab that somehow maintained movement. Way to trick Tina into giving her the false assumption of thinking that the crab just died out of nowhere. They came across Gus on their way to where the cave is at by the shore, who is fishing for food from the comfort of his seat, and telling him about Louise’s little conquest to retrieve a cannonball from inside the cave. Of course, Gus has to throw in a warning to get the Belcher sisters to make a U-turn away from the cave due to the bad smell coming from the seaweed that was washed ashore and making the smell worse than a bathroom by a person who used it after eating a meal from Taco Bell. Not to mention, the high tide. Oh yeah, there's a high tide standing in the girls' way of getting Louise the cannonball that she is searching for. But knowing Louise, fuck everyone's safety, we're getting that ball. The same way how oil companies were to find a location to drill without noticing the consequences that could affect the environment.
But that’s not going to stop Louise to go through the rocks to make her way to the cave with Tina tagging along to look out for her little sister despite the warnings that were thrown by Bob, Linda, and Gus to not go into the cave and get the cannonball but much to Louise's decision to ignore it, she rather put her safety at risk, putting her life on the line, just to get a cannonball that may or may not have the capability to explode after it was lost for more than 200 years that could potentially pose a threat because that is what we had to deal with in today's time, just to impress her classmates in her "final" show and tell, which we knew that it won't be the "final" time she would be doing that. And of course, feels like we're just following the formula of your usual Louise episodes these days, Tina opposes the idea of Louise getting a cannonball with Louise, of course, ignoring it and trying to make sure that things doesn't bite her right in the ass. Especially with the sisters going over the rocks while the tides began to roar and create a hurdle for them to get to the cave. But just be thankful it's not a worst-case scenario like a rip current. Because that would be an issue written for itself.
Switching back to the subplot and while everyone is doing their business as usual despite Gene struggling to find the right moment to take a dump, you have to transform the restaurant into a sports bar/hang out for hurling fans and he does but might be going a bit too much when putting various posters across the restaurant other than the usual decorations like a wall décor of flags. Assembling the projector with the laptop to show the stream of the game, hopefully with ad block and not from a shady live stream that may or may not give you malware, but putting up a lot of posters about the sport, most notably posters that might be motivational posters. Then again, we Americans don't know how the sport work. We're trying over here. So Teddy is going a tad overboard with the decorations in transforming the restaurant into a mini-sports bar to serve a hurling viewing party in an attempt to impress Kathleen as the match is nearing its...well, start time. Don't know if it's tip-off? Kickoff? Hopefully, before the match begins. Also to point out regarding the scene here and the promo image for the episode...
Yeah, the actual scene from the episode has the flag of Ireland but take a look at one of the promotional images for the episode, the part of the flag where the holes are at when putting up the flag onto the flagpole or as a wall décor when hanging it sideways is on the orange. You could say that it might be because of Bob and Linda's perspective but no. It's not. Had to mistake the Irish flag in the promotional pics, found in the Wiki, for the other flag that bears similar colors but depends on the shading of orange, and that would be the country of Côte d'Ivoire, the Ivory Coast, located in Africa. Thankfully, the actual episode had to fix that because otherwise...well, I would be annoyed because even though not a vexillologist, a person who studied the design of flags, I would have to call them out. Remind you that the promo image for "Gene's Christmas Break" back in 2021 had Louise's old bed and her current bed, the loft bed, appears in the actual episode. Mostly to avoid possible backlash from the fans despite the production code at the time being out of whack. And thankfully, this episode did just that.
Returning to the main plot with the Belcher girls arriving finally at their destination in the form of the cave where the cannonball is hidden. The girls see the inside of the cave and that's enough for Tina to declare it a job well done and ready to turn back, primarily back home, but of course, Louise won't budge and wants to keep the expedition going despite putting her life at risk and has to follow wherever Louise goes. You know, looking out for her safety as the two girls make their way inside the cave to explore. Of course, have to get through the smell that Gus described earlier in the episode about the place being covered in seaweed and give away a smell worse than a filled-up trash bin waiting for the sanitation crew to arrive. And hopefully, a fast pace because unless they didn't know, the ocean is at high tide and it could create some trouble for the girls while being inside the cave. Just be thankful that there isn't anything dangerous like...I dunno...bats, spirits, sea monsters. Oh god, imagine if Tina and Louise were to find a sea monster, that would’ve been something to show for show and tell. And not just any sea monster, but...it may or may not be Wharfy. Just saying.
