So the Atlanta Braves lost this past weekend in the divisional round of the postseason, thus ending the season that we’re supposed to be the favorites to make it back to a World Series, if not to win it back-to-back. Kudos to the Phillies for making it this far in the season. I wish them nothing but the best as they now take on the Padres. But holy fuck, we played like shit. We shit the bed bad against the Phillies. I mean, there’s disappointment and then there’s “what the fuck was that”. And the latter may have been the option of choice when watching that series. And it’s not just the Braves, but the other top seeds in the postseason this year. The Braves got bounced. Dodgers got bounced. It appears that the Yankees and Astros are the only top two seeds to make it out. Though that was predictable from the start. I feel like the MLB this year, especially in the National League, is following what the NFL had done this past year. Nothing but chaos.
In this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers as I get over the Braves' postseason loss, the Belchers and Teddy go stargazing for the night to see a close view of an incoming comet as it flies over the sky and knowing that Teddy is the one who is calling the shots and hoping for a good fortune and looking out for the signs from the universe, it would make sense that Bob would try to maintain himself when being out of the house in my spoilerific review of the fourth episode of Season 13 of Bob’s Burgers, titled “Comet-y of Errors”.
Well, if there’s one thing to say regarding this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers, I’m not an expert in things like astrology or astronomy or a spiritual preacher, but this episode had to bring out the idea of whether or not everything that dictate our lives is all in the hands of the universe. Or if you’re a religious nut, God. The universe loves to tell you what to expect and what you’re going to encounter. Whether it’s a good sign coming your way like getting a job with better pay for the salary or finding the courage to do whatever you’re planning on saying or doing. Or a bad sign and the universe decides to be an asshole and fuck around with anyone’s day and turn it into a nightmare.
That’s what Teddy is going through with this episode and the comet flying over the town as the entire town will be stargazing in a once-in-a-lifetime event. Well, a 30-year occurrence according to Teddy because of course. More on that later in the review. And that is one of the few plots for this episode. Oh yeah, we have a lot of plots to cover in one episode but this isn’t like one of those reviews in the past where I have to break down each for Belcher member like it’s with “Legends of the Mall” back in 2019 where I have to Plot A, Plot B, Plot C, and Plot D because that would be straining. This also but knowing that most reviews when it comes to the read times, you know that little feature where it tells you how many minutes it gave you when reading the post, leading up to the proximate time of 10-12 minutes. Almost the same amount of time as a long chapter from a fanfiction while at the doctor’s office. Let’s stargaze into the depths of the universe and break it down piece by piece, this is “Comet-y of Errors”.
So the episode starts with Bob glancing over the counter with him worrying about whether or not he made the right call to get it fixed. I mean, what’s the issue with the counter that is now being brought up? As if the restaurant hasn’t gone through enough stuff leading up to where we are now. Mostly with items either aging or breaking down because reasons come from misuse. But don’t worry guys, Teddy’s on the case because the Belchers got him on speed dial for the counter to be redone so there wouldn’t be a problem. It’s the benefit of the doubt over whether or not the item in question should be fixed or get a professional to do the work. Or do a do-it-yourself project on the counter. That’s not ruled out but the latter might as well spell possible disaster. Speaking of Teddy...
He enters the restaurant with him getting his daily fix of coffee and decides to tell the Belchers about what is about to come down later tonight over at the park by the beach, Scraggy Neck, for a little stargazing. So looking up to the sky is the name of the game for this week’s episode when Teddy brings up a comet that is supposed to fly over the town called “Kirby’s Comet”, which Teddy brought up one too many times leading up to the night of the event. And the comet only comes around every 30 years. Three decades. Sure, it’s no Hailey’s comet where it comes every 75-76 years with its last appearance that happened in the 80s when our parents are young and the next time we would get a glance won’t happen until 2061. 2061. It’s 2022, ready to become 2023 in less than a few months, we have 39 years left until the biggest event for astronomers to take a glance. But that comes down to...oh, I don’t know, not hoping for the world to fucking end whether by climate change with sea levels creeping up above average along with the temperature or nuclear war because of a madman who is getting embarrassed by a country he was supposed to take over because he wants to go back to the good ol’ days. Yeah, so there’s your doom and gloom to think about before ever talking about Hailey’s comet.
