
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Bob's Burgers Season 12, Episode 21 Review: Replicant of Endearment Part 1: Ascension of a Vendetta | yahoo201027's Bob's Burgers Reviews


We’re now a week away from the release of The Bob’s Burgers Movie. One week away. Time has really gone on by and here we are. Only one episode left in the season until the movie and the offseason. And we have finally made it. The long-anticipated two-parter episode based on the 1982 Ridley Scott film “Blade Runner”. So I fucked things up, mostly because I never saw the film, well’s pretty much the part of the course, isn’t it? Then again, for some people who haven’t seen the show who are planning on watching the film, it’s going to be the same thing for them later this month. So I guess we’re both sharing seats at the ballpark if that’s how the expression goes.

In this week’s penultimate episode of this season of Bob’s Burgers, Tina writes down on her erotic friend fiction as her form of escapism after being ridiculed by Tammy and Jocelyn over the new shirt that she bought with her money, causing her to dive into the world of “Blade Runner” in my spoilerific review of the twenty-first episode of Season 12 of Bob’s Burgers, titled “Some Like It Bot Part 1: Eighth Grade Runner”.

Now as I said, I’ve never seen any of the Blade Runner films. Okay, I lied. I saw 2049, the sequel film with Ryan Gosling. And also the TV series Black Lotus on Adult Swim. Hell, I liveblogged from start to finish. Okay, I lied again, it took me till Episode 3 to jump in. Mostly to get ready for this long-awaited two-parter. And I gotta admit...this was a pretty amazing start to the two-parter. I am not bullshitting you, from someone who never saw the first film and had to watch the “movies in minutes” videos on YouTube with the movie just to get an understanding of the franchise and the references that is about to come, they did not disappoint. And holy shit...this has to be the new favorite of the season.

Though before the official press release came out for this episode, when Bouchard mentioned that the two-parter at the end of the season would be based on “Blade Runner”, I thought to myself, and this was during the time when I was doing Black Lotus back when it was on Toonami, following the logic from the original from 1982, that Tina would be the Blade Runner. And that would’ve made some sense because of the premise of the film because at first, again, going back to me not having any knowledge whatsoever, because Tina would have been the person who would follow the law and has to choose between her job and doing the right thing. Replacing the whole “killing off the replicants” aspect of the Blade Runner and treating it as if she’s the hall monitor. Though “Fingers-loose” from last season might’ve done the job first. So the idea of her being the replicant and Jimmy Jr being the Blade Runner...yeah, that would make sense because you could sense some connections with the Blade Runner and the replicant, being Decker and Rachael. Though Black Lotus did the same thing with J and that signer at the club in the episode where we explored his past as the Blade Runner. Pretty much history repeating itself to the fullest. But still, that also would’ve made sense once the press release came out.

So we might as well breakdown what is pretty much a two-week event before getting ready for the big one being the movie, still questioning what kind of format I should be doing for the movie once I review it, with the Blade Runner parody and also that subplot with the adults going haywire over random vandalism, this is “Some Like It Bot Part 1: Eighth Grade Runner”.

Of course, much like the previous two-parters on the show, being the Season 4 finale and “The Bleakening” from Season 8, it looks like shit is about to go down as if you’re watching an anime, either at the start or the end of the season where you don’t get the credits and instead you have the opening credits roll on in. It’s kinda like that as Tina wakes up for a brand new day and decides to wear the shirt that she bought for herself, with her own money from babysitting, and decides to write her erotic friend fiction based on the movie “Grease”. Think of this as the calm before the storm which will lead us to the “Blade Runner” fantasy. She imagines herself with the shirt on when coming into the school and of course, she imagines Jimmy Jr as the jock and was about to have a full-fledge musical number because that is pretty much the premise of the film before getting interrupted by Linda calling everyone for breakfast.

