You just love to see this? You just really love to see this? A two-week break due in part to Halloween and the World Series with the Atlanta Braves winning it all to clinch their second title to the city of Atlanta. Finally breaking the so-called curse of us blowing leads in the biggest games with the trophy eyeing over the town. And as an Atlanta native who grew up over there, thank God we finally got one. Thank the ever-living God that we finally got a title to my birth city. And also finally got to see it because last time the Braves won a title, I wasn’t even born until two years later. So finally seeing it with my own eyes, by watching it on the TV here in Houston, in the enemy camp, was something that I might never forget. So, huge congrats to the Atlanta Braves and the city of Atlanta for finally putting the narratives to bed, and hopefully we can bring in more titles to the Peach State...even though the Atlanta United did back in 2018. Which made me question how come we don’t count the MLS? We should really need to have that into the conversation.
In this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers, the Belcher kids and the rest of the Wagstaff students travel to the beach, not for a day of maxing and relaxing, but more of cleanup duty as volunteer work with Louise going toe-to-toe with Mr. Fischoeder when it comes to the area as Teddy tries to get into the Movember spirit by growing a mustache in my spoilerific review of the sixth episode of Season 12, titled “Beach, Please”.
When the press release came out for this very episode, I thought to myself that we would have ourselves an environmentally themed episode because you have the spotlight focusing on the trash covering the beach by the Wharf. Not to mention having the idea of Louise going toe-to-toe with Fischoeder. Possibly with the idea of him wanting to expand the Wharf or wanting to build something new and Louise would be against it. I know that climate change is nothing to laugh at. It’s a serious thing. It didn’t turn out that way and instead, you kinda wish it does. Because the name of the episode is mostly the kids doing some volunteer work and need a little something to boost everyone to pick up the trash with Louise doing some tweaking in the prize department with Fischoeder once they’re done with the beach cleanup. Trying to up the ante each time before finding out that they’re about to be screwed over just as they’re about to reach the finish line. This episode might as well be one of those things where you just noticed it’s there and you may need a few times to rewatch to try to understand the experience from start to finish.
At least the show is getting into the “Movember” spirit by having Teddy to have a mustache growing out from his upper lip. His reason for it? Well...looks like you might as well wait and see, or just scroll down to the subplot section to save time, on what’s the deal with Teddy having facial hair other than his stubble all over his head. So let’s pick up the pieces from the episode and go through the recap/breakdown within a single page. This is “Beach, Please.” Pretty much the closest the show would go for a beach episode.
So the episode begins with the students of Wagstaff, including the Belcher kids, being lined up with their assigned group for their assigned volunteer work. Whether being working for the library, nursing home, or...I can’t tell what that sign said in the first bus behind the main one said. I wanna say food bank since they’re one of the many places you can do your volunteer work. But the wording there, even if it’s just straight lines, seems rather long. So I’m leaning towards either an animal shelter or building homes. Yeah, it might come down to those two options for that bus in the background. So that leaves the Belcher kids, along with Tammy, Jocelyn, Zeke, and Jimmy Jr to be assigned with Mr. Frond for beach cleanup duty. Causing the crowd to groan over what they’re about to do once they arrive at their destination, but Louise seems to be the only one who feels optimistic about all of this. Mostly because she pretty much compared the upcoming cleanup at the beach to restaurant work. Though it’s nothing like cleaning the tables, mopping/brushing the floor, wiping the menus, or doing the dishes. You’re talking about a vast area of sand by the water covered in pieces of trash laying down onto the ground because people don’t even know how trash cans work other than using it like a drum as if you’re the Houston Astros.
