Nothing says episode number seventeen and on St. Patty’s Day 2019 of all holidays like a boy and his new friend that he found…in the form of blob of plankton. Yeah, you thought I was bullshitting you there, huh? Yeah…that’s a thing in this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers when Gene befriended a blob of plankton that he found and must defend it from a yacht club and must convince the Belcher sisters to tag along for the ride in my spoilerific review of the seventeenth episode of season nine, titled “What About Blob?”
After getting out of a perfectly good episode of the season, or in the year 2019 for the series in “Roamin’ Bob-iday”, you would think that the streak to continue with this episode now that we’re going back to the kids being in the spotlight for a main plot? Well…we were wrong about that. It’s like with “UFO No You Didn’t”, after having two good episodes in “I Bob Your Pardon” and “Roller, I Hardly Know Her?”, fell down fast like it’s a freaking roller coaster. It’s the same with this episode. But like with “UFO No You Didn’t”, despite the flaws that were mixed in this episode, it didn’t somewhat ruin the enjoyment of the episode. And it has to be a Gene episode of all of the Belcher family members to be featured since the days of the Roller episode, which was a really good episode if you disagree with me, and with this episode…yeah, safe choice of words I would sum up this episode is somewhat decent at best.
So the main plot is mostly Gene, doing Gene things and trying to get attention like we all know that someone in our life whether if it’s a family member of a friend that you know that wanting to get the attention by getting in your way, yeah, that’s Gene until he was amused by the blob of plankton lighting up in the middle of the night in the ocean water and then have to save it when overhearing that the plankton might be getting the death penalty in the form of bleaching the ocean. So in a way, you could say this is Gene making a stand and saving something that he likes, just like with changing the ingredient of his favorite candy back to it’s regular ingredient back in Season 7, only with extra help on his side. At least he’s not like locking himself to a carousel and almost got his head ripped off by the demolition crew in front of people.
The subplot, did not expect that we would get a plot synopsis from this episode when reading the plot synopsis of the episode and of all the people that being centered on when it comes to this subplot, it’s Trev, the employee to Jimmy Pesto, who’s getting the development. Got to give the writers credit where credit is due because Trev, like with the other characters that aren’t the Belchers, Teddy, Frond, Jimmy Jr, Zeke, Tammy, Gayle for some reason, and Rudy…it’s a pretty fucking long list? How long? You’ll be seeing that list when you head towards a random intersection in the middle of Madrid, Spain. Trev gets development in this subplot and they…not wanting to say wasting it. Because it almost looking like things were going somewhat intriguing as the episode drags on with Trev…only until the ending of that as it looks like he’s gonna forget what he went through with Bob and Linda but somewhat…didn’t high five Jimmy Pesto back. So uh…it was decent, it’s not that bad despite that the development seems to be weathered away come the ending, but at least we got Trev, a character that we didn’t the development factor to him, giving the spotlight. And I hope we can get more from the other characters…maybe in the main plot, let’s go with that.
The Gene Bean feels upset to kick off the episode when walking home along with both Tina and Louise after Gene got busted in trying to make some noise in the cafeteria and of course, got in trouble with Mr. Frond for causing a noise complaint. All Gene wanted to do is to at least brighten up the mood in the cafeteria but here comes the fun police charging in and tells Gene to stop making all that racket when playing with a fork and banging it on the table. Which this is the school cafeteria, you think that they would use plastic utensils as the go to for the students eating their lunch and not actual silverware. Trust me because back when I was in grade school, the utensils you get when getting your food over at the cafeteria, yeah, plastic. Not like the school board used the plastic over actual silverware to not worry about a potential whoopsie daisy and not wanting to get sued. And now we get sporks. Score one for safety.
