
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Bob's Burgers Season 10, Episode 13 Review - The Wharf of Water and Trial and Bob-bulations | yahoo201027 Bob's Burgers Reviews

♪ I’ve waited oh so long Please don’t tell me baby I was wrong Dreaming of you every night Holding back until the time was right ♪ See if it this review were on YouTube, then things would be cringey from yours truly. And a bit disturbing. Really don’t want to imagine that and don’t even try to picture it. Might as well go Men in Black on y’all’s asses. Next week’s the 100th review for yours truly and look at that, an episode that has Jessica in it makes it come full circle. Six fucking years doing this this and it looks at long last, an episode review with Jessica in play.

In this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers, it’s mythical monster hunting session time with Louise tagging along for the ride along with bestie Jessica and random fifth grader Megan in search for a mysterious sea monster while Bob takes an online course by a world renounced chef and sadly it’s not either Kumail Nanjiani’s character nor Gordon Ramsey as what most people were hoping for in my spoilerific review of the thirteenth episode of Season 10, titled “Three Girls and a Little Wharfy”.

So...big highlight of the episode, best girl’s back. Jessica has finally returned from the war and apparently, it did not disappoint. So technically, the six year wait since her debut back in early 2014 pretty much paid off. Yes folks, you heard, or rather read, that right, Jessica is back for this episode. Last seen in Season 4 with the slumber party episode and became the last girl standing and became Louise’s first female friend. And she is back and gotta say, this was a pretty solid main plot. Like bullshitting around, ever since what happened last week with a tire fire of a main plot of that episode with the whole mentorship fiasco, worried that this episode might end up follow suit but apparently, it didn’t. And thank god for that with Louise and Jessica, along with a fifth grader named Megan, looking for a mythical creature lurking deep underwater in the ocean much like with Scotland and the tales of the loch ness monster. Otherwise, we may have some problems.

And the subplot, also did not disappoint as well. Okay yeah, the beginning of it seems kind of slow with the middle being somewhat scattered brained with Bob trying to get to know what that chef online is trying to say like trying to get what the instructor was saying during a course at school. But the ending pretty much sold it to be a solid one, mostly due to that musical montage that feels like something coming out from a cartoon series from 1960s into 1970s, you know what I’m talking about. That pretty much sold it for me to pretty much declare it a solid episode in my point of view. But let’s hope if that’s the case or see how much of twat I am, let’s head on to the review of this very episode.

Starting off the episode with the usual with the Belcher family at the breakfast table and ready for their day but not even ten seconds into the episode and already we got naked Gene. I’m not even going to explain it. So found out that it’s spirit week over at Wagstaff School where each of the days in one particular week is where the students show their spirit by participating in each theme and the day we’re at is pajama day, which could explain why Tina is in her pajamas and Gene...yeah, don’t think that going commando just because you slept commando isn’t the way to go when it comes to pajama day. Same goes for sleeping in your underwear or shirtless. So it may look like Gene has to break out the usual pajamas he wore in episodes past. Of course, Louise would rather not be in her pajamas because she would rather not partake in the whole thing for a whole week, mostly because it’s only for Mr. Frond to high five people, so talk about damage control. Still not going to get through the redesign from last week though. Think everyone doesn’t have to get through it yet.

The Belcher kids, minus Louise, aren’t the only ones who are in pajamas once we skip over to Wagstaff because we got Jimmy Jr and Zeke in their pajamas. Well, Zeke yes. Jimmy Jr, his pajamas are in the wash, meaning that he gets to wear his old ones which pretty much tight to the point where Tina gets to see some butt clad action from her point due to the tightness. Fanservice! Because why not. Jimmy Jr and Zeke head on out via Zeke doing his usual and playfully wrestle with him as Mr. Frond comes into the picture in his pajamas, it’s the cat’s pajamas, in his usual high five self onto Tina and Gene but noticing that Louise is the only student who is not in her PJs and Frond decided to send her the gym and work on the banners for the upcoming parade due to her not being in the spirit of things and that’s where she is heading. Ah spirit week...never partook it. That’s about that. Think I partook it in my senior year but only implied to seniors so I could say that. I don’t know. Never partook it really. But it looks like Louise isn’t the only student who is not in the spirit week spirit because an old face isn’t in the mood as well.

