
Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Bob's Burgers Season 13, Episode 7 Review: Burger Art Online Gene-cization and Menu Tower Blocks | yahoo201027's Bob's Burgers Reviews


Quite an eventful two weeks while we were on break since the last episode aired back in October. Of course, the Houston Astros won their second World Series title, and the city of Houston telling everyone across the country, if not, the world to shut the fuck up about them being cheaters and pretty much 2017 as a whole. We had an election. The midterms had come and passed with the Democrats just this past weekend retaining control of the Senate with the House still up for grabs. Though people of the state of Georgia, you have a runoff coming up in December. And speaking of elections, the Final Round of the Battle of the Week Voting Tournament for 2022 was set last weekend during the hiatus. Black Clover and The Great North. Asta and Judy Tobin for the championship title. December 4 is when polls open and close on December 16 to announce who will be taking home the crown for the holidays.

In this week's episode of Bob's Burgers, it's going to be one of those episodes where a new VR arcade opens next door with Gene wasting all of his money to play a few games as Louise and Tina...they're stacking up menus to see if it stands as if they're playing Jenga. Why? Because they were bored and got nothing better to do. I feel like the show is starting to run out of ideas over the subplot when writing the episodes. And I'm saying this in the nicest way possible in the seventh episode of Season 13 of Bob's Burgers, titled "Ready Player Gene".

Lots of mixed emotions coming from the fanbase over this episode. Okay, this is mostly coming from the likes of Twitter and the Discord chat because we all saw the same episode when it first came out. If you’re someone who happens to be a fan of VR and once got through the experience and wonders how the show would handle the topic of virtual got some. Mostly with the experience coming from Bob and Gene. Not to mention, the visuals being used for the games. Even though it's the not full nine yards by transitioning the show's style from the usual 2D art to 3D like what most games have since the late 90s going into the early 2000s. Depends on the show’s budget to transition from one style to another in a single episode. That is what some thought would be the case with Central Park's episode with the Lego and not going through a transition from 2D to 3D. Don’t think they have the budget for it.

But other than that...anyone hoping that after the last episode two weeks ago that hopefully things would start to improve for the current season that we’re in. Spoiler alert, it didn’t. It didn’t. Back to the same old, same old with how the episodes so far have performed since the season began. Predictable, cluster shambles, the works. Mostly coming from both plots of the episode whether being the main plot with Bob and Gene over at the VR arcade next door or the subplot with Tina and Louise spending their time at the restaurant stacking menus to build a tower as if they're playing a game of Jenga. When I first read the synopsis of the episode when it first came out a few weeks ago, it almost gave me flashbacks to "A-Sprout a Boy" with a Bob and Gene main plot and a subplot where Tina and Louise are bored and have to do something to kill some time while dragging the episode as if we're watching a game where no team had scored until the end of regulation. And this is pretty much me being generous. Again, this is pretty much one of the episodes in the so-called "modern era" of the show where you're going to have mixed emotions from this episode regarding the execution. Especially when tackling an ongoing topic like virtual reality and the gaming world. That being said, think it's time to put in our headsets and break down certain scenes in the episode piece by piece. This is "Ready Player Gene".

The episode starts with the Belcher kids on their way back home from school with them being nosy by looking through the window of the building next to the restaurant and seeing various amounts of boxes and equipment being unpacked. Bob follows suit and reveals to them that a VR arcade is being opened up next door to the restaurant. It would be interesting for the Belchers, primarily the kids to go next door and try out the VR experience and leave their posts at the restaurant. Just kids wanting to do kids' things and going to an arcade, especially the VR variety would be the way to go for them to do something. Only for everyone here outside of the building to hit a few snags. One of the items on the list is the cost of admission. $45 is the cost for one person to try out the VR arcade. $45 for one person to try out the headsets. I get that the equipment is not cheap and expensive to replace, but $45 for one person, let alone a kid to use the equipment? In this economy? On the verge of a recession? Yeah, not a good start to a business that hasn't even opened up. Oh yeah, another thing, the place won't be open to the public until the next day. Though that's mostly because the place needs to be set up. So that should be enough for Bob and the kids to make their way back to the restaurant. Just as Linda is waiting for them to return with her face shoved into the window, awaiting their return like a pet waiting for its owner to come back. Nothing too concerning about it after noticing that Bob wasn't sweeping. Hopefully, that will be a one-time thing.