Gene got upset over that and now must eat away his problems by heading over to an oyster bar along with both Tina and Louise to it to grab at least a bite to eat before heading back home. Which…does bring up a question here because aren’t oysters like…shellfish? Because if it is, then…how come Gene didn’t like get an allergic reaction to it since he has a shellfish allergy that can make his face all bloated up and turning red. But apparently, and I had to read it through a Reddit post that although oysters and other shellfish food, like lobster for example, you can get an allergy attack from eating lobster but does not automatically mean you can be allergic to oysters. I think there might be a huge difference when it comes to the type of shellfish you would eat and getting an allergic reaction to it. And that honor of getting an allergic reaction the most would go to the crustaceans like shrimp and lobsters but not mollusks like oysters and clams. So that would mean that Gene would be allergic to crustacean shellfish and not mollusk shellfish. Meaning that Gene is good to go to eat oysters like in this episode.
Just as the kids eat the oysters from the oyster bar, Gene noticed something green in the ocean waters by the docks and just because the episode aired on St. Patrick’s Day, doesn’t mean the animators just added the green color in honor of the holiday that the episode will be airing on. Found out that those little green things that been blobbing up the ocean are nothing more than plankton and they been building up themselves like they’re a freaking raft like you see ants making themselves a raft in floodwaters after a night of heavy rain in an area where the ground is already saturated enough to create some problems. These plankton on the water aren’t as harmful as ants…well…except some…I don’t know, I’m NOT a certified marine biologist. I’m not Jotaro Kujo.
Back at the restaurant with Gene now making noise again while complaining to both Bob and Linda that he got barred from making noise at school and even both Bob and Linda don’t want to deal with Gene’s little noise, mostly because it might scare off the customers…if there is any customers during this time of day and even scare away Mort from coming into the restaurant. Like no seriously, Mort was about to make his return since a really long time and he exits stage left all because of Gene making noise. And with that, there’s your Mort moment of the season. See you in Season 10 and possibly the movie…what happened to Andy Kindler anyway? Gene got upset over Bob and Linda being annoyed over the noise that he’s been making and exits out in the middle of the night by the waters and Bob asks both Louise and Tina to head down because it’s dark and it’s not safe for an 11 year old boy to head out late at night, then again, this is the same 11 year old who tagged along with another 11 year old who ran away from his home during his first sleepover over not dealing with his problems head on and into a badly constructed fort in the middle of the woods, and because they don’t want to deal with cleaning the place. So it’s either tag along with an upset Gene to the waters by the docks or clean the place up before closing up for the night? So they have to tag along with Gene for the benefit of the doubt…to try to cheer up a pissed off Gene from having a really rough day.
Switching over to the beach with a pissed off Gene storming around the sands over him having a really rough day as both Louise and Tina sat around on the rocks and has to listen to Gene’s little anger talk and wanting to prove everyone wrong and when he threw a rock on the water like you throwing the pebble on the water to see if it hops towards the other side or something like that, he noticed something shining on the water that mostly due to the fact that it’s night but look at the waters…
Yeah, that mostly because of the plankton in the waters lighting up that got not just Gene, but also Louise and Tina intrigued over what the plankton are doing during the night when it comes to the waters. And of course, got to give credit to the animators on this one with this scene because they did capture the visuals of the plankton lighting up beautifully when the Belcher kids play around with the water with their hands and have the plankton light up. So props to the animators for that someone of a good visual with the water…I feel like with that and last week with the musical numbers, the animators pretty much spend away a lot of money for the season and now in crippling debt. Animation is not cheap, my friend. It is not cheap. Take a lot of money to get the boat known as the animation for the show for us fan to be entertained.
On to the next day back at the oyster bar where it looks like the Belcher kids aren’t eating the oysters this time around but looking at the plankton invading the waters by the docks as the owner of that said oyster bar came up and asks Gene on what’s he doing and why’s he looking at the water filled with plankton. In which he stated that he something blue over at the water last night, thinking that it’s some sort of creature shining under the water. And no, it’s not referring to a lantern fish because if it is, Gene right now would’ve lose an arm because those motherfuckers, even though they have a lantern on their heads, they can bite because of those really huge teeth of theirs. Find out coming from the Oyster Guy, named Charles, that the light that the three saw from last night was not from any type of aquatic animal, rather, it’s coming from the plankton. The same one that invaded the ocean by the marina from yesterday. And this is where we dive into a little lesson in marine biology coming from the guy who sell oysters like he’s selling cars at a run of the mill dealership but has a vast knowledge of psychics like he’s an AP Psychics teacher and stated that the plankton like ones from last night can sometime light up in a thing called “bioluminescent”, and according to the National Geographic website on the term, found out that it was caused by a chemical reaction within a living organism. You want more on the term, go watch the video below to find out how the thing works.
