Well folks, here we are. At long last...at long freaking fracking last, the light at the end of the tunnel is drawing near. It’s the last episode of the year. And not just any year, mind you. The year in the form of the dragon that would never die in the form of the year 2020. It was a very long year for everyone, and I mean EVERYONE from top to bottom who had to endure what this year had to store. Of course, the pandemic that is still going on worldwide has been kicking our asses every day, and not to mention whatever bullshit the year had to throw on us like it’s the 1890s into the early 1900s back when there was no sanitation. I mean hell, earlier in the year during Season 10 in the second half, my old laptop dead and can’t do anything. But the reviews had to go on. Lockdown during an uncontrollable pandemic in the likes we haven’t seen in a hundred years, the reviews had to go on. Got a new laptop, had to evacuate for the first time (which avoided the worse of the worst from Laura), the blog goes on. And now, here we are...2020...you will NOT be missed. And for anyone who would say that 2021 would be a good year. A better year, no less...for the love of God, don’t jinx it. Don’t fucking jinx it. We all said that about 2020 and look at how we all end up! Careful with the saying, folks. Otherwise, it’s going to bite all of us right in the ass.
In this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers in the Christmastimes, the Belcher family got an unexpected invitation at the yacht club for the holidays with them catering to the masses with Bob suspect that something is up for the whole thing as the kids, well...being the kids and the holiday season, it’s all about the presents with Louise locked ongoing after the present-loaded Santa Schooner, which I hope that’s not how people called Santa over in Oklahoma, in my spoilerific review of the tenth episode of Season 11, titled “Yachty or Nice”.
The Christmas episode to close out the year known as 2020 and apparently, it was an interesting episode. Good to say the least to close out the year. While yeah, the subplot seems too predictable from the start with the kids going after the presents after Teddy came out in a Santa Claus costume and seeing the kids waiting in line for their gifts for the holiday, the main plot, while that close from being predictable and downplayed the episode as a whole, mostly with the whole Bob thinking that Jimmy Pesto was going to humiliate him in front of the crowd in this year’s yacht club Christmas parade with Jimmy actually pants Bob, but it didn’t and that saved it from downplaying the episode. Of course, like with the end of the subplot in “Prank You For Being a Friend”, yeah...2020, despite being a few weeks left in the year...enough with the crazy. But it’s the holiday season, what do you expect would happen even in the year where anything that is deemed bullshit can be the norm like the Cleveland Browns somehow became playoff contenders or Jimmy Pesto somewhat showing some light for the holidays in why he had to give Bob a spot during the yacht parade. Yeah...2020 man...crazy. And to give someone like Jimmy Pesto shedding some light despite that, spoiler alert, he’s a dick, is probably the most 2020 thing to ever see to close out the year. That being said, might as well wrap this puppy up before we jump on over to 2021, this is “Yachty or Nice”.
Starting off the episode to close out the year with the Belcher family setting things up and ready to roll out to the pier with Bob putting in the supplies, mostly the food for the burgers, into the back of the car with the rest of the family, mostly Linda, excited over the yacht Christmas parade and what to expect coming from a parade full of people in their fancy boats showing off some lights and hopefully it doesn’t catch on fire while in the open water. Well, not technically in the open water because they’re by the pier. Though Bob thinks that it’s strange that the yacht club would ever consider the restaurant as a possible catering contender for the upcoming event and yeah...for a restaurant that is not known to the general public, that is pretty surprising for Bob to come up with when it comes to why something that high like the yacht club but hey, publicity. I mean, the place needs some name recognition, and...the yacht club Christmas parade is pretty much the way to do it. Even if it’s full of rich douches.
Of course, it ain’t an episode without a random appearance of both Jimmy Pesto and Trev with Trev being the first to openly mock Bob at the behest of Jimmy just as the family head off to the pier for the parade. Well, more of him just creating a small conversation with the guy only for Jimmy Pesto to come out from his restaurant and ending up pantsing Trev in front of Bob and the rest of the Belcher family. Man, even in the holidays, Pesto is an asshole. Did I mention that he’s an asshole? You bet your sweet bippy he is. So it’s not surprising that you see Jimmy Pesto doing anything douchey and of course, just there in the episode, whether being this one or any episode in the past, just to humiliate or just there to down punch Bob whenever something bad happened or something good happened and just there just to take a shit. And here’s another thing, Trev...being pantsed by his boss...dude, still questioning why do you even work for the guy anyway? Like no, seriously, when it comes to Trev, he seems to be the serious one of the people who worked at Jimmy Pesto’s. Probably one of the good ones in the building...remind me how the fuck does he work for a guy who, let’s face it, is pretty much an asshole. The guy deserves better but Trev...he’s like that guy who is happened to be the equivalent of a lost puppy. A follower I would say. Gotta listen to what the boss said, even if it means to act like an asshole yourself.
