
Friday, April 19, 2019

Jessica's Triumphant Return: Revisiting the “When is Jessica Coming Back” Discussion | yahoo201027 Discussion Articles

September 2016:

It’s been like 50+ episodes since we last saw her and as we about to enter Season 7, which is like in a few weeks or so, and just like Florida Hurricane Drought that ended not too long ago with Hermine, the whole “Jessica Drought” needs to end soon…

It’s been over two years since we last saw Jessica since her debut back in “Slumber Party,” feels like a long time, but I guess in the writer(s)’ perspective, not long enough. And that bothers me because we got introduced to someone who is Louise’s perfect match and all of a sudden, “Where in the Hell is she?”

Hoping for Season 5 to bring her, no luck. Season 6, no luck. And somethings tells me the upcoming season, Season 7, could do the same. So please, Season 8, bring her back!

April 2019:

That didn’t happen with Season 8 and neither does the current season that we’re in, Season 9. It’s been five long years since Slumber Party first aired that introduces us to Jessica to the fanbase with her being the bland and boring kind but somehow exploded to becoming a fan favorite when showing off her sneaky mischievous side when trying to find her missing wet pants and the pillow fight with Louise that later gained her friendship with everyone’s favorite bunny-hated nine year old.

Ever since both Louise and Jessica became friends by the end of “Slumber Party”, best friends even, the girl hasn’t even made a return once. 

Until this happened on April 12 of this year when the Bento Box’s Instagram page decided to drop you could an equivalent of a massive bombshell and well, they say that a picture is worth a thousand words so uh…here it is…

She has finally returned! She has returned after five long years of falling off the face of the Earth and there she is, finally making her comeback! Hold on for a moment…

“Yeah…yeah uh…so uh…they finally decided to bring her back. Yeah, the guys over at Bento Box finally pulled out the Jessica card. Yeah, looks like we’re not waiting for her for the movie to come. W-what…what? You finally decided to come back? Just like that? A-ar-are you insane right now? Are you insane right now? You get paid whether you come back or not, who gives a shit?”

“F-fi-fine, fine. You know she’s gonna kill you right? You know Louise is going to straight up murder your ass for disappearing like that come the off-season. Yeah, Bouchard should’ve like drop hint after hint during the five years, but you try telling the guy placing the damn thing like placing mines on an open field without getting shot by the enemy camp. You know they once tried to humanize Millie during your absence? Yeah…Twilight Zone level shit right over there.”

“Alright. Alright. Alright. Guess I should’ve done the thing throughout the season, before the slump, like “Where the Hell was Jessica?” Yeah…yeah…yeah…bring in the FBI to storm their offices, I don’t care. It ain’t gonna change shit. There’s the next season and the movie…yeah I don’t know when the series is gonna end? Just watch and see if Disney can like burn this fucker to the ground. Alright…alright…bye.”

Sorry for you guys to go through that. But yeah…after a five year wait since Slumber Party first aired that gave us the introduction of Jessica, she has finally decided to make a return to the series onto the next season, which is in Season 10, and it looks like she’s gonna have a massive role in this. Key word “massive” because all we got is a script cover and that about it. We now got to wait until possibly around early 2020 for that to come into play and see the Bland, Boring girl with a super sneaky side that gained Louise’s interest and trust into play.

Let’s talk about the current season and maybe the previous season too where we have characters that we haven’t seen for a like a really long time, not since the Obama Administration, from Upskirt Kurt from his debut episode in Seaplane! to the current season in Live and Let Fly or with Helen from her debut episode in Housetrap to the current season in The Helen Hunt to Logan, Sasha and Duncan, Harley, Jodi, Millie, Mudflap, Henry, Dr. Yap, Courtney and Ass Hat (who will be making their second appearance in this season alone), all the way to the one who was recently introduced who also made a comeback in the current season in Alex, Jessica, alongside in the likes of Josh, are the characters that needed to make a comeback. A full on comeback. Talking about a speaking role and in massive play in that episode, not talking about that non-speaking cameo back in the start of the current season Josh. 