So think of bioluminescent like with fireflies and how they light up during the Summer nights. Harvesting the energy and uses it for their advantages and somewhat disadvantages like for defense, finding a mate, or attracting some food for them to eat. So the plankton pretty much did that because they harvested energy from the three factors, I could be wrong, I don’t know, I’m not a marine biologist. And that got Gene to be intrigued over what the plankton did and wanting to see more later on, mostly for the nighttime hours like with tonight in the burger universe. But just as Gene was to somewhat about to enjoy another night with the plankton lighting up, he overheard from the two delivery guys that the plankton isn’t going away at any given time, meaning that if doesn’t go away by the time the upcoming regatta race arrives, the yacht club will have no choice but to use to bleach to kill it. And that right there, is something that Gene can’t let that slide and now have to find a way to save the plankton from being killed off by the hands of the yacht club for their upcoming race.
Gotta dress for success…in order to save the plankton from being bleached to death as Gene has to dress up in a blue coat and a dish rag that he has to make as an ascot to persuade the people over at the yacht club in order to save the plankton, but will it work? Well, gotta follow Gene to convince the head honcho of the yacht club. Let’s not forget that this is the same guy who convinced the current head of the factory of his favorite candy to change the ingredients back to it’s normal state. And of course, Bob asks Louise and Tina to tag along with Gene again, in which Louise and Tina complains that why do they have to keep on being around Gene and being in the background whenever things happen to him. First with the sound complaint, and now with the blob. I mean…it’s either be in the supporting role for this episode or not appear and take a bye week, which the show has never done that where we have an episode and a member of the Belcher family or two not appearing in an episode and decided to take a bye week. So it’s either go with Gene and be there for support or stay in the restaurant and clean the place? You know that they would go with the first option over the second. They rather deal with Gene’s problems like a couple of unqualified therapists than staying at the restaurant and do cleaning duty. Louise and Tina’s options in this episode is pretty much pick your poison and they have to pick one of the lesser of two evils, that being helping Gene out with trying to save the plankton by being the support to support the cause.
The Belcher kids arrive at the yacht club, what looking like the same place back in “Burgerboss” in which the kids invade to try out other food and a lot of stuff and of course, when Bob, who was high on painkillers, chase down Tyler and his friends, thinking that they’re characters from the game, after tormenting Darryl. They got pass the attendant and got to the leader of the yacht club and asks him nicely to not bleach the plankton courtesy of him overhearing the two men from the delivery truck about the club bleaching the plankton to death to pave way for their upcoming regatta race. But it looks like coming from the president of the club, that ain’t happening under his watch, but Gene is not going to stand down and even thinking of threaten to use the media, the media, to expose what the local chapter of the yacht club are planning on doing to the ocean. To the plankton. Gene is about to go the whole nine yards and to have the local news to expose what the club are planning on doing. That would tarnish their reputation.
But the president of the yacht club decided to pull out the bullshit card out of his deck and about to use it on Gene and convinces him that the plankton that been invading the marina and in the way of the marina for the upcoming regatta, he thinks that it’s nothing more than the plankton being toxic and fell with toxins that became a threat to the ocean life. Dude thinks that the plankton in the ocean by the docks carried radioactive waste from a nearby nuclear plant. Like bitch, what the fuck? I know he’s only a kid and they don’t know any better but…dude…that’s wildlife you’re threatening all because of the plankton getting in your way of having a boat race. You could’ve like move to a new area or postpone to a later date and thing would’ve gone a bit better for Gene and the blob of plankton. But nope, bullshit your way to amnesty and not getting Gene on your hair, or what left of it, so that you can go all order 66 on the plankton and have the regatta race go as planned. And even has to hire some “scientists” to do the work and see if the planktons are nothing more than toxins invading the waters. And Gene bought the whole thing. He bought the whole damn thing to the tee. And of course, eating clams. I know that Gene…isn’t the brightest one in the crayon box, should probably cut him some slack mostly because he’s a kid and all that, but…h-he c-can be gullible at times. He can be gullible when it comes to stuff like that. Thinks that things would get better and took his word for it, only to fall flat on it’s face.