This leads to Louise, being optimistic and trying to lift some spirits up to her peers, by having a fantasy of everyone having themselves a beach party, though in their jackets, like you’re watching a movie from the 1950s, maybe 1960s. Oh right, millennials and Gen Z people watch the show. Think of it as the Disney Channel movie Teen Beach Movie, minus the musical aspect of the film. Them dancing in the sand with one of the kids surfing in the waters. Of course, for the Tina/Jimmy Jr shippers, you have Tina and Jimmy Jr dancing before Jimmy Jr yeeted Tina to the concession stand with Gene giving her a drink. Wrapping things up with Louise air surfing with her peers carrying her across the beach like if it’s a bar mitzvah celebration. You know that part where the person of the hour gets carried on a chair by the partygoers? And you do have to give Louise some pointers in trying to at least give some boost in the ol’ motivation station. She knows where she is coming from. Well, her and also Gene and Tina, but at least she knows about to come once arriving at their destination. And you think to yourself that why would Louise of all people like would want to do something like cleaning up the beach? I’m not calling her lazy or anything, don’t quote me on this. It’s just when it comes to cleaning duties, especially if it’s for a school assignment, she, like with any other kid in Wagstaff, doesn’t want to do those types of activities. Though it does beat out doing other stuff like shuffling books or taking care of old people. Funny enough that in less than two weeks’ time, Louise might going to eat her words when it comes to helping the elderly. But besides all of that, what Louise said and imagine is pretty much all expectations in hopes to lighten the mood. Well, once the kids and Frond arrive at the beach on a cloudy, I’m guessing 40-something degree day, it looks like reality decided to slap them right across their faces.
Because much like with most beaches in real life, it’s littered and covered with trash like your questioning if that is considered a beach or an unofficial junkyard. Which is almost feels like your usual beach after the summer months. People being irresponsible with throwing away things into the ground just because the nearest trash can is just a few steps away from the stairs that connect to the mainland. Just saying that if this episode were to have an environmentally friendly feel regarding the issue at the beach, it would explode right at our faces, but at least it would have some purpose with the kids noticing the piles and piles of trash found on the sand with the flock of seagulls flying over the area and senses that its food. Even though the trash that they consume could possibly kill them like feeding bread to a flock of birds whenever you visit the park. Learned that the hard way. The truth is that reality really loves to smack people right upside the head and boy, the students of Wagstaff really learned that the hard way as they begin to pick up the pieces from the ground with sour looks on their faces. Not the mood that Louise needed and already starting to regret picking the option for the day. Whether being the boys having to deal with dirty piles from empty cups to used diapers, Tammy and Jocelyn, with the exception of Tina, are already busy with something else, and Gene making a new friend that likes to invade his space with a seagull eyeing the trash.
Though it wasn’t for Louise at the beach because Mickey spotted her at the top of the pier at the Wharf and this is where what is pretty much the highlight and issue everyone had with the episode. Because not gonna lie here, Mickey’s voice has thrown me off. It has thrown me off. And I’m not the only one here because during the live blogging session of the episode when it first aired, I noticed that everyone over at Twitter noticed the issue as well. Putting them in panic in thinking that if Mickey had undergone a recasting phase much like with Jacobson and Alex just this season alone. Had to check what’s going here once the episode finished airing. Everyone begins to suspect that if Hader did a no-no himself. I checked and he didn’t do anything wrong. So that option is out of the table. So that leaves the next two options on the list, being him falling sick during the recording session or dealing with some scheduling conflicts since he is busy after all. Either one of those two.
Hi all. Sorry. Despite everyone's best efforts, Bill Hader was unavailable to record and we had already animated Mickey, so we left me in rather than try and find a sound a like. We look forward to Hader's eventual return.
— loren bouchard (@lorenbouchard) November 8, 2021
And we got an update, a day late at the time of posting of the review, but this came out while the review is being worked on with series creator, Loren Bouchard, addressing the issue from this week’s episode over at Twitter, on the tweet embedded above the text, that he didn’t expect Bill Hader bailing on the show. Sorry, apparently “bailing” almost seems too strong of a word when stating the issue at hand. More of him and the rest of the crew didn’t even notice that Hader was going to do other stuff. It pretty much comes down to scheduling conflict because again, Hader is a busy guy. I mean this isn’t like with Jessica when we had her for one episode in Season 4 and had a very long wait until Season 10. And that one was mostly because Kathryn Hahn was a very busy person at the time and they had to be cautious with her character for when is the right time for Jessica to return. Whereas Mickey with this week’s episode, they already animated the episode. They already had Mickey added into the picture that once they had everything set in stone and ready for the actors to record their lines before being sent to air, and that is where the panic set in motion behind the scenes when hearing that Hader is unavailable to record his lines and they can’t write him out. They can’t re-edit the episode and replace him with another character. Which led Bouchard to serve as the understudy to fill in the role. And this isn’t the first time because other shows have had that problem before where they thought everything was about to go as planned but then one issue from one of the cast members, whether being calling in sick, on parental leave, personal issues like a death of a family member or dealing with mental health, or had done some stupid shit like committing a DUI or a series of misconducts can put a dent on everything and have the cast and crew to do something at the last minute. And not it’s just the actors in question, but also the writing, the episode title...basically, everything when it comes to fixing the episode at the last minute.