Teddy was thinking of taking Kathleen with him to the stargazing event over at Scraggy Neck but it appears that she decided to take a rain check for the viewing party because she is currently visiting her neck. Or just say that they won’t even bother bringing Kathleen back into the show because of a few reasons. Mostly with Sharon Horgan being unavailable at the time of production and the show really love to irritate some fans over what Kathleen hasn’t even made a comeback to the show since the pre-pandemic half of Season 10. They really need to bring the characters back. Most of them. Except for two characters because one character, of course, whose voice actor partook in the insurrection. And the other is now dealing with some legal trouble and committed a no-no from years past. And that person attended the premiere of the movie back in May. Back to the comet, Teddy brings up the wish paper, where you have to write down any wish you want and you get to burn it in hopes to get their wish to come true, grabbing the attention of the Belcher kids. Mostly because of wishes and burning stuff. However, for a person’s wish to come true on a piece of paper to burn, you need to have a pure heart. Looking at the Belcher kids...good luck. They gonna need it. And besides, that’s more of the kids’ alley where Teddy’s reasoning for him to go look over the comet is for him to look out for a sign from the universe. Why?
Well, according to Teddy, 30 years ago, which is the last time the comet flew by, he was watching the comet and he was excited to see it. Getting a front-row seat to the action in an event that you won’t be able to see for the next 30 years. And for Teddy, watching the comet is him believing that the universe is telling him something. Telling him that something is about to come his way. As if he’s going to have an amazing life. That is until he stepped on a random nail and thus, things took a nosedive for the Teds-ter because we know the misfortunes for the guy. His hair falling off, the weight gain, his divorce from Denise, more stepping on random nails. Gotta add the two times he had to fall off the Naval boat during his time with the Navy. Just to put it out there. In short, Teddy thinks he’s cursed and everything that happens to him blows up to his face and that’s been going on for the past 30 years that it is amazing that he’s still alive to tell the tale. And bets that tonight is the night for him to come full circle and get a signal from the universe. Once the comet flies by that he hopes to have some fortune instead of various misfortunes. And of course, he’s bringing the Belchers along for the ride. Mostly because they have nothing better to do anyway for the night. And that’s where the episode is going. The Belchers go stargazing and Teddy hopes that he would get a new signal in life.
The day shifts over to night with the Belchers and Teddy arriving at Scraggy Neck and you see the townsfolk setting up camp for the comet to arrive, and of course, this is where each of the Belcher members and Teddy set up their own plots for the episode. We know that the kids are going to be focusing on them getting their wish to come true through a piece of paper with Louise and Gene writing their respective wishes down for them to burn to get their wish to come true and Tina going through a bit of an apology tour because that is one of the requirements for getting a wish to become reality is by having a pure heart and that is what Tina is planning on doing. Not to mention, Linda going kettle corn hunting because...just because. I mean, you know that Linda is going to take a backseat and make the main plot focus on Bob and Teddy. Though of course Linda is on Team Signal from the Universe and wants Bob to at least help the guy out in making sure he doesn’t stay cursed for too long. But for Bob, it looks like it’s going to be a long night for him as they and the townsfolk await for the comet to make its appearance.
Speaking of the kids, of course, setting up their respective plots with Louise and Gene spotting a table where they get their piece of paper for them to write down their respective wishes. Knowing Gene and Louise, bypassing the requirement of having a pure heart, and writing down a boatload of wishes as if they’re making wishes from a genie. There’s not much to say about Louise and Gene’s side of things other than them being kids and making up various wishes by taking a lot of paper from the booth because one wish per person isn’t enough for the two youngest siblings. So basically, them being greedy with the paper and dried out the supply so that they can get a lot of wishes and the others do not. God, I hope that the booth operator had another supply waiting in the wings for everyone before the comet arrives.