The family arrive at the doorstep of the yacht club and ending up being stopped by the...can’t think of the name but I know it’s not waiter, with him stopping the Belchers and saying that only members of the club can go in. Of course, been asked to go around to set up shop. Though you think we would get at least some crumbles of continuity when seeing the president of the yacht club passing through. You know, cause the last time we saw him, there was the whole thing with the plankton that Gene wanted to save from being bleached to death because it’s in the way of the path of the regatta race. Really should’ve done that but...let’s face it, that episode was pretty much forgettable at best. So the Belchers head to the back and set up shop for the upcoming event where...
They come across with Teddy, dressed up as Santa Claus for this year’s holiday episode, with him telling the Belchers about his part for the event and this is coming from the club when coming across Teddy because the person who was originally going to be in the Santa suit got into shape and lost a couple of pounds, thus...Teddy becomes the Yacht Club Santa for the year. Okay, um...weird concept when it comes to the requirements of how to become a Santa, being either the mall or yacht club variety that almost feels like fat-shaming with them feeling pity and their way of saying that they want to get into the holiday spirit and not make them look bad. Teddy tells the family while setting up shop that he’ll be on the boat called the Santa Schooner, which almost sounds like another word for a sleigh if you live in around Oklahoma, and the boat with Santa on it is the last one in the parade where it comes to the pier to close out the event with him getting off, carrying the bag up to the pier, and gives the kids presents donated by the club itself. So technically, the yacht club has Teddy Claus partake in the parade, be the last of the event as tradition, and give the presents to the low-income kids to wrap the whole festival up. Sounds reasonable. Who knows who else happened to be low-income? The Belchers! Mostly because the restaurant is not making bank when it comes to serving customers. That and Linda keeping on sending money to Gayle. That’s also a factor along with other stuff the writers like to throw at the Belcher family. Of course, that right there setting up the subplot with the kids going after the presents, more on that later on in the review.
As the family set up shop for the upcoming parade later tonight inside the show, we have Linda going fanatic mode over the whole idea of the mayor coming over. Which, what’s so great about the mayor coming from Linda? Like, what is her ordeal? I mean, is she just a fangirl who the mayoral process or just the mayor himself? That does that include every other mayor in town? Even the ones who are pretty assholes and corrupted motherfuckers? I mean, just putting it out there. Linda seems to be fangirling over the idea of the mayor attending the event. By the way, we did get to see the mayor in person, but not in face front. So hey, progress. Still waiting on the whole Principal Spoors issue. When’s that going to be taken care of? As Linda fawn over the mayor making an appearance later tonight, Bob continues to question while setting up the booth on how the ever-loving crap the yacht club of all people came up to him and have the restaurant as a consideration for the event. Thus, enter the yacht club president walking by and Bob talking to him over the whole recommendation issue and reveals coming from the horse’s mouth, that it’s not him who called the shots, but rather someone within the club. Now normally, you would say that it could Teddy and that would make some logical sense because Teddy did accept the offer to be the Santa of the parade but also could imagine him accepting the offer but have to do a favor for him to get the approval and that is to have the Belchers cater. That would be the most sense except it’s not Teddy. Nor are any members of the club. But rather, coming from the last person Bob would ever expect and out of everyone he ever met in his entire life. And knowing that it’s the yacht club...looking down to who was making the noise down the water...
