Normally, this would be the part of the review where I tried to kick off the review with somewhat witty humor that pretty much make you guys cringe to the point I’m making horrible dad jokes. But...last week has been a total pain the ass, and not’s because of last week’s episode being a totally bad episode of the season, if not, the series, but with this whole mess with this thing called the coronoavirus, or COVID-19, or any disease that pretty much can turn real life into a badly made apocalypse movie. Look...this exploded last week. Like a nuclear missile, you didn’t even notice it was coming despite the first case being brought up last month here in the states. The NBA suspended their season. NHL ditto. March Madness cancelled. MLB being pushed back. Disneyland closed. People panic buying and took all the water and toilet paper. Fuck, even Tom Hanks got tested positive for the virus. I don’t know where to go with this. We already know that the world is burning but this is pretty much telling that the world is ending already and now await either a black hole or an asteroid to just end it all. We pretty much went through that with 2016 with the events unfolding...and 2017...and 2018. Maybe 2019...okay, the past four years pretty much sucks. But we’ve been through this. We all been through this. I’m no fortune teller or doctor or scientist or official, I don’t know how long with will last. But I feel like once this mess blows over, everything will be different. All I know is that to not catch it is to wash your hands, stay away from people who shows symptoms like a cough, don’t panic buy shit, and if you’re feeling sick, stay home...well, everyone, sick or fine, should stay home and should probably binge watch or work online or hell, read this review to pass the time. It’s scary. It’s a scary time. Everyone’s scared. You’re scared, hell I’m scared that we could be next to get it. Point is, we’ll get through this. Please stay safe. No matter what happens, we can all agree that for the love of god Bouchard, drop the goddamn trailer! Now to a more positive note...Bob’s Burgers! New episode! St. Patty’s Day.
In this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers, Bob and the kids help out a restaurant owner who is pretty much have some bad luck as both Linda and Teddy join in the St. Patrick’s Day festivities that did not get cancelled from the COVID-19 outbreak, oh this isn’t going to age well, in my spoilerific review of the sixteenth episode of Season 10 of Bob’s Burgers, titled “Flat Top O’ the Morning to Ya”. The first St. Patrick’s Day episode of the series, and possibly the only episode of the series...and by the time of the posting of the review, it won’t be St. Patrick’s Day. Reviews posted every Wednesday, read the Twitter handle if you haven’t checked. By the way, it’s @yahoo201027 to give it a follow!
Well at least there’s a positive start to this week’s episode, better than last week’s to say the least. But this episode was pretty much hit and miss in my opinion when it comes to the direction of the episode was heading. It had somewhat of a promising start with the episode that halfway through pretty much fell apart. It’s like the episode was made out of Jenga blocks and halfway though the game, the tower ends up come crashing down. That’s pretty much sums up this week’s episode in a nutshell. Now, don’t get me wrong, there were some decent moments that I do like. We had an unexpected musical number, that’s a start coming from Bob when hiding inside a spice closet with the kids, the owner, and a flat top that they’re trying to steal. But besides all that, the episode pretty much went nowhere once the halfway mark was reached. And for an episode that is pretty much the show’s first St. Patrick’s Day themed episode, you think that the whole entire episode would’ve been like celebrate the holiday but instead, it’s the subplot that end up getting the holiday, thus somewhat automatically makes this episode your normal episode if the main plot isn’t getting the half of the pot of gold. So let’s get to the review of this first ever and possibly only St. Patrick’s Day episode of Bob’s Burgers, this is “Flat Top O’ the Morning to Ya”.
Beginning the episode as always with the Belcher family at the breakfast table, of course, with Linda wearing a green shirt since it is St. Patrick’s Day, though at the day of the posting of the review, it won’t be, and since no one except Linda is wearing green, despite that the kids are in their pajamas and Bob in his normal outfit, they end up getting pinched. Ah yes, the ol’ don’t wear green, then get pinched. The ultimate punishment for people who didn’t decided to wear green or doesn’t feel like celebrating the holiday and consider that a normal day. It’s like celebrating Halloween without putting on a costume or a Christmas without going to a party and get drunk on eggnog. Though Louise wears green later with her dress, so she’s pretty much immune to whole pinching thing whereas Gene, Tina, and Bob...good luck. Bob tells everyone about how he would spend his day by heading off to an auction over at a restaurant that is closing down and since the place he’s going is closing down, that means that he could get stuff from there he could use for the restaurant. So it’s pretty much like going to a yard sale at your neighbor’s house but didn’t even noticed that your neighbor is pretty much freaking bankrupt and had to sell everything to make ends meet. Oh yeah and the kids decided to tag along with Bob because plot purposes, thus leaving Linda alone, possibly with Teddy, at the restaurant to celebrate the holiday. Of course, on their way to the auction site...