Tina, on the other hand, she’s going to have to wait for her to write her wish down as she decides to go on an apology tour for her to piece to come true. Planning on going around the park and apologizing to everyone who is in attendance. Even if they haven’t met Tina, she gets to apologize for her to get her comet wish to come true. One of those people that Tina is apologizing to on her apology tour...Tammy and Jocelyn. Who are in attendance for the comet viewing party because that’s what the script said. Having Tina to get Tammy and Jocelyn to apologize to her to get her wish to come true. So it’s pretty much the typical Tina wanting to play nice with the mean girls to get what she wanted. And I’m gonna say it again, Tina needs to find better people because the people she got right now fucking sucks. And it looks like it’s one of the few plots that I’m gonna cover. Don’t worry, I have this week’s intermission mini-review of The Great North on standby. Waiting in the green room as we speak.
Back to Bob and Teddy as Linda starts to go kettle corn hunting and is sent to the sidelines as the two men make their way to a portion of the park called Gullivan’s Gorge, which the walking distance from the viewing party to the gorge takes about two hours and it’s one of the places that Teddy was hoping to take Kathleen in an event she were to make an appearance on this freaking fracking show. But it’s one of the spots that Teddy was hoping to go to if Kathleen didn’t go and visit her aunt. Getting a view and for Teddy to get the best reception for him to get a signal from the universe to end his 30-year curse.
And also questioning if Kathleen is even the right fit for him. I mean, Teddy does need a rebound after discovering that his ex-wife Denise cheated on him with a guy in a seal costume back in Season 1 through a flashback and failed to play hard to get to win her back in Season 7. And then there’s Helen, with who Teddy thought he had a connection back in Season 5 and thought he had a shot in Season 9, only for the show, according to some fans, fucked with her character and made her a gold digger. Leaving him to board the Kathleen train and it looks like that train is starting to experience some issues along the way. Mostly with him questioning if she’s even the right fit for him. Worrying that he might fuck things up. And the comet that is ready to make its 30-year appearance is Teddy’s shot to whether or not the next 30 years of his life would be good or bad with his potential relationship with Kathleen now hanging in the balance. If he gets a good fortune from the comet, Teddy can just breathe a sigh of relief and celebrate as if he won the Super Bowl. If not and it reveals to be a bad sign, then his relationship with Kathleen is as good as dead. Leading Linda to ask Bob to help Teddy out with his little mission while she goes kettle corn hunting. I mean, it is the thought that counts, and he needs all of the support that he can get, but it’s now becoming one of those episodes where Bob had to be roped into Teddy’s needs and wants to keep his cool throughout the episode. I mean, take a look at “Driving Big Dummy” from last year. You might be getting some vibes from it with this episode and it appears that this might be where we’re heading with this time being the topic of astronomy and fortune telling. I would say go to a fortune teller to tell Teddy what to expect for his future, but that would result in him overreacting, Bob may think that it’s all a sham, and the kids possibly misuse the power of fortune telling for their liking. So yeah, the main plot is all set for Bob and Teddy to go fortune-sighting for Teddy, and once again, it’s going to be a long night ahead for Bob. And while that is happening with Bob and Teddy making their way to the gorge to get a better sight of the comet, meanwhile with Tina...
She goes through her apology tour to get her comet wish granted because having a pure heart is the requirement for the wish to become a reality. From apologizing to Blevins for not trying her best to climb a rope in gym class to Reggie with her taking way too many mustard packets for her turkey sandwich and should’ve at least taken two packets per person. That’s a lot of mustard for one person to put on her sandwich to consume. Like what are you trying to accomplish here? It’s a deli sandwich, not sushi where you have to make your food spicy. So after apologizing to Blevins and Reggie, along with random people across the park where she doesn’t need to apologize but ends up doing it anyway, leaving the last two people on her checklist and being saved for last for the prepubescent 13-year-old and of course, it’s Tammy and Jocelyn at their station.
Mostly Tammy that Tina needed to apologize. Don’t know what she did to Jocelyn but it appears that she won’t be in the running for Tina’s apology tour and instead, it will be Tammy who Tina needed to be crossed off from her checklist. Yeah, the show is really trying to push for Tina and Tammy to at least try to get along and we know this song and dance before in this show. I even said it in my small rambling in my “Judge-bot Day” review a few months ago. What’s the point if we know that they’re going to go back to hating each other? Tina apologizes to Tammy for what happened in gym class where she was trying to land a hit on Tammy with a dodgeball but ended up hitting Henry Haber instead and it was during lunch. So something that made her mad enough to throw her frustration towards Tammy and wants to go water under the bridge. And she wants Tammy to have an apology come out of her mouth so Tina can make her wish, but...this is where we begin what might as well be a long and painful subplot for Tina to get Tammy’s name to be checked off from her checklist on her apology tour.