It’s none other than Jimmy Pesto. Seen here with Trev driving around his fuck off boat across the waters with Bob in shock, the kids acting neutral because their eyes are already set on the presents, and Linda, despite setting her eyes on the mayor, downplays the whole situation and thinks of the offer was a Christmas greeting with the family. And anything nice coming from Jimmy Pesto, according to Bob, there has to be a massive catch into the mix of the whole thing, and that has Bob to be massively concerned about what’s to come. Though the whole member of the club thing with Jimmy, yeah...he thinks that he’s a member but technically, he’s not. I mean he almost had it back in “Burgerboss” but got denied thanks to Linda bringing up the peeing race all because Bob got all worked up trying to beat his high score and mistaken Tyler as a chicken leg when seeing him beating up Darryl when being high in painkillers. He may be gunning for the spot this time around by having Bob and the rest of the Belcher family to cater the event, but Bob thinks that something is really up and begins to set his focus on what Jimmy is really planning. What is his motive for the whole thing? Well, have Bob talking to Linda about the concern and then spots Trev all alone by the rails of the pier and decided to head off to talk to him. Of course, Linda trying to tell everyone walking by that everyone is fine, there’s no issue going on despite fearing what’s about to go down and also hoping not to embarrass her in front of the mayor when he pops up. Oh please, like there isn’t anything embarrassing coming from the family in front of a member? We all had to go through that. It’s a bullshit term called life. Live with it.
Bob head over to Trev and begins interrogating him on what Jimmy Pesto is really planning upon hearing that he have the Belchers to cater for the event and now suspects that he (Trev) and Jimmy have something planned for Bob for tonight in front of the townsfolk who would attend the event with Trev...eh, I guess you could say a slip-up but not knowing that the two are really up to the audience. Guess the writers decided to go to the show, not tell trope to avoid giving it away despite the you already know what could expect like we already saw what’s to come earlier in the episode with Bob connecting the dots after Trev head off with Jimmy Pesto away from him. I mean, the thing is already cleared from the start when we see Trev getting pantsed and Jimmy Pesto being the one who gave Bob the spot to cater for the parade for the holidays. In front of the people who are attending the event later tonight. In Lament’s terms, what Jimmy did to Trev is going to happen to Bob later tonight during the event and Bob is now becoming that one family member who spends too much time on the internet when watching each conspiracy theory on YouTube and now becoming paranoid over the whole thing. And you think that racist uncle you had to endure on Thanksgiving was bad. Try having someone at home who has become paranoia about something that could embarrass you in front of the general public, like pantsing.
Once the night arrives and the parade to begin, we have Bob arming himself with suspenders from top to bottom, not knowing that one of the ropes that hold the pants down pretty much tugging on his crotch, as he waits for what’s to come during the event from Jimmy Pesto as the kids, well, subplot portion of the review, more on that, with Linda...guess now just being there but working on herself while Bob probably goes mental but got to see the mayor from far away. At least got a good look at the guy but not at the full front. Probably see that in the movie but eh...we’ll wait and see about that. Also, Linda, I know that you’re fawning over the mayor and all for tonight’s event and probably hoping to make a good impression. You know, giving the restaurant some recognition and all, but...uh...simmer down there, girl. I don’t know if that mayor is...I don’t know how many years he has left serving in town, but uh...still got time there, Linda. Of course, Bob’s little charade over him thinking that Jimmy planning on humiliating him in front of the townsfolk have Linda concerned for his wellbeing for the holidays and think that he should probably let that go and just celebrate for once, despite not knowing what Jimmy Pesto might throw at him. That and also not wanting Bob to cause a scene to embarrass herself in front of the mayor. Cause we really don’t want to embarrass ourselves in front of a politician like if a politician hasn’t done stupid shit before. Probably ones that put a scar on their legacy. If you think that it’s Trump? Well...yeah. But that would be too easy with the fucker now leaving in less than a month from now at the time of the posting of the review.
The event is now taking place with the president of the yacht club presenting the whole thing with the boats decked in lights and floating through the waters for the people to see when one of the guys working for the club come up to Bob and asks him to step up to the podium, meaning that it’s go time for Bob to be on Pesto watch as he waits for him to make a move into pantsing him as he walks over to the podium and now noticing Trev making a move and giving the nod to Jimmy Pesto, thus having Bob to go all psycho and takes on Pesto in would say hand-to-hand combat but it’s mostly Bob trying to restrict Jimmy from what’s he doing. Telling him what he’s planning on doing to him when noting what happened earlier in the episode with Trev with the pantsing. Ending up causing a scene with the townsfolk with the whole thing which...uh...really don’t want to imagine the boaters while busy driving around during the whole parade while this is happening. Mostly because if they’re focus is on the fight than the parade route itself, then uh...we be looking at a possible catastrophe with potential boat crashes like it’s NASCAR. The fight, of course, has both Bob and Jimmy down to the frozen ocean waters with everyone looking down and disrupted the event altogether.
