The weekend of Comic Con updates before taking a rest until the Fall season concludes with one more series that need to be in check following one of the panels from San Diego. And no, we’re NOT talking about Archer, which thank the Animation Gods that Archer will finally wake the fuck up from his coma after three seasons of what would happen if the series is based a fan’s AU from 1940s crime mystery drama to 1930s jungle genre to right now over in Space and not to coincide with the anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing in 1969 in which some of y’all still think that the whole thing is staged and whatnot. But enough talk about random ramblings, it’s to talk about my tried and true in the form of the burger fandom.
Burger fandom is off for a summer hiatus since Season 9 ended back months ago with “Yes Without My Zeke”, which some people out there think that the recent season finale was one of the worsts they saw but not in the level to let say Game of Thrones or Star vs The Forces of Evil or even The Amazing World of Gumball. Or possibly even the last season of Doctor Who with that Ravkoors Av...Bud Light by the Shore episode. And don’t even think about calling me a sexist, this has NOTHING to do with the appearance of The Doctor. Yeah, hard to believe that the mushroom episode that Bouchard said in a interview days before the premiere of the previous season got freaking snubbed. In which, speaking of the mushroom episode, we’ll get to that later on. And of course, when it comes to the new season, let’s hope that we get like equal footage of episodes to both the adults and the kids. Saying that because let’s face it, Season 9, most episodes of that season, like 75%, maybe 80%, of the season is mostly focuses on the kids and nothing just the kids with the adults with decent to just bad subplots. So I’m just hoping we can at least balance the episodes and I don’t know how many episodes Season 10 is going to have we can at least slice the pie into three pieces with one slice being the episodes focusing on the adults, one for the kids, the other for both. Just for one season...alright.
Updates for the upcoming season, Season 10, which is set to air on September 29, mark your calendars, and hoping to save my strength when the day comes with the live blogging/tweeting and of course, the review, let’s hope that the NFL or FOX learned their lesson about the dangers of overruns. Know saying that, it’s going to happen again.
So it looks like the episode that will kick off Season Number Ten will be the episode titled “The Ring (But Not Scary”, in which what Bouchard put out during the panel is that Bob finally gets the engagement ring for Linda, only to end up losing it. Which is strange yet peculiar that both Bob and Linda don’t have wedding rings on their fingers, mostly because it’s a cartoon and you don’t usually see engagement rings attached to their fingers, and you see that there’s some married couple that tied the knot but not seen wearing rings. I guess it may have to be the fact that Bob didn’t like buy the ring because of the cost and that he can’t afford getting the engagement rings at the time of their wedding. Don’t know if we’re gonna get a flashback to that in this upcoming season premiere episode but it looks like we’ll wait and see about that. Also Bob and Linda married in city hall rather than at a church as in tradition for two individuals to tie the knot or at a beach or somewhere around the adjacent area. When “Something Old, Something New, Something Bob Caters For You” aired back in May of 2018 to close out Season 8, when the Belchers were hired to cater that soon-to-be married couple on the day of their wedding, I was hoping for either Bob or Linda, probably Linda...yeah Linda, to say when seeing the wedding and probably imagine her saying when seeing the two after saving the wedding after it went to shit from strong winds to the destruction of the wedding cake enough to possibly be put in WatchMojo’s Top 10 Brutal or Saddest Anime Deaths that this dream wedding of theirs, imagine if they’re in their shoes if they have like enough money and have the wedding of their dreams. Not in the form of regretting, nothing like that, say like, let’s say a what if scenario if they had that wedding like theirs. Though that didn’t happen, you have to give props to Linda for saving that wedding from being a total dumpster fire and with that ring episode, it would be intriguing to know about Bob and Linda before, during, and possibly after their supposed wedding.
Speaking of the season premiere, it looks like actress Jillian Bell will be making a comeback but NOT as a different character this time, nope. Guess who’s back? Back again? Nat is back. Tell a friend. Yep, you heard that correctly. Nat the Limo Driver from “V for Valentine-detta” will be making a return and early too. Saying that because when the script cover for a future episode of the show was dropped back on May 24 with the title “Just the Trip”, it shows Nat, showcasing her return to the show. Would mark her return from a two season hibernation but it looks like Nat’s return to the show will be a little early than what everyone was expecting. But all and all, glad that Nat will be returning and hope that the writers don’t like screw her return up.