But it didn't take long for Gene to come out and say to Bob and Linda that he wants to try out the new business next door and use the VR equipment despite the cost of admission. Despite how expensive the cost of admission to try out the equipment which would round up to a total of $135 for possibly the entire family, that’s not going to stop Gene from wanting to try out for himself by using his money, his own savings to be used for the arcade. The money that he saved up for him to get himself a turntable. But I guess that’s going to have to wait for Gene for the turntable talk since he decided to turn his attention toward the VR world. Especially in this day of age where virtual reality is becoming the talk of the town as of late. So Gene is planning to waste all of his money on the VR arcade next door once it opens up for business. And speaking of waste, you have Tina and Louise already starting with their subplot in stacking up the menus in their attempt to build a tower. Why? They got bored. But at least the two sisters send out their valid reasons to not waste their money on the VR arcade. Virtual reality games might not be their forte. I mean, they could sneak away but they would rather use their parents' money to spend it all. But you’d think that they would tag along with Gene because knowing the kids, they don’t want to stick around with doing restaurant work, but they don’t want to spend too much on something that may blow up onto their faces. A statement that Gene is going to face later in the episode.

Speaking of Gene, going from daytime to nighttime with Gene counting the money that he has in his savings before going to sleep with him having the money on his pillow. Literally, he has his money from his savings to be put between his head on the pillow. Someone could take that or he might possibly lose it because it can easily be slipped under the bed. Gene falls asleep and imagines himself in the VR world in first-person view like how you usually play whenever you have a headset on. Him in a suit. Flying through the skies and going into space. Doing a little star walking. You can blame the Lil Nas X song for having it drilled into my head. Thanks a lot, League of Legends. Though I have to give the episode some pointers to be added to the positivity list and that is, of course, the visuals. Sure, the episode didn't go the full nine yards by transitioning from 2D which the show usually does to 3D. That would be a waste of an animation budget if they do that. It's more or less like "Sir Bricks-a-Lot" from Central Park with the characters in Lego form whenever each of the members of the Tillerman family tells their story in that anthology episode. But all and all, the visuals are alright if you look at the episode altogether. And that’s only Gene’s dream about him ready for what is about to come as he wakes up in the middle of the night and convinces Bob to take him there the next day. Which of course, he did. Mostly because he needs Gene to go back to sleep. Already setting things up for what is pretty much a Bob and Gene episode once the new day arrives.

Which Bob and Gene are preparing to take their small steps to the building next door as Tina and Louise continue to do their quest of how to build a towel with the menus and hope that it doesn’t come crashing down. This would be a challenge for Tina and Louise because knowing that the menu is made out of paper, laminated paper to be in fact, a single blow of wind or even a single person walking by would cause the thing to collapse. We're pretty much turning what Louise and Tina are doing into what assignment you're getting from your psychics class. There's pretty much nothing else to say about the subplot from the episode other than Louise and Tina hitting snag after snag to get the tower together without letting it fall into the ground. You could say that this is a game. But it's one of those games where there's no checkpoint and you have to start all over again in the event you lose a life. It's frustrating that you have to start all over again after a mishap but that's life for you.

Bob and Gene enter the building next door and pay their admission for them to use the headset and have an experience in the world of virtual reality. Paying $45 per person to get into the building, still feels like a massive rip-off if you ask me, though if you do the math, or just look at the screen by the door when looking at the prices being displayed, $85. $85 for two people. That’s almost the same as trying to buy a commission from an artist with the best style that you can get online. But that's not going to stop Gene from having a time of his life and Bob has to swallow his pride to pay the man and make their way to their first station to use the VR headset with them playing rock climber. Looking like potatoes with pick axes. Again, not going the full nine yards by transitioning from 2D to 3D, so this is pretty much their best attempt at it. And much like most people when getting the headset for the first time, you're going to deal with some issues. Glitching is not one of them but that is what Bob and Gene are dealing with. The other is nausea. Especially where you have to stand around and use the handheld controllers to make some movement for the first time using it. It's not easy. It was never easy. Not to mention that they got their headset stuck. You could say that maybe the headsets are not fitted for their heads based on their sizes and maybe that explains why it was stuck on the first try. That would’ve been the best bet for why they’re stuck but yeah...the first experience for Bob and Gene is not a good one. At least the headset doesn’ know, kill people. I know that you’d think I probably made this up. I’m not.

