So the quarantine life? It’s been almost a month since all shit broke loose with the virus and let’s just say...some of you guys already forgot what day it was or forgot that there was even a new episode. Time ever since the whole shit with the coronavirus going on pretty much went mental that you forgot that what’s considered Sunday and what’s considered what your anniversary was supposed to be. That and you almost forgot that we’re now down to four episodes left in the season once the review is posted. Time at least is moving fast and probably be hurling towards our deaths in like...I don’t know...June? Yeah, let’s go with everyone dead around June.
In this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers, Tina attends a tap dancing recital of her now former flame in Josh only for a mishap to takes place and must track down who wanted to take him down as both Gene and Louise challenge each other to a food war with the winner to have its burger to be featured on the burger of the day board in my spoilerific review of the eighteenth episode of Season 10 of Bob’s Burgers, titled “Tappy Tappy Tappy Tap Tap Tap”.
Okay, one way to describe this week’s episode in a nutshell is pretty much sums up in two words, mixed feelings. I mean don’t get me wrong, it was an okay, if not, an alright episode to say the least. Issues I have may have to come with the main plot, mostly with how it was executed and the direction it was going. Went from predictable when thinking that Douglas was the culprit to downright going nowhere when finding out that Josh pretty much did that to himself for no whatever reason whatsoever. Speaking of Josh, he’s back. You think that with Jessica’s return would make him the only recurring character to have a very long drought when it comes to reappearing to the show even though he made it in two episodes in Season 3. That’s not the case and it looks like we got him. But it looks like the whole Tina/Josh ordeal and whether they should be together...yeah, looks like that ship has hit the iceberg, or rather just headed out to sea only to deal with equipment failure due to outdated technology.
Of course, the subplot was rather fine, if not, okay. The subplot has some ups and some downs. Do kind of love the idea of Gene and Louise going at it on who's going to get their name onto the board to have their burger to be featured...mostly because of Tina not doing the work to go attend Josh’s tap-dancing recital. Even though Bob thinks at first thought it was a good idea because of a dream he has of the kids working behind the counter...only to meet with reality that yeah...the kids may need some work, just like this episode. How does it stack up? Let’s check it out through various amounts of words, this is “Tappy Tappy Tappy Tap Tap Tap”.
Starting off the episode with Tina walking into the restaurant with the family doing their normal work, or in Gene and Louise’s case, messing around. She only arrives back at the restaurant to tell her family that she’s heading out to attend Josh’s dance recital, but doesn’t seems too amused over the idea of her going to an event where her former flame comes into play for his special day. Mostly because she thinks that him asking her to attend the dance recital and possibly the show as a whole would signal Josh wanting to go back into Tina's heart. And thinks that things between her and Jimmy Jr are going much well...from a simple greeting. This coming from the girl who got overdramatic over the Valentine’s Day card that got the word “from” rather than “love” and thinks that her life is pretty much fucking over with. That’s like if someone asks you for a dollar to get some change to fill in the parking meter and you give that person that said dollar and next things you know, you think y’all are dating...even though he or she just asked you for a fucking dollar! This pretty much make the Tina/Jimmy Jr shippers full on cringe over the idea of Josh coming back, mostly because of fears that Josh damage the potential possibilities of them being together, even though them, being Tina and Jimmy Jr ending up together is now at a 63% chance of that being a thing.
But yeah, Tina is heading out to the dance recital and see him act and telling him that he’s not interested in a relationship with him, thus giving her the day off. Which pretty much peeved off both Gene and Louise, which they are calling bullshit to the idea that Tina gets a day off from work and not them, starting off their subplot with them going at behind the counter and having themselves a competition, which goes later in the review.
Tina makes it to the performing arts school and meet up with Josh, who is getting prepared for his big recital before the big show with Josh going for the hug but Tina just ending up cutting it short and go straight towards the friendly gesture of hand shanking. Though during these hard times thanks to the coronavirus, handshakes are now a thing of the past and the thing for the future is going to be fist and elbow bumps and hopefully something not offensive to some. Josh seems optimistic over the whole show that he been practicing nonstop, that and feeling nervous about the big night but that’s not going to stop him. Not like something bad is going to happen that might...I don’t know...cause him to have a mishap on stage. That would be ridiculous to think about. Tina isn’t the only person who has to attend the show and support Josh on the big, though somewhat small, stage over at the performing arts school...