It’s like with South Park for example during its twentieth season in the final days of the 2016 election where you have one of the episodes set to air the day after the election. Everything was about to go as planned. Mostly because they thought that Hillary Clinton was poised to win based on the polls in her favor. We all know what happened on that unfaithful night and that caused Matt and Trey to make some minor tweaks to that episode. Whether being some scenes being rewritten or changing the name of the episode. Don’t believe me? Check the wiki yourselves.
So Mickey spotted Louise at the beach and it wasn’t long before Fischoeder appeared out of nowhere and told him to exit stage left and was about to head out and climb up to the Wharf, only to be confronted by Louise and telling him about the whole issue with the trash being thrown around the beach and turned a public property into the community junkyard by the sea with Fischoeder doesn’t seem to care about the issue. Mostly because the more trash being thrown on the beach, the more work is being done for whatever group you’re in, whether being in a school or church volunteer group or a sanitation worker. And this isn’t new to anyone here. It’s pretty much an endless cycle with the beachgoers having a time of their lives and throwing trash, mostly because there’s no trash can nearby or gets blown away by the wind, and that put a strain on the people who had to clean up after them. Wash, rinse, repeat. So it almost comes down to why would Louise and the others would be wasting their time to clean up the beach if they know that people continue to throw their shit to the ground and create some issues regarding the environment. I mean hell, payment would be nice for them to at least pick up the fucking pace for the entire day before heading back to school. And that’s where Louise decided to produce an idea to get her peers to have some motivation by doing a little negotiating with her father’s landlord about the payment in question. And sadly, it’s not money that is being thrown into the table, which would’ve been an innovative idea for the kids. But that ain’t it. Which leads to the next item being thrown at them. That being free food from the Wharf. Most importantly, a footlong taco dog. Which is pretty much what happened if a hot dog and a taco were to have sex and create a cholesterol-wrecking ball. Only in America where you can combine two foods into one, especially coming from an amusement park by the shore.
The prize in question causes Louise to call for a kids' meeting and say that they need to get their asses moving if they want their grubby little glove-covered hands on a certain item thanks to Louise playing koi with Fischoeder regarding the prize for the cleanup. That being the footlong taco dog, which has everyone jumping for joy because they’ll be getting free food from the Wharf. Because why not. They’re kids and they’ll pretty much consume anything that might cause some issues to their bodies in their adult life. So while everyone is happy over them getting free taco dogs, you have two people that somehow disagree with the idea of waiving a prize at the kids like they’re dogs when pulling out a dog treat from a bag. Wanting to pull a Manchin and Sinema. You have Tammy not in favor of it because according to her, the prize seems too light for Louise to pull it out from Fischoeder’s ass. She wants Louise to raise the stakes when it comes to the main prize to get everyone involved to clean up the beach. Hell, she even threatened Louise that if she doesn’t get a better idea to make sure Fischoeder follows through with the idea, then she’ll step in and do the job for her. Which to be fair, Tammy as the negotiator is pretty much the same as handing the car keys to a relative that has no driving experience but had some legal trouble in the past. Tina also disagrees with the idea, look at that, Tina and Tammy agree on not liking Louise’s idea...mostly because we already know where this is going when it comes to Louise episodes these days. Louise is about to do stupid shit. Tina is against the idea. Louise does shit and then regrets while proving Tina’s point correct. It’s getting a little dried out. I’m not kidding, it’s getting dried out. That’s pretty much what it comes down to whenever there’s an episode that focuses on the kids with Louise planning on something with Tina being the sane one of the family and making sure something doesn’t blow up onto their faces. It’s getting really old and wish that we should get something new, but...we’re pretty much trapped. And that is what you usually get when it comes to long-running series, you’re pretty much on the boat that is slowly sinking into the water where only two options happen to be staying on the ship or jump into the freezing cold water and swim for hundreds of miles.