That actually happened. Someone over at Oculus, probably the creator of the company, thinks that this is his attempt at a sick joke. Like...have you not seen Sword Art Online? The first ten episodes of the series?! I get it's 2022 and the show when it began was set in, wouldn't you guess it? 2022. But come on, man! Come on! You can't make this shit up, folks. You can't make this shit up. Just be lucky that Bob and Gene don't have to do that because otherwise, it would a different story and not a good one. But yeah, the father and son duo is not having a good time over at the VR arcade. I get that it's their first time using the headsets but you already know that this little experience in the main plot has already turned into a disaster. And when I said stuck, I mean they can't take them off but didn't even notice that there were those chin straps that keep the headset from falling. They would've at least let go of the controllers but that would result in dropping the item. Potentially breaking it. It’s not a great first experience for Bob and Gene as they continue to spend their time at the building next door. Speaking of not doing great on their end of the bargain...

We switch over to Tina and Louise who had their struggles to keep the menu tower standing as Tina put on the finishing touches of the tower, though some struggles to keep everything intact and also for Tina to not fall because that is pretty much the last thing anyone needs when doing this other than letting the menus falling and that is Tina bashing her head. The girls finish building their tower and just in time once Teddy enters the restaurant and sees what they have accomplished. Again, a lot of struggles that Tina and Louise had to endure to make things perfect so the menus doesn't come tumbling down. Case in point, a lot of trial and error from the two Belcher siblings when getting the tower to hold still. Most of them tried and failed to get things in order but can't beat the ultimate boss when constructing something out of boredom. That being physics. And also the air. But it’s mostly physics.

Whether being Bob coming in with the groceries that caused the tower to collapse, Linda coming into the kitchen with a tray of dirty plates to knock it down a second time, or Gene sneezing to let it fall for the third time, it's a pain for Louise and Tina to start from scratch once again. And they don't want to go through that time again and again. As I said, it's like you're playing a game where there's no checkpoint and you have to start from the beginning to do it all over again. The most obvious example I can think of when comparing what Tina and Louise are going through with the menus...remember Flappy Bird? You know that app game that made head waves in late 2013 going into early 2014 that got people addicted and enraged each time they lose? It’s like that with the menu tower. And it's freaking frustrating for Louise and Tina to do it all over again each time they try to make a menu tower and fail. But at least the battle is over for Tina and Louise for the menu tower to hold still for the world to see. But as the saying goes, "the battle may have been won, but the war isn't over." They're going to take this shit to the moon. Or in Louise's case, up to the ceiling.

And that is what the next scene is going for, folks. Louise and Tina upped the ante for them to continue to make the menu tower and grabbed every piece of laminated paper that they can find for them to build the ultimate tower out of menus. That being the menu cards that haven't been used due to misspellings of the restaurant's name and the orders. So why the fuck not as we're being held hostage by what is pretty much going to be a very long subplot even though it is a subplot and not a lot of attention is being focused there. I mean Linda wants the menu to be returned to each of the tables once they're done. Mostly because of an event a customer needed one whenever they come in. Or until Bob and Gene come back from their daytime nightmare of being screwed over by playing a few rounds of VR gaming. Speaking of which...

Back to the main plot where the experience is not going great for the two members of the Belcher family as they try out station after station in this arcade. From riding a jet ski to flying in the air, the games that they've been playing have been a mess. Because most of the games that were set up have been glitchy as fuck and even though Gene and Bob are the only two customers in attendance, it's not a good look for the arcade. It is not a good look. This shit is going to come crashing down horrifically like it's the cryptocurrency. Stocks tank. Bob decides to say that enough is enough and makes his way to the manager of the building and asks for a refund since the games that he and Gene have been playing became problematic from the start. Issues ranging from the headsets being stuck in the head to the game being glitchy and experiencing some technical issues. Questioning if the machines being used had been updated. But it's one of those businesses where they have a no-refund policy. And also another issue to be stated, apparently the manager in charge of the arcade may or may not know jack shit about VR. To the point where he has to call in a family member and watch some YouTube videos on how to troubleshoot each of the stations. So case in point, y'all have been ripped off. $85 is being spent to play some games that have a lot of problems. Knowing that it would become a disaster from the very start. In this economy no less. In this freaking economy as we’re dealing with an inflation issue. But as we Bob and Gene make their way out of the VR arcade after their experience turns into a nightmare for their first time using the headsets, now is a good time to take a little breather and do a small intermission mini review to this week’s episode of The Great North in “Mall-mento Adventure”.

And it has to be one of those episodes where what happened in the episode needs to have a backtrack and retell what happened earlier in the day leading up to the exact moment where the episode started much like with "Autumn If You Got Em Adventure" earlier this season. Though there are some issues with the episode. Mostly with the pacing. Kind of going a bit fast with this episode and I get that the primetime slot got out following an overtime game between the Cowboys and Packers to snap the Packers' five-game losing streak, but slow the fuck down a bit, will ya?