And we got some interesting tidbits that as to whether or not this might be touched upon later on in the show right after the movie and into the next season and that is Bob and Linda planning something for Tina’s upcoming birthday. Chica is ready to age up a year to 14. Though again, knowing the show, they don’t usually age up the characters or have them go up a grade due to...well, an endless time loop in the world of episodic series. Then again, Tina was 12 for the first five episodes before becoming 13 and that’s her age ever since. She had her birthday episode. Linda had hers. Bob had it a few times. Courtney had it. Rudy had it. Remind me why you don’t want to age up the characters a year? Though then again, take a look at other animated sitcoms where they don’t do Dickey McGee’s act when it comes to their characters and their age unless there’s an episode where it sets in the future. Go and tell The Simpsons that with what they’re doing and playing around with their characters like a hot potato.

But other than Tina getting a new shirt with her money, it looks like Louise and Gene are wondering if she has any extra money left in her pocket because with that, they want her to do something for them to pretty much burn her pockets. Which is of course them wanting a cup of boba. Because that is pretty much what the kids want and that is going to be sticking around for Gene and Louise in this episode and also the season finale next week. This coming from Louise (and also Tina) back a few episodes ago where they focused on the candy that Courtney got them and had to sell their brother out to be a part of her music video. Bob feels tired and groggy after falling asleep after staying up too late from a movie night with the kids as they stay up too late for them to watch a movie marathon and also them not do their homework. They watched “Grease”, hence the fantasy at the start of the episode with Tina wanting to show off her new shirt. And then “Blade Runner”, in which we’ll be heading later in the episode. Again, setting up on where we’re going with this two-parter. And of course, what will be led to Tina to write down her version of the 1982 film.

This leads us to school with Tina showing off her new shirt to the school but somehow getting no reaction from everyone. Though to be fair, getting new clothes nowadays isn’t going to get you brownie points and doesn’t make you the talk of the school. Like unless you’re like in a terrible accident or whatever, getting some reaction isn’t going to get you some brownie points. The most likely comment that you’ll get is probably going to be, “Oh...nice.” And it wasn’t long until she reaches homeroom and is ready for a reaction from Jimmy Jr by trying to get his attention but don’t want to get distracted while watching the school news. Oh, but Tina does get a reaction alright. Too bad that it has to be negative when it was brought up by Tammy and Jocelyn on the school news during their news segment where they judge people’s appearance and it looks like Tina has made the list thanks to her new shirt. More than enough for her to have a bad day at school and another reason why the girl needs a fucking break. And also better friends. Way to make our fucking case, you fucking assholes. Been saying this shit since late 2019. And in last season’s review and now this season all the way to this two-parter. It’s fucking time for her to have someone who doesn’t treat her like crap. Stop treating her social life like a goddamn punching bag and do your shit for once. For fucking once! Because this shit is getting fucking sad. Would say hopefully either the movie or Season 13 would have that set but I feel like they won’t have the balls to do it. This shit needs to be fixed soon; I swear to God. This is getting sad. This is getting really sad.

But it looks like Tina won’t be the only Belcher to not have a very long day that is about to be upgraded to a long week because we switched over to the restaurant and it looks like the bathroom over there got vandalized on the wall by the stall and wrote down “Bob’s is Crap” in all caps. Leaving Bob to do cleaning duty to get the marker stain out of the wall. Now, as for who wrote the message on the wall is now up in the air. Though anyone without a brain probably going to pinpoint this to Jimmy Pesto. But that seems impossible and also obvious for a few things to note that it was him. One is that he would probably have to sneak himself in without anyone noticing. Probably break in though Bob and Linda would probably notice what’s going on. Plus even if he did, what would it be his motive? Just there to be bored? Probably. But again, that sounds way too obvious and also vague. Besides, we haven’t seen the fucker in over a year now since the news broke that Johnston partook in the January 6 riots and put a massive wrench into the show’s production. So the mystery of who wrote the message on the wall has just gotten started to the point where it happened again later in the episode. Pretty much dealing with a serial vandalizer to no avail whatsoever. So Bob and Linda have to clean the bathroom up to get the vandalism off the wall as the kids return to school with Tina feeling depressed after being made fun of at school, causing Linda to take a day off and get her mind off of things after going through a tough day at school.