Back to the main plot of the episode and as Linda continues to look for a kettle corn vendor after getting her hand at some jewelry that bright up as the night progresses, Bob and Teddy make their way to the telescope station where the elderly is at who are...well, old. Yeah, it’s cloudy out and you would have difficulty seeing the comet passing by, but that’s not going to stop the elderly to try to get a view of the sky that only happens every 30 years and the next time that’ll happen, well, they’ll be dead. So Teddy and Bob make their way to Edith and Harold and ask nicely to use their telescope, though knowing those two, that ain’t happening. So that leaves Gus with his telescope and at least he’s nice to give them the telescope for them to use to look over the sky. Though knowing that we’re only ten minutes into the episode, Teddy’s supposed curse decides to intervene with him pulling out a flashlight and briefly blinding them. Mostly because of the special flashlights that they have and normal lighting like the flashlight that Teddy is carrying causes the retinas to burn. Kind of like with the solar eclipse where you need special glasses to protect you when seeing the moon getting closer to the sun so you don’t suffer massive eye damage. By the way, the next solar eclipse in North America, two years from now in April of 2024. And Texas is getting a front-row seat to the event. It’s only three hours from where I’m at. So...anything can happen. Full totality. Other than that, it looks like Teddy’s curse continues to haunt him, and that being, this should be a good time for the mini-review intermission to take its place with yours truly doing this week’s episode of The Great North. This won’t be long. Hence the words, “mini-review”.
So this week’s episode of The Great North is as plain as simple, the Tobins and their friends get trapped inside the house during a freak ice storm that resulted in a power outage that lasted for a few days. Slow-moving weather system I presume. And just as the Tobin family is hosting a movie night with Beef getting the pick and having everyone to watch the film “Enough Said”, really solidifies that the divorce has hammered hard on Beef to the point where he picked the movie one too many times. Not to mention that the Tobins not having any power, especially for a longer duration with the outage would turn the family feral when being trapped for too long. You would bring up the power outage back in “The Yawn of the Dead Adventure” but that lasted for a day and the kids thought that the zombie apocalypse had begun to take its course. This episode, not so much. Especially when being trapped inside the house and the roads becoming unpassable as the storm takes place. And uh...oh yeah, the DVD gets snapped in half just as Beef is getting Kathleen’s old laptop with Ham being the suspect behind the disc being snapped into pieces.
Leading to the rest of the episode having the family going to court with Moon as the judge with the case having the family going at each other’s throats. Mostly Beef with Ham being the one who broke the disc before the finger-pointing shifts towards Wolf and having the trial into your perfect example of what a kangaroo court looks like. A Law & Order-esque type of episode that doesn’t last an hour with every twist and turn, crook and cranny from Ham being the suspect to Wolf doing the dirty work in playing all three roles. At least the trial didn’t last for an hour like with the usual episode coming from certain crime dramas from any major networks. Leading up to the end of the episode where Moon sentenced everyone to death, ended up becoming a mistrial, and knowing Moon in the dark for too long other than each of the family going out of jeez there, kid. Death by going full Jeffery Dahmer? I mean, at least the lights are back to end the madness before things really take a sudden turn. But...yeah...have a generator the next time you lose power, Tobins. At least get a generator so y’all don’t have to deal with that. I had to go through 24-36 hours without power when that winter storm came through Texas back in 2021 and I’ll tell you, it was not a fun time. If you have electronics like phones, have a portable charger next time on standby whenever there’s a natural disaster taking place.
But yeah, The Great North so far coming out of Week 4, and going into Week 5 seems to get its act together and having a good run right now for Season 3. Also, the fact that as of this moment, they’re a win from getting the nomination in the 2022 Battle of the Week Voting Tournament. Though anything can change and there’s a chance that Amphibia might bounce back at the time of this review. Now then, back to the Bob’s Burgers review, we go.