Onto the next one on the list with “Boys Just Wanna Have Fungus”, in which both Gene and Bob go mushroom hunting. This was the episode that Bouchard talked about when doing an interview with Entertainment Weekly days, if not, weeks before the start of Season 9, sensing that this episode was gonna be in that season...we didn’t get that. Was hoping for that being the season finale, got snubbed by “Yes Without My Zeke”. But yeah, another Gene and Bob father/son episode in the main plot position, first time since Season 7’s “The Laser-inth” and this mushroom hunting trip won’t be like your normal trip like going to the farmer’s market, though the episode may start off with that, because they’re about to head off to the woods to hunt down the plant. Though this is a Bob and Gene episode, it questions some people on which one of the two will be taking the spotlight. You take “Lil’ Hard Dad” with them getting their refund following a toy helicopter being defective, Gene took the spotlight, mouthing what Bob said about the principle, and cause a cease fire. But then in “The Laser-inth” when Gene agrees to go with Bob to the laser light show for his (Bob) birthday, ending up having a sensory overload, it was Bob who helped Gene to calm him down, show off a visualization using a lighter with the music from the radio turned down, sneak back into the place, and place wet napkins into Gene’s ears so he can enjoy the show. Will it be Gene’s turn again for this upcoming episode and take the spotlight? Or will Bob go back-to-back and take home the title?
On to “Motor She Boats”, in which competition becomes the name of the game when Tina head off to camp with her Thundergirl troop and facing off against their rival troop. Troop number 257, if you don’t remember, is the rival troop to Tina’s troop, 119, that outsold that troop during the cookie sale in “Tina Tailor Soldier Spy” only to find out that there’s a mole within troop 119 which later to be revealed to be Rina, who was sent as a spy for 257 to undermine them only to get caught by Tina. It may be possible that Rina might have a grudge against Tina for getting caught as the mole for he troop to be point to probably cause her to lose her guard, but anything can happen. And no, I don’t think they’re gonna make up and sing Kumbaya by the campfire by the end of the episode. It’s gonna be the same with Tammy in various episodes isn’t it? Goddamn it.
Onto the Halloween episode, “Pig Trouble in Little Tina”, in which it has nothing to do with the film “Big Little in Little China” but more in the line of “Nightmare on Elm Street” despite that the title was used in last year’s Halloween episode with the kids’ candy being stolen out in the open. Nope, it mostly gonna be focusing on Tina is being haunted by a fetal pig in her dreams. So technically it may be caused by what about to happen for the eighth grade class by doing a biology lesson in dissection in which they have to dissect a fetal pig. Anyone can remember the time where y’all did that for your biology class when dissecting an animal, though some had tapped out due to them being squeamish, and Tina had to partake it but of course, once the deed is done, that’s where she begins to feel bad about it, thinking that it’s a real pig, and the nightmare begins. Though it may be due to pressure coming her peers, mostly from the usual suspects, Tammy, Jocelyn, Jimmy Jr, and Zeke, and Tina ends up take up the challenge, though not in the form of what happened in “The Land Ship” where she was paired up with Jordan Cagan because she doesn’t have any fun in her body and ends up partaking in vandalism. But you know what I mean and I knew that this is going to be a Halloween episode. So get ready for that. Wonder what costumes the animation department have in stores for this year?
Then we have “Legends of the Mall” in which the whole episode is gonna be at the mall and not at the restaurant or at the school, it’s gonna be over at the mall and we don’t know what Bob, Linda, Gene, and Louise are going to do in the mall, but we know what Tina is going to do in the form of going fishing for some boys only to spot someone sleeping on the bench and convince everyone that she’s his boyfriend. Will everyone believe that? Hope not. Will it put the Tina/Jimmy Jr on edge when hearing that? Definitely not mostly because that boy is mostly gonna be a one-off and never to return. Though last time that happened, everyone thought that Josh would be a one-off only to came back a few episodes later with the shippers sharpening their pitchforks and buying missiles from the black market. Could say satire but that died like around 2016 into 2017. Oh my god, we’re fucking doing this again? Don’t be like what Nefcy did, Loren. Already went through one storm, don’t want to go through another.
We got a brief mention for one of the episodes set to air for Season 10 in “The Hawkening: Looks Who’s Hawking Now” The Hawking Strikes Back and the Deathly Hawk-llows Hawk-finity War...mark two. Marking the return of Rising Hawk, Shinji Kojima, since his debut back in Season 5. Though no word if his daughter, Yuki, or Chick, making a return as well. But we know that Rudy will be in play, probably in the supporting role, and just to make sure that it’s a sequel to “Hawk & Chick”...