And so Tina did as she does some thinking and getting the anger monkeys off of her back by throwing her shirt by the closet door in an angry fashion and begins writing a new story in her journal and thus, here we are. The world of “Blade Runner” in the year of...well, in the 1982 film, the setting was in November of 2019.’re probably now wondering how in the hell does the world of Blade Runner didn’t have to deal with anything from Covid-19? I don’t know. You tell me. 

But anyway, the episode transitioned to the world of the original film and it sent us to a factory called the Wagstell Manufacturing, which is pretty much a nod to the Tyrell Corporation that is solely responsible for the manufacturing of the replicants. Replicants, of course, being...well, they’re not technically human. I mean, they look human but they don’t have the same function as a normal human. Mostly because of memory. Nothing like the Androids from Dragon Ball where their humanity has been stripped away all because of one petty induvial from an evil organization wanting revenge on a kid a long time ago for ransacking and beating their asses. And of course, every eighth grader in Tina’s class, including herself, are replicants. Again, they may look human and sound human, but they’re cyborgs made by a factory and are used for off-world stuff. But them having a free mind of their own due to a possible override or corruption in their mechanics is pretty much a no-no and would result in that free-minded replicant to be hunted down. If you read the beginning of 2049, you’ll see some background on the replicants of them being servants. Though this was before a rebellion happened with the replicants. Tired of being controlled and being enslaved. Which of course, lead to that animated short leading up to the sequel film called “Blackout: 2022”.

So in Tina’s story going into the manufacturing company, every eighth-grader in Tina’s class are replicants working at the factory line. And I mean every eighth-grader in her class (sans Jimmy Jr and Zeke) where you have Tina of course. But also you have Tammy and Jocelyn being the watchdogs. Every random eighth-grader, including Henry and Susmita, inspects the parts to see if it’s good or not. If it’s approved, it’s off to the bin. If not, it gets deposed into the fire pit. So when Tina notices a part that resembles a horse, rather than deposing it and put into the fire pit, she instead has her systems go into override mode and attach it to her uniform. This results in some of her co-workers going into override mode as well and doing the same. That alone caught the attention of not just Tammy and Jocelyn, but also the two adults who are with them. Rather, what appears to be clones of themselves as adults, as Tina’s station and some of her co-workers’ station are flashing red from the floor and that results in them leaving their work behind and going to be evaluated.

And by evaluated...I mean getting their memories wiped. Because knowing replicants, the one thing you can tell apart from your usual human in the franchise is the process of memory. Artificial memories to be exact because the reason why the authorities declared that replicants would be illegal leading up to the events of the first film. And again, a replicant with a free will of its own would result in him or her or they would be hunted down. Not to mention the four-year lifespan for each one to keep them from rising up and causing a rebellion. Pretty much what the Wallace Corp has to do in hopes for something like that to never happen, spoiler alert, that happened in between the timeline of the two films. So Replicant Tina awaits what she thought would be a routine diagnostic test like how you have those antivirus software on your computer to clean out the junk that you have, she turns her head around and takes a peek at the process of seeing one of the replicants, being Henry Haber, going through the same thing that Tina will be going through once her turn arrives. Only to find out that it’s not a diagnostic test and instead, it’s a full memory wipe. She saw Replicant Henry having his memory wiped and altered and has a flashback to numerous times that she had come across with the process and tells herself, “Fuck this shit. I am out of here!” Causing Tina to rebel and make her escape fool the security, i.e. the adult clone versions of Tammy and Jocelyn, and make her escape from the area as she prepares to go on the run.