Thinks that the talking toilet would be in safe hands with “Max Flush”, ends up being a stolen toilet and the toilet hunter guy turned out to be criminal and got caught. Thought that Gene’s pitch of an idea to would probably get the boss of the factory that made his favorite candy back to the ingredient that he liked, failed to get it through the heads. Thought that Alex would craw back to him after ditching him to be Courtney’s dance partner, putting their friendship on thin ice, even though they apologized at the end. Thought that he would follow through and think that the plankton are nothing more than toxins, even though that’s a bucket full of bullshit…and been lied to so that he can leave them at peace and let them do whatever the fuck they want. Man, it’s like whenever good happened to Gene, the Animation Gods decided to take a massive dump on his optimism and ruin his mood. And that comes the next day after Gene was “convinced” by the president of the yacht club.
Gene got the report that he wanted back from the oceanographer that the leader of the yacht club hired and yep, bad plankton. Bad, bad plankton coming from the report from the University of Bullshit at a Town of Lies and of course, that now will result in the plankton ready to be bleached to death. But Louise senses that something seems really wrong here coming from the guy and the report as the three are escorted out of the docks and leave the president and the so-called oceanographer them be. But once the kids went by the sidewalk with Gene feel like he has lost the battle against the big guys to save the plankton, well…that’s where the bullshit comes in as Tina spotted the “oceanographer” by a boat with some people on it and Louise revealed that the oceanographer, the guy that the kids stumbled at the dock moments ago, yep, he happened to be a waiter. Meaning that the kids got lied to in hopes to start prepping up the bleach to kill off the plankton and getting Gene out of their hairs. And that made Gene really pissed off and would like head over to the news and accuses them of what they’re about to do, except that…yacht club, full of nasty rich bastards of millionaires and billionaires, they have the most power over everyone and there’s gonna be that one asshole of a rich person who owns the media and can flip flop the situation to go against you and holding that reporter’s job hostage if follow along on the side of the people. This is the world we live in now, peoples. Support independent media like…The Young Turks. Yeah, them. Support. The Belcher kids would get the media to expose them, which if does, of course, one asshole who control the media…yeah, but no, rather than getting Channel Six to expose them, Louise stated that they should fight fire with fire, they’re taking on a yacht club with the plankton invading the marina, so that means that the Belcher kids now need someone on their side who know all things boats and a deep hatred towards the mainland’s yacht club in the upcoming regatta.
Enter both Sasha and Duncan from King’s Head Island. Haven’t seen these two for like a massive while, well…Sasha since Season 7. Duncan…since Tina’s fantasy song to close out “Just One of the Boyz 4 Now for Now” along with the other guys because let’s not forget, she had a thing for Duncan once, even though Sasha was using Duncan as a way to sabotage Tina for the debate competition. Yeah so both Sasha and Duncan are back in play as the Belcher kids’ last resort to get back at the yacht club. Oh yeah, Tina somehow got into ankles for some reason when admiring Duncan’s ankles. No, she doesn’t develop a foot fetish or some kind. She’s still into butts. There’s no changes at any given time.
So Gene wants both Sasha and Duncan to them a favor in getting back at the Glencrest of about to ready to drop the bleach on the plankton, in which Sasha thinks that if the blob is still around by the time the regatta race begins, it would make them look bad. And told the Belcher kids that if they want to prevent the yacht club from bleaching the plankton, they have substitute it with something else to think that it’s bleach to dumbfound the people carrying an industrial load of bleach in the form of something like baking power or panko. Or in this case, bread crumbs. As in the bread crumbs you would use to make food like with chicken or shrimp. So that they think it’s bleach but it’s not so that the plankton would head out from the marina in hopes to not get ran over. But of course, knowing that breadcrumbs would be viable solution, there would be a downside in all of this mostly throughout the day when the guys begin dumping onto the plankton, because…seagulls. Yeah, wait and see on what I am talking about. So the deal is pretty much to go in play for them to achieve their goals, for the Belcher kids, mostly Gene, to save the plankton and for Sasha and Duncan, mostly Sasha, to make the Glencrest yacht club looking like total fools of themselves and thus, this little alliance between the Belcher kids and the King’s Head Island duo has been made to help Gene out with his cause. Yeah, let’s hope this little alliance between the two groups doesn’t fall to shit in like a flash.