Louise decided to change the proposition earlier by heading over up the stairs and into the Wharf where she meets up with Fischoeder (Calvin) along with his brother Felix to have themselves some small talk about the prize in question. But not before overhearing their conversation over why they need the beach to be cleaned. Not because he wants to keep things tidy and organized for the beach, even though he might not give a fuck about that. But instead, Fischoeder only wants the beach to be cleaned up because the brothers are expecting a photo op to happen later in the day in hopes to make the town more attractive. Have more tourists to visit the Wharf. And having the photo with the trash not picked up would kill the Fischoeder’s hopes of making money from the Wharf. That of course has Louise to use that as an advantage for her and her peers to boost some motivation when trying to negotiate a new deal with her dad’s landlord. Because if the kids don’t feel motivated in picking up the trash, the Fischoeders won’t be getting their picture of the Wharf. No picture, no money for their pockets. They have no other choice but to follow along with Louise’s new demands for the beach to be cleaned up. Changing the offer from the free taco dog for everyone to pretty much take the Willy Wonka route as the prize for the day. The full Willy Wonka experience. Referring, of course, having a free day over at the Wonder Wharf. No paying for rides. No paying for food. A full free day over at the amusement park that makes everyone not just across the school, but across the town mad jelly. The Fischoeders don’t like the idea that Louise was pitching and would counteract and at least attempt to lower the demand as a sign of compromise, but with time getting short, and that’s not a take on Daylight Savings, it looks like both Calvin and Felix doesn’t have a choice but to swallow their pride and agree to the offer.
Putting a happy feeling onto Louise’s face, not knowing that when it comes to Fischoeder and making deals, there has to be a shady side effect coming from him and we’ll get to that later on. But for now, Louise got her deal accepted by the Fischoeders and told the kids down by the shore to get their asses up and pick up the pieces at an 80s montage rate by announcing to her siblings and friends that if they clean up almost 100% of the beach, they’ll get a free day over at the Wharf. Something that everyone can’t refuse and so they finally did their shit. By picking up shit. And at a record pace, mostly because time is pretty much nonexistent, the kids are getting dangerously close from having a day at the Wharf with no chargers whatsoever. They can see in their eyes. What was supposed to be a gloomy day at the beach by picking up the piles of trash and regretting their choices is about to change their minds and with the free day over at the Wharf at stake, thanks to Louise making a deal with Fischoeder, the promised land is at their sight. Oh, but it almost feels like Louise may have not learned her lesson just yet. Remember when I said earlier about shady side effects when making a deal with Fischoeder? Oh yeah, it looks like the kids here might not be getting it soon. Especially being only 12 minutes into the episode. Much like with the heist to get the dune buggy three seasons ago or the waterpark in five, the kids’ chances of getting their prize is about to hit a roadblock.
And that all started with Louise, just as she and the rest of the students are about to finish cleaning up the beach, noticed Mickey under the pier in his wetsuit, carrying a bag of trash in his hand, and tried to dodge the question from Louise, only to fail and answers what he is about to do with the bag. Seriously? You used to be a criminal that once held a bank hostage for an entire day and you can’t even lie to a nine-year-old on what you’re about to do with the bag of trash you’re carrying? C’mon man. So Mickey has the bags ready with Louise stepping in and telling him what he is about to do. Revealing to her that he’s about to dump trash onto the beach once the kids are done cleaning up. Meaning that once the Fischoeders got their picture taken with the Wharf that they’ll give him the signal to have the trash cover the beach under their orders. Pissing Louise off because she knows what Fischoeder is doing once the deal was made. Do you think that he’ll just be going to agree with you and just hand the Wharf over to you for the rest of the day? Not a chance, little bunny girl. You made a deal with Fischoeder to get the beach cleaning process to be sped up. Getting screwed over by someone who is pretty much the equivalent of the Succubus. I mean, come on? With now being 13 minutes into the episode, Fischoeder ain’t just going to let the kids have it. And that causes Louise to put down the cleaning hat for a while and put on her revenge hat when getting ready to take on Fischoeder for screwing her over regarding the deal that she made.