And let’s not kid ourselves, for anyone like myself who hasn’t watched Blade Runner, holy fucking shit, this is getting freaking intense and also a bit dark to start off the Blade Runner fantasy...and I for one love it. We only just getting things started and we got a lot of time to get through this two-parter but the way that the story started with no talking and no dialogue. The visuals, even though it’s nowhere near the levels of what we’re going to expect with the upcoming movie later this month, really screams Blade Runner with how futuristic it looks as if the show is in Los Angeles where the film is set. I know that we only just started but holy hell, we’re now on a roller coaster that is ready to set off. And as a certain someone once said, “This is where the fun begins.”

So after escaping from the factory and now will have a bounty on her head, Replicant Tina takes a stroll in the rain and as she does so, she walked by two people and was this close from being caught but decides to go on with their business when thinking that Tina is a bot, of course, speaking in Korean. So Tina needs a disguise in hopes of not getting caught by the authorities and getting her memory wiped and wouldn’t you expect it, she comes across a bar with a mannequin holding up a sign, thinking that it’s a person, and takes the clothing and wig for her to blend in. But she needs a job to get make some buck to benefit herself. And that’s where she finds a paper from a client looking for a babysitter and ends up accepting the job to make some money...once she takes a nap in the alley filled with trash like a homeless person who doesn’t usually run away from their job and decides to run away from the law. Though knowing the rise of crime we’re experiencing as of late, anything can happen.

And of course, Replicant Tina’s first client in her newfound babysitting job would be Kendra. Kendra is the kid that both she and Tammy co-babysat back in Season 8 who was a serial crotch kicker and talks through her teddy bear. The first day seems tough when taking care of Kendra with her running around and almost breaking vases if it weren’t for Tina coming in clutch and saving the items from potential damage. That’s enough for her to get the shirt that she needed since eyeing it from the window not too long ago. That being the shirt that Tina outside of the fantasy world bought with her own money and wore it that landed her to be the butt of the school from Tammy and Jocelyn with their segment on the school news. So she got her shirt and knowing that she doesn’t have a place to stay, Kendra’s mom allows her to spend a night in her house so she can be Kendra’s caretaker. A nice gesture and hospitality that Tina, after escaping from the factory over fears of getting her memory wiped because she’s a replicant, feels like she found a safe place, a job to make money, and no one suspected her that she’s a free-spirited cyborg would be Tina’s golden token to have a life of her own...until Kendra’s mom saw the digital wristband, signifying that she’s a replicant, and got snitched and about to be taken away. Really should’ve bought like a wrist warmer to hide that along with that shirt. That should’ve kept you from being caught.

We then transition back to Wagstell Corporation as Tina is being interrogated by the highest-ranked officer who has a specialty of “retiring” the replicants, the Blade Runner. And that is pretty much the job of what a “Blade Runner” does, they hunt down any free-willed replicants and “retire” them, which is a fancy way to say he is sent for an extermination job thanks in part to the notion of making replicants illegal and being treated as second-class citizens. As for who’s who when it comes to the title of “Blade Runner”, in the original film, it’s Decker, played by Harrison Ford. In the sequel film, 2049, it’s Officer K, played by Ryan Gosling. And I guess to throw in the TV show based on the franchise, Black Lotus, we had two. The two being Joseph (or J), the ex-Blade Runner, and Marlowe was the Blade Runner during that time in between the two movies. I apologize for being a noob while looking through the Wiki while doing the review. And of course, Jimmy Jr would be the Decker in the parody because, in the film, there’s some connection between him and the replicant Rachael. I mean, this is Tina’s story after all. So why the hell not. Tina’s being interrogated by Jimmy Jr while having her retinas being scanned to see if she’s a replicant, which she is. She’s from a factory. And just as Tina was about to answer the question regarding her memory by bringing up her mom and speaking of which, she gets interrupted by Linda as she calls everyone for breakfast. As if she never had the time to continue working on her friend fiction during the early morning hours.