So after attempting to blind the elderly over at the telescope station, Teddy decides to waive the white flag and accepts that his fortune from the incoming comet will send him a bad sign and thinks that he should call Kathleen and that what he had with her is officially dead in the waters. This is close to making a phone call until Bob swoops in and has to fight with Teddy to make sure that the relationship that the family worked hard on for over a few seasons doesn’t go to freaking fracking waste. Just because Teddy thinks that he’s cursed for the rest of his life. As if he thinks that whoever is near him in his radius is pretty much an automatic death sentence. Bob ends up fighting with Teddy over the phone in hopes to get him to hang up, which ultimately led to the phone being dropped to the ground and possibly not functioning thanks in part to how fast and hard the throw was. All of that is because we don’t want a potential relationship to end up being dead because someone decides to accept the fact they’re going to have a shitty life. More on that with the argument of he said...well, he said over the topic of the universe dictating our daily lives as we now shift over to Tina in her supposed apology tour.
At least we got a highlight for this episode before heading back to Bob and Teddy and thank God, we needed some sort of breather after what just aspired and that is, of course, Mr. Fischoeder...who is currently high as we speak. Yeah, Calvin took some shrooms before coming here, which makes you question if he’s even given the a-okay for him to drive to the viewing party while being high on mushrooms from his mansion to Scraggy Neck without hitting some obstacles on his way there. And that’s just one of the three shots we got from Fischoeder. We already got the first shot with him thinking that he’s Moses and planning on splitting the clouds to get the viewing party to see the clear skies and get a better look at the comet just as Bob and Teddy fought over Teddy’s phone after threatening to end his relationship with Kathleen. You have the second shot where he flies an invisible kite as Linda continues to search for the kettle corn vendor. All the way to the comet passing by with him now fallen onto the ground and thinks to himself that he wants to tickle the passing shooting star. You probably can’t tell if he ends up passing out once the comet is done, but I bet he probably does. Either that or he possibly develops some cravings, even though you only get that if you’re high on marijuana. But other than that, Fischoeder having a cameo in the episode is pretty much the only highlight I can think of from this episode. Back to Bob and Teddy down by the shore.
With them entering the water for Teddy to continue to get a better view of the comet and to Bob, it’s him starting to get overboard to the point where he ends up losing his cool and tells him that the series of misfortunes that he went through in the past three decades in his life is not from the comet and that universe is out to get him, but instead, it’s more of him making poor choices. Him not paying attention to where he’s going. Giving Teddy a reality check that all this talk about signs from the universe, how the universe dictates someone’s personal life is nothing more than pure mumbo jumbo. Of course, Teddy misinterprets that comment from Bob and thinks that the so-called misfortunes that haunted him for 30 years are all his fault and Bob doesn’t even want to do all of this at all when help the guy. All that and also telling him that he shouldn’t end his potential relationship with Kathleen just because he thinks he’s cursed. But that’s not going to stop Teddy from doing that and wants to end the relationship and might as well accept that his life is pretty much crap as the two make their way out of the cold waters of the ocean. And also being covered in seaweed on their way out of the waters as we once again...
Shifts over to Tina with Tammy and Jocelyn with Tina now wishing that maybe she shouldn’t apologize to Tammy and Jocelyn much like football fans wishing they don’t want to deal with another Broncos primetime game. It’s now getting to the point where Tina calls on Tammy for not getting her side of the apology out of her mouth. I mean, Tammy did mention that she’ll apologize once Tina finished with her side of the apology, which almost sounds like a no coming from her. And having Tina being her servant throughout the night just to get her comet wish to come true was pretty painful to watch.
