So we’re doing this again, are we? The second time I’m doing this to keep this train running for the month, mostly because I need the money to pay bills and other stuff but...guess if that want the people wanted, even though nobody said anything about it, I guess we’re doing this then and I gotta say, unlike the Courtney piece from last week, which was a hell of a piece to work on, mostly because of her history and appearance on the show, this time around, it won’t be like that. This one might be short because the next character up to be featured in the discussion/profile piece of the Wagstaff students and she’s an interesting character, in my opinion, because she only appeared in two episodes, four if you include the two episodes where she’s just there in the background, it’s none other than the eighth-grader who was just introduced to the show in the form of Susmita.
Susmita's Personality
Ah Susmita, the intelligent eighth-grader who was just introduced not too long ago, well if you want to say Season 9 as “not too long ago” because it’s been more than two years since we were introduced to the character though she did came back earlier this season with “Fast Time Capsules at Wagstaff School”. And knowing that she only appeared in two episodes with little to no factoid about the girl since her debut, this could be an interesting piece to talk about Susmita with this very discussion and profile piece.
When it comes to the character of Susmita, what we know so far in her time on the show is that she’s a smart kid. And not in a complemental way, she is smart in her own right. As in she’s one of the smartest kids in all of Wagstaff that were introduced throughout the show’s ongoing run for the past ten years. Others that were introduced who are the smartest kids on the block, other than Susmita herself, being Henry Haber, Darryl, Arnold Evans, and that kid skipped a grade and he’s only eight years old.
Whereas Susmita, though she hadn’t skipped a grade, she is intelligent in her own way to the viewer. I mean, if you look over in the episode “UFO No You Didn’t”, she, along with Tina, did create a device, though various devices like a laptop and a satellite dish courtesy of Teddy in Tina’s request, in trying to contact with aliens though not people smart like reading the writing in the wall in not knowing what Henry was planning for the two girls after a back and forth debate on whether talking to aliens and disturbing them is considered a good idea because...paranoia and whatnot and it took both Louise and Gene to be guilty over what happened and invoked fear to both their sister and her partner and thinking that it’s 1938 via a disturbing news broadcast. Though really don’t want to imagine aliens coming in to invade us and say, “Take us to your leader” and take them to the Cheeto president and ready to bail out in the next minute. I know that once this discussion is posted, Biden would be, if not, already sworn in as the new president but damn it, let me have this joke for the last time.
But other than being a miss smarty pants herself, she is an eighth-grader in her last years in Wagstaff before her and the other eighth-graders, including Tina, before heading off to high school. Liking things like with “Fast Time Capsules in Wagstaff School” that she likes and listens to Boyz4Now and that her favorite member of the band is Griffin, hence you see Henry won the tickets for her, only for a simple fuck up with him correcting her social studies work to put their relationship on thin ice and all it took is him going all melodramatic and using Titanic quotes and play four-dimensional chess by messing with Louise and Tina, who also messed with Tammy and Jocelyn, when it comes to the tickets that they laid eyes on. Pretty much sums up that they’re perfectly right for each other. Though shame in that episode that we didn’t get just one moment between both her and Tina...friendship wise of course. Damn shame but at least she came back in that episode, so there’s that. That pretty much sums up Susmita’s personality in a nutshell so far.
Susmita's Relationships and History
Onto the relationships we go and unlike with the Courtney discussion piece, it best that I don’t do that character’s many appearances in each of the episodes because it would take a massive amount of time and this page being a one-man band, it would drain the fuck out of me. Learned that lesson the hard way despite that Susmita, along with other people on the list who only appeared in like less than...I say three, four as the maximum, to have their history on the show but again, I’ve learned my lesson when it comes to whole discussion pieces and decided to do their relationships with each of the characters. Of course, there’s going to be the issue with the rehash once I get to the rest of the students of Wagstaff but that won’t be the case and instead, it will be on their perspective. Their side of the story and how they behaved around the character in each of the episodes. Also not going to mention Susmita in the background in the likes of the episodes “Every Which Way but Goose” and “The Fresh Principal” because while she is there in those two episodes, she only appeared in the background, so that won’t count. And because she only appeared in only two episodes, she also interacted with the two people with who she interacted the most during her time on the show. That being both Tina Belcher and Henry Haber.
And we begin with Susmita’s relationship with Tina Belcher, which is pretty much the episode “UFO No You Didn’t” as a whole when the two girls got paired up for the upcoming eighth-grade science fair and hoping to get an A for themselves. Tina did suggest originally to have a piece about peanut butter and why it’s all butter but no peanut. Though I think you’re talking about the smooth kind and not the chunky kind or something like that. I dunno. Never liked peanut butter. And no, I don’t have a peanut allergy. I do eat peanuts. Just don’t like the substance, whether being on sandwiches or candy. Tina wants to do that but instead, follows Susmita’s lead in wanting to try something that would wow the crowd and hoping for these two to get an easy A by creating a communication device but not your normal communication device like a cell phone or a video chat a la Zoom meeting and instead, go up the ante by taking it to another level and out of this world in the eyes and ears of the beholder. That being wanting to build a device where they can talk to aliens, which Tina agrees and the two decided to work on that.