Putting Tina into a sour mood even more while at the breakfast table with Gene and Louise try to play koi with their older sister in an attempt to cheer her up for what happened yesterday regarding being mocked by Tammy and Jocelyn with their news segment over her new shirt. Of course, Bob would tell Gene and Louise to cut the bullshit because they only want Tina to get over what happened yesterday just to get themselves some boba as he and Linda are having an issue over what to get for Tina on her upcoming birthday, again, I feel like they don’t have the audacity to age up the characters by a smidge, as they’re already preoccupied with whoever the ass hat responsible for writing on the wall. But regardless of any conversation being thrown at the table, it’s not enough for Tina’s self-esteem to get the boost that she needed. I mean, I know that what happened yesterday wasn’t the best because you ended up on the hit list to be roasted by Tammy and Jocelyn, but I’m sure that it’s a brand new day and you’ll be fine...or so I thought.

Because we when switched over to the school in Tina’s homeroom class, the roasting from Tammy and Jocelyn being judgmental bitches continues to wreak havoc on school grounds to every other student...not named Tammy with her braces. Which is odd, knowing the show’s character design, they don’t usually show teeth unless you have braces attached. But I guess Tammy doesn’t do that and it’s not those invisible braces that some have or rather a retainer in her mouth, so there’s that. Questioning the character designs on the show. But no one is safe from being judged by Tammy and Jocelyn to the whole school. And it looks like Tina isn’t alone when being on the hit list and we’ll get to her soon. Tammy and Jocelyn spotted Zeke trying to get the ball into the basket, only to hit a brick and missies his shot, which resulted in him being roasted by Tammy and Jocelyn. Not getting a positive response from Zeke to the point where he feels offended over their comments. Tina thought she was safe from the roasting but here we are again. This time with her failing to pull her sock up while talking to Susmita. Not letting the false hope consume me but at least they got to fucking hang out. Don’t know what they’re talking about just as Tina was about being ridiculed once again. Guessing it’s probably over what happened yesterday. Let the girl has better friends, damn it! And of course, Jimmy Jr gets judged because of the way he runs. Which to be fair, that’s pretty much the fandom’s reaction to that run since “The Gene Mile” back in Season 9. Hoping to be a one-time thing but decides to stick around. Still questioning why they changed that. I want to know. But Jimmy Jr feels offended by Tammy and Jocelyn and it looks like he, Tina, and Zeke are not happy with the segment and feels offended over their comments.

So it would make sense later on when we head back to the story with Tina adding Zeke into the story by interrupting the piano scene between her and Jimmy Jr and accusing Jimmy Jr of playing funny business with Tina because she’s a replicant. But not before dropping a little plot twist in the story and that is that Jimmy Jr is a replicant. Because of course the Blade Runner, the person who holds the title of exterminating cyborgs might be a cyborg himself. Almost like with Decker and K, we might go into an identity issue over whether or not he’s a replicant. But not before he counterstrikes at Zeke and accuses him of being a replicant. So we now have our replicant trio in the story and I guess Tina adding Zeke and Jimmy Jr would probably make sense. I mean, with Jimmy Jr, of course, it’s Tina. But with the addition of Zeke, rather than having a bullshit of a love triangle, which for the love of God, that can’t be a thing for the movie in Tina’s subplot hoping to get a summer romance but it’s to the point of where they feel sorry for them over Tammy and Jocelyn. Tina was ridiculed by them back-to-back with her new shirt and her sock down by her ankle. And now Jimmy Jr and Zeke felt the brunt of the roast whether being Zeke missing more baskets than the Phoenix Suns holding a series lead or Jimmy Jr running like a dumbass. But nothing more than a tease of what a potential trio looks like.