Douglas also makes a resurgence into the show and looks like he must come and watch the show. Apparently, Douglas here is not a big fan of tap dancing and doesn’t want to be here watching people doing their thing with their fancy schmancy tap dancing shoes but because Josh is hitting the stage with tap dancing, he has no other choice but to watch and has to support his friend. So it’s pretty much a sucky pill for him to swallow. Well unlike with uh Gene back in “Roller? I Hardly Know Her!”, who didn’t support Alex’s idea of becoming Courtney’s dance partner...even though that was him going behind Gene’s back and Doug, rather Ass Hat Joe, making him do it. So the two watch the show, the whole show, with Josh tapping his way to the stage and throughout the whole recital all the way to him ready to head up the stairs and ended up causing a mishap in the middle of the show, thus causing the recital to be put on pause, if not, postponed and of course, for both Tina and Douglas to head out and check up on Josh, who is now suffering from a broken leg.
Josh got a broken leg, rather kneecap. In entertainment terms, it’s not that good and putting the show on pause until the understudy takes over for the show to go on. In sports terms, sit this one out and let’s hope this doesn’t destroy your career. So yeah, Josh’s leg got hurt following a massive mishap and then suddenly, out of the blue and from a tip of the hat, sabotage is a foot. Cause apparently faulty equipment is no longer a reasonable option leading up to the incident. Anyone who seen that episode of Victorious with that whole who done it episode which almost feels like this episode in particular.
Point is, someone is out to get Josh for no whatever reason, and it looks like it’s up to Tina for finding that sick son of a bitch to attack her former boy toy. Tina and Douglas decided to team up for once and track down the suspect by doing some questioning towards the people who were both on and off the stage beginning with talking to the instructor and announcer of the tap dancing event, now postponed, over who was the mastermind who decided to think that stairs are a good idea to use for the stage. Found out that the people who were using the stairs and brought it on stage were pretty much her and some of the people who work behind the stage, mostly the design crew. And that’s where the good cop, bad cop mentality comes into play with Douglas as the good cop and Tina as the bad cop when going after the people who worked behind the stage as the accident took place hours ago. And how does that work out?
With Tina taking the bad cop role a little too seriously. Well not too seriously unlike a certain someone who tried that by bringing out a cattle taser thing from his backpack. You know who I’m taking about. Going after a guy named Roy, in which Tina thinks that his name is Sawyer, mostly because it’s the first guy to come across with. So she tried again and go after the guy who is actually named Sawyer and accuses him of sabotaging Josh but he’s not the understudy to Josh and not actually the Sawyer who has the role since his name is pretty much Sawyer J. and ask the two that it’s Sawyer D. But it looks like Douglas decided to head out for a bit, hopefully forever, to attend Josh’s wounds, thus leaving Tina alone to find the suspect despite that some of the audience pretty much beginning to think that something is up that it might be him, but let’s just rip the band-aid off right away with this whole trying to find the suspect through a forest of stage handlers like it’s apple picking out in the woods. Speaking of Sawyer D. and Tina’s quest to find the suspect in play...
Yeah, Sawyer D. is like “yeah, I’m getting the fuck out of here” when Tina eyes him and exits out from the backdoor, causing Tina to chase after him in a slow speed chase all the way to the other side of the gate and caught him red handed except that three things that pretty much missed. One being that yet again, she got the wrong Sawyer. Because that’s NOT the Sawyer that Tina was looking for when it comes to who has the understudy part and mostly the guy who passes out the hats. Lots of Sawyers in these necks of the woods, mostly because the somewhat hit show “Lost” pretty much was a hit when these fuckers were born. So, uh...yeah, pretty much an uncommon occurrence when it comes to naming your child after fictional characters. That and the potential hazing. So that’s pretty much strike one for Tina. The other problem that she encountered is the person that she was supposed to go after, Sawyer R., is absent from the scene because he threw up earlier in the day when trying to impress a girl by drinking aquarium water which...okay why? Why would ever do that? Now I’m going to believe that people would drink that than drinking Dasani water. I know that it has salt in it, thus having some problems but when it comes to either die from thrust rather than getting the virus or drink Dasani...fuck it, I rather go with Dasani. Better than die from dehydration. But that’s pretty much two problems that Tina have when trying to find the suspect responsible for hurting Josh during the recital. But then Sawyer D. come with up with something that pretty much peeked Tina’s interest during the whole thing, that when bringing up Douglas into the conversation.