This leads to Louise heading back to the beach with everyone about to stop for the day with one task and now they’ll be tackling yet another one with her telling her siblings and friends that them having a free day over at the Wharf is about to hit a dead end. Alerting them that Fischoeder played them like fools and tells her friends that once Calvin and Felix are done with their picture, they’ll be back to square one with Mickey dumping the pieces across the area. So you might as well just say that what they’re doing is, again, all for nothing. Except for Fischoeder who is just using the trash cleaning from the peasants for sport. Continuing the cycle when it comes to the sanitation by the shore. The kids start to get upset over the revelation that they’re getting fucked from their day at the Wharf that now they’re going to focus on getting back at Fischoeder for what he did. And it wasn’t long for them to find something to weaponize against him and his brother once the big moment arrived with the photo ready to be taken.
Because you have a hermit crab just walking through the beach with a plastic cup over the being as Louise, Tina, Gene, Jimmy Jr, Zeke, Tammy, and Jocelyn coming into a huddle and found their ammo to be used against Fischoeder to make sure they’ll get their free day at the Wharf. And knowing that we’re in the digital world and social media being the norm in how we either get together or rip each other off, we all know where Louise was going with it with the crab having a dipping cup attached by using Tammy’s phone to take a photo and head back up to the Wharf to make sure Fischoeder can call off what’s about to happen once the photo is taken. So basically, it pretty much comes down to using cancel culture as a weapon with that photo of the crab with the dipping cup attached ready to be sent online. The ultimate weapon that not even a nuke can even beat. I mean...yeah, a nuke can wipe everything out of existence, but a simple post on the fuck up can really destroy wise of course.
Just as the photo is about to take place with the photographer taking a photo of the Wharf with the beach clean for a short while where you have Louise coming back up to the pier and walking up to Fischoeder. Telling him that the beach is clean with Fischoeder, being a slimy motherfucker that he is, telling that she and her friends missed a spot, “spot” being Mickey ready to dump the new stash of trash onto the sand like one of those people who happened to be assholes where let’s say you finally cleaned up the house and your client seems impressed with the job, only to be a fucking asshole and put you back to square one. But Louise won’t let that slide, despite that Mickey is already given the signal by Felix to dump the trash on the beach and create more issues for the kids, by holding Tammy’s phone and showing him the photo in question. Well...she had to zoom in because the photo that she was carrying had Tammy taking a selfie with the crab in the background. I mean, Tammy was the one who called the shots in picking the photo with her than the crab itself since it was her phone that Louise was using in hopes to get back at Fischoeder. Planning on cropping the image and posting it on the internet, via Tammy’s social media page, presumably Instagram, for the entire world to see. Thinking that the internet would react and cause the image in question to trend nationwide, if not, worldwide and could cancel the fuck out of Fischoeder for the dumping of the trash on the beach. Causing Felix to fear the idea, but Calvin doesn’t seem to care and doesn’t seem to be afraid of Louise’s little threat of posting the image on the internet. Mostly because he’s a rich motherfucker and last I checked; rich motherfuckers don’t give a fuck about everything but themselves. He’s going to get away with it anyway. So it looks like the threat that Louise has made isn’t going to budge and ain’t going to serve for shit. Well except for the idea of paying the “carnies,” i.e. Mickey, to clean up the beach and twist around with the kids’ hopes and dreams of having the Wharf for themselves by making sure that ain’t happening and lower the price from the Willy Wonka experience to just having a Willy Wonka candy at the palm of your hands.
I’m saying that the kids got screwed over and Louise, much like Bob in previous episodes, got the short end of the stick. Having their prize going from free taco dogs to having a free day at the Wharf now back down to having free taco dogs with a side of disappointment. I mean what do you expect coming from someone like Fischoeder? Let you have the cake and eat it too? This isn’t like with what happened with the dune buggy heist. Because with that one, Louise was aware that something isn’t right when teaming up with Fischoeder and when she noticed the company photos with him in the picture, she noticed and told her friends that there’s no way they’re going to get the main prize and now focus on the consolation prize, that being the wheelie mammoth. This isn’t like what happened three seasons ago. While it’s a win for Fischoeder, also a win for Mickey because he’s finally getting some pay or extra pay depending on how much he’s making for working under him, it’s pretty much a total loss for the kids and a kick to the nads for Louise for wanting to get them the prize that they want...only to be shot down by a landlord who pretty much doesn’t have any conscience whatsoever. Oh yeah, and it’s also a win for Tina because morals and stuff. Louise did give Mickey some extra pay in hopes for the beach to not be dirty, though putting a massive strain on him come the next tourist season, but at the end of the doesn’t feel like a win and more of a loss at her end. But at least they don’t have to do that again for the foreseeable future. So enjoy it while you can until we reach the next decade or two where your tiny ass town will get engulfed by rising sea waters because people like to treat the beach as their own personal trash can. So try not to fuck up the Earth, will you? It’s not that fucking hard.