Bob has to deal with people who celebrate the holiday who are blocking traffic and blocking his way to reach over there despite that the light is green. Oh boy, it’s not like those people might have somewhat of an impact later in the episode, mostly in the subplot with Linda and Teddy having the restaurant all to themselves and planning something drastic with the place and the food to celebrate the occasion. Not like that would happen at any given time as the episode drags out.
The four arrive at the restaurant that is set to be closed, which reveals to be a soon-to-be shut down BBQ place as they take a tour through the restaurant and of course, at the kitchen with various utentils and stuff for him to take with him to the restaurant and for good use as they noticed a guy with a fake moustache, so that’s pretty much strike one for the guy but then again, people are idiots so they don’t see this trope before with a guy wearing a fake moustache and checking around the place who may or may not be the owner of the place. But of course, people are idiots and don’t even bother going through pas the disguise.
Unless you’re the Belcher kids who gang up on the guy and pretty much gone through the fake moustache and garners Bob’s attention. Try again and come up with a better disguise, pretty sure guy saw Master of Disguise once too many times before arriving the site. Yeah, so the Belchers minus Linda saw through the disguise and he reveals himself as the owner of the restaurant, well soon to be former owner of the restaurant since it’s his place that will be shutting down, named Jules Beachum, and found out for the Belcher side of things that the place that used to own isn’t his anymore and now became the property of the bank’s and also found that the place is pretty much his parents with him growing up here and when his dad retired and handed the keys to him...yeah, pretty sure daddy dearest pretty much made a mistake when handing the baton to him because since under his rule, it did not go well. Though it’s mostly coming from the change of ownership that lead to people not wanting to attend the place and eat out. Causing trouble for the guy enough for the bank to step in and went all, “Knock, knock. Who’s there? It’s the bank, we’re taking your shit.” Bob begins to feel bad for the guy for losing the family business and Jules asks him the reason why he’s here in the first place and he’s been eyeing on one thing and one thing only, the flat top stove. Apparently not your run of the mill flat top where you can easily replace once it begin to wear out because that stove has some history with him because it’s a family stove that passed down for generations...well mostly his parents...mostly his dad working his hardest to keep the place and that’s why he’s here at the place, to get the flat top away from the place so that a piece of family history don’t fall into the hands of a random stranger.
And okay, I could see that. There’s a piece of stuff that isn’t just a normal thing that you just bought from the store, it’s pretty much a piece of family history that shouldn’t be given away to some random stranger and possibly have its history being wiped away. You think that he would like hand it down to the next generation but apparently no explanation to see if he has some kids so he can pass the torch but it looks that ain’t happening because no explanation, being one. But also the bank stepped in and decided to put it up for auction. And that’s pretty much something that he doesn’t want. Now, you would say that he would like buy it for himself at the auction or try to reason with the auctioneers that there has been a mistake about all of this, you know...the legal way. But it’s the banks...they don’t give a fuck about your feelings. Think that’s pretty much the message of this week’s episode, “Fuck the big banks.” And fuck the banks it is because instead of doing the hard way like buying it away from the tellers and instead take the easy way out and steal it away. And Bob doesn’t want that but the kids want to do it, mostly Louise who got chills and thrills over it because why not, and Bob tries to reason with Jules but it looks like once Act One wraps up, it looks like he got no other choice and help him out. So I guess this is how Bob and the kids will be spending St. Patrick’s trying to steal the flat top from the bank.
Of course, Bob still wants Jules to reconsider the idea of stealing the flat top but he won’t listen because again, banks don’t listen and thinks that it’s the only to keep the only thing to remember the memories...don’t worry, they’re not dead...though not mentioned so I guess, but again, Bob is pretty much out of options and help Jules out to get the flat top out of there. Once everyone are ordered to take a break to give people some time to collect some money for the process and the host to call his mom, that is where Bob, Louise, Gene, Tina, and Jules to make or break with the flat top like they’re panic buying for the end times.
