
Monday, December 26, 2022

Number 6 of the Top 12 Countdown of 2022 - The Owl House: "Hollow Mind"


Going back into The Owl House for the number six spot of the Top 12 Countdown for the year and earlier in the countdown with “Thanks to Them” with the Luz and Hunter trauma train, we might as well go back to where it all began. Back to Season 2 of The Owl House, we go for the number six spot of the countdown for 2022 and that is The Owl House with “Hollow Mind”.

Out of the many episodes from the second half of The Owl House’s second season, it was either this episode or “King’s Tide” to take the spot for the countdown. Would’ve thrown in other episodes but out of the many episodes from that season, some from the fanbase think that this was a good episode and probably for a good reason. A lot of reasons for this episode to make it to the list, nearing the top five portion of the countdown.

Try starting the episode with Luz and Hunter entering a random hallway we get to flashback to how the two even landed there in the first place. You could say that it looks like something coming out from the Backrooms, but nope, they’re inside the mind of Emperor Belos. There’s also a subplot where yeah, it intertwines with the main plot with Eda and King trying to come up with something to get Luz and Hunter out of wherever they’re at, not noticing that hidden in the shadows, you have Raine, Darius, and Eberwolf, hoping to not be seen, attempting to send Eda a message. A warning message after the previous episode where Raine knows that something was up regarding the upcoming Day of Unity event. Seeing that Eda is on the hit list for the upcoming event.

Now to the main plot with Luz and Hunter for this episode with Luz proving that Belos isn’t who he is and thinks that he’s evil because...well, he is. But Hunter at the time disagrees with what Luz is accusing his uncle because of her encounter with the guy. It’s pretty much he says, she says throughout the episode as the two go deep into Belos’ mind when following what appears is supposed to be a younger version of the tyrannical ruler of the demon realm. And if there’s anything that The Owl House can’t fail when it comes to...well, anything. It’s lore and world-building.

Going through the hall of photos on the wall once Luz and Hunter go deep into Belos’ mind the same way she and Amity had gone through Willow in the previous season with them taking a lot at each photo and seeing that person’s memory being played out. Though the difference between this episode and “Understanding Willow” is that with “Understanding Willow”, that’s mostly because Amity accidentally burned Willow’s memories when seeing the photo of the two in their younger days. Learning about their relationship as childhood friends and also Amity had to end her friendship with Willow as instructed by Amity’s parents...mostly Odalia because fuck that bitch. But with Belos, it’s a different story because we get to know the backstory of the guy. Especially when knowing the past Golden Guards before Hunter took the spot as Belos’ right-hand man. Not to mention the introduction of the coven system, the marks on each arm of the various witches in the demon realm, his meeting with the’s a laundry list to say from this episode leading up to the moment that would shake up Luz and Hunter all the way to the show’s final season which we are currently at.

Well, the introduction of the coven system by showing off nine different hues of lights to the masses with Belos finding a herd of wild witches as he presumes and into the next scene at a burning village with each witch getting a mark on their arms to establish the covens that they’re assigned and whatever magic they’ll be wielding...only to see them being drained from their magic and in horrific fashion to see them being drained from their magic as if their souls are being yanked out of their bodies by Belos as he orders the previous Golden Guard to collect their palismen and good god, that looks horrific to see them being drained as if they’re screaming bloody murder. Proving Luz’s point about Belos being a sadistic ruler who is a messed up individual. But you can see Hunter’s reaction to the scene as if his views are slowly starting to shift for a bit but still denies it despite seeing it with his own eyes. But if that’s not going to change his view...well...that’s where the final act of the episode comes in and man, oh man...this is where you could say that it might serve as a potential game changer.

So once seeing Belos’ interaction with the Collector, the young Belos that Luz and Hunter followed transformed into the adult version with the being that they took on and defeated being the palismen that he consumed and is currently corrupting him. And when I said trauma for Luz and Hunter after this episode, I mean that for Luz, the mental scar in her head that lasted all the way to “Thanks to Them” is that she fucked up and fucked around with time a few episodes ago. Her coming across Philip Wittebane while time-traveling with Lilith regarding an item that he found after getting a beating. That item ends up being his ticket to meet with the Collector and create an alliance leading up to the finale of Season 2 later on with the Day of Unity and the draining spell. And for Hunter, finding out that he’s a clone with Belos, or Philip telling Luz that he’s a “better version of an old friend” when it comes to Hunter’s origins. That he’s a clone and his so-called “uncle” threatens to kill him. And man, nothing says a show airing on a kids' network like having the main lead and another character boarding the trauma train. At this point, Luz and Hunter might need some therapy once the show is wrapped up. But at least they made it out before things go down south thanks to Eda and King, with aid from Raine and the others in the shadows. But besides that, those two seen through a lot with Hunter running off, with the next episode after this with him hiding at Hexside. Luz breaks down after seeing the consequences of her actions that may have doomed the demon realm, by accident.

And what an episode to go through for The Owl House. Knowing the background of Belos and having him revealed to be Philip to Luz just to mess her up mentally with the action that she caused, by accident, by clearing the way for him to come face-to-face with the Collector. And also for Hunter, revealing his origins about him being a clone and also expandable when trying to kill him. The start of Luz and Hunter being traumatized after what they saw and heard inside Belos’ mind and what a way to start off that little side arc between the two. Especially as Season 2 progresses and going into Season 3 with the first of the three 45-minute episodes. Out of the episodes that aired in the second half of Season 2 of The Owl House, this, alongside King’s Tide, was bonkers and I for one am here for it…if only Disney didn’t fuck around and cancel the show by having a shortened third season. Yes, the fandom isn’t going to let that go.

And that concludes the Number 6 spot in the Top 12 Countdown of 2022. What do you think about this episode? Should it be higher, lower, or stay put on your list? Put it in the comments below. This is it, folks! The final five spots in the countdown. Which episode and series will be taking the fifth spot? Find and see sometime tomorrow. Follow me on Tumblr, Twitter, Mastodon, and Instagram for updates and behind-the-scenes stuff. And y’all should know the drill by now...

Donate over on PayPal, Patreon, and Ko-fi pages to help your boy out in both improving the page and paying the bills to keep the lights on. And until tomorrow with number 5 of the Top 12 Countdown of the year; stay safe, wash your hands, wear a mask, get vaccinated, and a reminder that you are loved, you are beautiful, ignore the haters, and I’ll see y’all later.

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