So while the kids are on sanitation duty over at the beach for school, just a few miles from the shore over at the restaurant, Bob and Linda, along with Mort, noticed that Teddy is MIA at the moment. Normally, Teddy would just come into the restaurant in person. But at the start of the subplot, he’s at the phone and telling Linda that he’s about to drop on by at any moment with a surprise from him waiting to be revealed. The surprise once Teddy entered the restaurant with him showing off his mustache. And that’s pretty much the entire freaking subplot. That is all that the subplot is focusing on with Teddy having the mustache. So I guess there’s nothing to say because each scene with the subplot is all about Teddy flexing his mustache that you can’t tell that show was waiting for November to arrive because this month is considered “No Shave November” where every guy out there would grow a beard to spread awareness of men’s health. Even though that gets overshadowed by “No Nut November,” which I will not get into the details. You’re on your own to search that up, though it’s best that you don’t. Also, the color of the mustache because normally it coincides with the color of the hair above. Looks brown in color even though back in the day, when Teddy had hair, it was blonde. And I don’t know anything about genetics, mostly because I’m shit at biology, I’m guessing when it comes to heredity or something like that, you would have one parent have blonde hair and the other having brown. Teddy has 100% blonde from either his mom or dad's side with facial hair being a different color and Teddy having a brown, dark brown going towards a black mustache from the other half. Either that or it just been that way regardless of hair color by birth. Same with armpit hair, chest hair, leg hair, arm hair, pubes. The whole shebanging bang until you reach your fifties going into sixties with the gray hair going in effect.
But other than that, the rest of the subplot is all about Teddy with his mustache. He flexed over at the restaurant, mostly onto Bob and Linda. Though mostly on Bob in an attempt to notice him. It almost feels like we’re taking the playbook from “Drumforgiven” with him really trying to get Bob to notice his mustache to the point where he is about to pop a goddamn vein on his head. I mean fuck, when he came to the restaurant, just as Linda delivered the food to that customer by the door, he’s planning to shave it in front of Bob, not noticing that the shaven hair would end up on that poor customer’s food. Because that’s the last thing that Bob and Linda needed when dealing with Teddy’s weekly bag of whatever ramblings he likes to pull in trying to get Bob to notice because the script said so. And reveals a reason why he would be able to grow a mustache in the first place. Which is for Teddy hoping for him and Bob to bond because a few weeks ago when he told him that he doesn’t like one of the burger of the day specials that causes Bob to be silent. Thinking that Teddy may have struck a nerve. And also everyone because Bob usually treats those burgers like it’s his own child. Never disrespect it.
The point is that Teddy grew the mustache because he wanted Bob-senpai to notice him and also to hang out. Grab a beer and chat. Even though we had that a few weeks ago with the road trip episode with these two. So we’re just gonna pretend that didn’t happen? Like I get that this episode is episodic and doesn’t usually use continuity a lot. It is surprising that this fits Disney’s brand but The Owl House...oh no, that gets the ax because it “doesn’t fit their brand.” Get out with that bullshit. By the way, The Owl House will be competing for the championship title against Hetalia on December 5. Yep, Courtney to third place the burger fandom goes. But that’s how the episode ends regarding the subplot with Teddy telling Bob that he wanted to hang out and put down the hair trimmers and give Bob his blessing to feel the lip hair before getting rid of it because the script said so. Almost feels like we’re ending the review on a sour note. Need something to lighten things up...DJ hit the music! Based on a YouTube video I found.
Appreciate your passion. We're gonna re-deliver "Beach, Please" with a more Mickey-sounding Mickey. Still not ideal, but will be a less distracting choice. (Distraction not good for comedy. No no no.) Can't do anything about the Hader of it all, but I regret that other decision.
— loren bouchard (@lorenbouchard) November 10, 2021
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