Thus leading to Bob and Jimmy now recovering and drying inside from the whole bruhaha that happened earlier with Jimmy...yeah, looks like he ain’t getting that membership at any time. Hell, I don’t think a blood ritual is going to help the guy in getting the spot. But yeah, both men are peeved over the whole issue with Jimmy mad at Bob for ruining his shot in getting his membership at the yacht club and Bob mad at Jimmy for what’s he is actually going to do with him over at the podium and pants him in front of the group. That’s what Bob thinks but in reality, the reason why Jimmy recommended Bob to the club is that and he’s trying to hide it in front of the guy he hates but ultimately failed over that and this feels more like a concession that the club, in his thoughts, would like his food. He thought that the yacht club would like Bob’s food. Over his own. That explains why Bob ended up having the spot for the parade because Jimmy thinks that his food won’t work and he would go the last possible option he would go to in order to get a spot in the yacht club and that is to recommend Bob and his restaurant to take the catering gig...y’all were waiting for a joke, are ya? Yeah uh...there’s no joke. Jimmy Pesto, of all people, did something nice for Bob despite the pantsing thing with Trev earlier in the episode that he thought that he was going to do to him but didn’t. You know that moment back at the end of “Prank You For Being a Friend” when Jimmy asked both Bob and Linda to do a round of toy car racing, mostly because the guy may be an asshole, but the friend list seems to be limited? Yeah...2020...what the actual fuck? Only a few weeks left in the year and you think that everyone was hoping for the end of the world to come, I think this might be one of the signs of the end times.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, do think that each of the characters on the show should deserve some development and this right here does feel like it with Jimmy Pesto trying to show that he may be an asshole, and he still is, even if it’s just the writers throwing bread crumbs into the viewers. But remember, it is a sitcom. Continuity over here is considered scarce like getting disinfected wipes and/or spray for the house during cold and flu season in the middle of the pandemic. We’re gonna be back to square one with them hating each other, but for now, consider this a Christmas miracle in the most 2020 way possible.
With the whole thing that popped out of nowhere coming from Jimmy Pesto himself, courtesy of the shit year known as 2020, Bob now feels bad about the whole thing and also caused a scene to disrupt the event minus the boat accident, thank god for that, in dry clothes which is mostly membership clothes with Bob deciding to the right thing by heading over to the club president and tells him that he should let Jimmy Pesto into the yacht club. He didn’t even know that he would ever do that. And Jimmy Pesto, he may be an asshole, and he still is, but Bob didn’t even notice that someone like him would do him a favor and it looks like Bob is doing it in return in telling the club president to give him a spot. At least give him a chance. I mean, at least he’s doing his best out there to make amends in return and the whole Pesto membership thing...guess you could say it’s pending at the moment. Yeah, it’s pretty much pending with Bob’s offer to get Jimmy a spot in the club. So...that’s something to help out a rival that pretty much verbally kicking you right in the shins but it’s the holidays and the overused message of the holiday season is to be kind, even if the person who you’re helping is the person who is deemed as a freaking a-hole.
Of course, Bob and Linda and the restaurant did get something in return following the whole thing and of course, the kids getting their gift, the subplot...we’re almost there. We’re almost there. With the assistant to the mayor come up to the Belchers and tell them that a certain important someone seems to be liking the burgers that Bob made. That ending up revealing to be the mayor, who...ate off from the floor by using the 3-second rule. Yeah...no. Not in these times, Mr. Mayor. Not in these times. That’s how you get pinworms. Their son got it just from eating a tater tot from the floor after getting picked up by a schoolmate after getting out of the bathroom. Just putting it out there. But regardless, the mayor of the town likes the burgers that Bob made for the event. So look at that, talk about something of a Christmas miracle in both helping a rival in getting a spot for the yacht club and also somewhat of a mayoral approval of the food, even if it’s fallen on the floor. Just don’t imagine what to expect on the window with a piece of paper taped and said, “The Mayor’s favorite place”. I mean, he’s the mayor, not Guy Fieri, the mayor of Flavortown. But regardless, looks like things are going well for the Belchers during these holiday seasons despite being in a pandemic which will all be over soon with the vaccine. Of course, there’s still the subplot of the episode and I’ll cut to the details, predictable.