But for Jessica, what did we get after finally becoming friends with Louise at the end of “Slumber Party”? Fallen off the face of the Earth and been through that for five fucking years. Almost half a decade. We’re in the fourth month of 2019, the 2010s decade is almost done with, and it’s been half a decade since we last saw Jessica on our screens.

Going back to the first discussion back in 2016 about why the wait for Jessica to make her triumphant return is a massive wait for the fanbase and it comes down to the two things that needed for that to be a reality, that being how the writers are going to write her in due to the fact that she became a fan favorite. In her debut episode and exploded to become a fan favorite in like a matter of seconds, my guess probably around the time of when Louise found a walkie talkie and begins toying her when trying to find her missing wet pants that Linda accidentally picked up and thinks that it’s tie-dye only to be later finding out that a raccoon has been gnawing on it all because of the scent of pee. Yeah, let’s go with that. In that Behind Bob’s Burgers video back in 2015 when a fan asks the crew working behind the show on when is she (Jessica) making a return, they answered that they’re planting the seeds on her return but needed some time to add her in due to her being a fan favorite and rapidly one in that. 

Going back to the first discussion back in 2016 about why the wait for Jessica to make her triumphant return is a massive wait for the fanbase and it comes down to the two things that needed for that to be a reality, that being how the writers are going to write her in due to the fact that she became a fan favorite. In her debut episode and exploded to become a fan favorite in like a matter of seconds, my guess probably around the time of when Louise found a walkie talkie and begins toying her when trying to find her missing wet pants that Linda accidentally picked up and thinks that it’s tie-dye only to be later finding out that a raccoon has been gnawing on it all because of the scent of pee. Yeah, let’s go with that. In that Behind Bob’s Burgers video back in 2015 when a fan asks the crew working behind the show on when is she (Jessica) making a return, they answered that they’re planting the seeds on her return but needed some time to add her in due to her being a fan favorite and rapidly one in that. 

And yeah, you can’t blame them for having trouble finding the right time due to a character being a fan favorite and all that, one year is fine. Two years, okay. Once again it hits that three mark, oh boy, the fans are gonna have a massive wait on their hands enough to make a blood ritual for their favorite character to come back. I don’t see people doing that like back when Bleach was around during it’s final arc hoping for either Aizen or Grimmjow to return, or with Steven Universe with Jasper, or even in Star vs with Eclipsa. We don’t want to rush things and have their return downplayed like that. And I know we want more of him or her or whatever in action following their last appearance, but writers are humans, and yes, five years is a really long time for a character to return, but patience alright. Be patient and then the character get to return.

And even if she is written back into the show, which she now in for next season, here comes thing number two, the voice. Kathryn Hahn, following her voice role back in 2014 as the red headed female, she became as busy as ever to do another episode with doing movies that some became blockbuster hits. She’s a very busy person and finding an opening to reprising her role as Jessica is not going to be simple as that if her schedule begins to fill up. I don’t know how the world of scheduling work if you’re a very busy person, whether actor or musician, but yeah…busy, busy, busy. Oh and it looks like Hahn has finally reprised her role, so no worry about that. Not like they’re planning on bringing Jessica back but Hahn refused and get another one or in this case, get either someone like Slate, Dillman, or the Silverman sisters stepping in to fill in the void. No hate on y’all, y’all did amazing jobs voicing the characters on the show.

Now, with her return to the show comes how will her friendship with Louise will pan out since the night they first met. Because to put it out there, Jessica is Louise’s first female friend that she made and from the slumber party that Linda orchestrated who isn’t either a total blabber mouth, who likes braiding so much that her family decided to switch the usual maps with Swiffer jets, or someone who is so afraid of germs that she would rather live in a bubble than breathing the dirty air spewing around and we’re not talking pollution from a nearby tanker that imploded like three times, and we haven’t seen their dynamic in action since then and pretty much peeved people off. I mean, you can’t just introduce someone who has now became a friend to one of the three Belcher children or rather the Belcher family in general. Being a one-off like with each and every random character that was introduced for one episode and then never to be used again. Take Darryl for example, he was supposed to be a one-off character after helping Bob out beating Jimmy Pesto’s high score in making a deal in trying to beat up his bullies. That was Season 2. And he returned a season later in Season 3 now friends with the Belcher kids. Same goes for Tammy on that instance. Rudy also from his debut in Season 3 and reintroduced in Season 4. Millie in Season 4 and reintroduced in Season 5, don’t know why I brought her up in this discussion, and of course, Alex being introduced in Season 8 and again in Season 9. 