On to the next day, judgement day as the regatta race finally arrives and of course, the day of the bleaching the plankton as Sasha arrives at the docks and create a diversion with the guys who are about to bleach the plankton by doing some simple errands as Louise, Tina, Gene, and Duncan hide from inside the boat and once the guys are done, the switcheroo begins as they get the bleach out of that boat, not gonna talk about that whole mini Tina interaction with Duncan like she’s still boy crazy, and begin taking the bleach out of the bucket and pouring in the panko into the said bucket and putting it back to the boat of the bleachers in time for their return with Sasha. And so, the bleaching begins…
Only for seagulls to come in and eat away the breadcrumbs as the kids now exit out from the scene of the potential crime, only to get caught just as they’re like a few inches away, a few inches, from exiting out of the area and go free. Yeah, when it comes to who can win first, legs or yacht when it comes to leaving the scene of the potential crime, surprise…the legs win because someone didn’t freaking ram it out of the marina. The president got upset over the kids switching the bleach with breadcrumbs and Gene was upset over the fact that he been lied to in order for him to not be around once the bleaching commences. And now the president want the bleach back so the bleaching can commence in time for the start of the regatta race and the kids decided to not hand the bleach over and ends up trying to flush it away to the toilet, well Gene, Tina, Sasha, and Duncan as Louise tries to prevent the security guards from ever reaching them doing the act of flushing the bleach down. Guess what, the bleach is now gone from the bags and if you think that the yacht club would like waive the white flag and not do the bleaching of the plankton. Well, he send the guards to buy another bucket from the nearby hardware store. Yeah, if you’re planning on stopping the club from dumping a bucket full of bleach enough for anyone to report an environmental problem, putting it on social media, and unleash a firestorm of controversy to that club in like a millisecond once it was posted there, buy every bucket of bleach, not just the bleach they were about to use. Probably done that to stop them from doing their potential act? Oh and the kids are now banned from ever coming back to the marina.
But it looks like all hope is not technically lost just yet as Louise spotted another opportunity to prevent the club from killing the plankton as they saw another dock where this dock somehow have kayaks because even though Sasha’s boat is now barred from entering the club, the kayaks are allowed even though they’re small and may use for non-regatta use. That and of course, the Belcher kids and both Sasha and Duncan are barred from heading to the marina where the club is at. Enter the lost and found section of the kayak station as the kids gather up pieces of clothing from sunglasses all the way to what appears to be a Hawaiian shirt as they now disguise themselves to sneak back into the marina to stop the club from killing off the plankton in the open waters by the docks.
Just as the regatta race is about to take place as the guys now begin to carry the bucket down to getting ready to bleach the plankton, here comes the kids rowing their kayaks and begin blocking them from doing the bleaching and of course, the president of the yacht club already saw through the disguise with Gene as he now protests alongside Louise, Tina, Sasha, and Duncan and refusing to stand down without a fight to protect the plankton and it looks like he’s not going away at any given time. Let’s hope that this whole thing doesn’t like garner the town’s attention and have the news on board of the whole thing. Just be thankful that he doesn’t like lock himself on a carousel and almost got his head chopped off during the demolition following a failed attempt to save the ride. Anyway, Gene refuses to move away from the plankton in the orders of the president of the yacht club and of course, making some noise, as in the noise that got him in trouble in the cafeteria by Mr. Frond and got both Bob and Linda annoyed, but it looks like the noise that he is making with the kayak and the paddle has somewhat made the plankton move back a bit from where the kids are at.