Unless you’re Henry Haber, and we’ll get to him in this discussion piece, mostly because both him and Tina are the only two people that Susmita interacted with the most, who is against the idea of Tina and Susmita building an alien communication because paranoia over messing with the wrong type of alien civilization and could have an Independence Day type of situation but after having a back and forth argument on whether on doing the device or not, Tina, and later Susmita, go with doing the project and begin working on it. Despite not knowing that what’s coming for them later in the episode.
Though, just be lucky to have Tina as a science fair partner because the girl does have connections like with Teddy, who had to bring in a satellite dish since they’re in dire need of one in order to communicate with the aliens. Putting her to set the equipment up with Tina on poster board duty, which...apparently...haven’t done anything at the moment. But regardless, after setting shop up with the laptop connecting to the dish, finally going to get some signal. They did, not knowing that during that gap, there was some sabotage at the behest of Henry.
And I know that Susmita’s relationship with Tina seems more like a recap of “UFO No You Didn’t” but here, other than already calling out on who Susmita is eying on in the most predictable way possible, other than Tina having connections with Teddy in getting one of the pieces for the communication device, we also have Susmita telling Tina, while waiting for a single signal from the depths of space, getting some advice. Romance advice. More importantly, advice about breaking out of her shell and hoping to get someone to like her because while waiting for the signal to drop on by, Susmita tells Tina for some advice and telling her about a boy that she likes. Though again, predictable because how Susmita described her crush as aloof that has everyone and their mother putting the pieces together, but she did come to the right place and the right time while waiting for something to come into their spot.
Funny enough because with something like telling someone about your little crush on someone in the school, it would’ve been confidential in like you share it with someone who you trust the most. She barely just met Tina when being assigned as partners. While yeah, Susmita does know that Tina have somewhat of a reputation of liking every guy in a 10 to a 50-mile radius that you could probably make her as a walking target for a nuclear warhead to drop but is pretty much her grade’s, rather the school’s romance expert and talking to her is one thing to describe Susmita wanting to talk to Tina about her crush. Something tells me that during that whole gap, in between the scenes of both Susmita and Tina setting up shop and them ready to send out a signal, as Henry enact his prank to get back at them by having Gene and Louise to mess things up, could imagine them during that gap, could seeing them talking other than the project like getting to know each other because that was the thing that Tina came up at the start of the episode when it comes to Jacobson pairing the students up for the science fair, a chance to make new friends. And imagining that both Tina and Susmita just starting to get along while the sabotage is taking place and with her now telling Tina about her crushing on a guy, which feels like a conversation that should feel like it should be confidential and should be reserved to someone who she trusts, other than seeing Tina as the romance expert in her grade, I feel like someway, somehow, Tina may have garnered Susmita’s trust and potential friendship with her telling her partner that she (Susmita) have to make a move and comparing her situation like going to the pool and have to jump into the water, otherwise it’s her being in her bathing suit for the entire trip.
Of course, we already know where this dog and pony show goes, they fall into the assumption that they played with fire, not knowing that Henry was the one who was pulling the strings just because of his paranoia and whatnot, and now spending what they think that it’s their last day on Earth by going all out. For Tina, hugging her family but also kissing Jimmy Jr...also Zeke as well but we’re not going to touch on that. And for Susmita, I guess the same but also writing a note and planning on putting it onto her crush’s locker but didn’t. Gotten the signal and it looks like they got a false alarm and lived to see another day, only for Louise and Gene to come clean that they’ve (being both Tina and Susmita) got tricked by Henry and even handing over the gift card that Henry gave the two youngest Belcher siblings for their part in the whole thing. That and also a falling out between the two girls with Tina wanting to continue the project whereas Susmita, despite that Henry played them like total fools, considered that little prank as a warning and saying that they have enough material for the project.
But when it comes to Susmita’s relationship with Tina, despite being partners for the science fair for only one episode and I know that we didn’t even get not one moment in “Fast Time Capsules at Wagstaff School”, despite that she tells Henry, when dealing with a dilemma of his own, is hoping for him and Susmita to patch things up. It was a shame that we didn’t get one moment of both Tina and Susmita to interact and catch up in “Fast Time Capsules” but would love to see that in a future episode. Mostly because, let’s face it, Tina is the only Belcher sibling to not have a best friend. Louise has Rudy as a bestie. Gene has Alex as a bestie. Tina...nada. Writers trying to push the narrative in trying to have Tammy fill in the role and most people who watch the show don’t see that happen when it comes to filling up that empty hole of the best friend role with Tina. That leaves with the three options that some fans, including myself, for Tina to have a bestie. Well...down to one.