Might as well get the subplot out of the way first for this mini-review where you have the rest of the Tobin family and Jerry reading a long-ass novel if they're planning on going to the theater to watch a movie in what is pretty much the show's jab on the Lord of the Rings franchise. Heard there were some um...issues going on with their TV series The Rings of Power. I don't follow that franchise nor watched or read any of the materials from Tolkien. The subplot is pretty much the family trying to read the book before watching the movie so they can get a better understanding of the franchise. And also want to draw comparisons between the book and the film the same way how Harry Potter fans had to endure back in the day. The same goes for anything made by Stephen King. But it's no surprise that they would fall asleep after reading it. I mean, it is a long book, and to do it in a matter of hours as if you're cramming for an exam in college, it can doze a person to sleep. To the point where Wolf decides to go cold turkey and make his way to the theater without them. Already knew that this would blow up in Wolf's face when everyone found out about what happened but in a world where audiobooks and cram videos on the internet are a thing, that would've been the easier way out for them but I guess not. Even considering energy drinks but got stopped by one of the officers who may or may not look like one of the Molyneuxs and ends up getting a ride to the theater and confronting Wolf before a mishap caused by Beef that causes the mallgoers to evacuate. Honestly, I probably didn't care for the subplot to the episode. It was okay. Just didn't care for it.

The main plot on the other hand and it’s pretty much the meme. You know what meme I’m talking about. “They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.” That meme. That describes the main plot with Beef and Judy at the mall when he takes her to her job. Mostly because Beef has to go fix up the register over at the photography shop, doing Alyson a favor despite giving a stern warning from Honeybee to “not be a dad” and try to embarrass Judy for the day. The reason given that Honeybee had that experience before while in Fresno by her dad. Thinking that what happened to her back in the day is going to happen to Judy. And boy, oh boy, it looks like Beef may have ignored that warning because what he did may have ruined Judy's life. The ripped pants, food being dropped on him, falling down a flight of stairs and landing on a mall train, and pulling a fire alarm to have everyone evacuate, it's not a good look for Beef, and thinks that he may have ruined Judy's life...or so we thought because that's not what Judy is upset over. What Beef had gone through had nothing to do with Judy and it's nothing more than him having a bad day. A bad day a la "Eat, Spray, Linda" with Linda who had to go through the same thing. A series of misfortunes.

It's all on Judy on why she became upset throughout the day once the first shot was fired from Beef. It’s not because of him having a mishap or four, but more of Judy having her heart broken. What has happened is that Judy met a random guy who she just met in the past 48 hours who is a guy gunning for a GED who had common interests like poetry and climate change and thinks that Judy may have found the one. Only to turn out that the guy is a piece of shit who broke up with her through a text. A fucking text. Who does that?! Well, that was what this scumbag had to do. Seeing someone else, and ends his relationship with Judy. I guess adding in the argument of Judy not reading the writing in the room in her quest for romance. Treating her attempts to get herself a partner as if you're hiring a coach for the game... at the last minute...who has no coaching experience. What is this? Like the fourth time that Judy didn’t even have a proper relationship, let alone a proper crush? Four times. Four times. I get it's early in the show, currently in the third season, but it's really adding to the narrative for Judy that she let her head do all the talking on her quest for a relationship whether being how handsome the person is or because of an accent. But yeah, poor Judy for getting her heart broken, and at least the guy who broke her heart got her comeuppance being pelted by snowballs. So that's something. And something tells me we're going to see more of those episodes where we have to retrace our steps and start from the beginning in the foreseeable episode. Possibly one or two more later this season. 6 out of 10 for "Mall-mento Adventure". Back to the Bob's Burgers review.

Bob and Gene exit from the VR arcade after the experience turns into a complete disaster. $85 and it was wasted on a pair of glitchy games. Gene is already regretting spending a lot of money on the arcade. To be fair, it was not a smart decision for Gene to spend a lot of his savings for a single day at the arcade where things are glitchy as fuck. I mean, they could backtrack. They could at least issue a complaint against the business to get the money back. But nope, despite being fucked over by the arcade, Gene still wants to go back to the place once tomorrow hits. Hopefully for a better result. Good God, it’s like we’re taking the definition of insanity approach from this main plot over the visit to the VR arcade. That’s not going to stop Gene from wanting to go back and Bob would try to tell Gene to at least rethink about it and not go back after what happened. But no, we’re gonna give it one more shot once the new day arrives. The Belcher boys make their way back home, only to see Tina, Louise, Linda, and Teddy going all out on the menu tower. Hoping for the tower to reach the ceiling and hopefully the moon.