Which…okay, who get somewhat an idea of a callback to Linda and the turkeys back in Season 5 when the town was thrown into chaos with the turkeys attacking? Because that’s pretty much a callback to Linda being the “alpha turkey” and now, we have Gene, due to him making noise to get the plankton to move back, might as well call him the “alpha plankton”. And you can thank Charles, the Oyster guy, for that little surprise tool that might help them at the last possible moment that the plankton reacts to sound like with flies attracting to light and Gene uses that to get the plankton to move out from the marina and into the open waters, in which Sasha thinks that this isn’t the part of deal because he’s only to make the Glencrest yacht club to looking like total fools of themselves but it looks like there are other plans when it comes to that and it looks like he has no other choice but to hop aboard on that idea of using the power of noise to get the plankton to the open waters as everyone on the kayaks begin making noise to get the plankton to the open waters and they continue to make noise and moving the plankton away from the marina dock after dock after dock until finally making it towards the open waters, thus having the plankton to move into safer waters, key word on the word “safe” , as for now, the club can finally have their race and for the kids, enjoying their somewhat of a victory, mostly for Gene since he should have this victory for something he’s standing up for, so you may have to give Gene somewhat of credit for what’s he doing to save that blob of plankton from being bleached. But…
Got eaten up by a school of fish once arriving in the open waters of the ocean. Gene was pretty much a match against the yacht club when it comes to the plankton and saves it from being killed by the bleach but was no match against mother nature and the food chain so uh…consider that a biology lesson once you head on to high school. So my take on the main plot, it was considered decent at best, it’s not that bad, despite that it almost feels like it was going nowhere, it was decent, not saying in the lines of mediocre, but despite the flaws in and there within the duration of the main plot, it somewhat did not ruin the enjoyment from it, so there’s that. I mean, it’s not like Gene was gonna go and tell someone that he knows in like at the park and turns that main plot into a story only for that listener to come up with some minor notes about that encounter that Gene went through.
Yeah, don’t shoot the messenger. But the main plot is sort of like with “UFO No You Didn’t” where despite the flaws spewing all over the place, it didn’t ruin the enjoyment from it. Thus ending up getting the rewatchability option to get the full experience. Probably to prove me wrong, so there’s that. So yeah, that was the main plot, and now to the subplot.
And no Jimmy Pesto throughout the episode as Bob, just as he’s getting back from the store when seeing the bags that he’s been carrying, seeing Trev tormenting him and also tells him why he’s doing it is because Jimmy Pesto is out of town for like the weekend and somebody has to do the job of berating Bob and it’s all come down to Trev, the bartender, the only employee in the shop that isn’t a member of the Pesto family, to be the pillar until he comes back. And when it comes to the insults coming from Trev…yeah, guy may need some work on that when taking over for Jimmy for a little while. And by the way, Jimmy Pesto is out for the weekend…to Florida…where would Jimmy Jr, Andy, and Ollie stay while their asshole of a dad is out? I guess their mom. Didn’t even mention it in this episode but it’s a safe bet that they’re staying over at their mom’s place for the weekend. So there’s that. And it looks like the so-called fun doesn’t stop there as the subplot continues on with this episode.
As the next day rolls in after Gene, Tina, and Louise head out to the yacht club to convince the president of the yacht club to not bleach the plankton, Trev enters the restaurant and of course, mock Bob for no apparent reason that would Jimmy Pesto would do in like an everyday basis but uh…it looks like it’s not going well for little ol’ Trev without having Jimmy Pesto around as both Bob and Linda sense that it’s looking like Trev is empty without having Trev around and that things isn’t going well with Trev taking over of the whole insult thing and Linda questions Trev like with some of the fans of the show want to know is that why would someone like Trev, who seems rather a decent guy at best, would work for an asshole like Jimmy Pesto? And said that it’s for the benefit of the doubt to not let Jimmy Pesto corrupt him into his mini-me when it comes to the insults. But Trev’s in denial and refusing to believe that he misses having Jimmy around and not having to high five with as he exits out of the restaurant.
