
Friday, December 30, 2022

Number 2 of the Top 12 Countdown of 2022 - Bob's Burgers: "The Bob's Burgers Movie"


Okay, y’all knew that this was coming when starting doing the countdown for 2022. Some of you guys say to yourselves, “Oh boy, wonder if the movie is going to make it on the list.” Well here we are at the number two spot of the Top 12 Countdown of 2022 and it’s The Bob’s Burgers Movie taking home the silver medal of the countdown for the year.

It’s the first time in...well, it’s the first time a movie made it to the Top 12 Countdown...or any countdown for that matter. Though if I did the 2019 countdown, whether being the Top 12 or the Top 20, Steven Universe: The Movie would’ve been on it. Though that’s a TV movie. We’re talking about an animated series that I’ve been talking about for over eight, going into nine years that got a theatrical release since it was announced back in 2017. The first time a FOX animated series got a movie since The Simpsons back in 2007. Funny enough, my first time to ever went to a theater in over fifteen years. Yeah, fifteen years since I last paid a visit to a movie theater. And I was living in Georgia at the time. But enough about me, let’s talk about the movie.

Five years in the making since the announcement and even though we were originally supposed to get it in 2020...and 2021...and here we are in 2022, we got it and the results did not disappoint. Sure, some elements are missing from the production of the film, mostly with the pacing and also you kinda wish there was more. 102 minutes sure, but you kinda wish that some of the characters had more screen time unless your names are the Fischoeders, Bosco, Jimmy Jr, Frond, or Chloe. And there’s a feature in the film from the DVD and Blu-ray where it shows the animatic of each scene with the title “The Movie We Didn’t Make”, you’re kind of split on whether you’re okay with the film we got vs the film you wish that should’ve been. But what’s done is done and regardless, it’s a good movie that Bob’s Burgers fans had been waiting and it did not disappoint despite a few missing elements. We waited for five years and four COVID waves to get our bread and it did not disappoint.

I mean yeah, the visuals and animation for the series going from TV to the big screen have to up the ante to make things more detailed since this is the first 2D animated film, being under the Disney wing, since...well, the last decade with, check notes, a Winnie the Pooh film. But hey, everyone who worked on this film from the animation to the music to the writing did a good job of making the film possible. Even if the show throughout Seasons 9-12 may have to go through a so-called quality decline. But hand it to Loren to see what he’s been doing to make the film not just for fans of the show, but also newcomers and moviegoers to at least try the experience even if they haven’t seen the series. Though that’s like seeing One Piece Film Red and you haven’t even caught up in the anime and/or manga or haven’t seen the anime at all. But regardless, it’s more 60/40 or even 70/30 towards the fans than the newcomers, but hey, anyone is welcome to try out the experience.

The songs used for the movie can leave you an earworm and I’m not saying that in a negative manner. The songs are catchy and enjoyable. Mostly coming from songs like Sunny Side Up Summer at the beginning of the film and Lucky Ducks when the Belcher kids paid a visit to where the Wonder Wharf employees are for their investigation. Those can make you want to listen on repeat and they’re great songs. Underrated being the song at the end of the movie with Gene’s band performing. There, I said it. “Not That Evil” isn’t too bad of a song with Grover explaining his plan to the masses that he is holding hostage once finding out that he killed Cotton Candy Dan and wants to enact his plan to blow up the Wharf. I get that people want to hear the song in the album from the antagonist who throughout the summer became the internet’s unofficial sexyman, yes, that happened, but you can see why it wasn’t even in the album when the movie came out. Mostly because it would give away the suspect and yeah, I can buy that. You don’t want to give away the person responsible for the crime that happened six years ago and a potential crime that would’ve happened because that would ruin the joy of the film. Even if you see the silhouette at the start of the film. Otherwise, the songs are catchy and whether being Sunny Side Up Summer, Lucky Ducks, the Itty Bitty Ditty Committee, or Not That Evil, you got to hand it to the cast and crew for coming up with the songs that are...well, a musical-based film. I mean, not a lot in what Steven Universe did back in 2019 or even Phineas and Ferb back in 2011, but they did their job and it did not disappoint.