Jessica is back. Finally. Six years since we last saw her and everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, including myself, were hoping for her to come back and see both her and Louise do their thing. Latter part was pointless but glad that best girl is back on our screens but now as a brown hair and before you say she’s now a victim of the dreaded resign, yes, that is a resign. But also, fun little fact, she was originally going to have brown hair leading up to her debut in “Slumber Party” but they decided to change it up and make her hair red and stuck around even after her debut despite the long massive wait for her to return. There’s various fan art of her and Louise with that red hair! Various fan art! She was a redhead up until this episode where the brown hair color decided to come into play and no changes whatsoever, the red is now a thing of the past. Much like with Tammy in the promotional pictures for “Bad Tina” showcases her with blond hair but in the actual episode, it was brown and it wasn’t until Season 3 with “Broadcast Wagstaff School News” where the blond sticks around to this day and it was dyed.

So much for small talk between Louise and Jessica as the fifth grader Megan comes into the picture and carried around fried dough inside her backpack and found out that it’s for a mythical sea monster named Wharfy. Two things, first up, so Jessica’s been gone for six fucking years and then all of a sudden, in the episode that she came back to the small screen, and already she and Megan hung out over the idea that a sea monster lurking in the area of the town is real like people going deep into the woods and searching for bigfoot. Are we missing something here? Are we really missing something? Like the whole humanizing Millie idea in Season 8 wasn’t wonky enough. And two, the idea of a sea monster or any type of cryptid living among the Seymour’s Bay/Bog Harbor area seems like a crazy notion coming from a fanfic and not the good writing kind. No offense to the up and coming fanfic writers but that does sound like it with this episode with the idea of a sea monster lurking seems like it was out of nowhere. But then again, anything is possible, even the supernatural whether if it’s ghosts haunting old property due to a murder where a spirit can’t get to the other side or something lurking deep into the woods like it’s a rare species that you have never seen before or trash cans being used to steal signs that is unheard of and think there’s a technical issue. And yes, the title should’ve been stripped much like the nomination should’ve been stripped from Hillary back in 2016 for cucking Bernie. Getting ahead of myself so let’s continue on before I continue to spew even more bullshit.

So found out that during Jessica’s absence on the show for over six years and gained a friend in Louise, she gained another in Megan, who happened to be one grade older than her, Megan being in the fifth grade and Jessica being fourth, over Wharfy. And they’re ready to drop the dough for her, and yes, the creature is a female, don’t assume gender kids, and explain to Louise about the creature whether if it’s place of living being around the pier of the Wonder Wharf and mostly stuck around due to people dropping their food down to the water, which is good for Wharfy because she can get the food she can get but also bad for the environment because that’s pretty much littering. Seriously, 10 years left until something bad happened in the result of climate change and think that it’s a good time to drop food to attract a mythical creature like it’s a mouse with cheese attached to a mouse trap. Megan was the first to be surprised and then Jessica came into the picture and also got the experience ready to be revved up. And thus, here we are with them ready to head out after school with Jessica asking Louise to tag along to see if her expectations about Wharfy being fake is dead wrong. And with that, Louise decided to tag along. Though looking at her expression when deciding to do all of this, it almost feels like she begins to feel jealous over the fact that Jessica, the girl who just became her best friend since the end of the slumber party episode, hung out with another person. I mean, I speculated that jealously would be brought up with Louise beginning to feel threatened of being the third wheel when it comes to her friendship with Jessica much like with Jimmy Jr back in “Stand By Gene” when he got jealous over Gene bonding with Zeke during the hunt for the two butted goat. Though looking at it throughout the episode, thank god I’m wrong on that one because if that were the case, then oh boy, we could be in a world of trouble.