And he comes back later a night later and apologize to both Bob and Linda for creating that little scene earlier in the day and admits that he misses having Jimmy Pesto around and that only thing he can bond with Jimmy is to make fun of Bob, which he thinks it’s hilarious but Bob thinks it doesn’t, and that he doesn’t want to be like Jimmy Pesto. Don’t want to be, quoting what Linda said, a “meanie weenie” and that he wants to change. Wait, hold up…a-are…are we…are we giving the spotlight to out of everyone in the show, it’s Trev who happen to be given the spotlight? We’re getting Trev development. Holy hell, that’s surprising but at the same time, it’s about damn time because Trev, like almost every character in the series that aren’t the Belchers, Teddy, Jimmy Jr, Tammy, Zeke, Rudy, and Frond, and somewhat Gayle, have not given the treatment he got. Every time we see him, he’s mostly there with Jimmy Pesto and of course, mocking Bob, trying to lower his self-esteem and thinks that he’s better than him in like everything as for Trev, just there. Given a few lines but that’s only because he likes mocking Bob along with boss and that’s about it. Nothing new about this character and I think it was nice that we finally got the spotlight on Trev and I hope we can get more with the other characters in the show in the future. Seriously Bouchard, when are you going to give these characters their time to shine? It’s getting really annoying right about now.
So not letting Trev to insult Bob, yeah, that’s not happening but it looks like they’re gonna the next thing, which is to hold off on the whole high fiving thing he does with Jimmy Pesto and both Bob and Linda begins to help Trev out by role-playing the insults with Trev pretending to be Jimmy Pesto and Bob…being Bob with Linda insulting Bob. And wow, this has now turned into the roast Bob hour because everything coming out from Trev and Linda, and even got Teddy involved, and straight up roasting the poor guy. Spitting out hot fire with everything that Bob does from him being a softie and cry over the end of every movie. And I mean EVERY movie, including the bad ones all the way to him having a double pee hole. Like…wow…now this is really getting personal there coming from Linda. Don’t joke over a man’s pee-pee hole, even it’s like two holes and I should probably shut up because TMI, TMI. And look at that, no high-five from Trev. So it looks like in Linda’s perspective, it looking like that Trev is ready for Jimmy’s return from Key Largo and not take the high-five.
And so, the moment of truth has arrived for Trev as Jimmy Pesto arrives back into town, with a tan and dreadlocks like he took an accidental trip to Jamaica, no offense to my Jamaican readers and followers, and asks Jimmy Pesto about their little dynamic and whatnot but Jimmy Pesto interrupts on what Trev was gonna say by giving him a gift from his trip in the form of a bottle opener and Jimmy Pesto’s first thing to do when coming back in town, other than giving Trev the bottle opener, mocking Bob with his so-called zingers and hoping for a high five from him and thought at first that he would fall into the temptation and if were to do that, then this whole thing to help Trev out and the subplot would be nothing more than a potential waste of time…but he didn’t. He decided to take a rain check and coming up with an excuse and saying that his hands got sick all of a sudden before going back to mocking Bob with Trev saying to Jimmy Pesto about his double pee hole coming from Linda last night and of course, we have your usual Bob trying to make a good comeback against Jimmy Pesto and have Linda coming in and tells them off to close out the episode. So the subplot…surprising that we have one at first, but that’s beyond the point. Having Trev being the center of attention, even if it’s a subplot of the episode, that’s something that we need, even if it’s for something like getting through a weekend of not having Jimmy Pesto around, because this character is pretty much nothing more than being in either in the sidelines next to Jimmy Pesto or in the background and doing nothing at all like he’s even there but didn’t even notice that he was supposed to be in it. So it was nice for once for him to take the spotlight. And as for the subplot, it was decent at best. Thought it was going nowhere at first, feels like a theme to it this season alone, but it was decent. Liking the whole roasting Bob thing to help Trev out on not high fiving Jimmy Pesto and liking the idea of having someone like Trev, who has no development in past episodes, so I hope we can get more of that, seriously Bouchard, how much do I have to pay you to give the characters more screen time? Because this is getting downright sad.
So all and all, what do I think about this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers? This one seems to be in the between of…love seems like a very strong word, I got to with in the between of tolerable to decent at best. After two great episodes with Louise being the principal for a day and trying to get a workaholic Bob to take a vacay for a day but ending up working at another restaurant, this feels like with “UFO No You Didn’t” following two good episodes in “I Bob Your Pardon” and “Roller? I Hardly Know Her” with that episode being like going down like it’s a freaking roller coaster…at the county fair…that’s been inspected only once. That’s pretty much this week’s episode following “The Fresh Princ-ipal” and “Roamin’ Bob-iday”, mostly coming from Gene’s little main plot with the blob.