Speaking of Grover, yeah...he’s the villain of the film. I mean, give the cast and crew some credit when poking at the mystery genre when working on the film. And having the idea of making the character who only appeared in only two episodes...yeah, two episodes. We just met the guy and already we make him the murderer and I guess I have no issue with it. Mostly with the notion that they don’t want to make the mystery obvious on who the crime was and frame it on Calvin Fischoeder. Way to throw a curveball when watching the movie on the idea of who committed the crime when the kids first thought it was Felix who did the dirty deed and thought it would be a retread of the Season 4 two-parter.

But once Louise sees the photo of the Fischoeders in a group photo with the carnies after one of them mentions a pin of a banana with a graduation cap is when things went insane, even if some may have already guessed who based on the silhouette at the start of the film. But give the folks some credit for what they’re doing. The spider crawl once the Belchers make their I’m sorry, but what the fuck was that? It’s like something coming out of The Exorcist. And I did enjoy the car chase scene and I did laugh a bit when the high-speed chase inside the Wharf turned into a low-speed one once going into the sand. So I have to put that out there.

Though something tells me that this won’t be the last time we’ll be seeing Grover in the show. Sure, his plan to blow up the Wharf and turn it into a mega park got foiled thanks to Louise and the rest of the Belcher family that landed him in prison, hence seeing him in an orange jumpsuit in the credits, you know that this won’t be the last time we’ll see him. It’s not a high chance but it’s not a low one either. And you have to hand the show some credit with the lore regarding the Fischoeders from the photos with one of them showing a photo of a young Calvin and Felix with their dad; as well as separating Grover from Calvin and Felix when it comes to the social class of the family.

And of course, you have each member of the family having their arcs in the film. Might as well start with Gene’s so-called side arc of the movie of him wanting to perform. With summer break coming up and the Wharf celebrating its 80th anniversary being open to the public, he sensed an opportunity in wanting to perform with his band, the Itty Bitty Ditty Committee. Bringing up the small continuity from Season 5 into the film. As well as creating a contraction that he made out of a napkin dispenser, rubber bands, and a pair of spoons. But of course, there were some worrying when having that fantasy that he might not be that good of a performer and that it might not attract the crowd.

Sure, it got sidetracked with the Louise plot with the investigation and the Bob plot in trying to keep business afloat, but at least Gene did get his shot to perform with Louise, Tina, Rudy, Darryl, and Peter alongside the Fischoeders and got his anxiety out of it. And you could say that he’s surely getting a better understanding of wanting to wow the crowd, as seen later on in “The Plight Before Christmas” when saving the show for the holidays. But at least Gene got to perform. Sure, it’s not a large crowd, and only Bob, Linda, and Teddy are in attendance, but at least he got the anxiety monkeys out of his system leading up to his performance at the Wharf. And speaking of anxiety monkeys in someone’s system...

Tina. With the movie set the week before Summer vacation, all Tina wants to do before the school year ends is to make Jimmy Jr her summer boyfriend. Pretty much catering the Tina/Jimmy Jr shippers and uh...well, it’s there. We had a fantasy of the two on horseback with Tina having Jimmy Jr to be in his underwear while on the beach. Glad to see Jericho again and hear Paul Rudd reprising his role as the imaginary horse. But Tina’s anxiety and the lack of timing are there throughout the film whenever she gets the chance to talk to Jimmy Jr and give him the necklace she made with her barrette. That too got sidetracked by the two plots from Louise and Bob with her and Gene supporting Louise in her investigation of the cold case murder.