As Tina and Gene are ready to head on home from pajama day, Louise decided to not head home with them and instead ready to head to the pier with Jessica and Megan to attract Wharfy. And thus over at the said pier, Louise made it to where Jessica and Megan are at and ready to drop the dough into the ocean and await their target to come in. Only to see the dough to be sunken down into the depths of the ocean and found out that the legend may be true and Wharfy does exist, thus shook the three girls, especially Louise that may pretty much changed her mind in the topic of Wharfy being real or not. So this should be an interesting ride for her for the duration of the episode.

Onto the dinner table we go, with Tina trying out two barrettes than her usual one on her hair for the next theme for spirit week in wacky hair day, Louise tells everyone about her day that also includes the whole Wharfy ordeal with Jessica and Megan, in which Bob is in the camp where he thinks that the whole thing isn’t real just like with Louise, or that was until the whole thing with the dough happened that pretty much changes positions where Linda on the other hand trying to make things light about the whole ordeal to the point of where she sounds like if someone has a very sore throat, cured it, but ends up sounds like a chalkboard that just been screeched by nails. And just as Tina and Gene the next day head out to do their thing with her having two barrettes on her hair and Gene messing on his hair in between a cross of bedhead and meth head...

Louise come across with Jessica and Megan following what just happened with Wharfy and of course, that lead to their first clue in hopes to capture the creature and bring to the public like she’s public enemy number one in the form of a photo that Megan held on to and of course, to find the photographer behind the famed image of Wharfy popping up from the water by the Wharf. Though looking at it, it feels like it was either due to the photo being blurry or something wrong with the camera or possibly photoshopped but despite all that, the three girls decided to pay a special visit to the person responsible for taking that photo.

Louise, Jessica, and Megan went to the soap shop to see the lady who works on the store and tells her about the infamous image back in the day and the woman, named April Buzzby, tells the three everything, and I mean EVERYTHING about that faithful day of when the photo was taken. And it all started with her attending a wedding about 30 years ago where she got drunk over a lot of shots she took and headed down to the beach so can throw up. Possibly a hangover over a lot of drinks...probably wish this was her day. Hey-oh...I’m sorry. She went down to the beach and vomit and once she was about to blow some chunks onto the sand...

There it is. Wharfy, popping her head out of the water and by the pier and no one, and I mean NO ONE saw it happening except for April. Though that might be the alcohol talking and don’t if drinking too much of that stuff can make your mind go nuts to imagining things. I mean, being sleep deprived was one thing. Getting high is another. But drinking too much, somebody should get on that. But either if that’s the case or not, the photo of Wharfy she took from her camera pretty much changed her life forever and in a very bad way for her to the point where she quits her job, bought a boat and an anchor to capture Wharfy but ultimately failed. And found out that she isn’t the first person who witnessed her appearance. If that was 30 years ago, then it would around the 1980s, meaning that there were times before her, way before Louise, Jessica, and Megan witnessed the whole thing that certain people had that experience. Happened to a fisherman in 1942 and a whale watcher in 1965. Don’t know if the whole thing popped up every two decades, beginning to sound like a crazy person, but think about it. Happened in 1940s with a fisherman. Happened in the 1960s with a whale watcher. Happened in the 1980s with April. And now in 2020 with Megan, and later Jessica and then Louise, though at last one sounds like a 30-40-year skip from the 1980s to the 2010s into the 2020s but still, feels like a connection of some sort. However, all she got in her scrapbook of the damn creature is just nothing more than articles and that’s about it. No photos, no video, nothing. Just words and imagination.