I mean fuck, it has gotten to the point where even Jocelyn asks Tammy to apologize to Tina. I mean, you could turn what Jocelyn wants from Tammy into her having a tiny chance of development where she may begin to feel bad for Tina. I would take that for her character even though she got some stuff from Tina by Tammy earlier in the night, but apparently, that ain’t it. And instead, Tina has to bring up the pure of heart requirement and notices that Tammy doesn’t have that, and Tammy’s wish from the comet is world peace...not the wish for wanting the planet to not kill each other, but instead, it’s a mascara that is way too expensive. And that is enough for Jocelyn to tell Tammy to apologize to Tina just for her wish to come true. And also to get her out of their sights just as the comet flies by. More than enough for Tammy to apologize to Tina for treating her like a servant throughout the night. But also for the other times, she did some wrongs towards Tina from putting her boogers onto Tina’s locker to even reporting her breath to the FBI. Sounds a little excessive don’t you think? But it’s more than enough to finally end this plot for Tina and not since “A Fish Called Tina” which that was painful to watch and I think most sports fans agree with shitty primetime games that they had to watch throughout the season. The comet arrives just in time for Tina to finally got her apology from Tammy as everyone gets to see the light show, Louise and Gene got to see it while writing down their wishes, Linda found the kettle corn vendor, of course, you have Fischoeder being high as balls while on the ground, and then of course...
You get to Bob as he leaves the water and about to put his shoes back on for him to head up to the viewing party as the comet passes by is where he spotted a random seal in the water. Lasted for a few seconds before running off but decided to stick around for this scene to give Bob a lesson about what just happened. As if that random seal got a front-row seat to the argument because mammals love drama. Anyway, Bob sees the seal as he makes his way towards the top of the gorge and finally believes that the seal in front of him is the universe telling him that Teddy might be right about the whole signal given from the universe and thinks that the universe is giving the okay sign with Bob believing that things are going alright. A good fortune is coming his and everyone else’s way, although knowing the rule of sitcoms, anything goes whenever there’s a situation that would turn good or bad. But that’s more than enough for Bob to accept that he gets a sign from the universe and decides to head up and go apologise to Teddy. Something tells me the burger fandom, not all but some might be getting ready to create a religion out of that seal and travel to the beach where the seal population is available and hoping to get a good fortune thanks to Bob in this episode. Yeah, that’s one way to put it.
We’ll get to the kids to close out the episode in a moment as we transition back to the viewing party with Bob rejoining Linda as she consumes three bags of kettle corn. Seriously, three bags? She’s not really planning on eating the entire bag all in one night? I couldn’t even finish my tub of popcorn when finishing watching The Bob’s Burgers Movie back in May. Why did I order that large tub to watch the film? So anyway, Bob reaches to Teddy as he makes his way to the parking lot where apologizes to him and pretty much proved Teddy’s point about the signs of life. Though whether or not you believe that the universe is telling you something is pretty much up to you to decide if you believe in that. But yeah, Bob got a good sign from the universe. Pinpointing that everyone is getting a good sign, especially Teddy, who now can tell Kathleen that the relationship gets to live to see another day. Also, note that this is the first episode with Bob’s new phone. I already talked about it back in September in the D23 panel recap but I might as well explain it here. From the start of the show to Season 12, the family, primarily Bob as the sole user, we don’t need to count the emergency phone from Tina, sticks to the flip phone with some fans of the show wanting the Belchers to upgrade to a smartphone as the series progresses. And they got their wish once we get to the movie and going into Season 13 thanks in part to Grover throwing the flip phone into the ocean after Louise found out that he’s the killer and also getting in the way of the mega park idea from becoming reality. And here we are with the smartphone, leaving Tina as the only Belcher to have the flip phone. Though Calvin and Felix, that’s another story because they too got their phones thrown into the water though I’m sure they’re fine. They probably got new phones as well. So we’re done with the adults with Teddy getting his good signal from the universe and also an undamaged phone that he and Bob threw during their fight...
We get to the kids to close out the episode as Tina comes up to Gene and Louise as they wrote down their wishes on pieces of paper and ran the supply dry so no one would do their part as the comet passes by. But are unable to light it because they don’t have a lighter or a match. Leave it to Tina for some reason carrying a match with her from the bathroom. I’m not going to explain why she had it unless it’s for this special occasion or wondering why there’s even a box of matches in the bathroom. But Louise and Gene got their flame, but Tina doesn’t have a piece of paper for her to write down her wish now that she got everyone checked off from the list and also had to go through hell when trying to get Tammy to apologize. But at least Tina will be getting her wish granted and of course, she gets the piece of paper from Louise in return for the match and her wish that she wants to write? To kiss a random boy on the Eiffel Tower at sunset while on a horse. You’d think that this would go on your erotic friend fiction for that to happen but okay. At least she got through the requirement and you’d think she would wish for something else but okay. Guess the damage is already done.