Though if you think that the end of the movie would have them together as a couple...hate to break it to you, but that didn’t happen. Jimmy Jr found the barrette necklace that Tina threw away into the ocean the next day and Tina returns a favor with a kiss on the lips, but it doesn’t mean that they’re officially a couple. The show loves to tease the viewers with the will they/won’t they shtick and that’s what we’re going to be stuck with for the foreseeable future. But that’s more than enough for the post-credit scene with Tina riding on Jericho with Jimmy Jr and three zombie boys in their underwear sharing the ride with Jimmy Jr on the verge of being dropped. Though if I were to at least enjoy or at least give out a small laugh from the Tina plot is...well, either Tina trying to get Jimmy Jr’s attention with Zeke roughhousing Jimmy Jr or at the Wharf with Fantasy Jimmy Jr trying to persuade Tina while having her thoughts and anxiety haunting her. At least there’s a silver lining for Tina...sort of? Those are the two arcs for Tina and Gene, and now we get to the main dish. That being the Louise and Bob plots. And we’ll get to Louise later.

With the Bob and Linda plot, of course, it’s the usual save the restaurant type of story from this film with the series. Thought that they would get an extension with the restaurant equipment, which gets denied, and only have a week to pay the bank. But at least with Memorial Day weekend and the Wharf celebrating its anniversary, that would at least help Bob in keeping business right? Nope. Here comes the sinkhole that was teased in the last season opening up because the universe wants to be an asshole. And as an added bonus, turning the sinkhole into a crime scene with a dead body inside. As well as framing Fischoeder as the suspect in question. Even in the film, Bob can’t catch a break. Though leave it to Teddy and Linda to help Bob in trying to keep business going while the street is being patched to close the hole by creating a mobile burger cart (and Linda serving as marketing when wearing the burger suit with a bikini) and have them serve by and later in the Wharf. Thinking that business would do well...only to piss the carnies off by stepping over the memorial site of Cotton Candy Dan and having their business stolen from the crowd.

Sure, the two plots and the two side plots all intertwine into one the moment we get to the reveal of the suspect behind Cotton Candy Dan’s murder and having Teddy take home the cart, only to break apart and have him do his best attempt in trying to have his Oscar moment over the cart breaking apart and pretty much doomed the business before going over to Jimmy Pesto’s to watch a playoff hockey game before seeing the family freeing themselves from the car and the hole. But at least Bob and Linda have something to celebrate once the whole mess is cleared from the sinkhole being patched up to paying the bank to keep the equipment all while supporting their kids. It’s not a bad side plot, and yes, it’s a side plot because of the Louise plot of the’s coming, but for now, there’s some closure for their the film of course and hey, it’s nice to see that little flashback of Bob and Linda looking at the empty building at the time she was carrying Tina. Solidifying the time frame of when the Belchers rented the place and open up the restaurant. But other than that, not a bad subplot to the movie.

And then finally...Louise. I said this back in May and I’m going to say this again, Louise had carried this movie. This was her biggest character arc in the series and it did not disappoint. And mind you, she saved the restaurant and the Wharf, all with the ears on. Sure, I jumped on Louise throughout the past season over how her episodes panned out with her having to learn a moral to the point where it’s starting to feel repetitive and tiring, but in this movie, they knocked it out of the park from Kristen Schaal’s voice acting to, of course, the origins of her ears. And all it took is a bitch like Chloe Barbash to call her out over her ears as if she’s attacking her identity when refusing to do the dead man’s drop.

The origins of the rabbit ears have been on everyone’s minds since the start of the show and even though it’s one of those items on the list where you got some answers but make you want to question more, they at least know what they’re doing in giving the fans some answers about the ears and how she got it. Even though are bummed that we never got to see what’s under it, looking at the scene where she did the jump and her ears fell off, to them, it’s more than enough to serve the fans about Louise and her ears. One is that she got it when she was going to preschool with her being nervous and scared and it wasn’t until Linda brought out the hat and put it on Louise and became the person we know today. Also, the fact that she made the hat, so for anyone who thought that Louise hated Linda because of one episode, y’all can officially shut up. But also the other revelation about the hat and why she never took it off while being trapped inside the sinkhole with the family and gasping for air.