Yeah, it’s a damn shame that we didn’t get to see the dynamic that is Louise and Jessica playing out following the end of Slumber Party when the two finally became best friends following that little pillow fight but in that upcoming episode for the next season, it looks like that might be a case. Key word “might” because for all of this, this is pretty much speculation for the new season coming in the Fall and most speculations die out once the episode comes into play by the end of the day. But I still want to see how their friendship play out because that’s the thing that the fans want to see not coming from Jessica but coming from Louise. She got along with both Andy and Ollie, even though there’s gonna be some people thinking that she’s pretty much using them but they wouldn’t even mind. And even better with Rudy and of course, looking out for the guy from worried about his poor health that gave her a massive scare once eating chocolate to defending him when finding out that Chloe is pretty much a valley girl level bitch for using him to get his quiz answers. 

With Jessica, referencing the previous discussion from three years ago, they have a mischievous side in their personalities and would be the perfect tag team to create havoc like pulling pranks and stuff in possibly the likes of Thelma and Louise. That be something that the fans would like to see to the point where Louise possibly grow fond of Louise like a sister she never have, sorry Tina. Oh I’m gonna get a lot hate coming from the fandom who ship Louise with Jessica. Hey, at least she’s not Logan. Cause fuck Logan, am I right? Anyone but Logan even though they’re around nine, ten years old and should save the lovey dovey shit till like middle to high school.

Really would love to see them hang out. Have another slumber party. Having a girls’ night out. Pulling pranks and everything else in that mind. And not in the form of like clothes shopping and going out for makeup, unless the option of turning your fingernails into claws like with Louise back in “Mutiny on the Windbreaker” when she done that. Not in like the form of…let’s say for example…

Gene’s friendship with Alex, let’s go with that. Like Louise and Jessica in her (Jessica) debut, there was a sleepover or slumber party or whatever, well…the whole Louise and Jessica thing was a slumber party since Linda invited her and the three others into the Belcher household for Louise to find the perfect female while with Gene and Alex, Alex invited Gene to a sleepover in hopes to interact outside of gym class, on to Gene and Alex with Louise and Jessica, following “Cheer Up Sleepy Gene” onto the events of “Roller? I Hardly Know Her!”, when Alex came back into play in this season, we see that Gene’s friendship with the long brown-haired buddy of his has gotten better and stronger than ever like them playing a game that they made up called Robo Wizard Quest and it was nice, it was cute to see these two having some fun for the beginning of that episode…until both Courtney and Ass Hat, mostly Ass Hat, took Alex away from Gene and that made him mad to the point that he almost sabotaged Alex in the demand by Ass Hat with a drink with sesame but didn’t just as Alex was about to take the first sip and of course, the two apologize, friendship saved, perform with Courtney, and of course, Courtney now added in their little pack. GAC Pack.

Point is, I want to see Louise and Jessica to be like with Gene and Alex. How their friendship has fully developed ever since the events of “Slumber Party” and we as the viewer play guessing games and Russian roulettes on headcanons and theories and how their friendship been inflating like a hot air balloon not hoping for it to have a problem when lifting off, this seems more in the line of the writers thinking of themselves that now that she’s back in the show and her friendship with Louise has now been established, it’s time for their relationship to be put to the test. Again, like with Gene and Alex’s friendship in “Roller? I Hardly Know Her!”, Alex’s return to the show, after being introduced for one season, has put their friendship to the test and with Courtney added to the mix. Have we not forget that these two almost had their friendship ruined in the hands of the writers, of course they made up in the end, don’t worry about it, and now I fear it’s gonna be déjà vu for both of them mostly because it may end up putting their friendship on thin ice in the duration of that future episode. Though knowing the Roller episode, things turned out fine at the end of the day though this is all speculations. Take it with a grain of salt, anything can happen until the day of that episode airs which probably gonna be early next year in the second half of the new season.