Onto the next day at school where Tina tries to convince Mr. Grant to cancel the segment by Tammy and Jocelyn due to the harm that they’re causing to not just Tina, but the entire student body across the school. But Mr. Grant won’t budge because he thinks that it’s nothing more than Tammy and Jocelyn exercising their freedom of the press, but Tina disagrees. Mostly because they’re abusing their exercise just for them to have their chains to be unlocked and do whatever fuck all by being judgmental bitches. Thanks in part to a giant touch screen that Grant got by blowing chunks of the budget to get it. So it pretty much boils down to Mr. Grant not planning on discontinuing the segment anytime soon and letting Tammy and Jocelyn continue on what they’re doing, leaving Tina powerless after two rough days of being ridiculed to the whole school.

Causing Louise and Gene to step in and asks Tammy and Jocelyn, who are outside of school and taking pictures of random bystanders. Telling the two to stop what they’re doing and should at least do Tina a favor and give the new shirt that she worked so hard to get with her own money a positive spin. But knowing Tammy and Jocelyn, that’s not going to happen. Let everyone note that the reason why Tina is a mess right now is because of Tammy and Jocelyn stepping on the new shirt that she paid for with her money. She worked really hard to get it and now she’s at her breaking point and that is expected to open. Crack like a peanut. And we’ll get to that later in the review. Also note that even though Louise and Gene are doing their best to get Tina’s hopes back up after being turned into a joke by Tammy and Jocelyn, but let’s be real, they only did it because they need her to spend her remaining money to get them some boba. Yes, knowing that this is a two-parter, it’s going to stick around to next week’s season finale. Will they get what they wanted before the season ends and transition to the movie? Only time will tell.

Back at the restaurant and it looks like the message is back in the bathroom and causes Teddy to be upset just as he was about to be out for blood. Bob and Linda also notice and’s back to the drawing board for the two and just wish for the suspect at large to turn themselves so they could have some...wait, they ain’t getting rest anytime soon because of the upcoming film regarding the sidewalk. Spoiler alert, the condition is not looking good. But for now, them looking for whoever the asshole responsible is going to be their daunting task yet. And again, it’s out in the open on who’s responsible for writing a white lie on the wall of a bathroom in a burger restaurant. And besides, the messages on the wall thing is so old school. Nowadays, it’s negative reviews and you could be solely responsible for ruining a small ma and pop shop. Besides, the whole “who wrote on the wall” investigation...this isn’t going to be like with the whole “Who Shot Mr. Burns” debacle where the betting heads in Vegas, this is a true story and you could go search it up yourself, made a bet on who’s responsible for shooting Mr. Burns and a lot of people thought that it would be Homer at a 2/1 odds of being the gunman. Spoiler alert, it was Maggie. Just for taking her candy while Marge was out and his gun accidentally fell off and shoots him by accident. 70/1 odds and boy, a lot of people lost a lot of money that they put into the betting table. This isn’t going to be like that with who’s responsible for the writing on the wall. So Bob and Linda are stuck with their situation. And so do the Belcher kids with Gene and Louise unable to convince Tammy and Jocelyn to apologize to Tina for what they did. And also Tina for failing to convince Mr. Grant to cancel the segment and decides to head back to the story.

Speaking of the story, Tina, Jimmy Jr, and Zeke are on the run and decides to take a bite to eat and of course, it’s at Bob’s Burgers. Because of course, that would be the first place that Tina would come up with when having their characters to go to while being on the run. But it looks like their time on the run seems to be run out as they see a news report of them being labeled as wanted criminals because they’re replicants...that and also Jimmy Jr and Zeke breaking the foundation and not doing their jobs. And boy, that wasn’t long for the authorities to arrive and have the place surrounded. Here’s an idea...wear a disguise. Do that. How did you fuckers miss that?! I get that in the world of Blade Runner, the process of memory plays a huge role when it comes to spotting the replicant. That and also Tina’s little wristband attached to her arm. But still, a disguise would’ve helped you guys a bit. At least a bit.