That being Bob’s late mom Lily. Bob did state that much like Louise, she always wears the hat on her head, even during warm days. And that Bob sees his mom in Louise when wearing the hat. Revealing that the ears are in memory of her. And we even got a face reveal of Lily while walking with young Bob at the park and man, that will pull some heartstrings to make you feel. Especially right after watching “Show Mama from the Grave” with the family visiting her grave. Fuck, in my review of that episode, I did have them in a scenario that I created where Bob and the kids talk to Lily to her grave and I would have Louise go last because of sentimentality when talking about the ears and wishing that if she were around, then she could think of the possibilities they would have. So it was nice where Louise got her hat and also why she never took them off...well...sort of for the latter part of that statement because we never saw what’s under it, but it was a nice moment to share while gasping for air. And all of this for the family to cheer Louise for playing with fire in trying to solve a cold case that almost killed them.

But other than that, this was pretty much The Louise Show with the film. From her leading the charge to investigate a cold case regarding the murder of Cotton Candy Dan to her origins about the ears, and no cap, Louise carried the film on her back and all of this is to prove that she can be brave with the ears on. To shove it to Chloe’s face when having her identity coming into question. The fact that a nine-year-old did this, to save her family’s restaurant and the Wharf in one week, on her own, while having support from her family, she did all that to prove her point. It didn’t affect Chloe’s opinion for Louise to tell her to shove it, but for the fans who watched the show before the film’s initial release, you could say that it was well deserved for her and honestly, she earned that right from this film. It’s her cake and she can eat it is what I would describe Louise’s performance in the movie.

So all and all to close out the number two spot of the’s a pretty frigging amazing film. Whether you’re a fan of the show or a newbie and a random moviegoer, you should watch it. It’s out on streaming on Hulu or HBO Max (Disney+ all across the world) and despite that, it sucks that it didn’t get the press it got leading up to the day of release, other than going up against a behemoth in the second Top Gun film and being sandwiched with the likes of the second Doctor Stange film, for fans of the show, it was a pretty good movie and it was one that we waited for five years and a pandemic to get what we wanted.

Sure, some elements are missing, the pacing was a bit of an issue, and some characters didn’t get some due in the limelight, but it was more than enough for the infrastructure to hold still from each of the plots for this film and out of the four, other than the lore of the show from the Fischoeders to Bob and Linda seeing an empty building years ago, all the way to Bob’s flashback with him with his mom at the park, we can all agree that Louise has carried this film on her back and sure, Gene and Tina’s plots would’ve done more in the film to build their characters and nothing wrong with the subplot with Bob and Linda trying to keep business open, it was Louise who steals the spotlight for the film with her leading the charge of the investigation, the reveal of the killer, the chase...what else to say but it’s a good film and for the fans of Bob’s Burgers like myself, it was well deserved. Talking about the show since 2014 and yeah, a huge thanks to the cast and crew of the show for making this film possible. I’m not the one who gets into sappy moments, but...this is not one of those things and again, a huge congrats to everyone who worked hard on this film. If we don’t win an Oscar next year, let alone a nomination, then we’re going to have fucking problems.

And that concludes the Number 2 spot in the Top 12 Countdown of 2022 with The Bob’s Burgers Movie taking home the silver medal. What do you think about this movie? Should it be higher, lower, or stay put on your list? Put it in the comments below. Of course, knowing that we’re in the second-to-last post of the countdown and the year in general, it would be fair to post the honorable mentions in the form of this little graphic below this very text.

And I know what y’all are saying, why did I put the movie at number two on the list? As a Bob’s Burgers fan, how can I top the movie in the countdown for the year despite the praise you’re giving? Well... there’s one other series that pretty much trumps all of it. And I might as well give away a hint for the number one spot, let’s just say...might as well send this certain series a proper send-off. The rest you have to find out tomorrow. Follow me on Tumblr, Twitter, Mastodon, and Instagram for updates and behind-the-scenes stuff. And y’all should know the drill by now...

Donate over on PayPal, Patreon, and Ko-fi pages to help your boy out in both improving the page and paying the bills to keep the lights on. And until tomorrow with the final spot of the Top 12 Countdown of the year; stay safe, wash your hands, wear a mask, get vaccinated, and a reminder that you are loved, you are beautiful, ignore the haters, and I’ll see y’all later.

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