Do have to give some credit coming to the animators, mostly coming from the plankton lighting up in the night of Gene being peeved off over his noise complaint. It was nice seeing that even though it’s only for one scene and one scene only for this very episode, and this coming from a visual packed episode last week, though that was coming from the two musical numbers that he had with Bob’s little adventure in trying to get a break from the restaurant. Again, animation isn’t cheap, so there’s that to boast about.
I do have some problems with the main plot of the episode, most importantly on how it was executed as the episode progress. Mostly when it comes to the direction and the pacing of the episode was heading. I feel like the episode went on, not in the form of quick, but more in the line of, well actually, the direction is what have some problems with. While I have no problems with Gene as a character, how he was executed and how he handle the situation in saving the plankton from being bleached. The dude didn’t even sense the bullshit from a mile way when the president of the yacht club thinks that the plankton is nothing more than toxins and bad plankton and I know that Gene may not be the brightest Belcher in the crayon box, you think that something foul would’ve come up from the first word coming from his mouth. You would say that it’s sort of like with “Like Gene for Chocolate” when trying to get the factory that made his favorite candy change it’s ingredient back, but there is a few differences from that episode comparing to this week’s, mostly when it comes to the support that Gene’s been getting when it comes to helping out with his cause, mostly with both Tina and Louise though that’s more of them going from support to push to the back and with this, it’s more support even though they don’t want to but they end up doing it to avoid cleaning duty at the restaurant.
However, it was somewhat nice to see the return of both Sasha and Duncan again after Season 7 and of course, decided to tag along and being the extra muscle that Gene needed to save the plankton, through a deal that they think that if the plankton stays, then it would make the yacht club that Gene, Louise, and Tina trying to prevent from bleach to make them look bad but then of course, had to fall in line with the Belcher siblings to move the plankton out of the way. Sasha did somewhat of a decent job when it comes to distract the guys who are about to bleach the plankton as the others switch the bleach with the breadcrumbs to not let the murder of the plankton happen. And of course, Duncan…he does not disappoint. He does not disappoint.
And of course, the subplot of the episode was decent at best, it’s not that bad though it was rather slow in the beginning and thought it was going nowhere until it finds out that this subplot is gonna all on Trev and that’s something you don’t see in the times I started the review back in 2014 where we have characters that happened to have a lack of screen time and a lack of development and I’m for one is just glad that we got that even though it’s a subplot and not a main plot of the episode and do have to enjoy that little roast of Bob coming from both Trev and Linda when trying to help Trev to enjoy the insult and not high fiving when being alone for days without having Jimmy Pesto in town, I swear, I feel like Trev is like a lost little puppy and the first person he sees in his way is Jimmy freaking Pesto. And I thought that this subplot was gonna be a total waste with Trev about to fall into the temptation and not wanting to leave Pesto hanging following that insult to Bob, but took a rain check, so it’s not a total loss. So there’s that and I hope we can get more like this with the other characters that really needed some screen time.
So all and all, I think this episode was a blob full of flaws but has some things that didn’t ruin the episode like the visuals from the plankton, the return of Sasha and Duncan, Trev getting the spotlight, just to name a few on top of my list. So I’ll give “What About Blob?”…
…a 7.5 out of 10. So peoples, who ready for a puppet show? Or in this case, a marionette show as the kids head down to a marionette shop for a class trip only for Louise to get on the owner’s bad side and Bob and Linda deal with a pest of a guy who’s been passing out of flyers by their property in the eighteenth episode of the ninth season, “If You Love It So Much, Why Don’t You Marionette It?” on March 24. And seriously, enough with the long titles. At this rate, might as well tell the staff at Twitter to go over the 280 character limit and bump up another 140 to go 420.
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***Bob’s Burgers is owned by 20th Century FOX, Bento Box Animation, and Loren Bouchard. Please Support the Official Release***
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