Come at me! Ready to rip my heart out once again show! I’m fucking ready as you are! You want me to get the alcohol ready, just turned 22 months ago, so bring it on! Do your worse because I’m sure everyone should be prepared for once the episode air later on in the season.
Onto the Thanksgiving episode with “Now We’re Not Cooking with Gas” in which Bob is forced to cook a Thanksgiving turkey without the use of a gas oven. And everyone when cooking a huge meal, especially during the holidays, and the gas oven at the kitchen is mostly the ideal thing for use when cooking these type of stuff. Now Bob is being forced to not use it. Either if it’s gonna be the oven being broken and has to be sent to be repaired or gotta go get a new one or forced to use an alternative way to cook, one of the them being a fryer and there’s some people who often use fryers like they’re a pro even though most of times when using those things result in massive amounts of injuries enough to be put on the local news the next day. Once you put the turkey inside the frying pot with the fire from the propane in full effect, then you pretty much have a ticking time bomb to implode. If you were hoping for Bob to have at least one normal Thanksgiving, no drama, no problems whether if it’s in or outside of the kitchen, then...uh...that ain’t happening, chief. That ain’t fucking happening.
Onto the Christmas episode with “Have Yourselves a Mail-y Little Christmas” with Linda getting a job at the post office over the holidays. You have Linda’s family coming in to visit for the holidays...and Gayle...and of course, Linda has to get a job to make ends meet for the holidays, probably to get her parents to visit the Belchers’ household from Florida and will it become another Lindapendent Woman? Well...we’re not sure but we’ll wait and find out and at least this episode will be a holiday filled episode and not like with last year’s “holiday” episode with the kids taking on Logan and his merry men of Poop-eaters over calling the rights on a snowy hill. Questioning the Louigan shippers out there, what the fuck is wrong with you people? I blame the parents for not raising people right just like with the economy. Calling millennials lazy for not doing shit even though it’s the parents and grandparents responsible for fucking everything up and give the kids and future grandkids a horrible, terrible, no good, very bad life outside of the house. Thanks mom and dad! Please be holiday filled for this season, for the love of god!
Oh yeah, and speaking of holiday episodes, we’re getting a St. Patrick’s Day episode. I mean...other than Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, and Christmas, we have other holidays that show should focus on. Already got Mother’s Day, twice to be exact, we got Easter that one time in Season 7 back in 2017, and now, we get St. Patrick’s Day. Wouldn’t be long until we get a Father’s Day episode even though Father’s Day is in June and the series would be in the off-season and the series did a bonus episode once back in 2017, so are we due for another and making it a Father’s Day themed episode? Who know? We won’t. Same goes for the Fourth of July. Neither does New Year’, okay.
Onto the movie update and this one seems rather brief to be honest coming from the panel. If you, like myself, were hoping for like a poster or at least a teaser trailer for the upcoming movie come next year but instead, we got a theme for the movie for 2020. We already know that the movie is going to be a musical, but it looks like we have another genre set for the film in the form of a mystery. And not like your typical Scooby-Doo type of mystery with a chase scene while songs from the 1960s or 1970s play out in the background. We still don’t know what the plot of the movie is going to be and all we know is that it’s going to be a musical and a mystery. Although we did get some plot points that may or may not be key to put the pieces of the puzzle together whether if it’s seeing Bob’s mom and how she left the Earth or finally seeing what’s under Louise’s hat and see if the whole Louise don’t want to be Linda theory seem rather dumb or not or seeing the Pesto Mom and prove how much of a massive dick Jimmy Pesto is. Father of the Year. Would say unopposed but it looks like Ass Hat Joe decided to throw his hat into the ring. Well him and Endeavor from My Hero Academia. So there’s that.
But anyway, movie comes out in 2020, July 17 to be exact though there might, key word “might”, be a chance, key word “chance”, that it could be pushed to a later date and that’s not fake news, John Roberts in an interview not too long ago when promoting his single, which you should probably, this is NOT an endorsement by the way, said that it may be pushed back. I hope that’s not the case and follow it’s July 17 date. As for the trailer and/or poster, let’s say...around Christmas when we get an announcement. Though I could be wrong. So until then, the waiting game has begun for the movie while for Season 10, only a few weeks until the games begin, so mark your calendars everyone!
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