We have to cut back to the subplot for a short while before getting to the last scene of the first half of the episode with three random people in blue and gold jerseys, who are happened to be hurling fans who used to attend the old sports bar who saw the restaurant as a place of refuge since the old place shut its doors and Bob's Burgers is the place to be to watch a match...even if it has to be live streamed through a laptop and a projector. Hey, none of us can't afford additional channels with cable or satellite. Do you see why people have to cut the cord and jump ship to streaming? Other than that, Teddy tries to go too hard in trying to get into the lingo of hurling as he awaits for Kathleen to make her way to the restaurant, and for Gene...yeah, he's still struggling with constipation. At this point, you might as well have the laxatives on standby for the guy to just wrap up his filler side story. And maybe not tell it to random strangers just because you got pretty much benched for the episode. Maybe don’t do that.
Back at the death cave and it looks like Tina’s spidey senses are tingling when noticing the ground of the cave is wet when Louise is looking for the cannonball and notices that the high tide is knocking on their door, causing Tina to be anxious and asks Louise to drop what she is doing and make a break for it. But again, Louise won’t budge and will not stand down until she gets the ball. And this is the same person who had teeth from a corpse fallen into her mouth. Almost a year later and that scene was a tad disturbing. But luckily, Louise found the cannonball that is stuck between the rocks and she, along with Tina, attempt to pull the heavy object out of the wall with the high tide on the verge to ruin their...the day of the setting of the episode was never brought up. Yeah, it’s probably a Sunday. The tide is on the verge of ruining their Sunday. Ending the first half of the episode and now, we get to the halftime portion of the review, the mini-review for this week’s episode of The Great North.
And this was an interesting episode for The Great North this week...for the main plot that is with Beef and Alyson being the center focus. Mind you that their voice actors, Nick Offerman, who voices Beef, and Megan Mullally, who voices Alyson, are, of course, a married couple in real life. And in the show, we know that Beef is a divorced man who had some struggles getting back into the saddle after Kathleen's departure, and Alyson, who happened to be Judy's boss at the mall, often times flirts with him whenever the latter is around one another. And in this episode, you could say that might feel some love in the air with the two adults with Beef finding out that Alyson...somehow tied the knot with someone who she just met on the internet. I'm not even in a relationship but you can't just propose right away the moment you just met someone online. You don't even know who or what the person is capable of. That, of course, made Beef jealous and reveals that he's horrible at being romantic. Which didn't help his case with Kathleen. Let alone the fiasco that happened a few episodes ago. Oh, and he waited too long the moment he laid eyes on Alyson. He waited too long for his shot in a rebound and might've blown his shot...or so you'd think.
While yes, the end of the episode reveals that it was nothing more than catfishing with the person who Alyson was supposed to me and tie the knot with...well, not the type of guy that she was expecting when arriving at the other side of the waters, it was a sweet couple of moments for Beef and Alyson and thankfully, you can thank luck for giving Beef to find his right moment to spend time and break free of the mold that is holding him back...of fearing of finding love after being somewhat traumatized over Kathleen's departure. Oh yeah, and the kids and Honeybee helped too. They were pretty much on the sidelines for this week's episode. But hey, it took almost...like, what? 48 episodes and of course, similar to Wolf and Honeybee in Season 1, we have fireworks to signal a spark between the two. And sure, the final few minutes of the episode after arriving back to the mainland have them getting close to relationship status but proclaim that even though the night was great being in a stalled ferry in the middle of the sea, they had to proclaim that they should at least wait until they’re ready to go to enter what is pretty much going to be a new chapter in their lives. Which seems like somewhat of a smart move. I dunno. I'm not a relationship expert but when the time comes, depending on how long the series can go on, hopefully, me saying that doesn't spell possible concerns about the show's future, it's gonna be a while before we kick it into high gear.