And I know that not almost every episode, especially in the second half of the current season needs to have a random song number because those things are unnecessary to be added into the episode. I have to give it a pass to this one with Tina being surrounded by authorities as the cracks on the windows and pretty much give not just the story version of herself, but also her real life self. She just wants to express herself. Getting her new shirt that she worked hard for from all those babysitting jobs, the girl only wants to be true to herself. Nothing wrong with being weird. Nothing wrong with being yourself. But what happened on the day she chose to wear the new shirt that landed her being ridiculed by Tammy and Jocelyn on the news, in front of the entire fucking school, destroyed her self-esteem. Feeling depressed over being mocked by the school, upset over the fact that Tammy and Jocelyn poked fun of the shirt and later her sock being down by her ankle...not saying that she’s broken per se, it’s just...I think back to my original thought with the second trailer back in April and I thought before looking at it again after posting it that her imagination might be in question regarding the scenes of her shoving an imaginary Jimmy Jr without pants and her throwing her journal into the wall. Before finding out that it’s her having a romantic subplot and me sounding like an idiot. We’ll get to Bob and the rest of the kids for a bit, but with Tina, it almost feels like her imagination, her being herself is being thrown into question. As if she’s about to wave the white flag and let the haters win. And it is pretty much what one of the verses to the song said, “I’m ready to give up the fight; And admit that they are right.” Pretty much going to have Tammy and Jocelyn have their cake and eat it too when writing down the Blade Runner story. Tumblr user freezerraynoises gave out a pretty good explanation for it. Go check them out.

Of course, we get to Bob’s side outside of the story where he and Linda are doing the laundry and are unable to figure out who would do something to cause them more bark than they can bite. By that, I mean they have to clean up the mess and would have to do it again once the suspect decides to do it again. A wash and repeat situation for them in their subplot. And also Gene and Louise are in Louise’s room, unable to convince Tammy and Jocelyn to back down and failing to cheer Tina up in hopes for them to get some boba. This almost feels like the whole Belcher family is in a stalemate and has no freaking clue, no plan whatsoever as if they’re in a stalemate and have no freaking idea where they’re heading when dealing with a situation. I know that it’s just a two-parter and this shit will be resolved in the next episode, but for once, it feels like they have no idea what to do next. As if they’re dealing with an existential crisis on their hands. Sure it’ll get resolved in next week, but for once, it feels like the family is being cornered with no idea what to do next.

Onto the two-minute warning of the episode, apparently, the basement to the restaurant in Tina’s story has a tunnel that can lead the three to safety without having to be caught red-handed. Tina, Jimmy Jr, and Zeke agree to the notion, knowing that they don’t have any other choice in the making, Bob escorts their way to the tunnel and makes their escape...only for Zeke and Jimmy Jr to not be quick enough from police captivity and rather than have all three members of the trio fall into the laps of the Wagstell Corporation for mind erasure, Jimmy Jr decides that it's for Tina’s sake that she goes on ahead by firing a gun that causes the tunnel to be closed shut so that the rest of the authorities doesn’t catch her with Tina to swore that she’ll save Jimmy Jr from getting his mind wiped. Though you’ll only save Jimmy Jr, who is pretty much the star in every erotic friend fiction who is a replicant in this one...but not Zeke, who is also in captivity and might be following suit as him? Man Tina, what the fuck. And thus, closing the episode with a cliffhanger with Tina finally crossing the line and is ready to do the unthinkable of doing some vandalism of herself by smashing the giant touch board. As possible payback for all the ridicule that ruined her life. All the ridicule causes her to be at the breaking point and it looks like that line has crossed. No more Miss Nice Girl. The time to act for Tina to get back at everyone for what happened regarding the shirt is now in full the next episode. And my God, what an episode to start off this long-anticipated two-parter.


So all and all, what do I think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? I’ve been doing these reviews since 2014. Have restarted doing this since late 2018 as the show suffers through a bit of a decline in quality and I can’t believe that I’m saying these words in the so-called “modern version” of the show, holy hell, I fucking miss this. And Jesus freaking fracking Christ, this was an amazing episode.