So while Bob had to endure what’s it like to be paranoid during the holiday season like everyone thinking that it’s still March, we have the kids gunning for something that they want after enduring Teddy dressed up as Santa Claus. Yep, going after the presents in the bag with them seeing the line forming though Louise, who doesn’t want to be patient for the whole thing, decided to take the bypass route and walks towards Teddy for the family-friend discount. Trying to lie their way to get the presents for themselves and not the low-income kids, ironic because they’re kinda low-income themselves, and whatnot but Teddy here, seems rather nervous about the whole thing. Not over the whole should he or should she not hand the presents to the Belchers early before everyone else does, though pretty sure that’s not what the actual Santa would do. But also the case of the upset stomach feels known as nervousness because he’s taking the role of the jolly man himself and let’s face it, despite that it’s only for tonight, fearing that he might fuck this up. I mean, don’t blame him for that. After going all the hell he caused throughout the year that most fans think that he may cause the show to go towards a downward spiral, might as well just give him a break. I mean, it is the holiday season after all, and we won’t see this until...around January 10 (update: it’s now a wait and see. More update in the comments or follow me on Twitter for that for any updates) I believe. Just hopefully 2020 doesn’t fuck anything up for the remaining days. Still waiting for the apocalypse on the bingo card. But regardless of that, the whole family-friend discount didn’t work out for the three kids, but the day is not over with because they did spot someone that is now considered a plot device for the Belcher kids to get their way for the holidays...
Enter, Gus. Who is just there for this scene before entering the nighttime hours and the event taking place where they spot Gus on a boat and ready for a now or never moment of hijacking Teddy’s ship, Santa Schooner, drive the boat across the Red River and make way for Oklahoma. Of course, Tina doesn’t think that Louise should not do the plan because it’s wrong and her being the sane one of the three when partaking in the heist for the holiday season but that won’t work on Louise and have the plan to go as scheduled and enter the boat and make their way to the schooner to take the presents like little Grinches minus the hatred for the holiday.
Tina, Gene, and Louise finally arrive at the boat with the help from Gus as transportation and search around the boat like pirates hijacking the ship in search for some stuff. And not like pirates like in One Piece, more of pirates you see in the news when hijacking cargo ships like Somali pirates. You saw Captain Phillips. But it doesn’t take long until the Belcher kids are caught red-handed by Teddy, who now just called them out for wanting to take the gifts from the other kids. Mostly to just get out of work and now were given the two choices from him on what to do with the gifts, either be patient and have the other kids get their gifts? Or just act like spoiled brats and take the gifts away from the kids so that whoever comes up next in line in the matter of time goes home empty-handed. It’s the Belcher kids...it’s Louise...knowing that we’re in the mid-section of the subplot...you already know what the answer is going to be. So let’s just wrap this puppy up because y’all already know where this is going with it. Hey, could be worse. At least they’re not planning on burning an orphanage down. They wouldn’t stoop that low in the meter. And they’d accidentally burned down a kitchen a few episodes ago.
They got their gifts and about to head back to the mainland but now decided to say, “Yeah, maybe we should take the gifts back because they needed it more than we do.” I mean, this was bound to happen anyway. What? Do you think that they just gonna run off to the mainland with the gifts and just call it day? Not in this Christmas episode, folks. Because the kids now decided to head back to Teddy, now passing out the gifts to the kids waiting in line for the whole day. The whole day...I get the wait for Santa but no time for a bite to eat or to take a piss? Something tells me that they might be preplanning for when Black Friday comes into the picture. Probably going after something that hot right now like the PlayStation 5. The kids return the gifts to Teddy and feel bad for taking the gifts from the other kids who were waiting for hours on ends with Teddy asking the kids to do a little job, a little side hustle, of getting an extra beard. Don’t know why he would need that if he’s wearing one with no issues whatsoever. But...when the kids enter back to the boat for the thing, they noticed something a note attached to the duffel bag and read, only to find out that all three of the Belcher kids got a gift from Teddy. Already knew that they’re gonna come around to their senses for whatever reason though it is the holiday season, might as well put it out there, and the gift that the kids got for the holidays this time around? As Teddy deal with the crowded kids crowd like he’s an employee at the store and the consumers mobbing through the stores like it’s the morning after Thanksgiving. So the gift?