The five rush down to the kitchen and grabs the flat top down to the ground onto a cart and begins rolling it away to the exit but just as they were about to reach the exit, they got spotted by everyone and make a U-turn and got put into a standstill with nowhere to get out and Bob trying to play innocent, of course not want to be a part of this, as they now rather than ramming to the usual door and knock people down like bowling pins but instead, to the kitchen and hid themselves into a secret room inside the wall that reveals to be a spice closet and lock themselves in and wait for the auction to be over with so they can exit out. So yeah, looks like the Belchers and Jules are doing some social distancing themselves, but not for the virus, but for when the bank leaves them alone and for them to make and break for Jules to take it to his home and for the Belchers to pretty much pray that Linda doesn’t mess the restaurant up during the holiday that is St. Patrick’s Day.
Yeah, so Bob, the kids, and Jules are now trapped inside and await for the thing to blow over with the kids checking out the spices around the dark room though I think Gene found one spice that is either pepper for the meat or his dad’s ashes...okay, so he’s pretty much dead. Thank for clarifying that everyone who now have to work home! And apparently, we found out that the place him taking over the restaurant business was never his thing from the start. The restaurant was pretty much his parents’ dreams and he’s pretty much the heir to the place once they decided to call it quits and he only wanted the stovetop, via stealing, to remember the memories of his parents, which is nice because although that he doesn’t want to be in the restaurant business, knowing the result of the place under his wing, he want to keep it for himself as a family memento to remember them by. So I guess that’s a positive for what’s he doing, though we here over at yahoo201027 do not, and I mean DO NOT, steal stuff, even if it’s for important family memento from the bank or buying stuff for a potential apocalypse. So Jules don’t want to be a part of the restaurant business and instead want to do something else, his dream job is mostly him keep bees. And got the full gear from the hive to the suit, so technically the job description that Jules come up with is mostly him being a beekeeper. Which...fine. That’s fine. No judging here with him being a beekeeper. I mean somebody have to save the bee population since they’re ready to be extinct and we gonna need some natural honey rather than the artificial kind but hey, nothing wrong about beekeeping. Just hope that you don’t piss them off enough to get stung because bee stings are a bitch.
Then of course, we get the unexpected musical number coming from Bob and the kids straight up acknowledging it, not knowing the imaginary spotlight that somehow covers Bob while being trapped inside the spice closet, sorry dungeon, not my fault that I have to somewhat keep it PG for everyone. At first, Bob was singing about all things spices mostly because of them being trapped in a spice dungeon but apparently, it’s not. He’s singing about the fears of a little word that pretty much have big impact to everyone. Talking about the F word and no, it’s not “fuck”. It’s “failure.” Mostly him fearing that he’s going to face the same fate as Jules of having the restaurant shut down and thinks that he’s a failure for not keeping the place operating. And we all, as people, understand the fact that we don’t want to be labeled as failures and we want to achieve it but there has to be some bumps in the road along the way with some probably cause you to be on the verge of defeat. Pretty much with college life or owning a small business, you thought to yourself time after time that you’re going to make it through without anything that can cause you to swerve and lose control and possibly hit a dead end. That’s what Bob is fearing when it comes to the restaurant, ever since opening up decades ago. The fact that he’s still open over the years despite the three times in the intro where they had to shut it down is pretty much surprising for the guy. But you’ll never when that failure bug is going to strike and like a virus, you’ll never know when lightning will strike. May have to get ready to when the worse begins to strike.
Bob comes up with a plan to save the grill and this now pretty much make the episode go downhill from here leading up to the end with him now wanting Jules to just throw in the towel immediately but, and there’s a but in this, he has to ask the auctioneer to not call the police on them and try to find someone to hand over the grill. So it’s pretty much all that buildup to having them spending their St. Patrick’s Day to go against the bank’s wishes and take the flat top away but nope, just going to throw in the towel, just like that. Just waive the white flag and give the flat top away. It’s like being sent into battle with your squadron and once the enemy fires the first shot, rather than responding back to with open fire, they just fucking raise their hands up as a sign of surrender. But it looks like Jules doesn’t have a choice and now ready to follow Bob’s instruction and ready to do it his way to avoid getting arrested.