The scene transitions from the restaurant to the bedroom as day turns to night with Bob and Linda talking about their way with Linda about the menu tower that Louise and Tina are currently building and hoping for the thing to stand perfectly still while trying to reach the top while Bob, of course, worrying about what Gene is doing after underwent a bad experience with the VR arcade and also questions why he would ever want to go back despite their bad time. Causing Bob to head off to Gene's room and hoping that the next day couldn't be more shit than what happened. Despite that Gene felt broken over what happened. What was supposed to be his day with him wanting to try out virtual reality turned into a sham and came crashing down. Seeing it with his own eyes. Watching his hopes and dreams come crumbling down. At least Bob is showing some Gene because he knows that the experience over at the VR arcade just to be around Gene already became a tire fire.

Onto the next day with Bob and Gene once again heading out to the building next as everyone else closes down the restaurant for the day to complete the menu tower. I mean...Bob and/or Gene could opt out from going to the building next door and do their part with the menu tower. But nope, head back there, and hoping for what happened yesterday isn't going to be history repeating itself. Ready to waste another $85 to try out the stations. Leaving the rest to continue to build their menu tower and hoping that today is the day the task will be checked off from the list. And might as well get the subplot out of the way since there isn't too much to talk about between the subplot with the main in the final act of the episode. So let's wrap the subplot up first before getting to the main.

Once Bob and Gene leave the restaurant and make their way to the VR arcade next door, moments later since departing, the moment of truth hangs in the balance. Who's going to be the person to put in the final menu on the top of the tower? Who's going to make that field goal kick to close out the game? Well, Tina was about to do it when climbing up the ladder but is unable to do it. Fearing that it might result in the tower falling to the ground and/or her falling and potentially hitting her head on the ground. Possibly her back also. The same goes for Louise who tried to do her part but backs out. It's to the point where they even consider Teddy to step in to do his part. Hoping for a game-winning home run to end this game...only for Linda to come in and says to the girls that even though it was all fun and games with them building the menu tower, but the tower has to come crashing down. Causing the girls to say, “Hell no. We worked our butts off to get this tower standing and we are not going to stand down while the iron is hot. We’re on the verge of greatness and that tower will be completed.”

So that causes both Tina and Louise to go up the ladder together and put up the finishing touches to the menu tower, which they did and the mission becomes a success. So what now? I mean, they could take a photo of the achievement since they did the impossible. Grab the phone, grab the camera, and boom, the photo is taken. Maybe have it displayed for the public to see despite that the customers would need the menu to make their orders. But instead, they decide to knock it down. All that hard work and to celebrate that achievement, they knock it down. Yep. I mean, they did their part in the episode by sheer boredom by building a tower out of menus but I guess all "good" things must come to an end. It's sort of like with Louise with that puzzle toy in "Die Card or Card Trying" that she had trouble trying to solve until the near end of the episode. What's the line after solving it? Oh right, her life has no meaning and just pretty much wasted her time. This sums up the subplot quite nicely, to say the least. One plot down, one to go.

We check on Bob and Gene at the VR arcade and want it to try to give the place one more time for use as they make their way to one of the available stations and play a game of Beat Baking, which is a game where you’re the chef and you slash the ingredients being throw towards you. Not to mistake it with the other game with the same name where it’s music based. The two begin their round with the set and much like with yesterday, the result remains the same. The game glitched out, the headsets glued to their heads, and Bob becoming to look like shit when wearing it. Though it’s typical Bob behavior where he has to become a big, sweaty oaf. Especially when wearing the headset. Bob tries to get the manager’s attention but it looks like he’s a bit busy at the moment with a phone call. Leaving them to fend for themselves. At least it’s not the headset that kills people. So there's the silver lining. Oh yeah, and the person who that manager is calling outside of the building is, of course, his boss...who happens to be his father...sorry, meant to say former boss because he gets fired later on. Though fuck you for saying that line. You know the line. "If you vomit in VR, you vomit in real life." A reference to the tagline for Sword Art Online with its first season. The first half of the first season with every gamer using the headset being trapped inside Aincrad and needing to complete the game. Go through the full 100 floors or you're dead in the game and will cost you your life. I was like "Oh, fuck you, Gene." Even tweeted that out during the live airing.