Now, you could ask yourself why Douglas? Why bringing him up? What make you think that he’s the culprit behind the mishap even though he doesn’t like tap dancing? Well unless you watch like various shows in the past with that whole trope of someone is pretty much the culprit despite that they have no interest in joining until the final minute, yeah pretty sure everyone and their mother know that Douglas has now become private enemy number one when finding out from Sawyer D. that Douglas did audition for the part but didn’t make the cut. And Tina thinks that him not getting the role would pretty much mean hurting his best friend, and possibly lover I don’t know if that’s confirmed or not, by sabotaging the recital and wait for the plan to strike. That’s like if Julius Caesar, days leading up to his murder, go on a walk with his best buddy Brutus and Julius telling Brutus about how the land we conquered isn’t enough and wants more so the murder has to be planned out. I don’t know if that’s the right analogy but it pretty much stabbing your friend right in the back. Tina won’t let that lightly and decided to head back to the theater to stop Douglas from doing the dirty deed but...
You can thank Sawyer D. for not knowing that the gate has no door from behind and didn’t know that the gate can automatically lock itself! At least it’s not one of those fancy locks where you must put in a pass code that happened to be electrified, not like in the form of that gate from “Stand By Gene” with Zeke trying to get over but ending up getting electrocuted only to have Darryl to find the door, but you get the idea. Tina and Sawyer decided to jump over the gate with little time to spare with Sawyer going first to go over...only to be stuck and don’t want to jump down because he thinks that it’s 50 feet high. So looks like motherfucker here is afraid of heights and can’t jump down and it took a while or two until he finally jumps over with Tina helping him conquering his fear by pressuring him...into thinking that the hats needed to be passed out for tonight’s show and him not being there would make the situation worse and that’s where finally decided to jump down across the gate and opens it for Tina. So look at that, fucker here finally got over his fear...for now over a hat emergency. So uh...hey, progress!
Tina finally made it back inside through Naruto running and storms towards Josh’s dressing room with Douglas treating Josh’s wound with Tina pinning him down and accuses him of being the person responsible for sabotaging Josh during the recital. All that noise ended up causing the instructor to come in and check up what’s going on with Douglas telling her that he’s only here to replace the ice pack for Josh’s knee to prove his innocence. But Tina, heard from Sawyer D. when being trapped behind the gate, brought up that Douglas once auditioned for the part that Josh got and pretty much surprises him because the guy is not a big fan of the whole tap dancing experience. But apparently, his dad, who happened to be a big fan of tap dancing, pretty much made him to audition against his will. Even though he doesn’t want to do the whole thing even though the parent wants their child to do something that they like.
Bet these two would get along. I mean Courtney don’t want to be in the roller-skating competition last season in behest of her dad Doug that even both Gene and Alex don’t want to be a part of. And of course, this season with Douglas here when he doesn’t want to do tap dancing just because his dad likes it and had to audition in behest of him, even though he didn’t make the cut. So it looks like Douglas might be in the clear over what happened, and thus pretty much point the fingers over at Ms. Morris, the name of the instructor, for being the mastermind behind Josh’s sabotage and thinks that she only done that so she can get the leading spot. Which pretty much sounds pretty stupid since she was the one who postponed the show. But...I mean, you’ll never know. I mean, not like she has a fancy dress waiting on standby in the custodian closet for her to take charge of the show...right? Cause that be dumb. Too dumb to be exact. But Josh decided to just put this whole thing to rest and thinks that it was nothing more than a freak accident that came out of nowhere and decided to take her, Morris, and Douglas to the sight of the incident to make sure that...well, freak accident because life is fucking bullshit now, that’s one thing. But also...