The Belchers and Jules meet up with the auctioneer and the people who are ready to auction off stuff with them surrendering and have some demands when it comes to selling the flat top stove and the demand is pretty much a requirement of someone who is either an owner or a soon-to-be owner of a restaurant who is in need of a stove like the flat top. However Jules is not keen into that thinks that Bob broke his promise of the idea of reselling and ends up taking the flat top away from the spot and was about to ran off with it and make a break for it like it’s how robbers would do in the start of a cop movie with some action but poorly made directions for them to be caught easily. Unless it’s Baby Driver, That cause Jules to run off and exit out of the restaurant but ends up causing him to trip down and not watching his step, thus causing the flat top to be let go and causes it to go downhill...much like the resolution of this episode.
Luckily for everyone, the flat top did not, repeat, DID NOT, sustain damage. Of course, the same did not go for the car. Jules’ car which wow...okay, that is a really bad car that he got. And even Bob acknowledged it when it comes to how small the car is and how it won’t fit the flat top in it. So it’s pretty much the Kobiyashi Maru for Jules, either way you’re not going to win this fight. And thus, it looks like he has no other choice but to hand the flat top over and thus, the auction has already taken place with the guy who is now the new owner of the stove with $300 in his pockets, probably by check of course, and found out that the guy here is a soon-to-be restaurant owner who’s planning on opening a cheesesteak shop. Which is good because he fit the criteria of people who are willing to have a stove. Using it to cut the meat over the hot stove to make the sandwich along with the onions and bread, so nothing wrong with that. But it looks like he won’t be using bread for the meat because instead of that to hold the meal...he decided to use waffle cones instead. Waffle cones...on a cheesesteak? If the virus haven’t struck on every town around the world and causing it to put on lockdown, the City of Philadelphia wants to know your location and beat the ever living shit out of you. But yeah, the flat top is now going to the cheesesteak guy now, thus ending the main plot of the episode before diverging into the subplot with them coming back to the restaurant and Jules ready to do his dreams of beekeeping...if it weren’t for the fact that he’s allergic though willing to take the risk. Would say he’s the person who would always take the risk but...yeah, guy might be bed ritten in like days following allergic reactions as we now head on over to the subplot with Linda and Teddy celebrating the holiday that is St. Patrick’s Day.
So while Bob and the kids out to the auction site, Linda has the restaurant all to herself with Teddy in attendance, both in St. Patrick’s Day gear to celebrate the holiday by drinking some green. Because you can’t celebrate the holiday without drinking and eating everything green, hell even in bathrooms, you can’t celebrate the holiday without having your poop turning green. And speaking of turning things green, yeah so it looks like Linda and Teddy might be planning on turning food green and we mean like a lot of food that the two can find to abuse the ever living shit out of the green food coloring. That food coloring has a family, goddamn it!
They tried out green fries, which is probably normal fries dumped with green sauce which I don’t know if that’s supposed to be relish but if it’s not, then yeah I would probably NOT eat that. But Teddy and Linda don’t mind and ending up test trying it and according to them, it looks good enough to turn their mouths green. And if you think that’s probably enough for the two and at least take a breather and just enjoy a normal day or close down the restaurant for the day and partake in the festivities, well...looks like they decided to take things to the next freaking level when it comes to mixing food with the color dying all of it.
Like fries with green sauce isn’t enough, try fries that are green. Like guys...that look very unappetizing even on a holiday like St. Patrick’s Day and if you that’s not enough? Linda ends up turning the meat green by pouring a few drops of green food coloring into the raw meat. Food coloring into the meat and even before cooking. Like holy fucking shit, that would be disgusting to eat. Disgusting enough for Burger King to end up looking at this shit and said to themselves, “ least we’re not them adding food coloring into our food.” And these are the guys that come up with this not too long ago.
Yeah, an abomination to even look at. Jesus, when looking at that, getting flashbacks to that one SpongeBob episode with him selling pretty patties. You remember pretty patties, right? Much like what Burger King has ever done in the past. Burger King slam! Two in one review! Holy hell, that was something...and because of that, I expect their Twitter page to either tell me to try their food or ending up blocking me for no apparent long until the company decided to send out their death squads at me? Yeah, so Linda decided to spruce up the raw meat by adding some food coloring into the it and mixing it in and it looks that’s where we’re heading for this subplot, celebrating St. Patrick’s Day by giving people some food poisoning.