And then of course, she remembers something and that pretty much tickle my pickle, pause, that a few years ago, portions of the wharf mysteriously collapsed. Unknown that if that was all Wharfy or something about a boat accident that pretty much caused it to fall down even though April did mention that the boat was never found since the incident. And when hearing that in the episode, do kind of remember another incident that happened which resulted in parts of the pier collapsing into the ocean. She didn’t mention which portion of the pier collapsed but when hearing that, do remember what happened in “World Wharf II”, the Season 4 finale, when the Belchers saved Bob and Fischoeder from being drowned to death thanks to Felix, who couldn’t get Calvin to sell the Wharf, and of course, the pier comes crashing down courtesy of Fanny accidentally shooting up the pier instead of them and resulting in the pier comes crashing down. Nostalgia! Do remember that like it was yesterday.

Good times. So the girls finally made their decision and they’re ready to capture the beast living under the season however, in order for that to happen, they need a boat and a net, like a huge ass one so that she doesn’t like suffocate. Thank god for Jessica, who has a badminton net that somehow was never set up by her parents, who happened to be osteopaths, meaning that my somewhat of a headcanon of her family being middle class or middle to higher class seems to come to fruition since the 2016 discussion. So one of the items in need of building a trap for Wharfy is now just step one and with that, it’s all settled and the girls are ready to capture the sea less than two days. They were hoping for two days but change of plans via April but hey, at least they can get some time to build a trap.

Onto later at night with Louise ripped Bob away from the family laptop while he was busy doing his thing which will be discussed later on in the review, and searches up the things she need to build a giant net to capture Wharfy with the badminton net from Jessica now being one of them in use for the thing. And looking up on the how to steps if it weren’t for the fact that she ends up getting interrupted by Gene and Tina, who asks Louise to see who’s more 80s for spirit week whether if it’s Tina in neon colors with her bangs now going over her head instead of covering her forehead or Gene in overalls with a garden hat, which doesn’t scream 1980s fashion though Gene would disagree because the movie ‘Squeal Magnolias’ is an 80s movie, released in 1989. Well hate to break it with you Gene, but uh, Tina might as well won that fight. Don’t know how to tell ya.

And thus, we head on down to the montage between the girls building a giant trap and the spirit week thing that is pretty much there because why the fuck not. Pointless of course, that’s pretty much going to be as forgettable as some of the candidates that you didn’t even noticed that they’re running for president. In one half, which is the cage building from the girls picking up and buying plyers for the fence from the hardware shop, possibly Mr. Kim’s but I don’t know. To putting the pieces together by connecting the thing one-by-one with Jessica laying out the net to of course, setting up the trap by using Tina and Gene as test subjects by laying out two baits for each person. For Gene, a plate of raw bacon and for Tina...a pair of Jimmy Jr’s sock that she kept on her drawer and apparently, it’s a full set of socks from the boy. Tina, I think we may need a long talk about the whole thing because...this is pretty much disturbing. I mean it’s funny one time in “Teen-a Witch” for comedic purposes but this...n-no. No. At least the trap works with both her and Gene as lab rats worked, meaning that Louise, Jessica, and Megan are now ready to capture the sea beast known as Wharfy.

Two days have passed and the girls and April are now ready to head out when meeting at the pier, carrying the cage that they all built and ready to put it onto the boat and headed out to the middle of the ocean, like miles away from the Wharf and hope they don’t get the attention of the coast guard. Once they made it by the pier, the girls drop the cage onto the water with the rope attached and now all they have to do is to play the waiting game for Wharfy to come in and take the bait. So they decided to some girl talk while waiting for their target to arrive and the topic that gets brought up as the day flies away is of course, spirit week. Cause the whole thing pretty much plagues the whole episode for plot purposes, again pretty much pointless. With them glad that the whole week is about to come to an end mostly because the three girls aren’t really into the whole thing with Megan saying that she skipped out on the whole spirit week event last year by pretending to have bad diarrhea enough to force her to not attend school and even showed it off to both Louise and Jessica, which almost seems like she may have pooped herself according to Louise but Megan thinks that she’s not. Much like with what happened with Jessica back in Season 4 when trying to hide the fact that she was a bed wetter and tried to dispose the evidence in the middle of the night. I mean, at least Louise isn’t a snark and tells everyone about that faithful day enough to gain Jessica’s trust. looks like this could take a while. Though saying that, almost feels like I’m putting Jessica in a really tight spot over this. But regardless for that conversation about Megan’s pretend diarrhea to get out of doing spirit week but it looks like girl talk here is going to have to wait as everyone now noticed a bite via rope tangling and causes Louise, Jessica, Megan, and April to hold on strongly onto the rope and begin to deal with the fight of their lives in reeling Wharfy in. And you think that we would get to see the moment of truth to arrive. Sadly, that’s not the case because that’s when we were switched over to Bob and his deal with wanting to feel the sentimental value of food.