Yeah, Josh pretty much did that to himself. How you may ask? Well as Josh explains the missteps leading up to the incident as he showcases how we ended up in this mess over a clicking sound. You think that you only hear the clicking sounds coming from the shoes because that’s where the sound comes from that you didn’t even heard the lock from the stairs being unlocked and causing it to somewhat move since the stairs have wheels. And I guess someone forgot to lock it again so that no one can have a massive problem in breaking their legs and be stuck in this situation but alas, the stairs did not lock while on stage as Josh walk on each of the steps and ending up causing his knee to bruise. So yeah, nobody’s the suspect unless you count Josh as the real suspect for not being careful, then it’s pretty much the equipment's fault. So case is the most mediocre, predictable turned going nowhere way to close out the main plot. Or so we thought because once Ms. Morris and Douglas exit stage right, thus leaving Tina and Josh alone, with Tina, of course, since the beginning of the episode, what she wanted to say to him without hurting his feelings on his big which Josh also want to say something to Tina following him inviting her to the show and that is...
They want to stay friends and just friends only. Both, coming out from their mouths. Which...okay, that’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong the idea of them being just friends...despite that back in Season 3 where we have somewhat of a buildup between these two when it comes to certain and building up some chemistry between each other, though finding the band-aid a la Cinderella until the end of “Lindapendent Woman” and came back episodes later in “Two for Tina” when being invited to be his date for the dance as his school, of course, ending up starting the pairing wars that went from better love story than Twilight to pretty much a bloodbath where everyone gets caught in the crossfire with no survivors. You never heard of the other ships because there were other ships but then got sunken down through various cannon fire courtesy of the writers. And it’s mostly coming from the big three ships when it comes to Tina-bbean Sea in the form of the SS Jimmy Jr, the SS Josh, and the SS Zeke. And as of this episode, the SS Josh has floated towards a sea mine and blows it up, causing the ship to sink. And I’m not tell you guys who set up the trap because I don’t want death threats coming from them. Point is, Tina and Josh have decided to just stay friends and the Tina/Jimmy Jr shippers are jumping in joy for finally getting the monkey off their backs and about to hit canon what I would say if they didn’t even notice that there’s another ship out there, so it’s pretty much now a two-man race. Onto the subplot we go with Belcher kid vs Belcher kid.
Yeah so while Tina is out attending Josh’s tap-dancing recital, Louise and Gene have to stay behind at the restaurant and of course, upset over the fact that Tina gets a day off and not them. Louise and Gene head off to do their job but also thinking that either one of them can make a good burger, probably enough to make it to be featured as the burger of the day, thus causing the two to have a good ol’ competition of who’s the better chef, which pretty much turns it into a round of Master Chef or Chopped or whatever food reality show is with this subplot. Or in this case, Food Wars minus the erection from the wonders and flavor of the food. And that of course have Bob to go into daydream mode when thinking of the kids doing all the work with Louise, Gene, and Tina cooking up the burgers, in chef gear, and probably taking over the restaurant. I mean...Louise, I get since she pretty much has her future set in stone with her taking over the restaurant once Bob retires, though Gene and Tina...not so much. Though it’s a good montage we have here coming from Bob, so there’s the form of expectation vs reality and that was all expectation. Here’s the reality.
Louise and Gene cutting some olives, well mostly Gene cutting the olives while Louise messing around, thus giving him a head start, where the winner of this little competition here would get their creation to be featured as the burger of the day. And that of course have Louise riled up and ready to bring in her A-game into this whole thing when it comes to having their burger creation made and the name of it featured on the board with both Louise and Gene, mostly Louise, coming up with inappropriate names and that’s where reality decided to hit like a motherfucker for Bob here. Because it looks like it’s going to be a really long day for Bob here with Louise and Gene now taking the helm for whose creation is going to be featured. Dude, Fuddruckers wouldn’t have to deal with this shit and they’re the type of restaurant where you create your own shit with its own condiment bar. Though Louise and Gene took it to the max with later on, the burger meat is what going to be changed.