Other than that, it’s a nightmare situation once more for Gene and Bob while being trapped inside a glitchy game with Bob already regretting bringing Gene back into the place. Though Gene has to be the one who regretted the idea in the first place since he wanted to try it out earlier in the episode. So most of the blame should be on him for coming up with that idea. Even though that's more of the arcade's fault for having faulty equipment for the games to glitch while the game is being used by the user of the headset. But at least Gene found something to improvise while having to deal with a lot of the fuckery that was being thrown at him and Bob by doing some wiggling. Don't worry, the store next door isn't going to last long. It might ruin the opening gag if it did. It's a basic fact. So Gene does have to do some improvising while Bob...yeah, he continues to feel like shit with him feeling nauseous and wanting to throw up but does try to get along with what Gene is saying with the episode ending with them wanting to stay over for a little bit more even though their experience has been shit. The same way as you were trapped inside a faulty roller coaster ride that nearly injured yourself or ending up costing it but wants to stick around, just to be a badass. Did I mention that this store is not going to make it past the episode after this week? Oh yeah, it’s not. One-time thing and that’s about it for the VR arcade next door to the restaurant.


So all and all, what do I think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? As I said in the introduction of the review, you’re going to have mixed feelings about the episode altogether. Whether you like it because it’s a Bob and Gene episode. Maybe because you want to see how they would tackle the topic of VR gaming. Then this episode might be for you...the more you rewatch. I'm pretty much in the minority where there are a lot of issues going on with this episode regarding both plots.

You already knew right away that the visit to the VR arcade would be a complete disaster the moment Bob and Gene would put on their headsets. I get that it's their first time the first day they visited and we all went through it. It was never easy but you'll manage. Yeah, congrats, you pretty much sum up car sickness while being out on the open road for numerous hours. A complete disaster for Bob and Gene was predictable and knew that it was coming. You'd think that Gene becoming addicted to the experience would at least make some sense but what can you do? $85 down the drain. Actually, $170 in a span of two days going down the drain to play games that often glitch from time to time while having your headset stuck with the manager too busy doing fuck all with little to no experience. At least the visuals might have done the main plot alright with the gaming. As well as Gene's first-person view in his dream leading up to the first day of the VR arcade. But the rest of the main plot felt a bit dragged out with the visit to the VR arcade already predictable from the start.

The subplot is pretty much what you’d usually expect coming from what you almost get from “A-Sprout a Boy” with Louise and Tina. Pretty much them trying to bide their time doing something and that’s about it with the recent being the menu tower. Sure, they hit with some struggles from time after time with the menus trying to stand while facing some hurdles regarding physics whenever someone passes by or in Gene's case, a sneeze. They at least did something but it felt dragged out, to say the least for this episode. Almost saying that this is pretty much pure filler if we’re going to be generous. So out of the two plots that would declare the episode as’s an edge towards the main. Mostly from the visuals. It's the execution that was an issue for this episode. So I'll give "Ready Player Gene"...

A 4 out of 10. Would say 3 out of 10 but the visuals pretty much upped the score by one. So it's a 4 out of 10 for this episode. But that's pretty much my opinion and now I wanna hear yours in the comments below. Another week of potential hell coming up this upcoming weekend with the Thanksgiving episode where the family goes to a new location with them playing a round of putt-putt golf. God helps us all in the eighth episode of Season 13, "Putts-giving". But two weeks from now...we're getting some lore, folks. We're getting some lore. If they play their cards right with the episode two weeks from now, this has to save the current season...for the first half to say the least.

Follow me on Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram for updates and behind-the-scenes stuff. The third-place match of the Battle of the Week Voting Tournament begins this upcoming Sunday between Eren Jaeger (Attack on Titan) and Marcy Wu (Amphibia) for the third-place position for the year. The Final Round doesn't start until another three weeks between Asta (Black Clover) and Judy Tobin (The Great North) on December 4. As for whether or not I'll be doing the annual year-end countdown for 2022? Eh...we'll see. I mean, anything goes for December. But we’ll see. Y’all should know the drill by now...

Donate over at the PayPal, Patreon, and Ko-fi pages to help your boy out in both improving the page and paying the bills to keep the lights on to do something for the profile. For the blog. And until the next episode, wash your hands, wear a mask, get vaccinated and boosted, and a reminder that you are loved, you are beautiful, ignore the haters, register to vote if you live in Georgia for the runoff in December, and I’ll see y’all later.

***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Television Animation, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***

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