And it was worth the wait for this two-parter based on the movie Blade Runner. And even if you never saw the film before watching this episode, with or without having a cheat sheet on standby to understand the layout of the story, this was an amazing episode and they did not disappoint. Sure, the boba subplot...sorta feels like filler from Louise and Tina to attach itself into the main plot with Tina being a “Depressed Debby” and whatnot, Jesus Christ...the main plot with Tina with her story is pretty much the highlight of the episode. From the start of the story with no dialogue being used with Tina, as a replicant, making a daring escape, and having a huge bounty on her head as a fugitive, we were expecting some greatness. Sure, there are some concerns with the episode but holy fuck man. Holy fuck. And all it took is Tammy and Jocelyn being fucking assholes and dragging our girl into the pits of despair by making fun of her courtesy of her new shirt. Again, making a case of why Tina needs better friends and also a mental break, but this was a pretty good ass episode.

The subplot somehow didn’t disappoint. It pretty much sounds like your usual whodunit and you could possibly play along and guess who would be the suspect responsible for writing on the wall. I mean, it could possibly go nowhere in the next episode but it was a nice thing to add. Especially with Bob and Tina doing the song at the end of the episode when dealing with their own dilemmas. Bob with the vandalism on the wall and Tina to deal with having her self-esteem being wrecked after being ridiculed by Tammy and Jocelyn in front of the entire school on the school news. If this week’s episode poked some fun at Blade Runner and Grease, then next’s the same thing but based on the images from the FoxFlash site, Jurassic Park might be involved, Terminator possibly because of the episode title, and I feel like A Beautiful Mind might be taking some steps into the episode regarding Tina. Not like I’m calling her schizophrenic or something, but her imagination at the end of the episode, as well as the idea of wanting to express herself, is being questioned as Tina is now calling for a potential vendetta for being made fun of and unable to convince Grant to shut the segment down.

So final thoughts...fantastic. Possibly a chef’s kiss with how this episode was handled. Sure, some jokes didn’t land and it feels like Louise and Gene’s little side plot feels like filler being attached to the main plot, but this episode did not disappoint, and uh...yeah...the suspense, the visuals, the storytelling, and It almost feels like we’re back in the good ol’ days. As if...take watching the Season 4 finale for the first time...welcome to the roller coaster. We’re in it for the long haul and I for one am enjoying this ride. So I’ll give “Some Like It Bot: Eighth Grade Runner”...

A 9.5 out of 10. A 9.5 but you could possibly feel the number 10 knocking on the door and number 9 tapping the window, but it’s a fantastic episode to start off the culmination of the twelfth season of Bob’s Burgers. And let’s hope that this Sunday’s season finale sticks the landing as we prepare for the big day with The Bob’s Burgers Movie. Tell me what you think in the comments below. Do you like it? Do you hate it? All that and your mini-review in the comment section down below.

Follow me over on Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram for updates and behind-the-scenes stuff. Including, of course, the ongoing Battle of the Week Voting Tournament with Round 3 of the Group C stages between Amity Blight (The Owl House) and Marcy Wu (Amphibia). Poll closes on Saturday and Group D next week with Gene Belcher (Bob’s Burgers) and Marco Diaz (Star vs The Forces of Evil). A really huge week if you’re a Bob’s Burgers fan with both the season finale and the movie release. And of course, y’all should know the drill by now...

Donate today over at PayPal, Patreon, and Ko-fi pages to help your boy out in both improving the page and helping pay the bills to keep the lights on. And until this Sunday for the Season 12 finale, wash your hands, wear a mask, get vaccinated and boosted...and to add some extra stuff courtesy of this episode, be true to who you are, you are loved, you are beautiful, and don’t let the haters tell you what to do, and I’ll see y’all later.

***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Century FOX, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***

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