Bob and Linda are now in full on panic mode following the idea that Gene and Louise will not be working together with the ground meat now being brought out and both Gene and Louise coming in with a box full of stuff that they might be planning on using onto the beef isn’t going to look pretty. Rather nasty. Thus, now coming into terms that they now need to cancel the whole thing while they’re ahead and call it a tie between the two. But Louise and Gene aren’t going to take that lightly. They’re not waiving the white flag and they are in it to win it, which might be pretty much a big fat fuck you to both Bob and Linda. This is they’re mess, and they must endure it.
But it looks like this competition here also got both Bob and Linda railed up and decided to throw in a side bet with Bob thinking that Louise will win this contest and Linda thinking that it would be Gene who would make it to the top of the mountain with his creation with the loser of the side bet cleaning the filter of the dishwasher and ending up agreeing to the terms. Man, this competition is getting real that the judges, being Bob and Linda, ending up playing favorites with their kid in the limelight as they’re preparing their food for them to taste. Guess this is what happened behind the scenes in those cooking shows with one of the judges decided to tip the scales for one contestant. Talk about an exclusive behind the scene look coming from the Food Network.
The hour of judgement has arrived for the Belchers as both Gene and Louise exit out from the kitchen and serve both Bob and Linda their creations and...pretty much follow the nasty patty route. Apparently in 2020, nasty patties decided to make a comeback, so uh...move over plant based impossible burgers, looks like nasty patties are here to take over once this pandemic is over with. We’re only a few days left till May arrives and already we have this shit going on. The HR department isn’t going to take well for everybody once the summer months arrive. Bob and Linda tried to convince Louise and Gene to concede and accept the tie, while at the same time, trying win their little side bet, as the two take a bite of their kids’ burgers with Gene using love as his weapon to win and Louise the same but with bribing the parents with money...well fake money using a napkin with a dollar sign drawn on as they exit out and await their result. Though why wait as we got the result coming them and...well...
Yes, it is. Bob and Linda tasted the burgers made by Louise and Gene and it tasted bad. It looks bad. It’’s bad. It’s really, really bad. Now of course, being in a very tight spot, and have to declare it a tie and without causing even more problems in the form of crushing their hopes and dreams. So when Louise and Gene both come out, Linda and Bob decided to go all out and declare the match a tie and declare this match over with no one getting their creation to be featured on the burger of the day board. But Gene and Louise aren’t going to take it lightly and call bullshit on the result. Jesus, it’s like having that one kid in your family and lie to their face that nothing bad is going on but that kid ain’t taking bullshit. He or she knows there’s some bullshit afoot and won’t be blocked by the wall of bullshit. It’s bullshit. By the way, how would Tina’s creation would look like if she hadn’t gone into Josh’s tap-dancing recital? Probably at least decent but better than Gene’s or Louise’s atrocity of a burger that Gordon Ramsey would like to carry a rocket launcher and send it to nearby desert for vultures to eat.
Teddy enters the restaurant and in perfect timing for Gene and Louise because since Bob and Linda called it a tie, Teddy automatically makes himself the tiebreaker and have them handing him their burgers to judge. Of course, with Bob giving Teddy a word of warning by telling him to lie so that this whole competition can come to an end with a tie in place. Teddy follows Bob’s orders and begins taking each bite from the burgers of the two and tries to fight the horrible taste coming from the burgers and want to tell them that what they made is horrible and probably be locked up for treason and potential murder. But Teddy ends eating in and swallowing it and of course, followed Bob and Linda’s instructions and call it a tie, and thus the whole competition finally comes to a close with no winner in sight. But the real loser here it Teddy at the last minute for eating it and ending up swallowing it that instantly causing him to have a stomach virus and pretty much a one-way ticket to Toilet-ville. And this is coming from a guy who once ate a sponge. A sponge! And the kids’ nasty patties are pretty much going to kill him at some point due to pretty much everything that both Gene and Louise added into the meat and the burger as a whole. Thus, closing out the subplot with Teddy, with stomach pains now building up, now have to choose between Bob and Linda thanks to their little side bet that have made during the whole conversation and bringing up Gayle with the boob and butt comment on that one, no comment on that. All we know that this side bet have no ties into this whole ordeal so...yeah, sucks to be Teddy on this one.