Oh, and there's a subplot with Wolf playing hard to get with the bartender who, according to Wolf, doesn't like him until later in the episode when he felt neutral toward him. Also, yeah...don't like people getting up to my face in an attempt to like you the same way a serial killer stalks their potential victims like it's the jungle. I feel like he and Tina from last week's episode might need to talk about wanting to be noticed. Though the subplot did end rather short...-ish with Wolf making a smart move to ditch while the iron is hot over the bartender's interests that doesn't bode well with him, it's not a bad episode if I'm gonna be honest. So it's 6 out of 10 for "Can't Hardly Date Adventure" and really should've been a Valentine's Day episode if it didn't air in freaking March. So there's my take on this week's episode of The Great North...
And yes, I'm aware of the few seconds of Family Guy with Peter walking backward from Quahog to Seymour's Bay by time slot to avoid Lois' dream conversation and seeing him, Bob, and Homer at the restaurant. Though no conversation between the two adults from two of the three long-running series despite that they did meet once and if y'all remember that crossover...you know, when they fought over a dispute over one town calling foul over beer. That was something. But it was short despite the hype being built up since last week. Much like Linda's cameo in The Simpsons earlier this season in the latest Treehouse of Horror episode with the Westworld parody. Though Bob with teeth at one frame looks freaking cursed if you ask me...yeah. Time to enter the second half of the episode review.
Louise found the cannonball at the wall of the cave, stuck between the two portions of the wall that is made out of rock with her and Tina attempting to get the heavy object pulled out, hopefully, the thing is defective and not capable of possible explosion after being laid dormant for over 200 years. All while the threat of high tide is creeping up at them. And it's gonna take a while for the ball to be freed from the wall with countless digging like it’s a game of Digger if y’all remember that game. And despite the threat of high tide ready to flood the cave on the two girls and ready to have the Sonic drowning music on standby, Louise would rather put her and Tina's life at risk to get her hands on the cannonball that may or may not be capable of exploding, just to please the crowd one final time for show and tell. I know that near-death experiences aren't new to the Belcher family but...this might be one of those instances where Louise and Tina are going through that when getting the cannonball. And while the girls continue digging to get the cannonball out of the wall...
We switch back to the restaurant and the guest of honor makes her appearance into the restaurant. The guest of honor, of course, being Kathleen of course as the person who Teddy waited as the stream continues to present the pre-game show coverage before the match begins. Continuing to play hard to get when attempting to impress Kathleen as the hurling match is about to begin. That and also Gene keeps on mentioning him being unable to poop and blabs it out to Kathleen. Again dude, TMI. TMI. Also, note the shield on the poster by the window where the projector screen is covered. Yeah, wrong colors for the placement of the Irish flag. That is definitely Côte d'Ivoire’s flag. Don't mistake each country's flag, kids. You might piss off possibly an entire country if you do that. One day you might mistake Ireland for Côte d'Ivoire and then the next, you might mistake Australia for New Zealand. Or Poland with Indonesia and Monaco. Or maybe Romania with Chad. I know that we were kids back then and we don’t shit about which flag is which for each country but you could imagine a random vexillologist having spider senses and giving out disappointment. The next scene is going back and forth between the main plot and the subplot of the episodes with Louise and Tina still struggling to remove the cannonball from the wall as the threat of high tide continues to grow, staying with the subplot...
And as the date goes on while the match is going underway of playing time and much like with Wolf in this week's episode, Teddy is trying too hard to impress Kathleen as she makes her way to the bathroom. Causing him to make his way to Bob and Linda for some help by telling them that he knows nothing about the sport. Feeling like he’s blowing his shot with Kathleen during his date and trying to force his way to like the things that she likes. Even though he knows nothing about the things that she likes like hurling for example. Of course, that talk gets cut short once Kathleen leaves the bathroom with Teddy switching the subject to avoid getting Kathleen noticing that something was up from Teddy when talking to Bob and Linda with Teddy throwing a curve ball and asking for a plate of fries. As what we are possibly seeing a possible implosion in Teddy's date with Kathleen. Really playing hard to get for a guy who is forcing himself to like the stuff that he knows nothing about just to impress Kathleen.