Later on with the subplot, two random customers enter the restaurant and Linda decided to give them the orders only made for this holiday by trying out some food that of course, been turned green from the drinks to the fries and even of course, the burgers. But the two don’t want that and instead just want an old fashioned burger, one that is not hit by the green food coloring, thus having Linda to say that she, and by she, meaning Bob, will bring things back to normal come the next day, thus causing the two to leave. And just as Linda is preparing to throw out the green burgers, Teddy did bring up the St. Patrick’s Day festival that been going because why not? People celebrating the holiday are the perfect demographic for them to serve them green food and get food poisoning right off the bat. Much like eating food from Taco Bell during the lunch rush.
Like think of it, know that social distancing is a thing now, but bear with me, say that you’re out and about like over at an event like the St. Patrick’s Day street festival that Teddy mention and you’re having some fun, drinking some booze and probably puke chunks off, where a woman in her early-to-mid 40s with glasses come up with food that is full on green...that has green food coloring inside the meat of things...are you willing to risk that? Picking that up and eat it despite the facts that you’re probably going to have stomach rumblings a la shock and awe and a plane ticket to the rumble at the jungle known as the toilet? Are y’all willing to risk that? If you don’t, you made the right choice. If you did, godspeed you goddamn son of a bitch.
Linda and Teddy decided to crash the St. Patrick’s Day street festival by the Wharf which...apparently very low attendance somewhat, don’t know if the animators were given a notice that since this was before the outbreak decided to spread like wildfire or there’s people celebrating at the event but are off camera? But either way, Linda and Teddy decided to crash in and gives people the burgers with green meat and apparently, people are somewhat taking it quite well...for is now looks like the party is now going to go on but it looks like that Linda and Teddy will be bringing in the whole pack like there’s a video game that is worth the hype with people camping out to be the first to get a copy. I worry for those people who are planning out come March 20 when the new Animal Crossing comes out despite being in a pandemic. They’re willing to take the risk like those people taking the green burgers from Linda. Now I going to feel sorry for those poor souls...and by souls, I mean the toilets. You know there’s little to no toilet paper with this whole shit going on that looks like again, feels like the apocalypse is coming.
Diverging two subplot into one to close out the episode with Bob and the kids walking back to the restaurant following the auction with Jules trying to steal the flat top only to give it away to avoid legal trouble with Bob talking about how he stared at the potential demise of the restaurant that might be coming in the near future but of course if there’s one thing that Bob is known for, other than being a softie over some stuff that pretty much makes him cry whether being teaching Louise how to ride a bike to watching CAKE perform, is overcoming the odds and do the impossible. I mean, it’s not new and him and every member of the Belcher family in their own episodes, in some episodes together, but it’s like the saying, “get knocked down, then I get up again. You’re never ever gonna keep me down.” Tubthumping by Chumbawamba...yeah. 90s, crazy time for music.
The four finally arrive at the restaurant but noticed that Linda is not here and not knowing that she’s at the event serving food and giving people possible food poisoning. Once inside the restaurant with them not knowing that Linda is out and about, they enter the restaurant and yeah...lots of green splattered around the whole place from the sink to the grill. Every place splattered in green courtesy Linda going mad with the food coloring for the holiday which, like Gene said, feels like Shrek just exploded. Just be lucky that he didn’t say shatted himself because...yeah, really don’t want to imagine him doing that. It’s pretty much a mental image that won’t be going away for like months or probably until the day you die. Luckily for them, Linda has come back but it looks like Bob is going to be busy for like hours with the people that she brought from the street festival over Linda’s time of turning food green, thus pretty much changes plans for Bob from going to the auction that ended in the flat top being given away to now serving people with food that might give them food poisoning. So if anything happened to either one of the people at the restaurant who celebrated on the holiday, blame it on Linda cause she’s the mastermind behind this whole thing and thinks that making food green because nothing is green in food with the exception of vegetables is probably the best way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day to close out the episode.