So all and all, what do I think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? Well, if we’re gonna be honest here, the nicest way I can say about this episode is mid. It’s mid. It’s not too awful but it’s not that great. The only highlight I can get from this episode is Fischoeder’s little cameo with him being high on mushrooms. Gotta give some pointers on what they did to the visuals with the comet. Not movie quality but it looks nice. But that’s where the sympathy ends for this episode.
The rest is in shambles. This episode gave me some “Driving Big Dummy” vibes with Bob and Teddy. In fact, it almost feels like we’re taking the playbook from that episode where you have Bob being roped into the main plot with Teddy with Bob keeping himself together until we get to the last act of the episode where he gets tired of this shit. This happened this week with the whole notion of Teddy believing that he’s cursed and stepping on a nail became the domino effect for him going through 30 years of misfortunes. Hell, he even threatens to end his relationship with Kathleen because he thinks he’s a jinx. I mean, the closest that Teddy thinks that he’s putting Kathleen’s life in jeopardy would be Dell from The Great North. But unlike Teddy, Dell had a long history of whenever she’s around with a fella, the guy that she dates meets an early death. Teddy is pretty much a cross of making bad decisions and treats it as if he’s dealing with Murphy’s law. But regardless, it almost feels like we’re taking a playbook from “Driving Big Dummy” with Bob and Teddy for the main plot.
Linda, Gene, and Louise took to the backseat with them having small scenes from Linda going kettle corn hunting and looking for the vendor to Louise and Gene taking every piece of paper from the booth for them to write down their wishes. You could’ve done more for them. But Tina’s side of the episode...holy fuck, that was hard to watch. I get that Tina needed to have a pure heart to get her wish to come true and I get that. But going to Tammy and saving her for last in her apology tour but much like what happened in “A Fish Called Tina” with her trying to bond with Kaylee during the mentorship, was hard to watch. Mostly because Tina doesn’t need to have Tammy’s apology and I get that she needed the requirement filled for her comet wish to come true but fucking damn girl, do better. And like I said earlier in the review, shit needs to change. We need to stop beating the dead horse. I mean it even got to the point where even Jocelyn tells Tammy to give Tina her apology. Mostly because of the mascara that Tammy wants but you could probably interpret that she starts to feel bad for her, even though she got some stuff from Tina by Tammy’s demands.
I see a lot of positives coming from this episode online. It looks like I’m in the minority because I still think it should’ve done a little more into the episode. The only highlight coming from the episode is of course Fischoeder being high on shrooms. But then again, it’s pretty much still being bitter with the Braves losing in the postseason. So I’ll give “Comet-y of Errors”...
A 4 out of 10. But that’s my opinion and now I wanna hear yours in the comments below. Do you like it? Do you hate it? Put that and your mini-review below this post in the comments section. We got another episode on October 23 and if you think that it’s a Halloween episode...well, thanks to the MLB’s new CBA agreement earlier this year, this pretty much fucked up our schedule. But tune in this upcoming Sunday for a brand new episode of Bob’s Burgers where Bob and Linda compete against each other once again where this time, they compete on who gets the most homers out of the ballpark. Oh yeah, and also Tina cheers on Jimmy Jr as he competes in a dance competition and you know that the Tina/Jimmy Jr will eat that episode up in the fifth episode of Bob’s Burgers in “So You Stink You Can Dance”.
Follow me on Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram for updates and behind-the-scenes stuff. One of which includes the ongoing first match of the semifinals in the 2022 Battle of the Week Voting Tournament between Marcy Wu (Amphibia) and Judy Tobin (The Great North) with the winner to be announced on Saturday afternoon to see who will advance to the Final Round to take on the winner of next week’s match between Eren Jaeger (Attack on Titan) and Asta (Black Clover). And of course, y’all should the drill by now...
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Donate over at PayPal, Patreon, and Ko-fi pages to help your boy out in both improving the page and paying the bills to keep the lights to get something to come out from yours truly. And until the next episode, wear a mask, wash your hands, get vaccinated and boosted, and remember that you are loved, you are beautiful, ignore the haters, register to vote as the midterms are near, and I’ll see y’all later.
***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Television Animation, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***
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