Switching back again to the moment of truth with the girls ready to reel it in to get their biggest moment of their lives of proving to the world that Wharfy is real and not flat out fake news and just as the four finally about to get their moment of triumph, surprise! A fuck up happened when April now gotten way too overboard when trying to reel in the cage that the girls built within the last two days resulting in the cage now being dismantled and Wharfy now getting away from their location. Case in point...

Like what the audio said. The mission has failed to capture Wharfy. Also what the audio above said, “we’ll get it next time”. And that’s what Louise said after everyone felt bummed over not getting Wharfy out of the water. Sure, they almost and I mean ALMOST got their big moment only for April to come in and messes things up, but Louise did mention that they got another shot in all of this and who knows? The creature that they almost got is probably just a normal run of the mill fish and fate pretty much given the three girls another go in monster hunting and go to learn from their mistake and have another shot into capturing Wharfy without them almost sounding like crazy people or probably doing a random internet challenge but at least the three girls got something in common and hopes to hang out again in the future, so that’s a plus. No drama between the three. No friendships being put on thin ice. So that’s good for everyone to close out the main plot of the episode. And now to the subplot with Bob and also word to Louise, try incognito mode next time if you don’t want to be figured out by Tina. Just a little warning.

So while the whole thing with the main plot with Louise, Jessica, and Megan going Wharfy hunting, we got Bob and Linda finding out that Teddy’s mom’s dog got sick courtesy of Teddy, which resulted in Mort laughing at a bad possible time. Like whoa Mort, what the fuck?! This is someone’s dog that got come down with the sickness and you’re having a laugh about it. How do you like it if it’s something you love? Huh? Yeah, that what I thought. Apparently, Mort did NOT laugh over the whole Teddy mom dog sick thing. No, instead he was listening to his phone and found out that he’s taking a Prominent Professor class. Which is technically like an online course that you can take and be trained by people who happened to be trained professionals. Because the online world is now getting stronger and deranged by the moment from shopping to streaming and now classes. Nothing wrong with taking online classes for some people who...well...don’t have the time or the place to attend their classes in person. Just not PragerU. Those guys are pricks and not even a real university. Mort showcases a lot of online classes to everyone only for Bob to noticed something during the scroll, which caused Mort to stop midway and recognized a well-known chef named Michel Du Rocher, who Bob recognizes from his work and surprised that he’s doing a job over at the site, which results in him enrolling into the class and using Mort’s account, with Mort’s blessings, of course. Which the username and password he uses for him to enroll...yeah, like Tina, we may need a long talk about this.

Onto later at night over at the bedroom as just Bob is prepared for his first lesson from, not the actual URL but you know what I mean, he gets somewhat distracted by Linda putting on some lotion on her arms before heading off to bed because apparently she don’t want to wake up in the morning with dry, itchy skin. That’s probably lesson learned for everyone who don’t apply before going to sleep. Bob enters the online class held by renowned chef Michel Du Rocher and if you think that cooking class and how to be a better chef would be all puppies and rainbows? Well it looks like that’s not the case because the way the direction was going with that course that Bob is now taking was pretty much draining the happiness meter down to zero when it comes to food. The chef ate some meat once after cooking it, made him sad. Going the whole nine yards by burying it in a box, held a memorial service, and dump it into the ground. Or that he once made an omelet when he was in Dubai and next thing you know, pretty much destroyed his soul. Like what the fuck was that?! You think that this was going to be a culinary class for Bob to horn some skills for him to use behind the grill but this feels like attending a poetry class where the topic is mostly how life is pretty much fucking bullshit. I mean you can feel the angst built into this subplot and to the point where Bob take things seriously and begin to follow his instructions of where food begins to make the maker wishing he has shit on his head.