So all and all, what do I think about this week’s St. Patrick’s Day edition of Bob’s Burgers? Well for one, at least it’s better than last week’s episode which pretty much fell apart with the direction and pacing of that pretty much derailed once it began. Where to this episode, it has some potential in the beginning but fell apart once entering the resolution of it following Bob’s unexpected musical number.Speaking of that, the musical number from Bob was pretty much unexpected but I do like that coming from the episode and talks about the idea of the fear of failure. Because he saw what happened to Jules when giving up his space to the bank and trying to keep the stovetop from it and fears that what happened to him is what is going to happen to Bob come the future and who knows when that lightning will strike but it looks like it’s the type of stuff that Bob should probably be prepare for once that day comes. And I do like that how the kids are acknowledging it and not like him being separated from the kids and Jules and like end up being in your usual number with the character singing being around a different setting. It’s mostly him being in the spotlight with the kids and Jules being in the background and not knowing what’s going on with him.
The resolution of the episode pretty much downplayed the episode for me when Bob, the kids, and Jules are ready to face defeat and of course, causing him to go into panic mode, getting the stove out only for it to go downhill, and of course, selling it to a new vendor who is planning on making cheesesteaks with waffle cones rather than bread, which really seems like someone going rouge. But yeah, the resolution pretty much downplayed the episode from a somewhat interesting start but then again, the middle part seems like it’s all exposition and less action with the musical number pretty much somewhat saved it. But of course, it’s pretty much the Kobiyashi Maru for Jules when it comes to the stovetop, it’s pretty much a lose-lose situation for the guy and it looks like he might be heading towards beekeeping...if he wasn’t allergic to bees but your dreams, just have something on standby so that you don’t die.
And for an episode that pretty much a St. Patrick’s Day episode, this pretty much doesn’t feel like a St. Patrick’s Day one since the main plot was pretty much your usual run of the mill episode, thus having the subplot to have the holiday with Linda and Teddy going all out and making food, mostly the burgers, turning green for the people to enjoy for the holiday. Just hope those guys don’t have food poisoning when eating that...oh who am I kidding, they might. But yeah, it doesn’t feel like your St. Patrick’s Day episode if the main plot is pretty much being treated as a normal episode and that’s what I see, a normal episode despite the holiday being on the subplot. Though it was something to have the show to do a holiday that is not Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, or Mother’s Day and it’s been a while that we have that since Season 7 with Easter in “Eggs for Days”...well that and the said Mother’s Day episode in “Mom, Lies, and Videotape” even though “Eat, Spray, Linda” from Season 5...putting it out there, that’s pretty much up for debate.
So final thoughts, episode doesn’t feel like a St. Patrick’s Day one due to the main plot doesn’t feel like it was celebrating the holiday and have the subplot to do the dirty work. The resolution of the episode is what pretty much downplayed it for me following the musical number with Jules now giving up the flat top and of course, him trying to escape and ultimately failed and had to hand it over to a new owner to something that is pretty much a family memento. Though the musical number is what I like coming from it and do like the idea of having Bob singing it out about facing the idea of failure and of course, fearing that what happened to Jules that lead to him losing his restaurant to the bank is what going to happen to Bob in the coming future. Lightning can strike at any given moment and that’s something that you’re not even prepared for and what Bob did to overcome that was pretty much sheer luck that pretty much came out of nowhere with the issue popping up time after time of when is that luck going to end? So that’s pretty much for this week’s episode. And I’ll be giving “Flat Top O’ the Morning to Ya”...
A 6.5 out of 10 and that’s about it for this episode and of course, this is my review of this episode and I now wanna hear yours. What do you think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Would you consider this episode being a St. Patrick’s Day themed despite the main plot feel like a normal episode? Do you enjoy Bob’s musical number? Will you take the risk of trying out green hamburgers? All that and your mini review in the comments down below. And of course, since everyone’s is quarantine and can’t even get the fuck out until the whole thing fly by, tune in for this Sunday’s upcoming episode where the Belcher family go on an unusual road trip with an old face behind the wheel of a limo in ♪ Return of the Nat ♪ in the seventeenth episode of Season 10 of Bob’s Burgers, “Just the Trip”.
Thank you so much for reading all of this during this hard time and if you wanna stuff up to date and live blogs and whatnot, follow me over at Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram under the username @yahoo201027 for that. And of course, if you wanna help the page out even though you wanna save it for when the economy crashes...
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***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Century FOX, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***
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