So all and all, what do I think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? It’s an alright episode, did have some mixed feelings about it, mostly when it comes to how the episode was executed around the midway point all the way to the resolution. And yeah, we are following the whole whodunit trope for this episode and this episode only with the result being the person who fell injured pretty much did that to himself. Sure, this is no “Tina Tailor Soldier Spy” with the case have someone being exposed for working for the other team and sabotage the team that she was sent in to spy on. Pretty much not like that but it was...okay, mixed feelings to say the least.It was nice to see Josh again, thus ending his appearance drought years and a month since we last saw him and pretty much a hint of a mention of then guy make the Tina/Jimmy Jr shippers cringe and thinks that he’s going to take Tina away from Jimmy Jr. Even though he’s been gone for seven years and other ships have formed and sunk at the same time as North Korean rocket launches. Now, both him and Tina decided to stay as friends is something I’m okay with. Nothing wrong with that, though if you’re a Tina/Josh shipper, then this isn’t your week with him back into the scene, thus making the shippers free agents and have nowhere to go. And Tina/Jimmy Jr shippers, you may be celebrating over the whole ending, doesn’t mean that you guys have finally reached the finish line. You have another roadblock standing in your way in the form of the Zina campaign. But yeah, Josh’s back and I’m okay with him and Tina being friends. And of course, the three major ships for the Tina relationship war has now down to the final two contenders like The Bachelorette if everyone gets caught in the crossfire and with little to no survivors.
It was an okay main plot with the whole Tina trying to find the suspect responsible for injuring Josh on stage for his recital but leading up to suspects have changed direction of where this is going from predictable with Tina finding the wrong person and thinks that Douglas was pretty much the guy responsible for injuring his friend though kind of felt out of place when coming up with that thesis all the way to going nowhere when the resolution comes in with Josh trying to shut everyone up with claiming that it was pretty much his fault by not hearing the sounds of the lock of the stairs coinciding with his tap shoes. So uh...okay main plot with some flaws in the way come the midway point and the resolution portion of it.
The subplot was not too bad, it has some ups and downs as it was playing out. Do enjoy that little daydream montage we have with Bob thinking that Gene and Louise working equals them and Tina running the restaurant together...even though let’s not forget that Louise is going to be the one who will run the restaurant and not Tina and Gene. Though Bob pretty much got hit with reality that let’s face, Louise and Gene need some work when it comes to their culinary skills and to the point where both Bob and Linda making a side bet with Bob favoring Louise and Linda favoring Gene only to end up trying to end the match with a tie and they did, but the kids don’t want a tie and thus making Teddy being the tiebreaker and for a guy who once ate a sponge, let’s just say he’s going to be stuck in the toilet during the overnight hours. So an alright subplot to say the least.
So final score, it was an okay episode with some mixed feelings towards it. The midway point of the main plot of the episode went from predictable to nowhere in just a span of three minutes. Three minutes when the direction changed in a 90-degree angle in a backward direction. Though it’s good to see Josh again and ending his character drought. And the subplot, despite having some ups and downs, was an alright one to say the least. So I’ll give “Tappy Tappy Tappy Tap Tap Tap”...
A 7 out of 10. But that’s my review of this episode and now I wanna hear yours. Tell me what you think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? Do you like it? Do you hate it? You think Josh and Tina are better off as friends? Would you try out the burgers made by Gene and Louise? Who do you think made a better burger, Gene or Louise? All that and your mini review in the comments down below. Now down to the final four episodes with the kids helping Teddy getting his groove back looks like it’s going to be a kids tell ‘em all episode with their stories isn’t it? Yeah, looks like we’re going with that so guess it’s time to get ready to be prepared by separating into three sections in the nineteenth episode of Season 10 of Bob’s Burgers, “The Handyman Can”.
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***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Century FOX, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***
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