Bob’s real test now comes into play the next day with him coming out with a plate of a burger and fries with both Teddy and Linda witnessing the whole thing. Bob tells the two about what is about to do following his course by sitting down and take an hour to take a single bite of the food, despite that the food will cool down for that said hour, and feel the sentimental value of the burger. Only to get interrupted by Teddy time after time, resulting in Bob heading to the bathroom in peace to get the value. Though I guess the result in that...probably not going well for Bob when tasting the damn thing.

Bob tries again taking the course online, of course diverging with the main plot for a while with Louise wanting the thing to search up how to tips to making a cage for Wharfy, with more angsty stories courtesy of Michel here with him one time visiting Macao and came across a pineapple, looked at it for a brief period of time, pretty much lost the fight and now he’s the pineapple. Mentally, not psychically. Though it would be meta if that were the case.

Onto the next day following the montage that also includes Bob listening in to the egg, we have him serving Teddy a burger but with a nose plug attached onto him while Tina and Gene dress up in office getup for spirit week and wanting to know what Louise is doing with her hanging out with Megan and Jessica, despite not knowing that they’re out to capture a sea monster, with Bob now ready to try out a fry from Teddy’s plate and once he took that first bite of the fry, everyone knows the rules, and the result for the fry after various lessons online night after day after night...nothing. Nothing at all. The result ended up being nothing more than disappointment coming out from the fryer. Not saying that if it’s a potential waste of time for Bob but...yeah, you could say waste of time enough for him to head back to the kitchen in shame. Don’t know who has a disappointing week for each side? The girls who were that close to capture Wharfy only to fail? Or Bob unable to feel the sentimental value of food following course after course from an online chef? Yeah it looks like this may go for the girls on this one and here’s why Bob’s side isn’t a total failure when it comes to reaching a goal for the week.

And it comes to him behind the grill, all upset over the results that he didn’t get from fry tasting, where he begins to talk to his food as always about what happened earlier that made him into a glum chum and let’s just...the next part I’m gonna say, and I bet everyone one of y’all are gonna have a debate over this. Once the burger tells Bob to close his eyes...

We enter a musical montage, music feels like something coming out from a cartoon from the 1960s or 1970s where you have that Scooby-Doo style chase scene, with Bob imagining himself as the dirt, then as a piece of grass, then to a cow. And being put into the truck, on its way to the slaughterhouse. Prepped up as meat now and back to the real and the imagery continue with Bob’s face on the lettuce, the tomato, the bun...every bit from tooth to nail. Finally got his result which result him in crying as the softie as he is, nothing with Bob being a softie, that happened various times in the past. Finally got his result from the course where it’s no longer pointless. Like watching an upset being made when witnessing your team down by a few points at the near end of the fourth quarter and boom, we have an upset. What I’m saying is that the montage pretty much saved the subplot. The imagery, the music, the animation, pretty much saved from what could be a pointless subplot. That’s all I got to say as we close out this portion of the review and ending the episode at the dinner table with Bob...still teary eye over tasting food. Never change man. Never freaking change.


So all and all, what do I think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? Honestly, this was a solid episode. No bullshitting on saying that. I do enjoy it and not because of the return of Jessic...okay, maybe it does have something to do with Jessica’s return and that we haven’t seen her for almost a decade, but other than, both plots seems enjoyable and at least better than what happened with last week’s episode.