A remote control truck! One truck for all three Belcher kids to control it with via battery-powered control, batteries not included. Of course, had to disrupt the people who are planning on leaving and already know the shtick by now at the end of the episode with Bob feeling bad about what happened, telling the yacht club president to give Jimmy Pesto a spot in the club, and of course, finding out that the mayor eats a burger that Bob made from the floor and somehow liked it. Thus, ending the episode with Teddy Claus now back into the ring to close out the year that is known as [year redacted] with him still offering erasers because why not. Treating it like it’s apples or anything healthy on Halloween though if you ended up gotten hand sanitizers this Halloween, might as well use that than throwing it away because of pandemic and all. Though erasers that Teddy wanting to pass out to close out the episode, might as use that, metaphorically, to erase the year that happened to be a total shitshow known as the year of our Lord [year redacted]. Anyone on social media who wish for 2021 to be a good year, word of advice...don’t. Just...don’t. We don’t want to jinx and turning it into 2020 version 2 come January 1st.
So all and all, what do I think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? Well, surprisingly with the episode from top to bottom, it’s an interesting episode. Rather, a good one to my liking. Mostly on the main plot of the episode and how it avoided from downplaying the episode as a whole. Though, the subplot on the other, yeah...we already knew the outcome since the synopsis came out a few weeks ago before the episode deep right air on TV and online.
I’m more surprised on the main plot, deep around the final minutes of the episode with the whole Bob paranoid over the whole Jimmy thing and how and why he gave him a spot at the parade and thinking that he’s out to get him and embarrass him in front of the folks during the presentation by pantsing him like what he did to Trev at the start of the episode. Although Trev...still don’t know why you would work for the guy who is pretty much an asshole to the max. In the least favorite character tier next to Hugo but at least with Hugo, there’s some reach around in the ol’ character development...kinda. Whereas Jimmy Pesto, I feel like the dude may not have any redeemable factors onto his character but then all of a sudden, with knowing how insane this year was, with what happened in “Prank You For Being a Friend” in Season 10 and again for this episode in Season 11, now you feel like something is up and now I feel like we’re now at the end times. Not for the year, but for the world in general.
Though I gotta give props to the main plot for saving the episode around the final minutes after Bob feels bad for Jimmy after finding out his reason for recommending Bob to the yacht club to cater for the event. For a moment there, with only minutes to spare, you would expect Jimmy to at least pants Bob as predictable as it can be...but it didn’t. That didn’t happen and somewhat surprised me to the core, even for a Christmas episode and having Jimmy Pesto into the spotlight. And I think that may have saved the episode from getting somewhat of a low rating. The subplot somewhat downplayed the episode with how predictable it was with the kids pulling a heist to get the presents, only to give them back. But the main plot at the end of the episode saved it in my opinion and I guess that’s pretty much a Christmas miracle to close out the year. Though yeah, not gonna mention the subplot. That was predictable from the very start though at least we have Gus making an appearance. Good ol’ Gus. He’s...just there. Just there.
So final thoughts, an interesting episode. A good one to say the least to close out the year known as [year redacted] with the final minutes of the main plot saved the episode like it’s a hail mary in the final minutes of a game from a team down by three with only four seconds on the clock in the fourth quarter. Jimmy’s reason to have Bob to cater for the event just to land himself a spot for the yacht club is pretty much, in my opinion, the most 2020 way to endure coming from the show. Though the subplot...yeah, predictable from the start. Hell, predictable when the press release came out. But regardless of that, this was a very good episode, no bullshitting here. So I’ll “Yachty or Nice”...
An 8 out of 10. Happy Holidays, you animals. That’s my opinion and now I wanna hear yours. Tell me what you think about the episode. Do you like it? Do you hate it? Do you think that someone like Jimmy Pesto could get redemption? How surprised are you with Jimmy’s reason for getting Bob the catering job? When will we finally see the mayor in full frontal in the future of the show? And will you be receiving a gift from Teddy Claus? All that and your mini-review in the comments down below. Onto 2021 we go...for God knows when now at the time of this posting, it’s going to take a while before getting a new episode and I now needed some long-needed rest for the holidays...unless something changes. Then we’ll see. Of course, the Battle of the Week Voting Tournament, the winner will be announced on the night of December 18. Voting still open from now to the 18th with the link over in the last review via photo link. But yeah, there’s that.
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***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Century FOX, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***
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