Going back to the main plot where Louise and Tina continue to get the cannonball out as the cave gets darker and darker by the second with the high tide coming crashing in. And it take long for the cannonball to finally be freed from the wall, because of the brute force that both Louise and Tina had to muster for them to get the cannonball out just as the ocean water from the tide is slowly creeping in. The good news is that it didn't explode. The bad news, other than the ocean water slowly coming into the cave where the two sisters are and putting their lives in danger thanks in part to Louise's incompetence to get the ball and putting their lives at risk, Louise suffers a sprained butt when falling to get the ball by landing onto the rock. Nothing too serious but Louise will have some struggles to walk back to the restaurant, especially with the cannonball that she can now carry, despite how heavy it is by weight. Of course, ending the third act and going into the fourth...
She ends up dropping it. Louise loses the cannonball when trying to go over one stepping stone to the next due to a hole in between that could create trouble. Not like someone that small like Louise to dive her way to the bottom of the hole to get the ball. Especially with the high tide now entering the cave. But alas, Louise lost possibly her only shot to please the crowd on her “final” show and tell in her life, as predictable because we knew that Louise isn't going to take the ball out, let alone deal with a lot of waves crashing towards them and putting her life on the line. Besides, it's either getting the ball out but you would probably be declared missing and possibly die, or getting out of the cave before the waves flood the cave but would result in going home empty handed...the latter of the two options is the right choice as Tina and Louise, without the cannonball in Louise's arsenal, make it out of the cave, all soaked, going home empty-handed, and of course, the scent of seaweed that is becoming their musk on their back home. Because of course, Louise would go home empty handed and now, we'll have to go through her learning a lesson. At least she didn't die because the show wouldn't go that drastic in killing off someone. Let alone a kid.
Going back to the subplot of the episode with the viewing party comes crashing down. Not kidding, that happened when Bob puts the plate of fries that Teddy ordered onto the window, not knowing that the weight of the fries knocks down the screen for the viewing party. Causing the three hurling fans to head on out of the restaurant. Should've at least gone around to the door to give Teddy the fries but what's done is done I guess for the projector to come crashing down. Kathleen was on the verge of leaving but gets stopped by Teddy just as Bob and Linda drop everything to fix the screen and you have to give Kathleen some props for being understanding to Teddy's little predicament in trying to impress her with the stuff that she likes. Telling him that he doesn't need to force himself into something that she likes like hurling for example and as she says she knows about the things that Teddy likes. But it doesn't mean that she would force herself just to spend time with him. She even tells Bob and Linda if it’s okay for a couple who had little to no common interests to be together. Which is sort of the opposite of the whole thing with Tina and Darryl back in Season 5 about them not having anything in common, though that was more of them pretending to go out with Tina and developed actual feelings but getting a reality check from Darryl after destroying his shot to land Rosa. But again, you have to hand it to Kathleen in trying to be understanding towards Teddy after calming him down following him trying too hard to impress. Even if it's getting to the point where she threatened to poke him with a fork when talking about wanting to see the second half of the hurling match. Oh, and Gene can finally poop again after being blocked from getting it out throughout the day. Yeah, you forgot that this was a thing, to begin with.
Now going into the final few minutes of the episode with Tina and Louise walking back home, soaked, smelling like crap from the tide and seaweed, and also Louise being empty-handed after losing the cannonball. Not to mention Louise has a sprained butt that might she's probably going sit well for the next few days, maybe a week or two. But it's more of Louise now being empty-handed and having nothing to share for show and tell. And despite that Louise says that the day came crashing down and has nothing to share for show and tell, calling the mission a failure, here comes Tina to give Louise a lesson by telling everyone in her class what happened and maybe they’ll get an understanding. But that won’t budge for Louise and pretty much going to have to improvise. And by that, I mean a long explanation and probably going to go through the embarrassment of being the only student to not have an item on standby for tomorrow.