The main plot was solid as pretty much metal, well not in the meta variety, but more in the line of me saying it’s better than last week’s train wreck of a main plot and thank god that my speculations for this episode from the discussion last year didn’t come into play though when Louise was invited to tag along for the ride to hunt down Wharfy with Megan and Jessica, almost feels like she’s feeling a bit jealous over the idea of Jessica, who we haven’t seen for a really long ass time, hang out with another person and like after they became friends after the slumber party. But still, no drama. No bullshit. No anything, just three girls hanging out looking out and hopes to capture a monster living under the sea that they almost got it but failed by the end of the episode.

Lot of people are probably going to bitch over the idea of Jessica getting a redesign even though she was originally going to have brown hair but changed it for only one episode and that episode being that slumber party episode. Sure, it’s gonna take a while to used to much like with Frond with his redesign last week...still need to get through, may going to have some time to used to everything. But at least the girl’s back. Six years since we last saw and glad that she’s in and have a role in this episode despite not having the moment of Jessica and Louise hanging out following their friendship being formed and was really hoping for these two to bond following that. Hmm, next time. And by next time, I mean like around 2026 since it’s been a six year wait. But yeah, solid main plot. Do enjoy it and also somewhat surprised that we almost got a callback when in it comes to portions of the pier, didn’t even say which portion, collapsed like what happened back in Season 4. That somewhat pretty much came out of nowhere.

And the subplot was nearing pointless and going nowhere if it weren’t for that montage. Never gonna stop saying this...well until next week where that becomes a thing of the past. I do enjoy the montage of how the process was made in the hamburger with Bob’s face implanted onto it throughout the whole thing from dirt to actual Bob himself in reality of the Bob’s universe. The rest was pretty much going nowhere. I mean, you could consider trial and error because of Bob trying to get the feeling from his food following countless times of being on the course online, but it feels like it was going nowhere and almost about to calling it that being downplaying the episode if it weren’t for that montage at the end. Talk about a save coming from the crew for doing all of that.

So final thoughts, solid episode. Sure there were some flaws, mostly coming from the subplot but the montage, last time gonna say it, saved the subplot for the episode. Do enjoy Jessica’s return though people may have to get through the resign but just be glad that she’s back. Do enjoyed the idea of three girls going monster hunting and they almost got it. They almost did the impossible only to fall short and of course, were given another opportunity to hunt it down courtesy of Louise, so it looks like this is only the beginning...though feel like this is going to be a one episode thing. I mean, not like they’re gonna bring up Wharfy in the upcoming movie...right? So I’ll give “Three Girls and a Little Wharfy”...

A 9 out of 10. Yeah I said it, a nine. That’s my thoughts, now wanna hear yours. What do you think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Do you think the girls will finally get their shot to capture Wharfy next time around? Are you glad that Jessica return to the show? Would you follow what Bob is doing and have a different feeling when it comes to eating food? All that and your mini review in the comments below.

Thank you so much for reading this review of mine. If you want to catch up for updates and stuff, follow me over at Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram for all of that and not to mention that the Battle of the Week Voting Tournament returns this upcoming Sunday for the 2020 season. Tis the season for voting unless you’re already drained from the election. Don’t worry, the nightmare has just begun. And if you want to help your boy out...cause I’m still in desperate need of a new laptop...

PayPal, Patreon, Ko-fi pages, you know what to do. Donate. Help your boy out. Support the page and all that. Speaking of upcoming Sunday, it’s song competition for the kids to come up with a new school song but only one will get their shit picked while Bob, Linda, and Teddy has to deal with more of Jimmy Pesto shit in the fourteenth episode of Season 10, “Wag the Song”. Review number 100! Here we are boys and girls, the centennial mark of the Bob’s Burgers reviews that I’ve been doing for the past six years. There some ups and most downs but can’t believe made it this far. This should be a special one come next week for the episode review...or disappointment. Mostly the latter. That’s about it for the review and I will see you guys later for the centennial episode review of this show, later.

***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Century FOX, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***

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