Would say Becky Krespe, if you remember her in “V for Valentine-detta”, and would get along but...that was mostly because of them getting their hearts broken by Jimmy Jr and because Tina, even after what happened in that episode, goes after Jimmy Jr and trying to make that boy hers, she was doomed to be a one-off. Dillon is another option, and she is an interesting case to fill in that role and she would be a good fit like what we saw in “The Grand Mama-pest Hotel” during the seminar weekend but...she’s from another school and from another town. She can still visit the town but for her to be a long term friend, she has to move. So that leaves Susmita and hey, I’m down with Susmita being Tina’s best friend. She is quirky enough to fit the mold. She did tell Tina about her crush and getting some advice to break out of her shell and confess to the guy, though that took a prank and Tina’s speech for her to finally confess to her boy toy, Henry, how she feels. Tina really deserves a best friend. She can’t be the only Belcher sibling to not have one. And do think that it’s time for her to have one. And I think Susmita, in my opinion, would fit the bill quite nicely.
Onto the other person that Susmita has majorly interacted with in her time on the show and that is Henry Haber. Of course, this was bound to happen in the most predictable way possible when it comes to who Susmita’s been crushing on in “UFO No You Didn’t” and it took both a prank in thinking that aliens are coming in to kill us all and Tina’s little speech about humanity on the brink for her to confess her feelings towards the boy she likes. The boy that she laid her eyes on ends up being Henry Haber and even does the confession via morse code. In which Henry responded in morse code, which is considered that as him liking her back. And again, putting it out there when it comes to the romantic relationship of Henry and Susmita and that is that if it weren’t for Tina helping Susmita out in breaking out of her shell and with that speech that she gave at the end of “UFO No You Didn’t”, these two would not have dated. So you could say that Tina did have an influence in the relationship because she did help Susmita break out of her shell. Plus, despite being surprised that it was someone like Henry Haber, one of the most dorkiest kid in school, other than Tina herself, she does sees that both Susmita and Henry are right for each other. Even if you’re questioning yourself on why and how does Susmita see in someone like Henry Haber? Like no, seriously, how? How does Susmita see in the guy who is pretty much the equivalent of a bologna sandwich?
But a simple fuck up the next day with the whole issue revolving around her social studies work with Henry correcting the answers and thinking that it’s a romantic surprise to have their romantic relationship on thin ice. I mean, what do you expect Henry? Hoping for a happy gesture and let the boat continue to float? Not in Susmita’s case. Putting their relationship on notice and the tickets now emptyhanded and now have Louise to finally have her shot, not knowing that she may have fallen into the mousetrap. Again, this is Susmita’s discussion piece, so to put it out there, got the tickets courtesy of Henry, only for the next day to come and have their relationship on the rocks over a piece of paper. Would say go to Tina since they both know the girl and knowing that she’s pretty much the relationship expert and seems them as a perfect match, they would have Tina as a couple counselor. I mean, that should’ve attached at least something into the Tina car in the Susmita train but that didn’t happen because Tina was too busy trying to outperform Tammy with the whole time capsule thing and failed badly than Trump’s presidency and his attempts to overturn the election results.
Obviously, they didn’t break up nor going towards Tina to help them fix their relationship and instead have to go quoting Titanic, the movie ‘Titanic’, and being melodramatic and that enough patched things up with both him and Susmita and also telling her that the tickets that were meant for her are being targeted and decided to play a role and switch the real ones with the fakes for when both Louise and Tina have to take it from Tammy’s capsule, in which they made fakes and handed it over to Tammy and Jocelyn, who also wanted the tickets. Out here making those four girls in making them like total fools like they’re playing a game of checkers while they’re out here playing chess. But at least they’re still together following that little fallout and even Tina agrees that, despite she got tricked along with Louise over the tickets, glad that Susmita and Henry are still together. Despite the fact that she may have now created a two-headed monster. But hey, at least they’re still together. So that’s a plus.
Aparna Nancherla, the voice actress for Susmita, voices in another FOX show that was created by two of the Bob’s Burgers writers, i.e. the Molyneux sisters, as the character of Moon Tobin from The Great North. Her being in the studio, well studio at home because pandemic, don’t know if that’s how it works (spoiler alert: it may not be the case), bump Susmita to recurring and secondary. Somebody had to fill in that role. Somebody has to volunteer to show what she’s capable of. At least make sure the writers don’t do anything to make Tammy a viable candidate. Susmita, think it’s your time to shine to step up! Thank y’all so much for partaking in reading through this discussion piece, profile piece, whatever this is regarding the character of Susmita, aka Best Girl. Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr are the places to go when it comes to following for updates and stuff. Of course, Twitter is where you get to find out who’s up next to get the discussion treatment after this very piece. Of course, you know the drill by now...
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