Or just improvise by turning into a standup about her experience in the cave after trying to explain what happened with her not being able to take the cannonball to take to school. Besides, it would be a different story if she did bring it to school and somehow were to explode. Because that would be a different story if that were to happen. But other than that, after failing to get a cannonball to bring to school, and coming from Tina’s advice, she had to improvise in the class, and that is what she did in what is pretty much her "final" show and tell in her elementary school career, which...come on...come on...who'd you kidding?
So all and all, what do I think about this week's episode of Bob's Burgers? Well, I know that people are showing some positivity and thinking that it's a good episode and say to themselves, "Oh my god, this is a really good episode. Great episode. 100/10 for this episode." Okay, a little far-fetched for that last sentence. And I get that people have their own opinions and here's mine...I'm in the minority and say that it's an average, if not, possibly mid-episode. And you could see what the episode is doing by having Tina and Louise take the spotlight for the main plot of the episode. Trying to capitalize on their dynamic when it comes to their episodes, whether being from earlier seasons or in a recency bias take, trying to be like "The Plight Before Christmas" because that is what people often thought so far this season when it comes to Tina and Louise. This is more of the usual Louise episodes since the turn of the decade of her doing something she's not supposed to do, Tina or someone else telling her not to do the deed, Louise does the deed, and then backs down and learns a lesson by the end.
Now, I like the callback to the first episode of the series when Louise explained her past show-and-tell presentation. And I guess the visuals aren't too bad for the cave, as well as the tiny anxious moments with the waves coming close to the cave that would've trapped, if not, drown Tina and Louise but of course, the result ends up being predictable with Louise falling short from getting the cannonball out of the cave. Again, if she did take it out and if it were to explode, it would've been a different story. Because who knows if the cannonball that was lost for over 200 years is still capable to explode the same way scuba divers find a random mine or a lost missile from the Cold War that may or not explode. But other than that, it was an okay main plot but a predictable and formulaic outcome to wrap it up.
The subplot was alright out of the two and sure, Gene's little side story with him not being able to poop had to be shoehorned into the subplot and serves as nothing more than a waste of time that feels like it shouldn't be added but you can't bench Gene, so you have him do something in the episode, and despite Teddy going too hard by turning the restaurant into a sports bar in an attempt to impress Kathleen, you have to give Kathleen some pointers in being understanding to him and it's nice to see her again, though have to get used to her undergoing a palette change with her skin being whiter and her hair being browner since her past two episodes that she appeared in. But besides that, despite the mini-sports bar transformation would fall apart in the end, at least Kathleen in the episode can be understanding and try to calm Teddy down and tell him that he doesn't need to force himself into liking stuff that she likes just to be with her. So there's that.
Final thoughts, both plots were alright but had predictable outcomes, primarily with the main plot with Tina and Louise. Kinda wish they stop following the formula of Louise learning a lesson. Other than that, an okay episode. Not that great, but not too bad. So I’ll give “The Show (And Tell) Must Go On”...
A 5 out of 10. But that's my opinion and I wanna hear yours in the comments below whether or not you like this episode. And as I mentioned earlier in the review, two episodes in one night on Sunday, so finding which format that won't murder me mentally and physically when doing these breakdowns should be an interesting one. Especially when adding in the mini-review of The Great North being in the middle. Episode 16 of Season 13 is an April Fools episode with Fischoeder forcing Bob to prank him with the raise of his rent being threatened to his face in "What A (April) Fool Believe" and Episode 17 of Season 13 after that has Tina forcing Bob to go bird watching for her Thundergirl troop with the threats of crows invading the bird watching in “Crows Encounters of the Bird Kind”. At least there’s a break after this and I did say that I should do a discussion regarding Tina’s lack of friends or people who treat her with respect but with two episodes in one...the last thing I need is total burnout.
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***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Television Animation, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***
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