And now to the speculation on that future episode and how their friendship would play based on the script cover. And of course, we have the new girl, who may end up being a one-off, in play in the episode so we got to include her in the mix. So judging in the script cover is we see Louise, alongside Jessica and…I’m gonna call her Kaitlyn, not her official name but until the episode synopsis comes out, then Kaitlyn it is for the new girl, holding a plate of what looked like bread…or some sort of food for what looks like an animal with a very long neck you can see in the shadow behind them and no, it’s not a giraffe. More in line of a…thought it was dinosaur at first, but now it looks like it might be more in line of…a loch ness monster? I know, that seems a bit far fetch, but then again, we were supposed to have aliens on the show but that didn’t happen and instead turned into flaw soup. 

I could possibly imagine this being a class field trip, or maybe rather the fourth graders to be in fact, for their science class to learn about different animals and there has to be that one student, either be either coming from Kaitlyn or someone else, Louise and/or Jessica coming up with that seems a bit farfetched and decided to investigate it for themselves. Things probably went decent at first but then drama has to explode out of nowhere, could possibly see in the form of Kaitlyn and Jessica bonding with Louise being threaten of being the third wheel like when Gene and Zeke bonded and Jimmy Jr felt threatened when hunting for the two-butted goat. But rather than Jimmy Jr trying to one up Gene throughout the trip but ending up putting their friendship on thin ice and then Kaitlyn interrupts the duo’s bickering and saw something sinister lurking and ending up investigating despite that the two constant bicker and could throw a wrench on their investigation and before or rather after getting caught, the person who would patch Louise and Jessica’s friendship and for them to apologize would be the one who’s responsible for triggering Louise, that would be Kaitlyn. 

The two (Louise and Jessica) apologize and possibly hug it out a la Gene and Alex, keep bringing these two up, it’s wild, the two patch up and Louise apologize to Kaitlyn for trying to steal Jessica away. Kaitlyn accepts it and of course, Louise gained another friend in her. Oh and the loch ness monster thing…nothing more than a dream, or rather some guy in a costume trying to promote business and have the episode end with an actual loch ness monster poking out of the waters for a bit before heading back. If you’re asking me what the hell am I smoking coming up with that idea? I have no idea with that. I mean, an actual loch ness monster…on the show…that got a much chance of the Cleveland Browns winning the Super Bowl. But how the heck should I know, I’m just a guy who made this discussion in the comfort of my own home on the Internet getting a first row seat to watching this burn to the ground thanks to the Disney merger.

But for now, until we get the full story, as in the plot synopsis and the screencaps for that upcoming episode, this is all speculations. My speculations to be in fact but I want to hear it for y’all about that upcoming episode for the new season. And of course, what do you think about Jessica’s return to the show? How do you think her return will play out? Will she play a major or supporting role in that episode? And how will her relationship with Louise be executed? Tell me that and more in the comments down below.

Thanks to everyone who read this and you can check out my Season 9 review of Bob’s Burgers as we now prepare to close the doors for the season, only three episodes remain with the plot synopsis for the Season Finale now out earlier this week. And if you want to check out more stuff, Bob’s Burgers related and other stuff, follow me over at Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram. And also over at Pinterest and Reddit. I have those. And if you want to feel like Christmas every other month…

Donate today to my PayPal, Patreon, and Ko-fi pages to help the page out as we are now heading towards the halfway mark of the year, wow…the year has flied by fast. Thought by now, we would have a nuclear war by now. But yeah…donate today to help me and the page out to make things better. That’ll be it for me and until then, until the episode returns on April 28 and the review either on the Tuesday or Wednesday after the episode. I’ll see y’all later.

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